k00292136 · 5 months
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I did this portrait of Hugo inspired by Freuds Leigh Bowery. I paid more attention to the colours under his skin and used small brush strokes and some impasto.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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k00292136 · 5 months
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k00292136 · 5 months
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This was part of an exercise with Sylvia where we painted or used charcoal to paint a portrait using two mirrors on easel. I was inspired by Eric Fischels glassine drawings where he would add on glassine to his drawings as he created them.
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I added in the sink and lower half of my body and I like the perspective of being able to create your own shape “canvas”.
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k00292136 · 5 months
In this project I explored the concept Why do we make art? Through the lens of portraiture I made connections between myself and making art, I found that I make art to tell a story that is aesthetically pleasing. Which incorporates elements that I find visually appealing. Such as design i.e clothes, jewellery, cars, old technology, shoes… anything I like.
Attending the life drawing/ painting and workshops gave me the knowledge to develop my painting skills.
Doing the Artist Presentation on Njideka Akunyili Crosby gave me an insight into a working artists practise and inspired me to depict designs and patterns in my work.
I found that the project has given me comprehension of the creative process in painting as-well as developed my technical skills.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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This was my studio space for Assessment.
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k00292136 · 5 months
Artist Research: Lucien Freud
Freud was a British painter born in 1922, the main focus in his art was figurative and with it he became one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.
He was influenced by surrealism but his work leaned on the realistic. Over a 60 year career, the private man painted his friends and family mostly. Set in eery interiors and suburban landscaped his work is revered for its rich psychological properties, often uncomfortable to look at. Freud worked from life studies and for long punishing sittings from his models.
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Left: Leigh Bowery Right: Naked man back view
I admire Freuds fleshy painterly style that is synonymous with his portraits and life painting. I feel like the work is very intimate and interesting. I would like to develop my own knowledge of life drawing and use more colour to improve the quality.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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This is a sketch I did at the beginning of our brief to attempt to draw my face, I found it really hard in the beginning to depict my face and I found that using a photograph to work from that had some movement in it made it resemble me more. I don’t think this looks like me but it shows how I’ve improved portraiture since the beginning of the project.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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Working from a photo I did this small sketch aswell
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k00292136 · 5 months
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A small sketch portrait of me as a baby, I was practicing depicting portraits.
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k00292136 · 5 months
Artist research: Carl Hickey
Carl was born and raised in Dublin City and it’s suburbs, his work reflects his experience there, documenting through painting, photography, and film.
In an article in the Irish Arts Review Hickey states “Surveillance runs through my work, using my phone to document the familiar and unfamiliar situations that occur throughout my daily routines. My work, that is then translated to paintings sets in stone events from friends to strangers.”
His work depicts the loneliness and alienation that can prevail in big cities. He says these themes of loneliness happen without intent, that the city just provides them and his work thus cradling that.
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Carl Hickeys practise is familiar to me in that he is capturing the Irish experience through his young lens. How closely he works with photography and using his phone camera as a source for his paintings, which I think has a distinctive quality when translated with paint, also relates to my practise. His work inspires me to paint fuller, more realistic scenes instead of collage being the heart and soul of a painting and instead used to adorn a piece.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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I did this on brown paper with acrylic paint. This piece is depicting a dvd cover about me with odes to design such as an Audi a3, fashion brands like kappa and pellador. I took creative decisions such as leaving the skin on my leg transparent as well as letting the knit on the jumper run off and onto the paper. The liscence plate has my birthday on it.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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We did life painting with Sylvia where a projector helped to cast a shadow and illuminate the highlights on Jeff's body. We learned the importance of under painting and what paper holds the acrylic paper well. I found this exercise really helpful to develop my understanding of paining human form such as the relationship between light and dark.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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Some more life drawing of Jeff, in charcoal. I really like using charcoal as a medium for life drawing. I like the range of its shade but it has a vey life like quality too i think.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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I practiced using three colors again and added charcoal illustrations relating and outlining my concept on top. I like the outcome of this piece and found that pairing charcoal with blocky brushstrokes added a fierce dreamlike element that I really liked.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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I used the colors from life painting to paint my side profile, I was still getting used to painting my face and didn't like how this turned out.
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k00292136 · 5 months
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Some life painting of Jeff, I really liked using the blue and found it worked really nicely to depict skin. I focused a little more on his face to practice and wanted to show am element fullness in his feature, I used a curved brushstrokes to achieve this.
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