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kaboon5579 · 8 months ago
Didn't you literally cherrypick a bunch of quotes and twist them to make it seem like Sunny is some form of psychopath, even though the quotes you provided are just him remembering certain aspects of his home life?
Also it's pretty obvious Sunny cares for his friends, otherwise he wouldn't feel guilty for harming them and literally speed-run through his trauma to stop one of them from suicide.
And don't give me that BS about "oh, He OnLy diD iT to REliVe hiMsElf of GuIlt!"
because, while true, so what?
Sure he was haunted by his past to confess, but if Sunny was such a sociopath why didn't he just pull a neutral ending without the something? Why did he even feel bad if he didn't care? Contray to popular belief, actions can be just as deceiving as words; we are capable of hurting the people we love as well as helping the people we hate.
"Sunny is an empty husk of a character because he's consumed by his trauma! It's intentional!" yeah no sorry to break it to you but he was an empty husk before he killed Mari too lol
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"They drag me along", "I don't really care for [the fake plants Aubrey likes] much", "I never liked vacations", "I can never seem to sit through a whole movie" wow i can feel the nuanced characterization and how deeply he loves his friends and family
istg I couldn't find one bit of narration from him where he'd come off as genuinely happy
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kaboon5579 · 8 months ago
"istg I couldn't find one bit of narration from him where he'd come off as genuinely happy"
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"Sunny is an empty husk of a character because he's consumed by his trauma! It's intentional!" yeah no sorry to break it to you but he was an empty husk before he killed Mari too lol
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"They drag me along", "I don't really care for [the fake plants Aubrey likes] much", "I never liked vacations", "I can never seem to sit through a whole movie" wow i can feel the nuanced characterization and how deeply he loves his friends and family
istg I couldn't find one bit of narration from him where he'd come off as genuinely happy
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kaboon5579 · 8 months ago
Other than what omocat claimed in their tweet on the matter, I guess not. And since Melon didn't deny doing that, and Omocat is literally the devil in your eyes for making a game you don't like, let's just say Omocat alleged melon of overwriting peoples work.
Hi remember me you probably don't but that's okay well um I'm going to get to the point
Anyway I would like to say that the people praising the manga's artstyle are really funny because it may be a shotacon drawing it
I'd rather wait until any actually reliable information is available about this. The only source for the allegations I've seen so far is KiwiFarms, which is... uh, not exactly reliable.
I'm ambivalent about the artstyle. I think they could've hired a better artist, but it's decent enough and it didn't impact my overall opinion on the manga all that much.
I couldn't care less about what the artist may have worked on before they got hired. Their art is their business. If I'm being brutally honest, however, I find it quite funny this is the same fandom that previously victim-blamed an employee on the dev team who claimed they were overworked and refused to believe any of the evidence the employee provided. Oh, so now everyone's fine with jumping down someone's throat despite the complete lack of solid evidence? :)
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kaboon5579 · 8 months ago
I do not condone all the harassment they got, but they mist definitely got support during their initial claims. It was only after the other Omocat employees started to chime in and more details of their work habits were revealed. While again I think them being called a "demon" goes a bit too far, the employee who made the comment did show how melon was acting unprofessional on the job, from rewriting other people's work without permission, to missing deadlines, to overworking themselves without omocat's permission and every telling them to stop, including Omocat. I think this tweet right here is where the shift truly begun
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Omocat was being described as this horrible abusive monster, but ironically this chat log depicted melon being unprofessional in the workplace and Omocat as the reasonable one.
Hi remember me you probably don't but that's okay well um I'm going to get to the point
Anyway I would like to say that the people praising the manga's artstyle are really funny because it may be a shotacon drawing it
I'd rather wait until any actually reliable information is available about this. The only source for the allegations I've seen so far is KiwiFarms, which is... uh, not exactly reliable.
I'm ambivalent about the artstyle. I think they could've hired a better artist, but it's decent enough and it didn't impact my overall opinion on the manga all that much.
I couldn't care less about what the artist may have worked on before they got hired. Their art is their business. If I'm being brutally honest, however, I find it quite funny this is the same fandom that previously victim-blamed an employee on the dev team who claimed they were overworked and refused to believe any of the evidence the employee provided. Oh, so now everyone's fine with jumping down someone's throat despite the complete lack of solid evidence? :)
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kaboon5579 · 8 months ago
#No there is evidence if them drawing fujo material from their previous work, I also Don't care ethier
#Also for the melon case, the fandom was on their side first, it wasn't until more details came out showing they weren't exactly innocent ethier
Hi remember me you probably don't but that's okay well um I'm going to get to the point
Anyway I would like to say that the people praising the manga's artstyle are really funny because it may be a shotacon drawing it
I'd rather wait until any actually reliable information is available about this. The only source for the allegations I've seen so far is KiwiFarms, which is... uh, not exactly reliable.
