34 posts
This account contain NSFW arts, like gore, blood, other dark stuff. Not p0rn!!! Make sure you at least close to be 18+ to watch such content. Thank you and may God be with you or smth...
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 2 months ago
Bright colors warning
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 2 months ago
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I'm sooo funny dude. you can't even imagine it because i'm clearly not. EPIC RAP BATTLE OF HISTORYYYY
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 2 months ago
Russian language warning (Translate included).
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Boxten drawn by @failarzz. Everything else is by me ^^.
Teagans cover i found in images by Googling something like "Covers for moms".
BTW Teagans nickname in both version is obvious mistake.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 2 months ago
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"Can't get enough. Back with another- HEELP!.."
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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Hello, Hi! Gay ass drawings.
Continuing to draw possessed Dandy adding Astro because dude, I never let a thought how cute they are.
Okay, for those who may interested in this bullshit. Starting with...
Actual Dandy summon a Devil.
Dandy got possessed cause of this by Devil (this is why I draw him in Baphomet's pose in previous post).
Devil has some plans, but he could be in trouble if some of the Toons find out that Devil now in charge of Dandy's body.
Soul of Dandy needed to be kept alive in order for Devil to not controling rotting body.
Now known for his strange behavior. He's being caught watching other Toons sleeping. He's rather at times even ignoring Toons that caught him "Red handed".
He's now Dandy's second best friend. It's because they disagreed with each other, Astro doesn't understand Dandy, and Dandy doesn't understand Astro.
Other ones also recieved changes, but I didn't include them in this drawings, so it would take a while (Glisten doesn't count btw).
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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Meow. Drawn with mouse. Meow.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
Brain damaged Dandy warning. Little blood warning.
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I don't really have much to say today.
@ms-euthanasia is a friend with whom i drew this all.
Thanks and hi. I mean hi. I mean hi. I mean hi. I mean hi. I mean...
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
WARNING! GAY- ER, I MEAN GORE! (But also gay tbh)
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I just like to draw with my friend in magma studio, it feels so nice. And even fresh. At least better then what I draw in Sai :/
Friend - @ms-euthanasia
Help me.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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Another bonus, ending needed just rhsdjkksdgjsdllg
Mommy issues for Shrimpo is canon and i don't care if someone thinks otherwise.
Drawn with mouse, little cringe but who cares?.. I do, but i'm lazy so fuck off i'm happy.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
Shitty drawing warning
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His outfit inspired by me, except his socks (I regret).
Okay now seriously, this art was supposed to be Shrimpo in my "outfit", I needed to take a picture of myself and then draw it from string to thread, BUT I forgot about that, and remember when I already draw text on his top, but I decided that it's not over, one small detail like this is fine, even tho I didn't have this print on my top, and so I started to paint. After that I realized, this looks shit on Shrimpo, line work with folds wouldn't even be seen that clearly, and print is now looks shit, and all of this caused by color of my top, which is black. So after this, I just take icon of Shrimpo, to take color of his shirt, I make it more darker and so here it is, I do almost the same to his pants, but made it more gray.
Now eyeliners, I love them. My plan was about to make him look much more open about his love for a certain music taste and self-expression or something idk. Like, if he was actually listening to this sort of music (which I think was real) he woudn't hide it, if he wanted to look like a Punk, he's gonna look like a Punk, fuck you say to him for that? Go on, he may not take that as funny as you would.
Of course, punks like him have other emotions, he's not an emo, he's mothertrucker, an absolute bitch ass from the streets, which doesn't mean that he would never fall in love, and his behavior didn't come from anywhere. That's the vibes he gives me tbh, a tough bitch with traumatic past, or even early growth, becoming adult in seconds, and there is NOBODY that can help you understand it, only you, and your rage to the world, only few people can make your life actual enjoyment, instead of empty words, faces, personalities, when it's so hard that you don't wanna spit it out like this, so world can hear you, fuck the world, you better then this, "I AM BETTER!" - Homelander. I hope you get me.
This is one of the reasons I love Shrimpo, his character is actually nothing more but a bully, with no brains in his head, but this is also opening so much for community to think about, he could be emo, lovely man, or even just actual bitch, that just wanted to hate everyone, he could be gay, trans, bi, and so on and so forth, but for me he is that punk that i describe, the best character of 'em all (my personal opinion, other ones deserve same treat). I love to think about how he could act when he knows someone little more then nothing, I love to see him grow from what he was in the game, to someone that can talk to toons like a normal fucking person, and of course, I love to see him killing Dandy (not because he hates him this much, I have other reasons to think like that).
