Ragnarok Sanctum
130 posts
"At the risk of sounding cliche, I've been expecting you.~"
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kaitounii · 4 years ago
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2021 Hakuoki Calendar Stellaworth Bromides scanned by me. sorry but im lazy and will not be tagging chars in any other post aside from this one….
The calendar is too big to scan so I’m going to take photos of it tomorrow (unless there’s not enough sunlight)… when I have natural lighting since all the light I’ve tried using has given all my pics a yellowish tint. 
oh and i gave up trying to remove the scanner blemishes from the Souji image cuz I’m tired (the Saito one is mostly okay tho that’s cuz i spent about 30 min in photoshop touching it up)… will provide the raw .bmp to anyone who wants to fix that…
as always, feel free to use~ 
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kaitounii · 4 years ago
“‪Stop telling yourself you didn’t try hard enough. You did. They were just too blind to see it‬.”
— j.m.n (via cutegorl)
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kaitounii · 5 years ago
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Got these done earlier today, here’s all photographers quests done.
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kaitounii · 5 years ago
You’ve finished your manuscript! Now what?
Whether you’ve finally finished that book you’ve been agonizing over for the past few months, years, or only weeks, whether Nano or not, here are some tips to help you with your next steps:
Stick your manuscript on the shelf now. Right now.
No, don’t glance back at it. Don’t flip through it. Don’t go and read those favorite scenes that you’re particularly proud of, or those scenes that have been bothering you since you wrote them. Close all your documents, shut your notebooks, and hide everything from sight. The waters in your brain are still all churned up, and you need to let all that sediment settle so you can see clearly again. This will help you be more objective.
“How long should I wait?”
I’ve waited anywhere between two weeks to nine months. I’d recommend at least four weeks before you touch a page or run your cursor lovingly over that “Chapter 1” document icon.
The reason why I waited nine months was because, when I typed the last word on the last page, I didn’t feel good about this particular manuscript. I didn’t feel it was my best. I knew I could do better. So I allowed it to sink into the furthest corner of my brain and I moved on to other projects.
If you’re itchy and antsy and having trouble holding back from stealing peeks, then give yourself a new project to distract you. A short story, or a whole new novel. Make a deal with yourself that, when you finish your new project(s), you can go back, but not until then.
The sediment has finally settled. Time for revision.
You’ve sat on your hands or busied yourself for 4+ weeks, so now you’re ready to begin revising. Make sure you’re ready. Clear your plate. Be objective, be harsh, and be prepared to make massive renovations if you find an issue.
In other words, be prepared to write your whole manuscript over again.
Your own revising process should be difficult, but this will help put you in the right mind for the next step. It’s exhausting and it may dampen your spirit—or, you might be the type of writer who loves revising more than writing. Either way, it’s important to toughen that hide and get ready.
A couple ways of revising that work for me go like this:
Read through the whole thing and revise as you go. If major changes need to be made, make them and revise them after you finish your first read-through. Repeat read-throughs until satisfied. (I might make two read-throughs or more, depending on how many changes I’ve made.)
With the case of my nine-monther (what is this, a pregnancy?), sometimes a lot more needs to be changed. In this case, a blank word document or a notebook is good for listing changes that need to be made as you read through. You might have to jot down issues and work them out in your brain before you truly begin revising. (In some cases, and in the case of my pregnancynine-monther, I had a specific word document like this open while I was writing so that I could jot down problems that needed to be fixed later.)
In the case of one of my friends, she would finish her manuscript and then write up a synopsis of all the scenes and plot points, then dissect it and add changes, like creating a floor plan. Then she would begin revising accordingly.
Whichever way you prefer, it’ll take you a long time before you’re finished. Be prepared for the investment.
Revision done. Time for more revision.
Or, in other words, time for critique partners/beta readers. First of all, if you have no plans to get published (or you’re only writing for yourself), you don’t have to go any further than the last step. But, if you intend to be published in any shape or form, this is a crucial step. Don’t move onward without having fresh pairs of unbiased eyes read over your stuff.
Your critique partners shouldn’t be a close family member or a friend—unless the aforementioned are either good writers or avid readers. Some people might tell you that your critique partners shouldn’t ever be anyone close to you because disagreements will spark animosity, or your close somebodies will be less inclined to be honest with you, therefore providing you less effective and biased feedback. This is true, unless you have personal somebodies you can trust to be really, truly honest with you to provide helpful feedback. In equal exchange, you have to understand that critique isn’t supposed to be a comment on your writing ability, so you can’t allow yourself to see it that way. If you want your story to be the best it can be, then you have to be open to change. Critique only hurts if you let it.
