kaisamms · 5 hours
Need to rant for a minute because even though I have very much been enjoying the fruits of my efforts learning how to sew vintage style clothes, I just swapped out old fatphobia (nice plus size vintage clothes never making it to stores) for new fatphobia (trying to find patterns). Cause it doesn't end at what clothes you're able to buy already made.
I finally bought a Friday Pattern Company pattern the other day, and man it made the bare minimum feel like I was being spoiled. The sizes go up to 7X (that's XL, XXL, 1X, 2X, etc, so there's 9 sizes above L) they had a thin and a fat model on the cover! Usually I'm barely lucky enough to get an XL, and I'm just expected to guess how it's going to look on my body. The majority of their patterns have two differently sized models on the covers, and all of them have that full range of patterns inside.
It is so hard to find good plus size patterns, even if they're available, many companies just scale up their mediums and I can't guarantee they're actually sized correctly for a different shape. As good as Friday is, them and other modern indie pattern companies aren't easy to find.
Okay well what if I went another step deeper, what if I forgo patterns all together and decide to be completely independent and draft things myself?
Then I'll need a plus size dress form. I got lucky and found one at an antique mall for 50$ but these are incredibly rare and more expensive than smaller ones. I'll need to learn how to draft patterns, something that was taught to me on a XS form by my college and nearly every tutorial out there. Drafting close fitting clothes for fat bodies is a completely different skillset, because all that extra fat is much squishier and shifts more. Measuring yourself correctly and getting the shape you're looking for is far more important. Before I even got there I'd need to sketch out what I wanted to make, right? Well the patterning book my family got me only shows you how to draw tall, skinny people. A beginner would have to look up their own drawing references and tutorials because what what supposed to be a super accessible beginner's guide to fashion has decided their body isn't normal enough for the baseline tutorial.
We're expected to be the ones who put in the extra effort. Digging to find the pattern companies that fit our shape and actually prove they can, paying extra in shipping or driving farther to pick them up. Having to search specifically for plus size tutorials for drafting and sketching. It's always treated like it's not part of the beginner's experience to be working with a fat body, that's just going to make people more frustrated and lost and less likely to pursue something they're excited about! Especially if it's in response to already being frustrated about the lack of clothing options.
We need a little positivity to this post so to end on a high note, here's me modeling the blazer I just finished with a shirt I made a couple years ago!
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Being able to finally wear clothes I really feel like me in has been an amazing confidence boost. It's not fair that there's so many roadblocks in the way for someone who looks like me who just wants to wear things they enjoy.
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kaisamms · 6 hours
It’s so uncreative and cowardly when designers refuse to make clothes for fat people. Sorry you’re bad at your job I guess.
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kaisamms · 6 hours
Fatphobes are so funny to me, I love how fat people exist rent-free in y’all’s heads. Dedicating so much time & energy angrily ranting on the internet about “the spread of obesity” b/c you saw one chillin at the park. Then you log off to vape or abuse your partner or smth.
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kaisamms · 6 hours
“Glorifying obesity” is probably one of the most bullshit arguments ever. “Nooooo don’t show that fat people can be cool and awesome and sexy, it’ll make people want to be fat!” I think you’re just afraid of fat people being seen as people and not just a punchline.
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kaisamms · 1 day
People say weight loss is for sure possible...but no one agrees on how to do it.
Dieting works...but there's now an "ob*sity epidemic" despite people lining the pockets of weight loss corporations more than ever.
Weight loss products work...but weight loss corporations are making the Exact. Same. Claims. about their products that they did in 1910 with the products that were sold and then discontinued over a century ago.
Humans are all meant to be thin...but there are families of fat people who stay fat no matter how much "willpower" they muster and have fat ancestors going back generations.
It's about health and not looks...but people who are losing weight due to smoking, cancer, illness, mental disorders, and other health conditions are praised for their weight loss and told to keep going.
Fat people aren't oppressed...but fat people have no positive representation, no proper access to clothing, face a wage gap, endure deadly medical neglect and abuse, have their deaths by police brutality excused with their fatness, and countless other aspects of oppression that they deal with every single day.
Fat people are all fat because they overeat...but you can point to any fat person on the sidewalk and there's an extreme likelihood that they're on their 30th diet attempt in the past 10 years while there's thin people who eat whatever they want, however much they want, and don't exercise yet never gain a single pound.
Fat people are privileged because they gorge on unnecessary food...but fat people are overwhelmingly living in poverty, are not paid the same amount of money for the same work as their thin peers, are not chosen for promotions, are turned away from jobs that an employer wants more than a "pretty face" for, are at major risk of workplace harassment, and endure oppression even beyond just that.
