Thought or ponder
Is murder unjust?: People only beilve that is bad because someone said so. Either it was the bible or some other person who holds power over people. The only reason these things are bad is because someone said so and others decided to listen. If people weren't ment to die, then why do we? Technically isn't that grooming? Are we all groomed?
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I got sero not mad but not happy
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A game!
@hipster-merchant-of-death @katsontherun @babayaga67 @danielsleftwhitevan @dekusleftshoe @thots4daze @michiieewrites @aizawascumslut @ravenfeet222 @strawbirb @yanderart @league-of-villians-headcanons @sailor-manga
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Kidnapped part 2
Read part 1 before reading please and thank you
Barry POV
As I got home I went to go check on y/n but she/he was gone and I panicked right on the spot and I ran all they way to star labs and on the way there I called Peter "hey Pete y/n is missing" "what but when I left she was asleep and all the doors where locked and windows I don't understand how could she have gone missing" said Peter in a hurried voice " I think I might who it is" I said as angry as can be and with that I hung up and walked into star labs "guys I need your help I need to find a little girl/boy" (p.s they don't know about you) "okay well we need to know more about this mystery child to be able to find them" said Cisco " well um they have h/c and uh" I said trying not to give to much away about y/n "Barry there are millions of children with h/c you need to be more specific like name, age, where they live, father, mother that sort of stuff" said Caitlyn "okay well um I have to confess something to you guys well the child where looking for is my child" "WHAT" all of them screamed at the same time " listen that's not important right now what's important is that we find her/him okay now can we get on that please and thank you " and with that said we went to work
I woke up in a strange place I was in a cell and there was this creepy man looking at me "who are you" I said getting freaked out "I am your worst nightmare" and with that he ran off "please come and save me daddy"
Zoom POV
As I ran off to star labs to tell them what I want for that little beast "hi flash" "zoom what did you do with my daughter/son" said Barry in a raging voice "relax all I did was lock her away but if you want her back you'll have to trade her/him for your speed" I said in calm voice
Barry POV
Without a second thought I agreed and zoom ran off to go get y/n and I got wells speed taking away thing (forgot what it was called) zoom came back with y/n "hand me your speed then I will give her/him back" said zoom "how do I know that you won't kill her/him when I hand you my speed" I said in a stern voice "will do on a count of three to be fair" I said and with that I got my y/n back while zoom got my speed but what he doesn't know is that I will get my speed back
A/n end of story how did you like it still take requests
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Barry Allen x child reader
A/N This is set in season 2 and Barry and iris are not together yet and I am using marvel characters because I want to if you don't like it deal with it  also Barry's has his own place and DOES NOT LIVE WITH JEO
P.s you are 5 so you go to school
Barry POV
I was with my daughter/son y/n and we where have a F/S marathon when I got called into to go to star labs so I had to cut our date short "sorry Y/N I have to go to work but Peter is coming" I said in a sad tone "okay but are we going to continue when you come back" " of course now Peter should be here any-" but I was cut of by the doorbell "that must be Peter now Y/N be good okay I love you and I will see you later" "okay bye bye" I kissed Y/N on the cheek and opened the door "good Peter your here um so y/n has to finish their homework and after that feed her dinner and make sure y/n takes their medicine please and thank you" I said frantically "no problem" said Peter
Peter Parker POV
I was babysitting my niece for my cousin Barry (I don't know) "hey y/n your dad told me that you have homework to do" " ya I do I just to solve some problems and color" " okay then les get started" after we did y/n homework we had dinner then I gave her/him their medicine gave y/n a bath and put her to bed "hey Peter when do you think daddy will be home" said y/n in a sad voice "well I don't know but he will be home soon and when you wake up your daddy will be right next to you" "you promise" "I promise now go to bed" "good night Peter" " good night y/n" after I put y/n to bed I texted Barry telling him that y/n was asleep he replied with a thx and told me to that I could go home and with that I left
Zoom POV
I found out that my enemy the flash had a child so I planed on take them and using them as leverage to get the flash's speed as I zoomed (pun intended) into Barry's place I found little y/n unprotected how foolish of him to leave his child here unprotected so with that i took the little creature and got down to business
A/n so what do you think there's going to be a part 2 and I am taking requests also I may not post as much as I want to because of my stupid math teacher who always gives us to much homework but that's all today see y'all later byeeeeee
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Superfamily x reader
Age: 5 years old
A/n this took place in civil war and sorry it took so long to post my math teacher gives to much homework even on the weekends THIS IS MY OWN STORY PLEASE DO NOT STILL OR USE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION thank you
623 words
3rd p.o.v
It was a dark day for y/n her parents were fighting and her brother was in the mix of it all, y/n was in her room playing with her toys when she heard the screaming from down in the kitchen and she went down stairs and saw her parents were fighting again and she new it was not going to end well
Peters POV
I saw my sister coming down stairs from hearing the screams of my parents and I saw that she had tears in her eyes and I knew that she knew that this was not going to end in a happy ending "y/n come here"
I said "Peter do you think this will ever end" y/n said "I...I don't know" I said "but I know that it not last forever one day all of this will stop and we will be a happy family" I said knowing that it wouldn't end with us being a happy family but she was to young to know that "really" "ya one day but today's not that day how about we go up stairs and play" I said wanting her to forget about there our parents screams that are taking over the living area and with that we went up stairs but it only got worst and soon y/n was about to cry so I knew that I had to get her out of this house "hey y/n why don't we go and get some ice cream" "okay" "alright then let's get you dressed and we will go and get ice cream" I said and I got her dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and left without the dad and pop noticing and went out to have a brother-sister day we had ice cream, we went to the park, and then we headed back home hoping that dads and pops argument was over but when we got home they were still fighting so I knew we had to talk "Hey y/n why don't you go upstairs and watch tv" "okay"
Tony POV
Me and Steve were at it again about the acords and his friend but we were interrupted by our son Peter
3rd POV
"can you guys stop" said Peter "all this fighting is affecting me and y/n and I bet you guys didn't notice that we left the house did you" said Peter in a angry voice "wait you guys left without our permission" said Steve "ya we had to y/n was about to cry because she didn't like that her parents were fighting did you know that she comes to me now when she needs help or has a nightmare or wants to go play because she's to scared to ask you guys because YOUR ALWAYS FIGHTING" said Peter and this shocking new for tony and Steve they didn't realize that there fight where affecting their children "were sorry about all this we promise not to fight In front of you guys anymore" said tony and Steve was agreeing "I'm not the one who needs a apology" and with that tony and Steve didn't fight in front on their kids anymore or yell as loud as they use to and there family felt complete for a little while
A/n what to do you think 🤔 I think i did pretty well and I love that I'm writing this at 12:56 in the morning on a school night anyway I'm going to sleep 😴 now.
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Guys I have a TikTok please follow me my TikTok is @ravenclawrules7197
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Harry Potter anyone
P.s I made this and follow me on TikTok
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Who else loves marvel
P.s I made this and follow me on TikTok
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Found this on TikTok it’s so funny
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No words
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Happy birthday Harry
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Happy birthday
Happy birthday Neville
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Is it just me or is the youngest sibling more mature then oldest sibling
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Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.
Rowena Ravenclaw
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