Find three or more people to be your critique partners. I generally have three, occasionally a fourth, but never fewer than two. Here’s why:
The first critique partner gives me a general overhaul of things that are both wrong and right (and a good critique partner knows how to supplement explaining issues with the manuscript along with positive feedback).
The second critique partner provides the same, and then considers the feedback that the first critique partner offered, whether they agree or disagree. Putting minds together helps (and, oftentimes, when I’m critiquing and I have a problem that I can’t quite put my finger on, someone else might find the root cause of it so I can have a random and slightly inappropriate outburst of “OH YES.”)
The third critique partner sees the near-finished product after I’ve applied the first two (or three) critique revisions.
There are other ways to go about this, of course. You might have your partners read separately and then send you their notes. You might have them read and then get together and discuss what they thought as you listen.
Remember one thing, however: your reader is never wrong.
If you find yourself having to explain something, then you need to go back and find what your reader missed and fix it. Never tell your reader they were wrong and never defend your writing. If anything, ask your other partners what they think of what was said, listen to what they have to say, and then consider your options. If one reader had a problem, you can’t go into the homes of other readers who may have the same problem and explain yourself.
The critique process can also be repeated. I’ve made major revisions before and then allowed one of my first partners, or a completely new partner, reread and add additional feedback. Keep repeating this process until you’re satisfied and your butt is the sorest it’s ever been (that means it’s been kicked enough, and now your butt should be tough enough to handle the next steps).
In complete contrast, whereas I prefer to allow sediment to settle in step one, I prefer to edit while everything is still fresh. At this point, I know the book inside-out and my critique advice hasn’t seeped from my memory. I can fix a problem at one point in the story, and then realize the ripples will hit other points, which I can jump to right away.
When you’ve finally finished this process (which may, in fact, take just as long as it did to write the whole dang manuscript in the first place), then it’s time to move onto my favorite step.
Line editing.
And here you thought you were done revising.
Now it’s time to correct all your grammar, punctuation, and minor issues. Polish until the sparkle makes you writhe and you hiss and return to the darkness of your cave.
Queries and synopses are terrible, terrible things.
Some people are exceptional at summing their story up in no more than 300 words and making it enticing. The rest of us are only human. It’s a form of art, and like any art, you can only attain perfection by practicing and practicing and practicing. Typically, I’ll begin writing the query when I begin writing the manuscript, and I can tell you that the query I begin with is nothing like the query I end up.
When I began the querying process seven years ago, it was about 98% snail mail, and the only requirement in regards to length was no more than one page. Nowadays, the querying process is about 98% email, and the writer shouldn’t exceed 300 words. That’s enough to get out your title and the main character’s name. The Agent Query page on queries is your best starting point as to what a query should contain.
After you’ve gotten a perfect query, you need to take it to critique partners just like before. On top of that, I’d recommend taking it to a writing forum such as Absolute Write to get more eyes to judge it. But remember that you have to volunteer your time to critique other queries first (and absolutely make sure you read the rules). You’ll also find links there on how to write your synopsis, which is like a shortened retelling of your story—not quite a summary. Don’t write your synopsis like a summary. As I’ve heard before, write your synopsis like you’ve just seen an awesome movie and you’re trying to explain it to your friend to get them to go see it.
Except, speak more eloquently than you would your friend. Your synopsis should read like your story does, in the same voice and utilizing the same tones.
Also be sure to check out Query Shark and read the whole damn thing. (Or at least make sure you read plenty of queries that didn’t work, and plenty of queries that did.) Slushpile Hell is also a good place to learn what not to say.
Queries and synopses for us regular humans suck. But, this is the most direct way to reach an agent, and you might find that, by the end, writing a query has changed the way you write in general. It’s certainly taught me the power of brevity.
Agents, as far as I can take you.
This is where you give up the wheel to whoever your god may be. Research your agents, and I mean research. If you’re in school, great, think of it as a final project for class that you absolutely must get an A in order to pass. If you’re not in school or haven’t been in school for a while, think of it as a final project for a class that you absolutely must get an A in order to pass.
