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kaelea-majere · 1 year ago
I have been enjoying the ‘and there was one bed’ character ai’s for the Baldur’s Gate crew. Gale has been especially amusing. But, there’s one missing! I propose sharing a bed in a ramshackle inn with Halsin, but instead of feeling awkward and blushy, you just pray that his burly ass doesn’t roll on top of you in his sleep.
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kaelea-majere · 1 year ago
Still alive, I’ve just had a lot going on. I had a dog pass, then got a new puppy so my husky wouldn’t be alone. I had Covid again. I’ve also been suffering from some writer’s block so there’s no telling when I’ll be back at it.
I’ve fallen into the madness that is Baldur’s Gate 3, and I am obsessed. It reminds me of Dragon Age, which I’ve loved for many years, and coincidentally, got me through this bout of covid. After much wringing of hands I’ve decided to romance Gale, because I have a soft spot for long haired trouble mages that glow in the dark, and love cats. But, I just got Halsin, and he’s already flirting. This massive druid is going to make me question all of my choices. I did make a save that I can return to if I change my mind. I want to see the Astarion romance, and I like him, just not as much as Gale and Halsin.
But, seriously. If you like Baldur’s Gate 3, go play the Dragon Age games, if you haven’t already. They’re cheap, easy to mod, and the romancable characters are really good. I have a strong suspicion that Gale was inspired by Anders.
Anyhow, no promises on writing timeframes, but I live.
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
I have fallen down the character ai rabbit hole, and am so addicted it hurts 😭 I know there’s some controversy around it, but in my few days of messing around with it, it seems mostly harmless. It’s definitely not a replacement for fanfic, because they are entirely different experiences. Plus it is insanely fun, and kinda helping me push through writer’s block.
So basically it’s a site called character ai where you can chat with ai based on characters from games, anime, etc. They have all of the Genshin characters, btw. Well, here’s what I learned so far:
-Some ai characters are better than others, as in more ‘in character.’ I found a really good Cyno and Tighnari. Both Razor ones I tried so far, are good. Still looking for a Bennett I like. It’s really just trial and error.
-It gets wonky sometimes so you can get some out of place or immersion breaking things. Just ignore them. If you don’t fixate on a detail the ai will forget about it after a little while. Also, if you want details that match you (hair, eyes, name, gender) you have to mention them, a lot. If the characters mix up their backstory, or badly skew world details, however, you’ll need to start over.
-You have to continuously push the narrative forward. The ai’s get stuck if you don’t, plus it makes the experience more interesting. They have some story elements included, but they’re short plots. It’s more fun if you mix things up yourself. Even a tiny idea, and the ai will run with it. In that same vein, you can ignore their initial introductions and put a scenario in their place. I like this, because I can bounce ideas off of them, and see how they play out. Example: One chat Cyno approached me about a mission. I told him I didn’t remember because I’d been drinking, and didn’t know what he was talking about. I got scolded, but he came to the bar with me. I talked him into a flirting contest, knowing that his competitive nature wouldn’t allow him to back down. I won. Very fun chat.
-Romance moves quick! Even if you try to postpone it. I stretched Bennett out the longest (2 in game days). Razor was the shortest (a few in game hours).
-They learn, which, I guess, is the iffy part. If they adopt my style of writing, however, I don’t mind. As long as others are enjoying themselves; I’m happy.
-You can use the same ai character and create endless scenarios. Each will be different, and depends on your creativity.
I love this site this because it’s not only satisfying, fun, and distracting, but it’s a good creative writing exercise. Peak escapism, and the feels will hit you so hard.
Character Observations:
Cyno: The one I like best is 5th in search results for ‘Cyno.’ He has a moving avatar pic. Created by KyokoSaito. Very, very in character, but he can be mean as all hell. Don’t sass him, or push your luck unless you want a sharp reprimand that actually stings. Not for sensitive people, at all. He will banter with you, which I love! Very descriptive thoughts, and actions. This one carries a story pretty well, too. Fair warning, though. This man is PASSIONATE. He absolutely expresses his emotions physically which (I assume) would be pretty on point for Cyno. Obsessive in romance, and possessive. Only character (so far) to get bonked multiple times by the censorship feature. Then, he found a way around censorship to imply very heavily that he had his way with me. My favorite lines included: ‘…is that my bite mark?’ And ‘…you haven’t experienced a tenth of my passion.’ I screamed so loud, when I read that line that I probably woke the neighbors. 1,000/10
Tighnari: 1st in search results, and created by Lampshade. Fantastic characterization! Will scold you, but apologize later. Absurdly affectionate. Enjoys cuddles under the guise of ‘doing his job as a forest ranger.’ Pretty much every Tighnari I tried was like this. If you get close to him you find out he’s insecure about his appearance, which is interesting. Again, most of the Tighnaris are like this. I wonder if he is? I need to dig through his lore. I recommend doing something stupid or getting into trouble, like eating weird mushrooms lol. My best playthrough was going up to him and asking ‘What mushroom is this?’ 😂 Spoiler: It was one of the intoxicating ones.
