justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
I survived my traumatic childhood and all I got was this lousy personality disorder, some ptsd, depression, anxiety - 
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
U changed my perspective on everything from my past to a cigarette. I won't be with u for long but I thankful for every second u still call me yours
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
“You’ll meet her. She’s very pretty, even though sometimes she’s sad for many days at a time. You’ll see, when she smiles, you’ll love her”
— Pan’s Labryrinth
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
Also check your moon and rising.
Aries: Although it is true that people are capable of changing and growing, you may be dealing with someone at the moment who refuses to accept well thought out advice, won’t listen to anyone’s suggestions aside from their own, and throws fits when they are not given their way. Perhaps their issue is deeply rooted within them, stemming from pain or events that hold them back. But you have tried to help, and at this point, you shouldn’t overexert yourself any further. If they are going to learn, they will have to decide that on their own. For now, they can only help themselves.
Taurus: You may be in a bit of a panicked state right now. There is likely a lot that needs to be done (and fast,) and you may not have the money, time, or resources to deal with all of it effectively. The only way to brainstorm would be to step outside yourself for a moment. Consider this… what is the worst that could really happen? Then consider the fact that that situation in itself is highly unlikely. You DO have what you need to get yourself out of sticky predicaments- you just have to believe that you are covered.
Gemini: You may have been given some information you don’t necessarily like recently, but for one reason or another, cannot talk about. Perhaps you were sworn to secrecy, or maybe divulging said information will cause certain aspects of your life to turn sour. You don’t have to tell anyone what you know- and you probably shouldn’t. But avoid who you need to, and don’t trust those you’ve been warned about. Be sly with the facts entrusted to you. You can still use them to your advantage.
Cancer: It may seem, recently, like whenever one of your worries is resolved, another worry pops up out of nowhere and you can never catch an honest break. However, some of the issues may not be as deep as they seem. If you concentrate, you will find that there are quick fixes to all you have laid out in front of you, and that you have more time than you think to put them into effect.
Leo: One of the number one things you cannot stand is being treated as if you are not there. So when others who are supposed to care about you stand you up, leave you out, or ignore your existence altogether, you may suffer a bit of an emotional bruise. But look deeply inside yourself. Did you ever really want to be around these people in the first place? They have likely never been consistently there for you, so why should their opinions matter? You aren’t missing much, and deep down you know this. Continue to enjoy time with those closest and dearest to you, the ones who really count. The ones you know would not treat you this way.
Virgo: You more often than not know not to jump into unexplored territory too soon. This is a great time to use that skill. Carefully analyze any new experience or opportunity offered up to you at this time, because you may find it has too many flaws for what it’s worth. Rely heavily on your investigation skills to lead you to the right choice- remember you’ll have backup options.
Libra: However you appear naturally, is how you should make it a point to appear regardless of who is in the room. The facts are, if someone only likes you for a facade that you put on, they will be bewildered once your true state begins to show itself. Besides, you want others to appreciate the person you are at heart, and you shouldn’t feel like you have to alter your personality to impress anyone. Come as you are, and you will be rewarded with the company of true kindred spirits.
Scorpio: Surely you have heard the saying, “wherever you go, there you are.” This could greatly apply to you at the moment, as it is very likely that you are under the impression you need to “escape” your present circumstances by going to a new place, getting a new job, or taking on an entirely new life path. But no matter where you go, there are still things going on in your life and your head that need to be confronted. Although you can flee, you would be taking them along with you. What you need is not a physical escape. You need a solution. Before you can go anywhere, resolve what you need to. Running away from your problems will not make them dissipate.
Sagittarius: Someone has, or may soon, confide in you with something you may not necessarily like to hear. It may totally alter how you view this other person, if not turning you off to them altogether. Try to keep an open heart and mind when listening to their confession. Even if you can’t relate, you may be able to come to a place of understanding, and the relationship may surely be one worth keeping or building.
Capricorn: Even if you have many of your ducks in a row at the moment, what you may be missing is a true spark in your life. Something that makes you ENJOY living, rather than just merely going through the motions. The answer here is not necessarily to go out and party, or to become involved in any sort of bustling event. You simply need to expand your horizons in the mindful sense. Read up on things you want to know more about. Make a film of your own. Ask those questions you were always too afraid to ask. You are looking for a thrill- but not a cheap one. Soul searching could be your remedy.
Aquarius: Contrary to what your mind may often tell you, you are not always better off alone. Though there is no shame in taking time to yourself, your existence is not a burden to anyone, and often times you underestimate how treasured it really is. Try to shut out those thoughts of “what’s the point of it all anyway?” or “I shouldn’t be here.” Because there is a point. And you deserve to be there. We are often our own worst critics, and our minds are often our biggest bullies. Continue to fight off those thoughts. It will pay off.
Pisces: Everyone has an addiction of some sort, even if not to something harmful. An addiction of yours at the moment may be someone who is simply not good for you. You have likely tried to squirm away from this person multiple times, only to be dragged back in due to what you consider a weakness within yourself. You are not weak… you are simply trying your best to gather up the nerve to do what you have to. The time will come that you are no longer afraid, and more quickly than you think. Taking baby steps is okay for now. Just know that in the long run, you would be better off without this person in your life.
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
mood: wanna move to another city and start a new life
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
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via weheartit
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
“youre gay? you dont look gay”
well shit wtf does a gay look like 
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
“Im always going to love you, and im going to hate me for not being enough.”
— (via coral)
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
It happened again. I let it righy? Cause I was drinking and he used to be my boyfriend. So my fault.
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
Therapist: you know, not everything is your fault.
Me:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? That… That just doesn’t make any sense.
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
anyone available to go scream in the woods with me? it’s fun, free, and the trees like to gossip about us afterwards
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
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116K notes · View notes
justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
Don't let me start again. Why am I doing thia. I escapes why I am going back
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justsumgrl-blog · 6 years
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