At the end of your query, if possible, you should feature a little snippet that says why you picked this particular agent—personalization is important. You don’t like getting spam in the mail, right? Sure, it’s got your name on it, but it’s clearly auto-delivered to you regardless of who you are. A query without personalization is like that.
Good places to begin researching agents:
Agent Query
Query Tracker
Absolute Write
Literary Rambles
This is where you can begin researching. Look up agent websites, blogs, and twitters. Make sure to google their names. Do everything you can to be sure that this is the person you want to have a business relationship with. You may also discover through their blogs events that agents may be attending, or contests to get you noticed.
The rejection process is natural. Some writers get rejected a few times, and some (er-hem) get rejected hundreds of times over a period of several books. If you’ve written a good book, then querying is like buying lottery tickets. You’ve got to have good luck and a good book. The market of the publishing industry is often dictated by what’s “at the right time”, also known as marketing trends. Good manuscripts will be turned down because a literary agent might not be sure he or she could sell them.
Non-traditional paths.
Before you consider non-traditional paths, ask yourself why you’re considering them. If you’re considering them because you’ve gotten a couple rejections, and those rejections sting, don’t come here yet. Stick it out. Maybe this manuscript doesn’t work, but the next one might. Each manuscript you write will be better than the last as long as you remain active and write and read more than you write.
If you’ve had several unsuccessful tries and agents have given you lots of positive feedback, but have rejected you for other various reasons, then you might be ready to come here.
The publishing industry is evolving at the speed of light. What’s called “vanity” publishing was frowned upon just five years ago, but authors like Colleen Houck and Amanda Hocking (who also went through the querying process several times to no avail) decided to go the route of self-pub. They achieved such popularity that they required an agent later on.
If you decide to go down this path, however, I’d advise you go to Amanda Hocking’s blog and read about how she got to where she is today. Self-pub is far, far from an easy alternative—in fact, it’s much more work than the traditional process, as you’re in charge of your own publicity (which includes being accessible via internet, creating an evocative cover, formatting your book, and so forth). You must also search for indie reviewers, manage your own copyright, etc. There’s a lot to do.
Some vanity publishers:
But be careful. Self-pub sites usually make their money by trying to sell you services (such as cover-creation, formatting e-books, or promotions). There are plenty of predators out there who will do the same. If you’re not so apt with Photoshop, sites like Deviant Art have plenty of artists you can commission to do commercial work (be aware that you could pay several hundred dollars for this). If you’re not so apt with formatting either, look for people who offer services at more competitive rates. Instead of dishing out a few hundred dollars to have Lulu convert your manuscript into .epub format, you might find someone who charges by the hour instead.
Don’t sell yourself short with the formatting, either. It’s key. If the e-book doesn’t translate well to your readers’ e-readers, then your readers won’t read it. Similarly, in order to sell in Barnes and Noble and Amazon online stores, you have to have proper formatting. This is likely where you’ll generate the most of your business.
Non self-pub
Self-pub is intimidating, and it doesn’t have to be the next step after. You can reach other readers through such sites as Absolute Write, FictionPress, and Figment. The key is to be active in whichever writing community you decide to participate, which means reading work similar to yours or within the same genre.
Build your platform.
In the beginning, it doesn’t matter if you generate revenue. What’s most important is getting your work in readers’ hands. As my professor says, it’s crucial to start selling your book even before it’s written. Nowadays, writing a book is only a small part of the work that an author has to do. Here are some ways you can build your name:
Create a personal author website.
Create a blog. Blogger and Livejournal are good places to begin.
A twitter and/or tumblr are also excellent (if I do say so myself).
Be easily accessible. Make your web layouts appealing and easy to navigate.
Join writing communities. Connect with other writers.
If you have a creative hand, create your characters or your world through art, fashion, photography, or whatever your knack might be.
If you’ve got the equipment, record yourself reading scenes of your manuscript.
If you write fanfiction, post your fanfiction. (This is how E. L. James created her readership.)
If you draw fanart, post your fanart. (This is how many online comic artists got started.)
The important thing is to get yourself out there through the various modes that are applicable to you. If you’re fairly shy, but awesome at drawing, there’s your niche. If you suck at art but have a great speaking voice, post snippets of you reading your stuff. Writing is one of your talents, now you’ve got to use your others.