I'm ambivalent about the artstyle. I think they could've hired a better artist, but it's decent enough and it didn't impact my overall opinion on the manga all that much.
I couldn't care less about what the artist may have worked on before they got hired. Their art is their business. If I'm being brutally honest, however, I find it quite funny this is the same fandom that previously victim-blamed an employee on the dev team who claimed they were overworked and refused to believe any of the evidence the employee provided. Oh, so now everyone's fine with jumping down someone's throat despite the complete lack of solid evidence? :)
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kaboon5579 · 11 months ago
I don't think it's that Omori himself is outright evil, it's more his role and what he represents is considered evil. I view as less a depression demon, and more a repression demon, something that embodies Sunny's toxic coping mechanism to his trauma. Sure he does use Sunny's self loathing thoughts as a means to end himself, but not out of hatred, rather as another form of sick escapism.
"Omori isn't evil" the game itself literally calls him "evil" and "cursed" but sure thing fam
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kaboon5579 · 11 months ago
Would they even be allowed in? They don't know Basil's Grandma, so wouldn't that be even more intrusive? I don't think ethier option would be very intrusive seeing how they are his friends
seriously, I need more people to consider that Basil's friends insisting on talking with him when he was in no condition to do that could've been a huge contributing factor to his breakdown. idk about OMORI fans but if I spent the day grieving the very recent death of a beloved relative only to hear my friends knocking my door down and saying shit lke "we're here for you 🥰" even though they didn't give a shit when it would've actually made a difference, then hear my former bestie who harassed me for a prolonged period of time go "are u there? i'm sowwy 🥺" and then hear them unilaterally deciding to stay over at my house I would've jumped out of the window
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kaboon5579 · 11 months ago
"The problem is that Polly told them that Basil is in the ICU with his grandmother early in the day. Their response was to kill time "doing whatever" before they visited the treehouse and listened to Aubrey rant in the afternoon.
They could've tried to visit him then. They chose not to. What does that say about their friendship?"
Would they even be allowed in, they never knew Basil's Grandma, and wouldn't that be more intrusive than waiting to come home?
"A verbal apology means nothing unless you back it up with your actions. Reconcilliation isn't as easy or quick of a process as you seem to imply. Besides, she sure picked the best possible time to apologize lmao"
I never implied that she would just apologize and go on with her life. The whole point of staying over was the first step to reconcile, ironically by deny Aubery the chance to talk to Basil, your denying his agency to confront her. He isn't totally petrified of her, he was willing to talk yo her on 3DL and 2DL.
"The problem is that Polly correctly deduces that Basil should be left alone for a while yet asks his friends to talk with them nonetheless a few seconds later."
"He should've been left alone for a while to process his loss."
Doesn't the neutral endings prove why he shouldn't be left alone? It seems pretty obvious Basil doesn't want to be and shouldn't be left alone. Basil didn't kill himself just because of his Grandma, it was more of a tipping point.
The reason why Polly let them in was because Basil doesn't tell her anything, so she hopes the people he would consider his closest friends would if not be able to get him to talk, will at the very least provide him comfort when he is ready.
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yeah! maybe you could've tried to visit him at the hospital while he was with his dying grandmother and lent a shoulder! but I suppose that listening to Aubrey rant and having arguments about expired soda was more of a priority
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>>"Maybe he just needs some time alone..." >>"Could you guys try to talk to him?"
peak caretaker, truly
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"We're all here to see you!' have you considered that he may not want to see you? y'know, because he's having a rough patch right now? oh sorry, I forgot that the narrative only cares about Basil when it needs to use him as a punching bag
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"Maybe he just needs some time to himself..." then why did you let them into the house in the first place
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love the implication that Kel somehow didn't know friends should be there for each other until these past few days. that'd explain why he started giving a shit about Sunny only after he learned that the latter is about to move town lmao
given the characters' behavior towards each other during the game's events, this supposed showcase of True Friendship™ is so shallow it becomes disgusting. I'm impressed!
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"we just want to know that you're okay 🥺" you bullied him for four years because you couldn't be arsed to clear up a misunderstanding and then nearly killed him. what the fuck do you think?
"will you please say something? 🥺" he doesn't need to say anything to you
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oh, so you, who previously admitted to barely knowing the kid you've been taking care of despite being his caretaker for two years by that point, suddenly know he's going to appreciate his friends crashing on his couch? while he's grieving?
Fuck you and fuck this game's writing.
