kaimuses · 7 years
under the cut you will find { 60 } gif icons of jensen ackles as requested by anonymous. all of them were cropped and edited by rima in style R10, but full credit goes to the original makers. please, like or reblog if you find this useful !!
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kaimuses · 7 years
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           It was safe to say that the last thing Kemp had expected upon walking up to his partner's door that evening was to see a pair of heels in hand. He stared at them momentarily as she spoke, catching bits and pieces of her words, the only prominent one managing to stand out. Date. In all the time they'd been together he couldn't remember her going on a date. Speaking of friends who'd set her up in the past, sure, but he'd never really been there to witness it in live action. Or, perhaps, maybe she had and he just hadn't been paying the most attention, who knows. One thing for sure was, for whatever reason, the idea wasn't exactly sitting right with him - not that he'd be saying that anytime soon. 
           Stepping in after her, a healthy sized leather binder in hand, he closed the door behind him and found his way to his usual spot on her couch and sat, placing the binder on the coffee table in front of him. He hadn't gotten a word in edgewise as she told him there were leftovers, as if he'd never been here before, as if he'd be consuming anything that didn't come in a glass bottle if she wasn't here and in need of sustenance. Dana's home had become somewhat of his own in the past few years. For many reasons, when they worked on a case that wasn't office bound, it was usually right here on this couch. Dana was a bit more organized than Kemper was, but mostly it was because she lived a bit closer to the station than he did - not that that was saying much. He wasn't homeless, though that was hard to tell from the outside looking in. He and his wife had owned a house right in town but he couldn't bring himself to step past the threshold after she'd passed. Every room had a memory he didn't want to remember, pictures spread across the walls of a life he couldn't stomach staring back at him. Instead, he made his home in motels outside of town and friends couches when he'd been booted - which he almost always was. Besides Declan's and his mama's (both of which he couldn't stay too long for fear of certain questions he wasn't ready to answer), Dana's was his only other constant.            Just as she had been.            He couldn't tell you how long it'd been; his fingers busy with the papers now spread across the surface of that table, a cup of coffee still warm but untouched just an arm's length away. His gaze lifting quickly as he heard her say his name, his last name, requesting service. He smiled to himself as he stood, reaching his arms toward the ceiling to ease his aching back as he made his way toward the bathroom, knuckles tapping against the door once he'd reached it.            “You decent?” he asked, a smirk tugging slightly at the corner of his mouth.
Foolish Hope
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Kemp had come over to work and she’d answered the door with a pair of heels in her hand and a long black dress folded over one arm. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve got a date tonight. Go ahead and set those on the table.” It was a blind date, set up by one of her concerned coworkers and it was only after much bargaining and pleading that Dana had agreed to go. The good thing was, if it went terrible she could always say she was needed at work.
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kaimuses · 7 years
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“Wow, such language.” he teased as if he hadn't a care that the fallen beauty could easily bring him to ruins if she so willed it. “You know, if you keep talking to me like that, I'm gonna start to think you like me.” Not that it was new for Damon to push the buttons of every single living (and non-living) thing he came across.
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kaimuses · 7 years
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           Abigail could recall what it was like to know beyond a doubt that you'd had it all. She was also familiar with that crushing, defeated feeling when it was all pulled out from under you - like you were free-falling within the nets that were meant to catch you, but never seemed to be able to grip. She'd herself married the love of her life before she was old enough to really say she knew what what love was. Looking back now she realizes it was more being in love with the idea of it all; the perfect guy with a bright future ahead of him, the iron-clad five year plan that let her be independent and finish school before settling down, that fairy tale wedding and the big house in the best neighborhood. Truth was, she didn't even really start to fall until it was already the beginning of the end. And by the time Cain was born, Holden was long gone. But it was nothing compared to Elijah's situation. Pain is subjective, sure, but she couldn't imagine losing her own little boy. No matter how much of a pain in the butt he was, sometimes.            The brunette watched as he stood there amongst the tiny dust particles reflecting off the light burning in his eyes before disappearing into the bathroom. The rush of water calling back to her as her now busy hands pawed at his bedding, removing dirty pillowcases from their comfort, and she couldn't help but wonder of the hopeless feeling to have nothing to wake up for. “Have you eaten since yesterday?” she called out, tossing the gathered mess of sheets in a nearby basket and making her way to his closet. “I thought we could grab some lunch.” a husky voice hummed as said hands dragged themseslves across clean shirts until a nice blue one had caught her eye. “Or at least get you out of this room.” she mumbled to herself.
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Raising a child on his own was already hard as it was. Especially combined with his work. Genuinely, he thought he had it all. A great wife, and a great kid. People always spoke of them as the perfect couple. That’s why it came as a massive surprise when Alice, the woman he loved had taken off to God knows where without a goodbye and thankfully, without their child. And even now, he couldn’t get a hold of her. He couldn’t reach her. It really had made him wonder if she really cared about him in the first place. Elijah was shaken out of his thoughts by the door falling in the lock and he slightly sat up when he heard Abigail’s voice ringing in his ears. He had seen her the day before and he had promised her to shower and even shave, but he hand’t yet. He hadn’t even realized that many hours had passed already. “I’m up, a'ight? I’m up.” He called back, shutting off the TV and he covered his face with his hands, a sigh leaving his lips. Elijah pushed himself off the bed and slowly went to open the curtains, frowning as rays of sunlight hit his face. He then went to the bathroom to undress himself, turning on the shower to finally step underneath the spray.
