kalivodaskiller · 3 years
i got logged out of my tumblr but i’m back!
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
“I want a partner” no you want Tommy Slater from Fear Street
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
‘favourite crime’ by olivia rodrigo gives off such tommy x reader vibes. “ Well, I hope I was your favorite crime” i better fucking be, you axed me in the chest while I was trying to make you remember me by saying “Tommy, Tommy it’s me”
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
i wanna write some more fear street fanfics but i have no ideas, any suggestions??
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
sorry the way he jumps over the desks n stuff is kinda hot
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
Tommy Slater x Reader
Camp Nightwing Part 2:
(This part is inspired by @thenightwingkiller (https://thenightwingkiller.tumblr.com/post/657817173720481792/i-like-to-think-that-for-the-entire-time-that-the) and about how they don’t move on but they get stuck in a void)
word count: 1617
I had no clue where I was all I knew was that it was dark, there were other people around. They all had some sort of wound. One boy’s head was smashed it, multiple women had slashes on them that looked like were made from a switchblade and kids with no eyes
It wasn’t long until it clicked in my head that these were victims of The Shadyshider Killers. The boy with the smashed up head is the victim of the young boy Billy Barker, The women with slashes are Harry Rooker’s victims and the kids are victims of Cyrus Miller in 1666. You didn’t need to attend class to know that
I wanted to approach one and ask what was going on but I was scared to look at them, I don’t think anyone wants to stare into some holes where kids eyes were meant to be. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples as I could feel a headache coming on
“Are you okay?” A voice spoke from behind me. I quickly turned to see the boy with the smashed up head. I let out an audible gasp and looked down, I quickly apologised
“It’s alright, I wouldn’t want to look at someones bashed up head either” He answered “Anyway, I see you’re new here. There’s another new Shadyside Killer?”
I look up at him and nod “The Camp Nightwing Killer”
“That explains all the young children coming in,” He said sadly, I held back my tears I felt as if it was my fault for not protecting them in the first place, I feel like I should have noticed Tommy was acting weird
“Axe?” He asked pointing at my chest
I nod again
“What was their name? Because obviously, they have names like Harry Rooker’s is ‘The Milkman’, what is your killer’s name?” He asked
“Tommy, Tommy Slater,” I say after building up the courage to say it as I knew Tommy didn’t kill me, He wouldn’t hurt me
“You knew Tommy didn’t you?” He asks another question
“You ask a lot of questions don’t you?” I joke with a smile
He smiles back at me the best he can “I’ve got to ask them, I kind of greet everyone and get information about them”
“Yeah, I knew Tommy. I knew him quite well” I tell him
“Okay, I only have one more question so there is no more after this” He laughs “Are you going to move on?”
“Move on?”
“Yeah like become a ghost or whatever, I’m not actually sure what happens I just know they don’t come back here” He explains
“Can I talk to Tommy one more time before moving on?” I ask with my voice breaking a little
“You want to talk to the person who killed you?”
“No, Tommy didn’t kill me. The Camp Nightwing Killer did. I want to talk to Tommy” I tell him
The boy nods his head but before he can answer me a girl enters the void
“Annie?” I say with my voice breaking. It hurt so much to look at her, I couldn’t save her
“Miss (Y/L/N)!” Annie said running towards me with her arms open, I lean down so I can hug her and I do. So tightly, I didn’t realise I was crying until Annie asked me if I was okay
“I’m okay, don’t worry about me,” I say rubbing my tears away
“Miss (Y/L/N) Tommy hurt us, why did he hurt us?” She asked with her little high pitched voice
I take a deep breath before shaking my head and answering “I don’t know, I wish I knew but remember Tommy wouldn’t ever hurt you”
“But he did?”
“I know he did but you remember that story I told you about the scary witch?”
The boy I was talking to turned his head to me and Annie nodded
“I think she was the one controlling him so it wasn’t Tommy, she just took over his body like when we were playing with those puppets. They’re in their own body but we’re the ones controlling them” I try and explain but it’s hard when you don’t know know why Tommy did this. Did Tommy just go crazy?
