kageshira · 7 years
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kageshira · 7 years
remember how i said i was gonna keep this blog and then i disappeared for 3 months?
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kageshira · 8 years
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        ❛ —– Oh ……. Well i’m not an only child either. ❜ Despite them being “close” the two where very silent boys, sitting together with their hands locked together and feeling CONTENT// and when they text their conversations are always fun that they never found the time to talk about family. ❛ I have a big brother named tsukomo. ❜ It was hard to explain his older brother, so he just changed the subject. ❛ so Yuudai? that sounds cute, how old is he? ❜
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     “Cute” wasn’t a word that was commonly heard from Kenma, but though mildly intrigued by the fact that the latter perhaps had an affinity with kids, Tobio paid enough mind to the question to push his own question aside.「 He’s two. He looks a lot me, I’ve been told, so I dunno if you can consider that ‘cute’ or not. 」
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kageshira · 8 years
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     「 Haah? This is my melon bread, and no one’s gonna stop me from eating it. 」
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kageshira · 8 years
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    not a new blog, but my dash is super slow since i’ve     been on hiatus for 600 years. can y’all like/reblog if     you’re interested in rping with a shiratorizawa!au     k.ageyama t.obio? i need people to interact with, ya’ll!
    much love from your friendly neighborhood milk man.
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kageshira · 8 years
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     「 ----Ah, about that. I’m not actually an only child. 」 It was a common assumption that a large number of his friends and acquaintances made; and he actually wasn’t sure how he hadn’t brought up his brother to Kenma at all. The subject of family never really came up, aside from the circumstances that led to Tobio living with his grandmother.「 I’ve got a little brother named Yuudai. 」
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kageshira · 8 years
Which blog do you think I should keep? 
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This wasn’t an easy decision to make. I love every single one of my muses to fucking death, but I really can’t run 7 blogs at once.I’m too busy with school, work, relationship, family, and other things, so I’ve finally decided to let go of the majority of my canon blogs.I’ll be whittling it down to 1-2 and archiving the rest of them. Thanks for your support thus far, and I’m sure a lot of people will be upset, but that has to happen.
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kageshira · 8 years
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     Throughout the day, Tobio was seemingly blissfully unaware that someone was going to give him chocolates. He had been proceeding through the day as per normal, besides the fact that things around him seemed a little busier. Girls were flooding in and out of the classrooms to give chocolates, and upon deciding that he didn’t want to sit through all of the gushy talk and look upon some distressed classmates and peers, he decided to sleep through the intermission between classes. 
     Lunchtime had been another thing----his upperclassmen from volleyball club, Tendou and Ushijima, had come to talk to him about a small Valentine’s day party that they’d be having in the dorms. During that time, he had noticed a certain set of eyes casting upon him, but he didn’t think much about it when he turned and looked back, no one was there. Curious, really.
     But he did halt on the way to the clubhouse, dark blues glancing over to catch upon Alice.「 Hm? What’s up? 」It wasn’t rare for her to catch him on his route around the school, but she seemed more serious than usual today. Watching as she presented the little bunny plushie with chocolates, he couldn’t help but note the resemblance to Cinnabun before he carefully accepted it. Her little fidget made him flush, and a small amount of embarrassment ensued.「 Wh-What do you look so nervous about? It’s making me nervous... 」
     She’d stopped by his classroom before first period, nervously holding the colorful wrapping in her hands, but he’d been asleep and Alice decided to wait. At lunch time, she knew to look for him by the vending machines so he could get a little carton of milk, but he’d been busy talking with some upperclassmen and she didn’t want to interrupt.
Knowing she wouldn’t have time to stop by his place that evening, once classes were over, the girl rushed towards the gym and spotted him on the way to the clubhouse to change. “Kageyama-kun!” Calling out so he’d stop, she caught up and took a deep breath to steady herself, feeling heat rising to her cheeks when faced with him and the undivided attention of those piercing blue eyes.