It’s important to create a brand for yourself and be memorable, but in the end, no matter what, the most important deciding factor in whether or not you succeed is if you don’t give up. No one fails until they’ve given up.
Good luck!
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kaitounii · 6 years ago
I’m going to put this in my rules but
If I like your starter call, send you a meme, or reply to a thread, and you don’t respond to it, I honestly don’t mind. I never expect anything from anyone, and I’m never demanding with RP’ing. It dosn’t matter if we talk every day, are really good friends, or if we talk occasionally/not at all, I never expect anything from anyone ! This is your hobby, your escape, and your relaxation, don’t stress yourself thinking “ Oh god I haven’t replied/haven’t made a starter/haven’t posted her meme, she must think I’m ignoring her ” I’m not thinking that at all !! Seriously !!
Friend, acquaintance, or mutual, don’t pressure yourself thinking I’ll be bitching about it, I won’t. I don’t mind, and it’s not hurt my feelings. You do you ♥
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kaitounii · 6 years ago
Ask my muse about a muse they know!
if they know multiple versions of the same muse, make sure to specify who!
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kaitounii · 6 years ago
How would your character say goodbye to mine if mine was sacrificing their life for yours?
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kaitounii · 6 years ago
First Blood [Open]
Humans are creatures of endless desires. The fruit of Eden who was once forbidden by the Creator had taken an uneventful twist of event, giving birth to these ego-hungry wanderers of the Earth. Yet, not many actually succumbed into temptation--or rather--not yet. He has not yet succumbed to his desire to do a genocide, or something a like.
An empty stare of his jade green eyes bore into the other person’s soul, indifferent to any other else making their way into his mansion with the desire to gain something from him. What is it this time? A pass? Investment? Something that not even the lips could read for the mind, but an act of arrogance took the stead. His butler had been silent, not moving a muscle to discard the danger in front of his master’s very sight. A bond, an unrequited loyalty throughout the centuries, grown with trust and dedication. 
“I believe we are all--except those with certain physical disabilities--are born with a pair of locus and lips, but never really missing one another,” he started, pale lips parting slightly to mutter under his breath, “Now, could you please elaborate once more, how may I be of service?”. 
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kaitounii · 7 years ago
/So many of my Tumblr blogs had been found deactivated, including my Souji and Gilbert blog..
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kaitounii · 9 years ago
I’m not used to being wanted.
6 Word Poem  (via emoties)
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
There was grace in the way he lifted his cup of sake in front of his lips. That was something he had been taught since he was little  and had grown accustomed into living. After all, he was the leader of a powerful demon clan of the West. His ruby optics narrowed slightly, it was as if he was checking the color of sake which was about to enter his system, before the liquid finally went down his throat.  While he was at that, Kazama was ignoring the presence of the female geiko who entered the room and placed down the snacks and refreshments.
“It’s not that you are not handsome, it’s your methods are crude. Women need a delicate touch. Have you ever asked Chizuru if being with you is what she wishes? And what if does not hold any affections towards you? Would you still pursue her regardless?”
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“For someone who holds the title as one of the royal lineage, you speak quite a lot,” the golden haired oni finally spoke. The hint of arrogance was present in his tone and if there was the smallest bit of guilt, it must have been pressed down to the back of his mind without further thoughts. Placing the cups down, it was his signature smirk which now rested on his lips as he eyed the princess with confidence filling his very optics.
“The Yukimura clan has the strongest demon bloodline. In order to create a powerful lineage, a bond must be formed,” he answered, “Whether if Chizuru approves of this proposal or not, is not something that I should be concerned of.” She will, by any chance, have to succumb. Upon finishing his words, his eyes finally traveled to the other figure who had been keeping them company, barely doing anything to participate into the said conversation. Kazama couldn’t blame her either. They were probably here on their own accord to investigate something.
“Aren’t you going to serve me?” 
[ osenhime ]
Of Oni and Women || closed
(姫) - There was clear annoyance in his tone, likely from her interruption of his rendezvous earlier, however she felt no remorse. He deserved it for being such a pig. 
There is a small rap at the shoji and a Geiko appears at the door with a tary of snacks and refreshments. She dutifully places them on the small table in front of them and excuses herself from the room. “Arigatou Emi-chan.” the princess nods at the girl.