“Ohh I understand now Miss (Y/L/N)” Annie smiled
Annie looked up to the boy and asked
“Are you okay, do you need some help? (Y/N) could help you, she helped clean up my knee when I fell over” Annie worried
I laughed a little and so did he
“I’m okay Annie, don’t worry about me”
Annie smirked and nodded her head
“Annie do you want to go and see the others or do you want to go somewhere else?” The boy asked softly
“Can I go play somewhere?” Annie asked
The boy smiled and pointed to where you go to move on, my small smile dropped when I realised what he was doing, he was tricking them into moving on
“What are you doing?” I ask quietly as I watch Annie walk over there
“It’s a lot better if they move on because they’ll see really bad things up here if they stay, once you choose not to move on you stay up here forever and see all the gruesome stuff, I know you care for Annie so it’s best if she moves on” He explains. I didn’t want to agree with him but I had to, it’s already bad enough that she had to see Tommy’s bloody face with an axe that held multiple different peoples blood and then the next thing she’s seeing is Tommy striking at her
The Tommy she thought of like a dad
The Tommy that wanted to be a dad
Annie waved at me before she left, I gave her a big smile to show I love her
“Miss Slater sorry Miss (Y/LN)” A voice spoke from behind me but I knew this one. It was Jeremy, the most innocent Shadysider there is
“Miss Slater?” I asked ignoring the axe marks on his face
“Yeah...everyone would call you Miss Slater when you weren’t around” Jeremy explained as if he did something wrong
“It’s okay no need to apologise” I smiled and hugged him
“Are there more of them?” I ask Jeremy
He nodded his head “They should be coming soon but they’re all scared”
I frowned a little, the boy then told Jeremy to ‘move on’ even though he didn’t know he was
I sighed loudly
“I would say ‘What’s wrong’ but I think I know what’s up,” The boy said
I looked at him
“You were a counsellor at Camp Nightwing and you are blaming this all on yourself because you couldn’t save them and you’re also wondering what made Tommy turn,” He said exactly what I was thinking
His eyes drifted away from mine as went behind me
I turned whirled around to see what he was looking at
Tommy had entered
He dragged his bloodstained behind however he dropped it when he saw me, well I guess he saw me. I only knew it was him from the clothing, there was a sack over his head. Tommy began to slowly walk over with his hands out, he finally reached me and places his hands on the side of my face
His hands were cold but I was guessing I was cold as well as I was dead
“What have I done?” Tommy finally asked with his sack moving a little
“You killed people Tommy” I answered honestly, he took a deep breath but he dragged it on for longer because of the sack
“Don’t you want to take the sack off?” I asked reaching for it but Tommy pulled away just like Kurt did when I tried touching the blood on his neck
“You can’t, you’ll take my head with it if you do,” he told
“What why?” I ask confused
“Cindy took my head off with a shovel after I tried killing her”
“That bitch” I said to the side
“It’s fine though babe,” He said pulling my head back towards him “I can still see you”
“But I can’t see you, Tommy”
I just wanted to see him one more time before I go
“You don’t want to see me, I look like a monster under this, I am a monster”
“No no you’re not, the thing that possessed you is the monster,” I tell him holding his face as if the sack wasn’t there
“I killed children (Y/N), that makes you a monster no matter who is in control of your body”
I stayed quiet
“I love you,” Tommy said to me for the last time before he let go of me
Tommy then turned his head towards the boy with the bashed up head and he nodded his head to another section near the part where you ‘move on. Tommy made his way over there, none of the killers was here so I guessed that’s where the killers go and stay there for the rest of their time as a killer, another crazed killer that went mental because of Sarah Fier
Before Tommy entered the killer void, I shouted his name he turned around
“I love you,” I said
I knew he smiled because the sack moved a little around the mouth, he turned back around and left
I kind of stood there not knowing what to do at this point
“Are you ready to move on?” The boy asked
I smiled and walked into where I would ‘move on’
It all went white and that was when my time as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was over
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
simon kalivoda and tommy slater come back to life challenge
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
no one and i mean no one is stopping me from dressing up as tommy slater this halloween and scaring the shit out of children with my fake ass plastic axe
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
“tommy slater… he just went crazy.” nick goode shut the fuck up challenge.
