k00285549 · 1 year
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k00285549 · 1 year
At the beginning of Painting we were given the brief of ‘Portrait’.At first I wasn’t sure where to go from there , but then I went into the idea of the exhaustion in portrait.I looked at ideas surrounding the female exhaustion,the ends of busy days and the exhaustion of myself in portrait.I explored this through large scale ,sketches , and smaller paintings each time learning more and more with the exploration of the subject.
I worked with acrylic to try adapt to it , I explored marking in colours rather than blending(Freud,Fischl,Hobbie, Daumier),I looked at other artists work and engaged in the workshops to the best of my ability. I feel overall I did well.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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My Project Painting Pieces on ‘Portrait’ exhibited outside studio 4.I really had to think about the placement of what way I wanted these to look.I composed it with the darker pieces at the top and bottom so that it doesn’t confuse the viewer and decided to nail up my artist apron as in all this is apart of my portrait, although it isn’t a painting it makes me who I am and helps me through making my paintings.I’m both pleased and glad with how I showed my work.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Finished acrylic piece I forgot to post yesterday!!, I had a lot out fun working with the brush strokes within this piece.
Using the blue to create a sort of saddening effect.The face was incidentally blurry as if she had been crying.What I would do differently is experiment more with my idea of the pulling of paint and pull the face details down.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Painting progress !
I am doing another small scale painting , I was stuck between doing a colour tonal painting (like life painting) or using the square brush to block colour in again.I went with blocking it in as it gives me more experience in skin painting.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Large scale piece
In this painting I decided to go large scale to try experimenting with size.What I found most difficult of it all was the utter size of it and trying to go from an image that was small.My brain tried to get the most basic of shapes and colours and plant them down.Nothing about this piece was as detailed as my others but I just wanted to give it a shot !…
On the other side of things it was an excellent learning experience and I quite liked the finished piece.
Overall I think I will stick to smaller scale , it’s more accustomed to my style of painting !.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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A study of my hand with a weighted shopping bag.I used acrylic paint in this study !,it is quicker drying for small scale studies like this one.I’m pretty happy with how this came out though I feel if I had a live model to do the pose with the weighted bag I wouldn’t have had to paint from a picture!!.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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My Charcoal sketches ,upon looking at them again reminded of me of Eric Fischl's Glassines. I recalled one of my classmates talking about Fischl's gl;assines in their presentation in week one of the elective.
The women in the glassines are bathing, a relaxing time of the day where we wash off the day and prepare for a new.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Jocelyn Hobbie.
'Hobbies women are always alone, and often in bedrooms. These are not comforting, individual spaces of refuge but places that are dominated by large beds with one pillow'
'A symbol of heartbreak ,and we can't help but feel that these girls' desires will never be fulfilled' -Snippets taken from Painting People by Charlotte Mullins.
What I like about Hobbies' work is the state of despair and loneliness these women are facing , their burdens are their own so they face them alone. This atmosphere is what I was trying to achieve in in the painting of me lying alone. The bottle is its own meaning , as was being on the couch alone .Feeling alone as a women, as a the world revolves around what you do to keep things afloat.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Today I Attended a Zoom with our visiting lecturer Stephen Murphy.
First off one of the best and most important lessons on art and being an artist I’ve heard , a lot of the topics he spoke about where heartfelt and so informing !.
Stephen discussed the life of being an artist , our role in the world and how we can communicate all around the world just by visuals,emotion,concepts.Then went on to discuss why we do art ,which he categorised into receiving pleasure or to escape pain!. Through the zoom Stephen discussed more like criticisms, how artists lives are different from others (constant uphill), how we will all eventually (or not ) find our ‘thing’
Overall a brilliant talk to listen to and probably the most down to earth artist, so informative.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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This morning I went to Anthony Burills talk on his work in the graphic design industry,his interest in typography and his work surrounding working with word pressing.I really enjoyed listening in to his talk as I incorporate typography into my art work and found the talk both inspiring and interesting!.
Afterward I begun trying to scale up some of my sketches into larger works.I found this insanely difficult as I’m so not used to working with that size but I got into it eventually !.I was working with a square brush on a stick !.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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On Tuesday,
We looked at our pieces of life painting up on the wall !, it made such a difference from seeing them close up to seeing them from a distance as up close I saw all the imperfections but up from a few steps back it made some form of sense.Again, I will say I was not happy about my anatomy of Jeff as it went a little abstract and out of proportion.I did like the pallet I worked with and how I am keeping consistent with the blocking of of paint rather than trying to blend !.
Afterwards I went on to do some touch ups to my piece of myself on the couch and tried to patch in more colours.I did this for some time before I decided that I needed some time away from it to even begin to work on it again with a fresh set of eyes.
I experimented a little with working with black and white , I then incorporated red to play with the colour inspired by Yan-Pei-Ming painting which have dark red backgrounds.I used my medicine to make dot patterns and experimented with dry brushing to pull the face into nothingness.Gonna be honest here I was just playing with techniques and not focusing on why but I guess that’s what painting is all about !!
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Some rough sketches of the figure I did today in my sketchbook some two minute rough ones and afterwards five minute and the final one being 10 minutes.
I am going to blow the 10 minute drawing on a large scale so I can experiment with size and drawing large scale.
What I liked about this was I had some comfort doing it in a place that was comfortable space but a con was that it’s a lot more difficult with out a live model !!!!… as much as it is a painful exercise on a Monday morning it beats drawing any figure from a picture
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Ramon Casas,Decadent young woman,c.1899,46.5 x 56 cms 
I came across this image while on the internet and being visual person, I was inspired by the piece to create the image of me tired and panned out on the couch with the bottle. The woman in the picture looks exhausted , too tired to even continue reading her book and slumps down staring into space. My work however holds nude elements(not completely) , the body is raw like the emotions of the meaning behind the piece.
 Daumier, The laundress 1863,48.9 x 33 cm/The heavy burden,c1850-3,130 x 98 cm.
These tow paintings practically inspired me to do the topic of the exhausted figure. The women's body hunched over with the work of keeping things afloat in their lives and despite the heftiness of their troubles they continue on like we are encouraged to do.
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Eoin and Sylvia’s life drawing/painting class
• In the morning I did life painting with Sylvia @paintingyear1lsad .We were quick getting set up and I decided to sit for this session.That being said I felt I got off to a good start but lost my way and got a bit frustrated with proportions of the legs and the hands . Overall I think I did alright but the break in between life painting was a factor.
• In the afternoon in joined Eoin @eoinmclsad and we did life drawing , this class went fine and I decided for my two minute studies to try focus on the hands as I generally struggle with them.I didn’t like how they turned out but an attempt was made at focusing on them !…
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k00285549 · 1 year
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Second Attempt I did of the mirror three tone drawing :
I forgot to post this when I initially did the painting (20.03.).I feel i did a bit better with this one as I was more comfortable sitting down in a chair and having the light source right next to me(my sitting room window)
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k00285549 · 1 year
Lucian Freud-PowerPoint
Lucien Freaud.pdf
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