“It’s not that you are not handsome,” she began, a delicate hand pouring sake into the cups in front of her, “it’s your methods are crude. Women need a delicate touch. Have you ever asked Chizuru if being with you is what she wishes?” She lifts the small cup taking light sip of the sake. “And what if does not hold any affections towards you? Would you still pursue her regardless?”
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
If anyone ever wondered why Kazama was here, the answer would be sealed in his own lips. Ruby eyes dully watched as the glimpses of lanterns starting to lit and colored the night sky with their temporary shine. Mortality. While humans had distinct differences to that of a demon, the fleeting life that they lived in everyday were often tainted with a mix of beauty and destruction in itself. They create a masterpiece and destroy it with their own hands. Wasn’t there a good example in this case? The warriors fighting for the sake of power, an existence which would vanish in age, and to be able to reach such extent, they will resort to any methods possible.
Which was what led him into meeting the female oni dressed as a geiko. She had been on her own, the moment one of the dogs that accompanied here left to seek for revocation. Why of course, he welcomed himself in then despite his wife’s rejection. Kazama was so close into claiming the demon’s lips when he noticed the change in the air of the room. A quick slap over his head earned the other demon another growl out of his lips. Had he noticed her earlier, such disgraceful action wouldn’t have been displayed before his wife’s very sight.  Once Chizuru let the room, the demon seated himself, trying to ignore the presence of the princess before him as he poured the sake into his cup.
“Honestly Kazama, I would think an oni of your standing in society would have better methods for wooing women.”
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“Oh? Are you going to lecture me on the art then, Princess of Yase?” he replied, still sounding annoyed over the event that had just happened a moment ago.
[ osenhime ]
Of Oni and Women || closed
(姫) - The night air carries the wafting scent of sake as music, chatter and laughter weaves into a melody with the occasional cadence and rifts throughout the Shimabara district.  Just another busy evening so it seemed, however the new maiko seemed to be causing quite a bit of ruckus amongst the patrons. 
Sen went from room to room searching for her friend, finding her in one of the rooms in the far end of the establishment with a particular blonde oni. She whips out her fan from her kimono with a flick of the wrist, slapping the blonde square over his head. A warning for mistreating her friend. It wasn’t that she disliked him, more-so she disliked his methods in pursuit of Chizuru. 
Sen seats herself across from Kazama as soon as her friend fled out of sight. She sinks into the cushion comfortably, maintaining an upright posture and her air of regality. Umber hues lock with crimson as a small sigh escapes her lips. “Honestly Kazama, I would think an oni of your standing in society would have better methods for wooing women.” her tone stern.
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
Thursday, August 29th, 2012 11.50 PM Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Skytree, Broadcasting room
He was told not to go–or was it rather, warned not to go. The Resistants were on the move, wreaking havoc between the Underworld and the Gatekeeper itself. Mortals have been wounded and severely wounded ones have been sent to receive medial assistance. Buildings burnt and torn, humanity slipping as everywhere he walked had been painted with the color of the life force that once filled the living shell of the human. But that wasn’t why Gareth was here.
His jade green eyes shadowed by judgment hidden beneath the Venetian silver mask he wore over his eyes. Left hand shoved into his pants pocket while his right hand was outside to arm him from any coming Resistance until his butler returned. Johann might come back alive–or not at all, knowing how thin his chance of surviving is, but they bet and they had to be prepared for the result that comes in the latter.
His solitary steps only stopped when he saw one of the Resistants standing in his way. The other has a more gigantic feature compared to the young noble himself, not to mention the shimmering Zenno on his head. So this person was once a nobleman, too? Teeth chattered with dark chuckle, expecting it to scare the other man before him which to his dismay didn’t go to what he intended it to be. The nobleman’s eyes were set straight against the other before he lifted his gun and pointed it at the Zenno mark on his head.
“I hope you weren’t expecting victory as I have no pity to be shared upon your death,” he said coldly. A scream of pain was what greeted him next as the gigantic male went berserk. His voice doubling with the broken counterpart of the power.
“A thief doesn’t kill you say? Look what you have done, you just attempted murder! King Hades will be pleased with this!”
“Doesn’t matter anyway. I only kill when I have to, tell that to your king,” he said next before firing another bullet to the male’s heart to stop him permanently. 
It was all quiet after I killed that man.
It is eerie, and for a moment, I thought I saw someone heading past me to the Resistants’ base.