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kaboon5579 · 11 months ago
I'm sorry, but I am confused, why was it bad writing for the friend group to be at Basil's house to support him? Polly was worried about Basil, and since Basil didn't talk to her after his visit, she thought his friends could help him. This is the same friend group that lost a close friend to suicide already, so it would make sense why they would be more pushy ( it could even be considered bad writing they weren't more forceful). Polly invited them in, and it was implied Basil was listening to Aubery's apology. He even said that he was glad Sunny was there.
seriously, I need more people to consider that Basil's friends insisting on talking with him when he was in no condition to do that could've been a huge contributing factor to his breakdown. idk about OMORI fans but if I spent the day grieving the very recent death of a beloved relative only to hear my friends knocking my door down and saying shit lke "we're here for you 🥰" even though they didn't give a shit when it would've actually made a difference, then hear my former bestie who harassed me for a prolonged period of time go "are u there? i'm sowwy 🥺" and then hear them unilaterally deciding to stay over at my house I would've jumped out of the window
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kaboon5579 · 11 months ago
no offense, but this is bordering lily orchard levels of media illiteracy
"yeah! maybe you could've tried to visit him at the hospital while he was with his dying grandmother and lent a shoulder! but I suppose that listening to Aubrey rant and having arguments about expired soda was more of a priority"
Almost like they had to reconcile with another friend who was having issues as well. And what is wrong with talking to him when he comes back?
>>"Maybe he just needs some time alone...">>"Could you guys try to talk to him?"peak caretaker, truly
Not really countering the lily Orchard level of media illiteracy claim. How dare Basil’s worried care taker ask his friends to talk to him
"We're all here to see you!' have you considered that he may not want to see you? y'know, because he's having a rough patch right now? oh sorry, I forgot that the narrative only cares about Basil when it needs to use him as a punching bag
He could just say he doesn't want to see them right now, they are just offering help to a friend in a rough patch.
"love the implication that Kel somehow didn't know friends should be there for each other until these past few days. that'd explain why he started giving a shit about Sunny only after he learned that the latter is about to move town lmaogiven the characters' behavior towards each other during the game's events, this supposed showcase of True Friendship™ is so shallow it becomes disgusting. I'm impressed!"
Almost like that was his arc in the game.
""we just want to know that you're okay 🥺" you bullied him for four years because you couldn't be arsed to clear up a misunderstanding and then nearly killed him. what the fuck do you think?"will you please say something? 🥺" he doesn't need to say anything to you "
Gee, it's almost like she is there to apologize to Basil and reconcile with him, along with offering comfort for a rough patch in his life.
"oh, so you, who previously admitted to barely knowing the kid you've been taking care of despite being his caretaker for two years by that point, suddenly know he's going to appreciate his friends crashing on his couch? while he's grieving?Fuck you and fuck this game's writing."
Yes, how dare Basil’s caretaker be worried about Basil, and make the wild and insane claim that he might want to talk to his friends, the same people in his precious photo, when he is unresponsive to her.
Also, ignoring the fact that the point of the sleepover was not only to have Aubery properly apologize to Basil, but also that Sunny is one day away from moving and he might want to say bye to Sunny. Polly and the others don't know that Basil’s grandma died, Basil did not explain that to her, the only reason why we know his grandma is dead is because we saw her ghost right before going to his house. The only thing Polly knows is that Basil is upset over something, it might be over a death but she doesn't know.
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yeah! maybe you could've tried to visit him at the hospital while he was with his dying grandmother and lent a shoulder! but I suppose that listening to Aubrey rant and having arguments about expired soda was more of a priority
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>>"Maybe he just needs some time alone..." >>"Could you guys try to talk to him?"
peak caretaker, truly
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"We're all here to see you!' have you considered that he may not want to see you? y'know, because he's having a rough patch right now? oh sorry, I forgot that the narrative only cares about Basil when it needs to use him as a punching bag
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"Maybe he just needs some time to himself..." then why did you let them into the house in the first place
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love the implication that Kel somehow didn't know friends should be there for each other until these past few days. that'd explain why he started giving a shit about Sunny only after he learned that the latter is about to move town lmao
given the characters' behavior towards each other during the game's events, this supposed showcase of True Friendship™ is so shallow it becomes disgusting. I'm impressed!
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"we just want to know that you're okay 🥺" you bullied him for four years because you couldn't be arsed to clear up a misunderstanding and then nearly killed him. what the fuck do you think?
"will you please say something? 🥺" he doesn't need to say anything to you
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oh, so you, who previously admitted to barely knowing the kid you've been taking care of despite being his caretaker for two years by that point, suddenly know he's going to appreciate his friends crashing on his couch? while he's grieving?
Fuck you and fuck this game's writing.
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kaboon5579 · 11 months ago
Yup, it was just about the violin, nothing else Basil did would warrant any sort of apology at all. It was Just the violin, nothing else at all.
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love the implication that Sunny was (probably) also making the Basil in his head apologize for "burdening" him with the violin
what a great fucking friend Sunny is
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kaboon5579 · 1 year ago
#I feel your making assumptions for what is actually happening, as there actually is an explanation for what happened to Omocat
#the omocat team contacted the wiki to have some of Omocat's personal information removed, the attached post has screenshots and explanation for what happened
you either die having created a well-written and fun indie RPG (e.g. Toby Fox) or live long enough for your page to get deleted from the wiki of the game you were the lead developer of
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