kado-fortnite · 18 days
As far as I remember, we have no quarrel with each other (you'll recall that the heist on your time machine was organized by my former boss-- I had no part in it until after it had occured). In light of that, I wanted to enter into cordial dialogue with you.
Consider this... Not an invitation, as I'm aware you'd prefer to keep a low profile. More an offer for mutual assistance, should Doom attempt to come for you, or he show a weakness that you may be uniquely qualified to exploit. A fellow enemy of my enemy may not be a friend, but perhaps we could work together.
As a sort of peace offering, my team has managed to gain a version of Galactus' helmet from a previous loop, shrunk down by one of our operatives. I trust that it is unique enough to be of interest to you.
Cordially, @officialjohnjones
What an interesting little message to receive.
If I can find it in myself to stomach Nolan Chance, you’ll see I hold no quarrels with you for the heist. Your recent behavior towards the select few I find myself close with, however, is a different topic.
You’re a bold man for ruffling their feathers and proceeding to sidle up to me with gifts and talk of alliances. Are you aware that I’m quite close with Valeria? While I wouldn’t mind seeing Doom dethroned, do understand I must move carefully regarding him.
I’ll accept your little apology gift and leave myself open to future communication in return.
Walk carefully, Jones. Pick your battles wisely.
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kado-fortnite · 29 days
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I'm afraid my dealings with Valeria and Midas have tarnished my reputation a bit, I assure you there's no need to fear.
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I feel like some people here may need a hug.. so..! Free hugs! From- yours truly! 💕
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kado-fortnite · 30 days
Are you team Bouba or team Kiki?
What a deceptively complex question.
For a majority of applications, I prefer kiki. Yet to make kiki shine it cannot be fully separated from bouba. They compliment each other wonderfully.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
It seems only two of the five have decided to approach.
♦️ — " Ka— er-... boss, we have someone who's wanting to meet you? She's rather peppy, very— "
♥️ — " Fashionable. Caro means fashionable. "
♦️ — " Yes, well, no matter the right terminology, she's requesting to meet you, sir. She says she likes your sense of fashion. "
- @the-dealers-fortnite
You can refer to me by my name, it’s quite alright.
Do send this fashionable person over my way. After being exposed to “wasteland style” I could use something more pleasant on the eyes.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
It’s refreshing to witness the same old bantering after the time I’ve been having on Helios. Fret not, I hold no grudges against any of the five of you. Familiar in appearance as you may be, I do acknowledge that we are largely strangers to each other.
As for the hotels? Entirely destroyed, from what I know of. Prior to the loss of Asteria, I was able to pack a sizable amount of my collection into various crates and containers in the hopes they may survive. A fraction of that amount has been recovered, though most of even that remains safely packed away.
All of you are welcome to visit me in the tower I’ve taken as my home. Cloistered Castle, I believe the locals call it. Northern end of the island, isolated yet hard to miss.
Do stay in touch should you need anything. <3
Dealers! It���s been so long I’d given up on running into any variation of you.
You’re certainly… different from the ones from my reality, but it’s a pleasure to see some familiar enough faces.
- @kado-fortnite
♦️ — " The same could be said about you, boss. We haven't ran into you—or a variant of you anyway yet. Granted, we haven't been able to find our reality's boss. "
♥️ — " It's charming to see you, Mr. Thor- "
♣️ — " Hey! Boss isn't a bad and angry as you guys made it seem! " He blurted, cutting off Inima.
♠️ — " Cluburi! " Cazma butted in in-turn, essentially popping Cluburi in the back of the head " No matter the variation, it's still the boss! "
🗺️ — " It's nice to see you faring well, Mr. Thorne. I hope your hotels have been—.. better than what we've seen happen to them, as Caro mentioned. "
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
" This is going to go poorly. " — ♦️
" Charming- " — ♥️
" It shouldn't be that bad. At least Mr. Thorne isn't here, no? " — ♣️
" Not to disregard your input, but as someone who runs around Slappy Shores, I don't think you've faced much of Mr. Thorne. " — ♠️
" Enough. Let's just get going already. " — 🗺️
ooc. // hello! this is gonna be a mess but I wanted to give it a shot! this is an rp blog for The Dealers! I have given them corresponding names, but may also still give them the emoji marks!
♦️ — Caro. Head of the deck. Often gets the tail end of Kado's anger. For that reason, he's less lenient and pretty straight to the point.
♥️ — Inima. The second in the deck. Not as commanding and hardened at Caro, but he can be a little sassy.
♣️ — Cluburi. The third in the deck. The furthest one from Kado's anger, which has scored him to be far more.. friendlier. He's not hostile and essentially pretty forgiving, but he will still protect his Boss's precious cargo and factory.