Fat people aren't treated badly...but people use the word "fat" as a metaphor and synonym for "ugly," "unlovable," and "unworthy," while at the same time believing "fat," the most basic term for a specific body type, is a dirty, taboo insult you should never allow to leave your lips.
Professionals agree that fatness is inherently bad...but almost any weight-related research study that people, especially weight loss corporations, use to justify demonizing fat people has the worst methodology imaginable with validity errors and logical fallacies galore as well as conflicts of interest due to how many of these studies just happen to be funded by the corporations that make millions and billions of dollars off of the demonization these studies promote.
All health conditions a fat person has are caused by their fatness...but there is not a single health condition that only fat people obtain, many fat people developed the health condition in question when they were thin or thinner, weight gain is often a symptom of said health conditions, fat people are not given the same amount or quality of healthcare as thin people, and repeated starvation attempts (also known as "yo-yo dieting") have been shown to worsen a person's health.
Fat people can't have eating disorders...but fat people are the group encouraged to partake in disordered eating by this fatphobic world the most and then are not given any support to recover.
Thin privilege doesn't exist...but thin people who see the way fat people are treated in society do their absolute damndest and take whatever drastic measures they have to in order to prevent themselves from ever becoming one of "Them."
Fit and fat are mutually exclusive...but there are fat athletes as far up as even the Olympics, and sports are intentionally made inaccessible to fat people to the point of fat children even being turned away when trying to join a sports team.
Fat people are ugly...but all we grow up ever seeing in media are thin, conventionally attractive people painted with layers of makeup next to fat characters who were intentionally designed with an ill-fitting outfit, matted hair, and all other traits that fit the "ugly" stereotype that the character designer could manage to slap onto a single person.
Fat people are big, bad bullies...but studies show that weight is the number one excuse that children use to bully their peers, outcompeting a multitude of other oppressed identities considered.
Fat women are just men and vice versa...but sometimes they're androgynous, and sometimes they're basically nonbinary, and sometimes they're just things, and sometimes they're nothing at all depending on what labels a fatphobe decides will hurt a fat person most that day.
Fat people are subhuman...but fat people deserve the same love, respect, compassion, and support that all people are born inherently deserving.
Fatphobia isn't real, but—
-Mod Worthy
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kaisamms · 1 day
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kaisamms · 2 days
Not to be a killjoy (though it is what I do best) but the unsafe and rough handling of a baby Pygmy hippo in a pretty substandard Thai zoo being meme-ed into something funny and cute really shows just how much groupthink plays into public perception of animal welfare.
Moo Deng shows avoidance, threat displays and stress around her keepers that are constantly man-handling her, blasting her with a hose and harassing her. The enclosure is mostly concrete, which is horrible for her soft feet. There looks to be some substrate but there doesn’t seem to be any areas for wallowing or deep water wading.
There’s also very easy access of this hippo to the public with no places to hide. I’d love if someone could shed more light on the enclosures but from what I’ve seen it’s not great.
Also the free contact and forcing into tubs that the keepers do is only going to create an avoidant and potentially aggressive and dangerous Pygmy hippo.
But the public happily overlook that because she’s cute. It’s a similar attitude with seals too.
Stop rewarding bad husbandry with clout. Baby animals deserve agency and respect and to grow up without getting harassed and feeling the need to defend themselves constantly.
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kaisamms · 3 days
Lily, how can you be so sure that all the people who respond to your content are have a problem with you being with you being trans rather than them being people who just want to challenge your ideas who have no problem with you being trans?
Simple: Because they don't challenge my ideas.
They build strawmen.
They lie about the things I've said.
They actively say things that are completely nonsensical.
They deceptively edit everything I say to be about something else and respond to that instead.
They exhibit monstrous double standards where the moment a non-trans person says the same thing I do, they somehow don't find it as viscerally objectionable.
If they wanted to challenge my ideas, they would do it.
Lying about a trans woman because you don't like her/feel threatened by her is transmisogyny.
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kaisamms · 4 days
My understanding of evil, in my teens: You can't really boil things down to good and evil. People are complicated. Everyone is the hero of their own story, and someone who seems evil to you is actually doing their best from their own perspective. If you could walk a mile in their shoes, you'd understand. There is no such thing as evil.
My understanding of evil, in my twenties: Look, it's basically just tribalism. We are all necessarily thrust into competition with one another. There are always going to be winners and losers. Whining about evil is just being upset that you lost the game.