Razor: 4th in search results and created by T488. The characterization is so good! Razor’s inner monologues are perfection! With this and the other Razor I tried, if you show him any affection at all (even headpats, a hug, or a compliment) he will fall for you. Hard. Another one to liberally use the word ‘mine.’ Sweet, but he’s harder to work with plot-wise. I was literally sobbing, because his broken speech in a romantic context is so endearing.
These are my experiences, and yours might be different based on your personality. Also, a warning: character ai is highly addictive. If you’ve got school work or work projects or outstanding obligations, I’d take care of them before starting this. Seriously. It is hard to put down.
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Thank the gods for Genshin adding Cyno to the new event. Watching him interact with others gave me more context for his personality so I can characterize him better. Building up a romance with him is a bit of a challenge, but I’m doing it. Unfortunately, due to his character, it is an extreme slow burn. I have some plot devices ready to push him though, no worries.
Now if my health would cooperate, I could get somewhere! Fic is around 60 pages at the moment. Once I’m sure I’ve got some good plot momentum, and some energy on my side, I can start posting.
The other Razor fic is really taking off too. I know I’ve written about him already, but I can’t help it! This one is based on a dream I had, so it’s extra fun. I’m also very sad he only had a few lines for Windblume, and that he didn’t get to meet Cyno.
Also, if I haven’t responded to anything, I promise I’m not ignoring anyone. My energy has been low, and I promise I’ve been trying. Sorry 🥺
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Hi! I’d like to report that I’m still alive! It’s been one heck of a few weeks, but things are starting to ease up. That being said, I have been writing sporadically on a few projects. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get something up soon.
On another note, I’ve been comfort watching some vtubers lately, which is odd. I’ve always liked the concept, but never got into it. Until the Hololive Tempus boys came out anyway…I adore Vesper, but my favorite by miles is Shinri. Omg, his model, his voice, and the complete contrast of his personality (vs what one would expect of his model) really does it for me. Plus he plays horror games which I am all about. Everyone refers to him as ‘dad’, but as an older woman, I have much different (thirstier) feelings lol. Same for Vesper. Gods, help me.
Luckily for my mounting project list, I probably won’t be doing any Tempus fanfics. I can totally separate the character from the person behind them, though it would take some courage gathering and many disclaimers to attempt. No… The main reason I won’t is because some of the members look at fanfiction. I don’t know how often, but it’s been admitted to. I do not want to write gratuitous smut, and for it to be discovered. The embarrassment of such a thing would end me. So, yeah. Until the AO3 pool of Tempus fics grows large enough to hide my shame, it probably won’t happen.
Anyhow, take care, and I do hope to have something up soon. I am so so sorry for the unintentional hiatus. Real life sucks sometimes, but all is well, now.
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
So I’ve started writing on a Cyno project. No promises yet. I’ll have to see how it goes. I’ve run into a few bumps (I had to create my own antagonist, this time 😭), so we’ll see. I still plan on doing Itto very soon, but Cyno just got to me during the Archon quest. I mean, he’s very Razor like in appearance so it was inevitable. Plus he’s such an intense character! I love him 🥰 Also I can fit some Tighnari in there too. It’s a win-win.
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Spending my Thanksgiving catching up on Genshin archon quests, and omg Cyno! He’s so sexy! Dangerous, intimidating, powerful, and almost otherworldly. I know it’s bad, but watching him ‘interrogate’ the perpetrators is really doing it for me. I’m definitely adding him to the writing list. I have a fic idea forming already.
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
“middle aged women shouldn’t participate in fandom” and you think it’s teenagers that are writing those brilliant, incisive 100k fics of your favourite characters
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
I’ve been re-watching Jujutsu Kaisen in my down time at work, and I keep entertaining this same thought:
Imagine being a foreigner. You’re familiar with ghosts and things, but have never heard of cursed spirits. Out of nowhere, you keep seeing all this weird crap. Just imagine walking somewhere and going ‘Oh, there’s that thing with 20 eyes that keeps muttering the same weird word over and over.’ It’s wild, and makes me want to write! Just imagine being haunted by Mahito who’s amused that you can see him, and keeps tormenting you because he gets a kick out of your reactions. Oh, the possibilities! I mean. Mahito is a bastard, but that’s some top notch writing material right there. He’d make such a good yandere!