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kaimuses · 7 years
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We come from a somewhat puritanical and chauvinistic point-of-view, so that when we’re asked questions about women being empowered by sexuality, we often confuse it with women who are victimized by it.
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kaimuses · 7 years
With his educated eyes And his head between my thighs
Halsey (Coming Down)
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kaimuses · 7 years
btw for my partners/mutuals/followers: if you ever see me reblog a ship or a plot that you wanna do PLEASE let me know omg. even if we already have three plots i’ll do another one with you!! all the plots and ships :)
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kaimuses · 7 years
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To me it’s simple. I was raised well and I have a pretty good idea about who I am as a person and where my morals stand. And I can’t fathom how anyone would think it’s strategically beneficial to act like a fuckwit. I don’t know any good bloke who makes a decision to be a prick in the film world just to attract attention. There’s definitely something to be said for standing your ground when it comes to certain things, like any business, if you’re someone who’ll take shit from anybody and always smiles and never lets it bother you, you can expect to be walked over for a long time.
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kaimuses · 7 years
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            It was hard to see him this way; this shell of a person empty even in his sadness and anger, bleeding the single truth that nothing would ever be the same. Instead of her tiny reach at his fingertips, there were salt soaked blankets. Where once against his lips was her sweet name, now drowned in the rancid taste of a vile liquid that turned even the kindest hearted into heathens. And the only sound of left of her laughter in this house echoed off cold walls from behind a pixelated screen in front of a broken man.            No one should ever have to bury their child. And no. From the looks of things, he wasn't ever going to be the same again.            Still, she had to try. “Eli?” the brunette called out, removing the spare key from his door and let herself inside. Her face instantly falling ill as the overbearing scent of sweat and alcohol among the cigarette smoke hit her. “Elijah?” she called out once more, her ears catching the sound of Rosie's voice and following it to his room — where she'd left him the day before. “Baby, you've got to get out of that bed.” Yes, he hated it. He hated the helping, the cooking, the cleaning up and being treated like he was about to break. But they'd been friends for far too long for her to just let him sit in this unimaginable devastation all by himself. She could at least share that with him.            Whether he liked it or not.
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elijah had never thought he could feel such excruciating heartache and such intense pain. it was horrible. all of it. one more terrible than the other. his parents were getting old, and he knew that one day he was going to have to say goodbye. but he never thought that he’d have to bury his four year old daughter after she had passed away. he hated it that people showed up with condolences. he hated that people wanted to help out and cook for them. he hated people saying how sorry they felt. it was kind, but none of it was going to bring their little rosie back. pretty much every night he would curl up in bed and watch some home videos in the dark and he’d cry and he wasn’t sure if he was ever going to be okay.
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kaimuses · 7 years
81 100x100 gif icons of Garrett Hedlund.
Please do not claim them as yours.
If you’re planning on using them, I’d appreciate if you’d like or reblog this post.
You can also download all gif icons here. Enjoy!
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kaimuses · 7 years
           under the cut you will find { 70 } gif icons of actor garrett hedlund as requested by anonymous. all of them were cropped and edited by rima in style R2, but full credit goes to the original makers. please, like or reblog if you find this useful !!
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kaimuses · 7 years
Creating actual gif icons for my gifs are awfully long overdue and you should all shame me for it, but better late than never, huh? I don’t personally use gif icons when roleplaying, but for those who prefer them in front of regular ones here are about (80) gif icons of Garrett Hedlund, my #1 babe of babes in size 120x120! In this one you will find mostly Country Strong and various interview gifs. On the Road among with some random I have in my folder will be uploaded further down the line when I have time for it. Please do not re-upload or claim as your own, but feel free to use them as you wish besides that!
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kaimuses · 7 years
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kaimuses · 7 years
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“You know, this is the third missed call – I'm starting to think you're avoiding me.”
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kaimuses · 7 years
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            It wasn't the smile that had quickly faded when those gorgeous green eyes of hers realized exactly who he was that hurt, nor the way her voice fumed You like it was his name - though to be fair,  that was a solid punch in the gut in comparison. It was moments before as he'd stood there in that doorway, watching as milky fingers sprinkled in glitter shuffled through the mess of glue and torn up papers in front of her. It was the golden hair caught effulgent from the window in just enough that she looked untouchable, happy. Like she had before he'd gone and messed it all up. Like she had when she still wanted him around.            Still, there Cage stood - his weight resting against the doorframe and arms crossed over his chest. “You're not answering my calls, Beth. What else am I supposed to do?” his head began to shake unrhythmically with his words. Some Nerve, indeed.
open to: m/f/nb (ex)
Beth loved all the kids in her class but boy, did they make a mess. Then again, she more than encouraged him to do so, which meant the mess was partially her fault. Hearing a voice in the doorway, she picked up a toy and turned around with a pleasant smile on her face. “You.”The smile fell as soon as she saw the person standing there. “You have some nerve coming here.”
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kaimuses · 7 years
#61 icons of Jai Courtney as Eric Coulter for @pointsforbravery​ Please like or reblog if you use.
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kaimuses · 7 years
+ 100 icons of CHRIS EVANS mostly from his film BEFORE WE GO.           please don’t claim as your own ! happy roleplaying !
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