kajuki · 7 years
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kajuki · 7 years
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Flower Glossary | Design Sponge
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kajuki · 8 years
Damn what happened to me
Going back to this sacred place I used to call home & now I feel like a stranger to my own blog....... idk anymore tbh.. as u get older, and more is involved in life total surrender is not easy...... I'm not tryna be a saint but I don't wanna be a wretched sinner.... lol I need to chill out tho... my mind seems to always be running 100x faster than it should be... overthinking is never a good idea.
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kajuki · 8 years
I lowkey miss stu(dying) & college life
You'd think that college life is hard & miserable but the work life is hard & miserable x2 Nevertheless grateful that I have a job... Lolol but dam.. time flies........... C.R.E.A.M. K.
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kajuki · 8 years
I'm genuinely grateful that we live in an era where the internet allows us to google the randomest shit & find answers to questions people have always asked & wondered about, instead of having to conduct our own experiments through trial and error and waiting for results to show up to find the answer. K.
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kajuki · 8 years
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kajuki · 8 years
When you judge another you do not define them - you define yourself.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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kajuki · 8 years
Good Advice!
1. Be wise in your friendships, and in choosing whom you’ll trust.
2. Love others deeply, and enjoy relationships.
3. Plan for the future - and then work hard to succeed.
4. Practise being mindful and being present in “the now”.
5. Choose to be happy - despite life’s challenges.
6. Remember that life changes, and most storms pass with time.
7. You only live life once, so take risks, and seize the day.
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kajuki · 8 years
So far I think I’ve been in semi-love three times in my life…… once when I was young & pure but too scared so I ran away….
Second time, it was an accident & wasn’t supposed to happen but i did with this dude who wasn’t right for me so I ran away
Third time, was one where it hurt to love & I tried it knowingly that there were flaws and imperfections involved but I just got a little more selfish for myself & decided it was just too much for me… so I ran away.
Timing is everything…. & I guess everything is a process…. & I’ll get there eventually…. or maybe I’ll just keep running forever
We live & we learn… bc it’s better to have loved & lost then to never had loved at all
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kajuki · 8 years
I don’t think I had an entry for half a year or so, but coming back to this place was encouraging….. So much has happened… Like studying abroad in South Africa… Or all these new life choices and growth… What happened to me..? What happened to filtering things and awareness and efficacy.... It's not easy. It's not simple. But it's doable. KIM JUNGA GET UR HEAD IN THE GAME REMEMBER THE GOSPEL TRUTH
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kajuki · 9 years
I'm never going back, You Found Me
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kajuki · 9 years
Unscramble me
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kajuki · 9 years
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kajuki · 9 years
School drains me
No matter how hard I try, I never feel like I’m enough, will never do enough, never be enough. I’m so ready to be done with this bullshit haha :) How the hell did time come to be that I’m graduating already. I’ve come a long way. Literally a blink of an eye. I am so ready to sleep rn. Gonna sleep until I wake up..
Can sleeping be an idol? Bc I feel like I’m just finding a lot of comfort in it.. Sleeping away my problems. And running away from it all.. Jk tbh I'm kinda sleep deprived... Forreal doe sleep heals.
Thank you Jesus for sleep. But ultimately thank you Jesus for your love. Heal me Lord. I want to follow your commands, spirit come & lead me.
I want a vision. I love dreams. Prophecy. Certainty? Trust. Truth. Peace.
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kajuki · 9 years
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kajuki · 9 years
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kajuki · 9 years
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