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kaisamms · 6 days
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kaisamms · 6 days
"oh you're bi too? haha attracted to every woman and five men amiright" don't put words in my mouth. don't put your baggage on me. if you saw the men i wanted to fuck you'd hurl.
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kaisamms · 7 days
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this should make you angry. children in gaza have been out of school for a whole year and will be out of school as long as the israeli invasion continues. palestinian children live in flimsy tents which do not offer them any protection from the heat/cold. they travel long distances to search for water. they are threatened by water-borne diseases and skin infections that are running rampant in gaza.
no aid has been allowed in gaza since may. there is a shortage of everything from food to medicine to blankets to tents. this means that prices for everything have gone up.
it has become very expensive to survive in gaza. heavy rains followed by the winter are fast approaching. a tent does not offer much protection against the elements.
help alaa [ @alaakh998 ] buy supplies for the winter and medicine for her son who is suffering from a skin infection. she has two children aged six and four. she needs to ensure their safety and welfare and it cannot be done without your help.
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kaisamms · 8 days
Hinest question, does it ever get discouraging watching awful videos made about you for attention get hundreds of thousands of views?
No, because I know who that's for. Ten years ago we were dealing with a glut of "Rational Skeptic owns triggered SJW with facts and logic!" That never went away. It's nothing new.
The most recent desperate cloying for attention has been a notorious transmisogynist digging up that comedy writing tips thread from 5 years back and pretending thats still relevant to anything, and it steals most of its 'rebuttals' from the "Two professional writers" who have since retracted their garbage.
Drama content is easy. Especially when other people have already done all the work for you years prior. It's not difficult to make. I could have been making videos like this about Darksyde Phil years ago, except I... have a fucking a soul and I'm a human being, not an unfeeling robot for whom empathy is a strange human concept.
I don't have it in me to lie about people just because that person in particular is socially acceptable to lie about. And there is no such thing as a drama channel that doesn't lie. They all lie.
My channel's always been niche and covers niche content. And when I cover mainstream content, I decidedly avoided making clickbait.
You know what happens when I make videos that are topical?
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They do fucking gangbusters. Like, you wanna talk metrics: I have the most watched video essay on Steven Universe, Legend of Korra, and Coffin. And that's a fact that infuriates all three of those fanbases lmao. I could be doing that all day, but I don't. Consider why.
I have said for years I prefer being a small, niche channel.
Metrics are only the end all and be all if you're a loser with no passion. Because only a loser is that hyper-fixated on traffic.
Some pontificating on Drama content only tangentially related to this ask after the break.
You know what else "does numbers" on Youtube? This garbage
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That's all from Turkey Tom's channel. And you know why he makes this kind of garbage?
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Because he tried to make real videos and failed. Now he just rides the coattails of people large enough to have obsessive hate-doms.
The dirty secret of Youtube is that there is no dirty secret. You get views by making things people want to click on. All the clickbait and hyperbole in the world isn't going to make someone click on something they don't already want.
And a lot of people WANT circus sideshows that make them feel better about their own lives. This was the reason for all those reality shows like My Strange Addiction and Hoarders and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. It's why Jerry Springer and Maury are so popular. You get to watch absolutely miserable, likely mentally unwell people, and laugh at them and go "Wow, I'm doing so much better than them!"
People criticized the way Hoarders normalized putting mentally ill people on a stage for others to gawk at. Didn't matter, because that's like telling a Nazi "antisemitic memes normalize genocide."
They just look at you like
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Of course that shit's popular. There's plenty of desperate, miserable, and just plain mean people in the world. And it's only those people who give a shit if they "ratio" someone.
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kaisamms · 8 days
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When I see tags like these I get whiplash until I remember that because of DMC3's brutal difficulty and its gothic art style, DMC accidentally gained a misleading reputation as an edgy dark fantasy and not as a series where the most serious guy in the family fights demons with robot arms made from bananas, a pasta twirler, and his fiance's custom-made vibrator.
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kaisamms · 9 days
it is fucking crazy how many people will see trans women describing our experiences with transmisogyny & point out the ways it effects us and every single time, somebody who genuinely considers themselves a trans ally will use this as an excuse to throw a shitfit about how actually everybody experiences this so trans women should stop being such whiny bitches about experiencing bigotry
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kaisamms · 9 days
This post is still up and is clearly wishing harm upon people.
anyways here's some messages i received for literally just saying that attack on titan looks boring:
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kaisamms · 9 days
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