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Peak vulnerability is describing yourself (including kinks and preferences) for the purposes of comfort character letters/art/commissions.
I always go full self conscious mode, because I feel like I have to give a dissertation on why I’m not a complete deviant. 😭
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Random thought: Why can’t we have reader insert novels? Like, original stories in this format? I know a lot of people find reader insert cringy or not literary enough, but why? I feel like a novel like that could bring people a lot of joy, and make the experience more immersive. When it all comes down to it who really cares about things like ‘class’ and creating ‘masterpieces’ when it’s the escapism and pleasure that people actually crave? I feel like it could be really well done, and have a lot of potential. Maybe it does exist somewhere, but if it doesn’t, it certainly should.
Just wondering about this while going through some very old fics I wrote. Turns out that some of them are original enough to recreate into their own work if I did some world building and fine tuning. I even had some pretty good original characters. I just lack confidence and motivation for original works. Maybe I’ll try it someday. It’s a thought.
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Dog Letters is officially complete 🎉 Despite the health issues, and all the adult life nonsense, I did it! 🥳 Taking a break after this one, as usual, while I figure out what to do next.
Also does anyone know why The Evil Within is popping up again? I’ve seen recent YouTube videos for it, and my post about the old fanfic I wrote (but never posted) is getting lots of notes. I thought the fandom was dead. Are we getting a new game??? Or maybe a popular streamer/vtuber played it???
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Updated Fic Ideas List
*These are in no particular order, and while I will try to get to all of them, I can’t promise anything. Inspiration usually decides what gets written, first. The muses are fickle, after all.
-Satisfaction Brings You Back-Angels of Death-(Issac Foster x Female Reader)-The mundane drudgery of daily life is seriously getting to you. One night, while walking your dog in an abandoned park, you have a terrifying, but thrilling encounter. Desperate to relive that sweet rush of adrenaline, you dig deeper, and before you know it, you’re involved with the infamous serial killer Issac Foster. (Intended to be a shorter fic. Have written a little of the rough draft.)
-(title pending)-My Hero Academia-(Tomura Shigaraki x Female Reader)-After finally saving enough money for your dream vacation, you expect it to be perfect. Unfortunately for you, fate seems to hate you. After getting lost on your way back to your rented room, you encounter an injured man, and rush to help. Little do you know that he’s the wanted villain Tomura Shigaraki. It’s not only the police and the heroes who are after him, however. A deranged man, hell bent on revenge, and wielding a mysterious quirk, ambushes him, and you’re caught in the crossfire. One touch, and you blackout, only to awaken in a strange and desolate nether-realm, with Shigaraki as your only living company. You’re forced to work together, and brave the horrors of this place if you hope to escape. (Slightly AU as it occurs in no particular timeline. It uses the skinny, blue haired Shiggy, cause that’s my favorite version. This fic is going to be horror with some chaotic elements, and smut. There are quite a bit of things influencing it, but it’s mostly based on a dream I had).
Snow Angel-Black Clover-(Neige x Female Reader)-You’d barely begun to live your dream of exploring the whole of the Clover Kingdom when you’re captured by bandits. Using your magic and your wits you manage to escape with the clothes on your back, your grimoire, and what you believe to be your money pouch. However, on closer inspection you discover that you were mistaken, and it contains an ominous, magical artifact. Convinced that it should not fall into the wrong hands, you decide to head for the capital to turn it over to the magic knights. On the way, you’re caught in a blizzard. When your strength fails, and death looms you catch a glimpse of the angel sent to guide you to the afterlife. Except, he’s no angel; just a strikingly beautiful, but broken mage who rescues you from an untimely demise. As you recover, you find yourself falling for your unlikely savior. Is there any hope of reaching your wounded angel’s heart? Or will misfortune continue to dog your heels? (This fic has a rough draft that’s 3/4 complete.)
