this is a very important gif
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still not sure why 5sos keep calling that thing they bring to concerts ketchup but w.e do you i guess 5sos
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After that tweet she got so much hate and shit things like “you’re ruining louis and harry’s friendship!”, “you’re not a true fan!”, “you’re shit and even louis thinks so!”. Eventually the hate changed and escalated into things like, “go kill yourself larry shipper!” “you’re just jealous because eleanor is prettier than you’ll ever be.”
  She got that every.single.fucking.day. Everyday she was told she was shit, everyday she was told she was disgusting, everyday she was told to kill herself. And to the people who DID tell her that: you need to realize that the shit you spiel and the hate you send hurts. Every little fucking word hurts. Your actions have consequences and your words have power. You have the ability to turn that power into making people feel amazing about themselves. It’s easy to send hate and shit when you’re sitting behind the safety of your computer screen.
  What gets me the most out of all of this is @skyleridk account. She deleted all of her tweets, she unfollowed everyone. Everyone but two people (Louis and Harry). R.I.P you are missed. 
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Do you think that it will go as far as Louis and Eleanor getting engaged or married?
Let me show you something.
This is Louis 0.2 seconds after asked about engagement rumours:
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Which is funny, because
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And it’s funny that this interview was before Zayn got engaged, which means that the articles about Louis being too young to marry Eleanor were after he said he wanted to “get married and have children as young as he is”.
I rest my case.
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Louis: *Comes back to hotel room*
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“Dear Eleanor,  As discussed with you in Manchester, you herewith receive the working contract together disclosed with ship rules, Read through thoroughly and sign all copies  MARK ALL PAGES WITH INITIALS.  Furthermore, you shall receive information in approximately 7 working days regarding the week commencing 6th June. We look forward appointing you to Louis.  All the best"  Share it. We NEED to get this out so people know the truth. This is absolutely how they think they can just force someone into a different life and love. 
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I don’t hate Tina. she is just doing her job. when I call her a beard it’s not an insult it’s the truth.
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Friendly reminder that this happened.
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3K notes · View notes
That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do. That’ll do.
Louis Tomlinson, April 22, 2015 (via ohyesyouwishyouknewme)
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I call this ‘spot the couple’.
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