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
Tommy Slater x Reader
Camp Nightwing Part 1:
Your boyfriend, Tommy Slater, has slaughtered multiple Shadysider’s at the end of the night but it’s not over until you have gone…
Word count: 1163
“Come on, Come on!” I shout to the children climbing into the buses, I look around for Tommy not knowing where he is
“He’s probably looking for other children,” I tell myself quietly hoping the killer hadn’t gotten to him
“Hurry!” I shout helping more children in. I close my eyes hoping nothing had happened to Tommy as I lost a little hope he was still out there every second that passed. My favourite memories with Tommy began rushing in
The first day I met him at Shadyside High on the history project we were partnered up to do
The day he asked me out on a date to a drive-in movie, we watched The Aristocats
The day he asked me to be his girlfriend, it was so cheesy but I love it so much
The days we talked about our future and what we wanted to when we are older
Our 1 year anniversary when he took me rollerskating
Our 2 year anniversary when we watched movies all day and night
“(Y/N)” I heard a voice from behind me, I get startled at the voice and turn around
“We’re about to leave, where are Tommy and Nick?” Kurt asks with blood around his neck
“Kurt your neck” I look closer leaning in to touch it but Kurt pulls away Kurt then touches the blood on his neck and explains it,
“Blood was on Nick’s hands and he shoved me forwards to get the kids out of here”
“Blood was on Nicks’s hands?” I ask confused
“Yeah I did ask him if it was him but he just dodged my question but I really doubt it’s him so don’t go turning it into a case okay (Y/N)” Kurt told me
I nodded my head keeping the thought it was Nick in my mind
“I’m going to go find Tommy,” I tell Kurt with a worried smile plastered on my face. I turn around to head to the outhouse but is quickly stopped by Kurt grabbing my hand
“Be careful okay?” He tells me, Kurt had always been the worrisome type even in high school when I’d tell him I’d walk home alone but he’d constantly protest for me to walk home with someone but I always told him I’d be fine but he’d still accompany me
“I will” I smile and let go of his hand but not before giving it a tight squeeze
The outhouse was only about 2 minutes away but I knew when I heard a scream from the Mess Hall that the outhouse was not the place I needed to be at that point. I rush over to the Mess Hall and try opening the door but it won’t budge, not even a little bit
“Who’s in there!” I shout but all I get in return is a little girls scream
“Who the fuck is in there!” I shout going round to one of the windows to see inside but right as I saw it I wish I never had
A little girl on lying on the ground in a pool of blood, her own blood. While someone is going at her chest with an axe
I should have noticed who it was right away, their beautiful blonde hair I love running my hands through, my favourite red and black jacket I always stole, the yellow shirt that said ‘Grafton Notch’ on the chest that he didn’t want to wear
It was Tommy Slater
My Tommy Slater
My Tommy Slater, the one who wishes for children in the future
My Tommy Slater was driving an axe into the girl we’re supposed to protect
“Tommy!” I yelled. I couldn’t believe it, the person I love most is murdering someone right in front of my eyes
Tommy turned to me. No Tommy didn’t turn to me, that wasn’t Tommy. The look in his eyes told me, Tommy only ever had a happy look in his eyes, ones I could stare into for eternity but these I couldn’t even look at them for a second
Tommy pulled his bloody axe covered in multiple people’s blood out of the girl, the girl I learned to be Annie. She always liked to do tasks with me and Tommy watching her, she even said once that she thought of us as her parents never treated her this nicely. I could have cried then and there when she said that
I was crying now, the sight of it was overwhelming. Tommy approached the window I was behind and tried smashing it to get to me but it didn’t break at all, so he headed for the door I now guess he blocked up so no one could enter but by this time I was already gone heading for the buses hoping they hadn’t left yet
I arrived at the buses but just as I got there the buses hissed before driving off
“Shit!” I screamed
I spun around to see if Tommy got out. He had
He was behind me
I screamed an ear-piercing scream that could have deafened me and tried running but Tommy grabbed my hand and swung his axe at my arm and took it off in one clean cut
The pain was unbearable to the point where I fell to my knees, I was now waiting for an axe to split my head in half but it never came all I could hear was Tommy’s breathing
A few seconds passed before he pulled me up by my hair, he stared into my eyes but it felt as if he was staring into my soul. We were like that for a couple more seconds of staring into each other's eyes but I wouldn’t say I was staring into Tommy’s eyes. I was staring into the Camp Nightwing Killer’s eyes. There was no Tommy left in there but still I tried
“Tommy” I whispered, the adrenaline of looking at him was slowly taking my pain away
He didn’t respond, no facial expression change, all he did was push me to the ground so I was on my back. That's when I realised he pulled me backup so he had a direct shot of my chest
And that’s what he did. He swung his axe right into the middle of my chest. I knew there was no coming back from this
I was cursed
Tommy swung again hitting the same spot. Blood was now in my mouth and I was spitting it out
He swung again once again but this time I spoke in between hits
Thud! Another hit
“It’s me”
“Tommy darling it’s me!”
Those were my last words as the final hit took me out
Tommy killed the things he wouldn’t even lay a hand on
And me
A/N: this is my first fear street fan fiction so it’s really bad but i need to contribute to the small amount there are
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
here is a tommy slater edit i made earlier <3
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
i’m about to start writing some tommy slater fan fictions and headcannons :))
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
og by @arnejohnsonshusband on tiktok
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