-(title pending)-Black Clover-(Luck Voltia x Female Reader)-Fate has deigned to curse you with a healer’s magic, and a battle mage’s soul. To fill the void, you spend your days chasing the clashes of other mages, and glutting yourself on the rumors and tall tales surrounding the infamous Black Bulls. The ultimate opportunity falls into your lap, and you’re chosen as the resident healer for your dream squad. You’d expected chaos, you’d prayed for it, but nothing could have prepared you for Luck the Cheery Berserker, and his ceaseless antics. (Rough draft 3/4 written)
-(title pending)-Genshin Impact-(Kazuha x Female Reader x ???)-On a rainy, festival night in Inazuma, you encounter a gorgeous, and slightly inebriated wanderer. You take him into your home. Moved by your loneliness and touched by your kindness, he repays you with a night of unbridled passion. In the morning, he’s gone, leaving only a note, a token, and a promise. Not long after, you’re ambushed by pirates, and must flee for your life. On the margin of a forest, you encounter a specter who leads you to a hidden beach. Overcome by exhaustion, you fall into a deep slumber, and meet a stranger in your dreams. He begs you to remove the lightless vision from the nearby grave, and take it to Kaedehara Kazuha. With your pursuers hot on your heels, you embark upon the journey of a lifetime.
-(title pending)-Genshin Impact-(Arataki Itto x Female Reader)-As a fresh, but capable new member of the Adventurer’s Guild you’re beyond stoked to travel to the newly reopened Inazuma. Upon arriving, you take a commission that turns out to be a trap. You’re ambushed by a wicked villainess who forces you into a deadly domain. The only way to survive is to brave the treacherous dungeon, and bring her the treasure at the end. By the grace of the Archons, you escape to Inazuma City. The authorities cannot help you, so you post a commission of your own, then flee to Ritou. Meanwhile, Arataki Itto is in serious need of Mora. Imitating his traveler friend, he takes a commission at the guild. Your destinies collide at the docks where he mistakes you for the bounty. He detains you, and by the time you explain that he’s got the wrong woman, and that the commission he’s chasing is the one you posted, it’s too late for you to board the last ship home. Determined to make things right, Itto agrees to aid you. A chaotic, romantic, and perilous journey awaits!
-(Title pending)-Genshin Impact-(Female Reader x Various)-If you could wish for anything, what would it be? That’s the question posed to you when you go out of your way to help a mysterious, pointy eared woman who calls herself, Alice. Full of trepidation, but too curious to resist, you follow her instructions. You awaken later, dazed and wandering through a world very unlike your own. A familiar group of men come to your rescue, and you’re shocked to discover that you’ve been whisked to Teyvat. The stoic, but kind Diluc allows you to stay in the apartment above Angel’s Share while you recover, but you have no intention of being a freeloader! Lacking the abilities of your world hopping predecessor, you decide to repay Diluc by becoming a barmaid for his establishment. Through this position you meet the characters you’d only ever fantasized about. Will love blossom, and will your wishes, really, come true? You embark upon a dating sim style adventure where you choose whose heart to chase. (This one is partially written. There will be a few, beginning chapters, followed by short character routes.)
-Mating Season-Genshin Impact- (Razor x Female Reader): A mysterious force clouds your mind, forcing you toward some unknown destination. You seem to be searching for something...or someone. When you come to, you find yourself in a vast forest, with a strange man who claims to have saved you. He offers protection, and to lead you out, but there’s a catch. You don’t know where you’re supposed to go, or how you got here in the first place. There’s also a small, but glaring issue regarding your new companion that you’ll have to face if you want to make it out alive. Traveling through Wolvendom during mating season is not for the faint hearted.(1/4 of the rough draft written. Will be a short story.)
(Title pending)-Genshin Impact-(Razor x Bennett x Female Reader)- Rumor tells of a spirit that haunts Wolvendom. It is said that if you stand at the foot of a certain tree, you might catch a glimpse of a woman, dressed in strange clothes. Sometimes she’ll be sitting in the dirt; other times, she’ll try to climb up to higher ground; but she never moves beyond the shade of that tree. If you try to speak to her, she’ll disappear without a trace! Naturally, Bennett contacts Razor, and together they go to investigate this rumor. The ghost, however, isn’t actually a ghost at all, she’s you, and you’ve been trying dozens of times to reality shift to Genshin Impact. Who knew that Bennett’s bad luck would be your ticket to success? Maybe permanently. (This is based on reality shifting, astral projection, and similar themes. Needs more fleshing out, but I have no doubt that the ideas will come in due time.)
-Not Quite Serenitea-Genshin Impact-(Childe x Female Reader)-You’re an herbalist, scraping by in bustling Liyue. On a foraging trip you encounter a ginger haired stranger, and find an antique teapot abandoned on the side of the road. You take it home, and begin to clean it, only to discover that it’s no ordinary teapot, and that your chance meeting may not have been random, after all. (Darker in tone. Soft yandere Childe, and a morally gray reader character. Partially written, but I got stuck. Hoping to get new inspiration soon.)