♠️ — Cazma. The fourth in the deck. He's a little more grumpy, but that's also due to Cluburi's frequent gullibility and ignorance.
🗺️ — Hărți. Not part of the set; but he is still collected together with the others, occasionally. He's often more distant, but that's also due to his watch over the Forecast Towers. So, it's fairly hit or miss on him.
I have a few headcanons, but the biggest one is that these five are actually robots that Kado had made. Although, other than that, most headcanons will be made along. Enjoy!
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Expect company momentarily.
[ The phone falls from his hand, unimportant as he quickly stalks up the stairs of his tower, maneuvering out of a top floor window to climb onto the roof and stand atop the gleaming shipping crate. ]
[ With a wicked snap of freshly freed tendons, Kado’s wings flex once, twice, wasting no further time before he dives from the rooftop, caring not for who may see him on his airborne war path to the yacht. ]
[ Mere minutes pass before his target is in sight, the perfectly pristine deck and the man atop it only serving to further his rage. All room for hesitation long lost, he adopts the form of a falcon diving for the kill, wings tightly tucked as he plummets, claws outstretched towards Midas. ]
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Were we on Asteria, I’d take the rest of your body as a trophy for such insolence. I’ll have your head glimmering in a display case yet.
For now, mind your place and your distance. I have far bigger things to focus on than your brain dead provocations.
I know you’d hate to see another precious thing of yours fall into my hands should you continue this.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Do you honestly think I care for some old blood soaked piece of paper I’ve scrawled on when I was getting my bearings?
I don’t care if it’s something that’s been fished from my trash, thieves all receive the same treatment.
I’d expect you to understand wanting retribution for what’s been taken, Midas. The difference between us is how far we’re willing to go for our desires.
Our friendly terms do not extend to you sticking your hand where it shouldn’t be. Keep your petty remarks in check.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
A drink isn’t enough to subdue me after that.
Should anyone need me, I’ll be unavailable for the remainder of the night.
Do not attempt to find me.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Twice now, you've taken from me.
There will not be a third.
Your pointless childish games have marked you for death, imbecile. I hope you've enjoyed sharing these useless old things of mine. It will be the last thing you do once you are found.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
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— Anaïs Nin, from The Voice
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
I can’t stand people that don’t let me speak hyperbolically. If I can’t respond to a minor inconvenience that someone should get shot in the fucking head for it then what’s the point of it all.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Does anyone on the island have access to diving equipment? I believe a few of my possessions may have sunken off of the northeastern coast.
I’ll owe you a reward of some sort if successfully retrieved.
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Suit yourself.
Should you need wine and to whine about your ailments, my residence remains the small tower outside of what is now Doomstadt.
Hello Mx.Valeria! ^^
While patrolling the island I couldn't help but notice that strange gem that seems to be stuck in your back, and it's quite interesting! :o
I heavily suppose you weren't born with this, but rather the consequence of something else...Tell me, is it recent? Do you also happen to feel any pain or notice certain symptoms you might have gotten since the gem got stuck there?
- Triage🩹
( @triage-the-doctor )
Frankly I'd be surprised if it went unnoticed entirely despite my choice in fur coats. I'm quite proud of it despite the circumstances afterall.
Certainly wasn't born with it there though I wouldn't say recent, say, a few months now? Though it took around two months to get it in there, according to some other people.
Pain? Well, let's see: I have an entire giant ruby forcefully embedded into my spine so yes it hurts. Symptoms well...I suppose the visages I see occasionally could be linked.
Actually, now that you mention it I really should've gone to a doctor or anyone with medical knowledge about it when I first got my bearings. Maybe I'll end up stopping by if you have a slot available!
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kado-fortnite · 1 month
Considering having the relic removed? Those side effects do seem rather unpleasant to deal with.
I can easily safeguard it for you if you manage to extract it.
Hello Mx.Valeria! ^^
While patrolling the island I couldn't help but notice that strange gem that seems to be stuck in your back, and it's quite interesting! :o
I heavily suppose you weren't born with this, but rather the consequence of something else...Tell me, is it recent? Do you also happen to feel any pain or notice certain symptoms you might have gotten since the gem got stuck there?
- Triage🩹
( @triage-the-doctor )
Frankly I'd be surprised if it went unnoticed entirely despite my choice in fur coats. I'm quite proud of it despite the circumstances afterall.
Certainly wasn't born with it there though I wouldn't say recent, say, a few months now? Though it took around two months to get it in there, according to some other people.
Pain? Well, let's see: I have an entire giant ruby forcefully embedded into my spine so yes it hurts. Symptoms well...I suppose the visages I see occasionally could be linked.
Actually, now that you mention it I really should've gone to a doctor or anyone with medical knowledge about it when I first got my bearings. Maybe I'll end up stopping by if you have a slot available!
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