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“Um… here.” Lamely handing him the bag containing the softest bunny plushie that held a striking similarity to Cinnabun as well as homemade chocolates, she fidgeted a little with her hands. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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kageshira · 8 years
"Stop sleeping on benches like a hobo. That's my job."
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     「 Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Kotobuki, 」Tobio sneered, eyes narrowing at the elder. He was tired, and wasn’t going to have any of this, be he at home or in public. It was a long day, and finally getting to kick back on a bench for a little was an immense relief for him up until now. This was the exact opposite of what he wanted.「 Go find your own bench. 」
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kageshira · 8 years
⚠ his legs dont work but he's going to t r y
send ⚠ to pick up/carry my muse
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     Tobio gasped, clutching upon his friend for dear life as he as lifted into the air. How was this humanly possible for the scrawniest kid in the world?「 Ito, we’re both going to die if you don’t put me down right now. 」He feared for his life.
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kageshira · 8 years
     She nearly laughed at the accusation, mischief shining in the green of her eyes. “Is it really that much of a chore to kiss me..?” Her eyebrows drew together in joking sadness, voice softening to match and lips pursing into a little pout. 
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     「 It is, 」Tobio exaggerated, one hand reaching up to caress her cheek. His thumb lightly pressed against her plush lower lip, and then a small laugh left him. She was cute----incredibly so.「 I’m just kidding. 」 His hand guided her in, and he placed a gentle kiss to Alice’s lips, eyes peering up at her as though to say, “There. Happy now?”
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kageshira · 8 years
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     starter call.
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kageshira · 8 years
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      [taps mic]
hola!!! could you please LIKE or REBLOG this if you’re down to role play with a freshly REmade hinata shouyou —!!! ( i was previously known as shouyos but A LONG TIME HAS PASSED SINCE so!!! ) what is a hinata shouyou?; hinata is a character from the animanga haikyuu!! and and honest he’s a ball of sunshine and i just [clenches me fist] love him so much (he’s like a sports!naruto- but not naruto!!! could be a ninja with his sicc skillz tho)
            *warning! this mun loves memes and will use them a lot. Wow.
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kageshira · 8 years
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     “Is it now~?” Innocently batting her lashes at him, Alice continued to pose as an obstruction to his view, chuckling at how he asked outright. “You did.” She reassured him it wasn’t anything he had or hadn’t done and leaned in to nuzzle at the tip of his nose. “I’m just greedy.” 
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     It was. If he said it allowed, his dignity would have kicked him in the rear; she knew that she could play him like a fiddle if she really wanted to.「 Hmph, vixen. 」Dark blues bore into hers as she nudged the bridges of their noses together. Somehow, seeing this coming, a sigh left Tobio as he pulled back, turning his head to the side.「 If you grovel before me and beg, maybe I’ll kiss you. 」
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kageshira · 8 years
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     「 Oi, this is a very compromising position and you know it. 」Not that Tobio minded the little lady straddling his waist, but now he couldn’t see the television with her chest torso blocking his view. All eyes on Alice, though he made no motion to lay his hands upon her as he caressed his face and neck.「 What’s wrong? Did I not give you enough attention? 」
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kageshira · 8 years
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     starter call.
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kageshira · 8 years
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     Anxious feet finally touching upon flat surface again, Tobio’s hands squeezed upon the supply box as he turned to face his upperclassman. Being lifted had most certainly startled him, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he might have made his captain feel bad about such a small scare.「 Ano...it’s fine. You might just want to warn me next time. I haven’t been lifted since I was a child, so... 」
( Cont. from here. ) @kageshira
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           “Alright.” Nodding, he was careful when moving to set Kageyama back down, then wondering after if perhaps he’d gone about that wrong. “I apologize for suddenly handling you like a child, I will try and ask next time, or try to find a ladder or step stool.” Giving another nod, he hoped that he hadn’t startled the first year too much. It’d be a shame to ruin his relationship with any of his teammates.
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