Exploration Of Final Poster ✨
I was not satisfied with my final Poster so I pulled an all nighter...now I like these more.
Just wanted to share.
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Final Day, Final Poster ✨
Day 27, Mam kinda approved my emotional abuse and hoarding idea...last official class...after that we had kaafi online offline...interactive and normal submission changes but I guess I did it alright.
I had to change my idea from interactive to regular but I made 2 different prototypes for the final poster. I like both but I mean it was few days of working day and night.
This module was pretty good, I learned a lot plus enjoyed the classes. That happens very rarely. But I'm happy with how it went.
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Absent ✨
Day 26, I was absent, working on the final project today.
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Final Poster ✨
Day 25, I was working on final posters. We got one more restriction now, if we use images from other sources we'll have to give credit in the poster and we'll loose marks.
We can click our own pictures if possible but using other online images will be a setback.
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Final Poster ✨
Day 24, I was working on the final posters ideas. I divided animal cruelty into 5 aspects and now I'm gonna make one poster for each issue.
The topics I chose were Physical abuse, Emotional abuse and hoarding, Sexual abuse, Killing and Neglect.
Now I'm gonna start working on each poster and do online search for more news.
Plus submitted the final intellectual power poster today and got fine marks.... I mean I'm never satisfied but still not bad.
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Curiosity ✨
Day 23, Milly mam checked the curiosity posters again and gave me few more changes. I'll do that by tommorow cause tommorow is the final submission for Power posters.
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Interactive ✨
Day 22, Today was the final submission for the interactive poster. BIG DAY.
My team came early to class and started assembling the poster. I got the darts, negi got printouts and shreya was doing the cutting and pasting. We were blowing balloons, adding polaroids.... overall I was very anxious. But we did the whole thing, presented it to mam and she loved it.
The thing that reduced one mark was it was not neat enough but that we can fix. Rest of it was good. She burst the balloon and played the game. It was fun. We got 9 out of 10 today and I'm kinda proud of this idea.
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Curiosity ✨
Day 21, I was working on the power poster again and making the given changes cause the final submission date is getting close.
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Know Your Classmate ✨
Day 20, Today was the final day to submit the know your classmate poster (SWARA POSTER) I Submitted that one and got fine marks...good but not that good...but I mean I'm satisfied with the marks tbh.
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Interactive ✨
Day 19, I worked on the caricatures for the interactive poster.
Later I finalized the idea of animal cruelty.
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Final Poster ✨
Day 18, I chose a news topic for the final idea. The news was about 4 young boys, who inserted a burning cracker in a hen's rectum and killed the hen. I presented my news in front of the class and chose the topic of animal cruelty.
Mam approved the topic and told me to start searching online for that.
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Absent ✨
Day 17, Again was absent, unwell. Today's class was about finalizing the final 5 posters idea. I'll have to do that tommorow.
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Interactive ✨
Day 16, Today was a little unproductive because Diwali holiday is about to start. Very few people in class. But still made 2 caricatures today.
Mam gave us chocolates today for attending the class....ngl she really sweet.
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Rangoli ✨
Day 15, I started working on the caricatures for the polaroids. I researched about the victims and how the politicians misused their power. After that, mam asked us if we wanted to take part in the Rangoli competition.
OBVIOUSLY WE SAID YESS. So then during the rest of the class we made rangoli.
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Interactive Poster + Absent ✨
Day 14, I was absent, not feeling well....but still, at home, I get nice ideas...All of us were brainstorming for the interactive poster idea and I got one..a good one.
I was thinking of a poster in which we can play the old dart and balloon game. We're gonna use SATIRE to show the dark side of politicians.
The poster will be from a politician's pov and he's gonna say help me choose my next victim. Below that will be 15 baloons. Each balloon has a Polaroid image of a victim behind it. We have to throw the dart and bust a baloon (which signifies politicians trying to kill women who break stereotypes).
The balloon will burst revealing a Polaroid image of a women. U get to blindly choose the victim. The fun catch is 7 of these 15 women survived the attacks so if u get one of those women, it'll show better luck next time. But if you kill the rest 8, you'll get the info of how the politician killed the women.
It is dark but as long as it conveys the message, then it's good.
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Interactive Poster ✨
Day 13, now we changing the interaction technique to magnets but we're gonna reject this one too...not good.
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Interactive Poster ✨
Day 12, we came up with and idea for our interactive poster assignment.
We had to work in a group for this one. My group included Negi, Shreya and me...We came up with the idea to work with negative aspects of political power and what control it holds on the women.
For the interaction part we're thinking of doing a left to right walk and change waala painting.. can't remember the name but we decided not to do it later.
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