In general, I never let a thought that some game in Roblox can make me this hyperfictioned, I'm seriously addicted to this bullshit, I wasn't able to sleep the night I found out about Dandy's World. Thanks, again, to "UnusualYikes" from twitter for giving me this addiction, especially to Shrimpo, this shit make my life little more brighter, I don't think they even realize how much it's mean to me. Seeing characters from DW is, no kidding, makes my day dude.
Also, BONUS LITTLE COMIC. Drawn with mouse, yeah.
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I hate Glisten. Gay ass twink, stinky. Fuc kyo u
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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I'm sorry Dandy fans, I just need someone I don't have to feel too sorry for. Dandy is not BAD, but he's BAD enough.
And sometimes I want to draw Shrimpo little more kind and nice, but of course that's not the reason why Shrimpo killing Dandy, it's not nice, it's funny (for me :3).
I have no more words, except hi everyone.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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i'm so dunb dude like fr fr.
AGAIN, MAGMA STUDIO WENT good WITH @ms-euthanasia (Also just to clarify (yes only now), drawings without linework is owned by them. You can also see our BIG difference in skill, i'm cleary better (at sucking))
Shrimpo x Finn is making my life more useful, torturing Dandy makes me calm, and drawing makes me little more alive on Tumblr then "one art each month".
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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Shrimpo try's to bully another child, but little did he know that this child has GREAT MUSIC TASTE just like him.
A spontaneous idea, invited a friend to implement it together.
Friend, yet again, in question is @ms-euthanasia
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Also little bonus.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
GORE WARNING!!! (Second one)
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First one is not connected to second one, i just said to my friend "Idk, draw Dandy... Draw him dead lmao" or smth like that.
Friend in question is @ms-euthanasia
I don't know what to say any more.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 3 months ago
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You wanted an art, huh? Here's your art (I talking to myself).
Drawn completely with mouse... Again, yes.
And yes, I know that quality is bad as my ass, but when i thought about draw some more I found myself uploading this as cropped screenshot.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 4 months ago
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i need to draw, so i just drew this shit.
No legs, fucked up Rivulet, bad shadowing.
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jwithsusdoingstuff · 5 months ago
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So, i had plans to make Mod for Rain World about this slugcat named Psycho. Of course not by my self because i'm such a pepega at coding and stuff, so i got my nice friend for me to help with this.
Idea of the mod (and slugcat) is to make absolutely nuts freaking slugcat that would be fun to play as just to kill everyone (and i mean everyone). Slugcat has his own Campaign that will start just like his nature, and he would need to make his path to the Five Pebbles. Obviously FP cannot give Psycho 10th Karma level, for reason that already explained in Artificer campaign. But, FP is wondering if this little creature could get rid of some problems that he has, talking about Rot. Right after that, Five Pebbles will not kill Player that comes back to his chamber and player's challenge would be to KILL every single Long Legs enemy inside Five Pebbles, of course its hard, but i really love that idea to make ACTUALL one slugcat army campaign for someone to play, so far, of all the others, only one/two can be called like that. After Psycho's genocide of Rot, FP wanted to make sure that Psycho is actually made good progress, so he start's to filling his Structure with even more water while giving Psycho a "day limit" of 5, which is means that player would need to sleep wherever at least 5 cycles and after that will be done, Psycho can return to FP for reward. At that point I'd like to make Psycho OP, so i write something about "Five Pebbles have no other plans for Psycho, but making him as good, as he could become at what he always being best one. Five Pebbles decided to make yet another mistake, and make Psycho even more powerful, as if all his strength was not enough... Oh and he tell's him where to find Void See". So yeah, Psycho CAN now goes down into the Depths (before that, he could only fall back and forth forever on the platform from which he jumped) and while he's going down deeper and deeper he encounter Guardian that will not let Psycho anywhere far this point, but since Psycho is now stronger, faster, and so on, this is where player would need to get sweaty, because it is time to kill Guardians. And only after that, the Psycho can descend to Void Sea and begin to swim deeper, but the Void Sea will try to erase Psycho, but since its now FaNtAsY inside Rain World, Void See cannot get Psycho erased, instead Psycho become, again, faster, stronger, better...
Next episodes of his story needed to be made in other Slugcats campaigns, because Psycho's campaing happening between Monk and Rivulet, and that means, you could run in to Psycho him self while playing on Rivulet, and Saint. But i think im already said enough. Me and my friend abandoned this mod after encounter problems with Iterator's, they just doesn't want to say things that we wanted them to say, and while desperately trying to find or ask for a solution we are burning out of the idea. That's how it ends even tho i was really exited to make it.
Art you see of Psycho Sleeping was ment to be that one illustration of Slugcats in hibernation, and it's drawn by me.
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