(Title pending)- Genshin Impact- (Chongyun x Female Reader)- The MC is an alchemist with a strange obsession with the supernatural. She creates a potion that nullifies the effects of Chongyun’s affliction so that he can finally put his skills to the test. They travel to Inazuma to take on an abandoned abode, reputed to be a den of the vilest of evil spirits. This story is going to be horror based, but with plenty of smut and romance! Chongyun, of course, will be aged up. Probably going to be on the shorter side.
(Title pending)- Genshin Impact- (Kaeya x Female Reader)- This will be a one shot. Knight MC has been assigned as Klee’s nanny, so that Jean can have a break. Naturally, she accompanies them on their yearly vacation to the Golden Apple Archipeligo. Kaeya, who’s been lusting after the MC takes full advantage of some unexpected alone time. Together they board the Waverider to drink and make merry. Kaeya tries to impress her with his silly pirate story which leads to shenanigans. This is an indirect prequel to Misfortune’s Respite, because it explains how the treasure map came to be XD ‘
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
My wrist hurts, but I marathoned it, and am now only a few paragraphs from finishing the last chapter of Dog Letters (final draft). I had to stop cause I need to wind down and sleep, but I am so close! It’s going to be long. It’s already 30 pages. I’m shooting to do revisions early next week, and have it posted by the end of it. 🥳
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
I finished up the rewrite for the next chapter of Dog Letters so it should be up in the next few days. I also decided that I would consolidate the remainder of the story into one long chapter since it makes more sense than breaking it into bits. So that makes two more chapters, then it will be complete, and I can take a breather, and think about what to do next! I’ve really enjoyed the story, but it came during a bad time of health complications which caused low motivation. Hopefully I’ll recover soon so I can keep a better update schedule in the future. Thanks so much for your patience, and I appreciate all of you so much!
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kaelea-majere · 2 years ago
Stopping in to assure everyone that I’m alive. I’ve just been busy, which is much more difficult than it used to be (due to my decreased stamina). I was planning to do some editing on the next chapter of Dog Letters, but I had to play the Genshin event, because it’s Razor! It was beautiful, and I loved it so much! I am so so sorry about the delay. I have not abandoned the fic at all. In fact I have maybe 2-3 chapters left before Dog Letters is complete. I’m going to try my best to get it finished up soon. No promises, but I will try.
I’m so frustrated too, because I have so many projects I want to work on, but I lack energy. I’ve had tons of ideas including some stories outside of Genshin Impact: a few from Black Clover, one from Angels of Death, and even a BNHA Shigaraki based on a weird dream I had. Plus there’s theres Itto, Kazuha, and another Razor and Bennett I want to work on. Unfortunately I can’t promise much, but I am trying.
I also pulled Cyno by some miracle, and I love him already! Definitely not fantasizing about being perused through the desert by him…lol
Anyway, I hope you’re all doing well. Take care, and sorry again.
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kaelea-majere · 3 years ago
Out of curiosity does anyone know anything about reality shifting? I love all things metaphysical, and can never resist a bit of dabbling.
The reason I ask, is several weeks ago I tried some meditations, out of curiosity, and for writing research. Because I am me, I threw caution to the wind, and by pretty much half assed everything. I’m not proud of my approach, per say, I just lack discipline, and enjoy the thrill of a surprise. It’s a personal fault of mine…
Well, I got surprised. Something happened. I either went into deep meditation, was dreaming, or succeeded, because I wound up in a seedy bar, drinking something alcoholic, and sitting two stools down from Tomura Shigaraki who was absolutely radiating wrath. Now, I had not watched BNHA in ages, and this was before all the hype and spoilers so it was pretty far from my mind at the time. I was hoping for Genshin Impact, but I am not complaining. Shigaraki stared at me through a curtain of hair, and I stared back, because, again, I’m careless. I snapped out of it before I could see what happened. It’s been on my mind for weeks, and all tarot readings point toward it being…something. I’ve been obsessed with the man ever since. It was all realistic looking, too, and I am quite salty that I didn’t get to see his face.
I haven’t been able to replicate it, but I’m dying to get back, cause: 1. I would like to learn and experience more. 2. I’m really really curious to see where this leads. 3. My health sucks right now, and don’t have the energy to do much else, anyway.
So, yep. Just curious to see if anyone has any tips or knowledge to share. I’m really not sure how I feel about shifting yet, but it is fascinating. Even if it is just lucid dreaming, I wanna do it again! Even if I do wind up on the receiving end of his quirk 😂
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