Not a human, not astral being.. or so I thought, but it disappeared within the third second I followed its direction.
Johann often says that it might be a bad omen,
and I used to not believe that, until what I experienced next.
My Zenno is.. it is shattering..
“Die Cerberus!”
At the battle scream, the thief turned his back with the arm ready to fire his loaded weapon. The Resistant were known to have their Zenno sign on his forehead; just where he pointed his gun to and started firing it like the Hatter. Another chant from them was repeated like a mantra, all he could hear was death itself surrounding him. And yet, hasn’t he always missed it?
Bathed in blood, the white color of his suit and mask turned scarlet. The shadow in his eyes only deepened and darkened as he watched another group of them came.
“Zenno!” the thief screamed out, a blast of blue fire and lightning started to coil beneath his feet before it surrounded him and took the shapes of fire bullets, “Ignis Regalia Imber!” The bullets froze in its spot for a moment before they finally bombarded into the vicinity, slaying each and every member of the Resistant.
Standing amidst the rings of fire around him, it only whelmed his title as the Hell hound, gatekeeper of Hell. And when he thought all of this were over.. 
“Wait, please.. please don’t kill me too!” a woman cried out in despair as she dragged herself to his feet. Gareth’s eyes noticed the wound on her thigh that his attack caused just earlier, and yet the expression on his face showed no empathy. Not in the slightest. He was way too far to go back already.
“Please don’t.. I-I promise I’ll quit the Resistant.. I won’t tell anyone a thing, please just don’t!” she begged, tears began to trickle down her dust-stained cheeks as she held on his feet. Her slim fingers clutching his trousers as tight as she could, to which he responded by crouching down and held her chin gently. Eyes widened in fear, she was as still as a paused video when the nobleman’s lips began to move and he began to shove the tip of his gun slowly into her mouth. At this, his now merciless eyes showed no guilt, and not even a trace of pity flashed across his eyes.
“Die. Just like how you lots killed my parents,” he whispered darkly. The sound of the gun being fired broke the silence as her blood splattered all over him. By now, it felt like the two time travelers had stopped exactly at the middle of the night.
To the starry skies and the moon, the tragedy shall be replayed.
And only until then will you understand the reason of this holocaust done by the single nobleman.. 
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
“Young master, you’re awake.”
Forest green peeked beneath the natural lids to greet the shadow illuminated by light beside him. His lips parted, croaking a pitiful whisper in response. One that the trained butler’s ears could pick clearly.
“Where am I– I was attending the Percival’s  Coming of Age ceremony, didn’t I?”
“We were knocked by Sir Alexander’s Vaughn power. I’ve seen some people of the Percival’s scouting around.”
“Alistair.. how is he?”
“I’m afraid he’s still knocked out, sir–” Johann’s words were stopped when he saw the younger figure starting to move and make himself sit. His vision was disarray with the blurs, but it was what he could make for the best for now. A supportive hand held on his back and the other over his chest, carefully making him sit. Gareth mumbled a quiet thanks. His head was foggy, all thanks to that blast that happened when Alexander opened the seal.
“Where are we..?” he repeated, “Are we back in Great Golden Lion War..?”
“I’m afraid no, sir. This, however, seems to be a far more different era than I’ve thought it would be..”
The young master glanced around, hoping to find the slightest of clues or leads to pinpoint their position. He gazed to the side then, giving a sign for his butler to help him up and walk. Johann’s concerned question was easily dismissed as curiosity got the best of him. A pained gasp left his lips when they made it a little further from where he rested, feeling a strong pang of pain blooming in his chest. Was his body not ready yet to move? 
To think that Alexander’s Shouten could throw us back in a different time period. I think it’s why King Hades doesn’t want to mess with the Percival’s, eh?
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
Do I want my memories back? I thought it’s one of the essential things in being humane. Have I been such a bad boy for you to come with such assumptions?
– Gareth Hyde [Meeting at Hades’ Gate] (via kaitounii)
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
Reblog this if you are a Naruto blog, OC or Canon, who will RP with OCs.
I need new people to roleplay with, my muse is getting bored :c
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kaitounii · 10 years ago
/Phew, done editing a new theme for this blog, ewe; I like its new look. It looks more clean, uvu Well.. just gotta wait for the muse to arrive and people to RP with, ahahah I fail at promotion thing, xD
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