justslightlybadass · 9 years
“Aw, Mr. No-Fun-Surprises-Ever.”
[runs so he can walk next to the other]
“They were great! I met two other students, but I think they think I’m strange.”
[laughs nervously]
“But you work? Where at? Maybe one day I could visit you in my free time.”
Does it? I thought nothing of it. As for what I’ve made, I’m afraid it would ruin the surprise if I told you now. [Smiles] Please follow me. I’ve set everything up in the school’s kitchen. [Turns on his heel to begin to walk] Nein, it did not take two days to make, though I had work I needed to catch up on before I could start baking. How were your two days, if you don’t mind me asking?
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
sorry i’ve been out! vacationing involves a lot more activity than i thought
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
[feeling awkward]
[looks up at him then back to the rock]
“You do things with rocks? Oh- wait, maybe that sounds boring. Do you do things with earth? The rock was warm when I touched it. Did you do that?”
[hesitantly takes the rock back and shrugs]
“It’s okay. I was just…trying some control stuff. Yeah. I guess you could call it that.”
[absentmindedly fiddling with the rock in his hands]
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
“Oh, no! I was just reading this.”
[holds up the book]
“I’ve read it before, so it’s okay if you take me away from it.”
“Retrieve me? Sounds very bodyguard-like.“
[stands up and tucks his chair back in]
“What did you make? Did it really take two days?”
[Furrows brows lightly, still skeptical but decides to let the other do as he pleases. He warned him, and therefore can’t be at fault if anything happens to him.]
The dessert? Nein, it’s in the kitchen cooling at the moment. I actually came to retrieve you, if you’re free that is. I would hate to pull you away from anything important. 
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
[looks up from his book and laughs]
“It’s okay. I’m always carrying around weird things with me, so I think they think she’s a stuffed animal. Plus, it’s not like the librarian can see her that well at this angle.”
[then he realizes why the other is here]
[excitedly] “Did you bring it, did you bring it?”
{ wingedaustrian }
[Two days later he’s back in the library, petting Lisa and reading a graphic novel]
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
{ wingedaustrian }
[Two days later he’s back in the library, petting Lisa and reading a graphic novel]
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
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“Ah- Sorry. I was going to ask what you were doing, but I guess you’ve dropped what you’re doing. Uh- What were you doing?”
[goes to pick up the rock to hand it back to him]
[jumps at the sudden appearance of the stranger; had been trying to melt a rock in his hand, but the startle had caused him to heat it up too fast and drop it]
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“Can I…help you?”
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
[trying not the laugh at the other being so flustered because it would be rude]
[very amused at the hand, too. what an official person.]
[takes and shakes it, looking directly into his eyes]
“Ehe, you caught me there. I actually did try to place your accent and ‘the sturdier parts of Boston’ is apparently very wrong. I’m from Italy, so just a little more down that longitude line from your home! Which- By the way, I heard Germans are very good with their hands.”
[not even trying to hide the fact that flustering him is fun so he’s just smiling]
“But maybe it’s just a bad stereotype.”
“So metal and magnetic fields? That’s actually something really helpful a hero can use. I feel like it’s a very ‘hero-y’ power. Using metal poles is just easier to smack your foes with, you know? Plus, since your powers seem to have a theme to them, it’s easier to come up with an alias. Have you ever been thinking about changing your name? If so, I’d like to recommend ‘Bob.’ That way, ‘Bob the Builder’ would fit seeing as you could throw metal beams around, and American kids everywhere would be really appreciative of you!”
“But I’m only joking. Don’t mind me. I’m just jealous of your powers and sureness of your future.”
[Blushes harder] Ah nothing of the sort, I-I [stammers] Hum, thank you for your kind words [flustered] ’what a boy’ [cleans throat] well, I’m Ludwig Lehnsherr [offers a hand to shake] Nice to meet you Felix. I’m a Senior and I can manipulate metal and magnetic fields, I’m also a hero on the making [chuckles shyly] Where are you from? [curious] If you don’t mind me asking, I’m German if you failed to notice.    
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
[repeats] “Roderich.”
“A really cool name.. Next time we meet, I’m going to ask you what it means.”
[laughs and waves]
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“I always have watermelon in stock, so don’t be afraid to ask for some next time you see me! See you in two days!”
[packs up his watermelon, shoulders his bag, and lets Lisa walk by his side]
Felix? Ah, yes, I believe I have heard of you over the years. I’m Roderich, if you ever need to find me. [Smiles and goes to pick up Amadeus] Well I should get Amadeus back to his owner. Thank you for the watermelon, and I’ll see you in two days, if not sooner. 
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
“Yes, I have, actually! I’ve been here ever since eighth grade, so it’d be...”
“Three years I first came here. Well, technically I’ve only been in Sky High for two and some more since I had some trouble last year, but it’s all the same, right? All in all, I really hope you like it here.”
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“And about the English thing, don’t worry about it! It’s hard when it’s not your first language. It’s so silly. The whole world over, people just assume you speak English. Now, let’s see.”
[stops in his tracks, puts his hand to his chin, and looks as if he’s scanning her]
[suddenly] “Japan!”
はい (Hai/yes) — yes, sorry… [shakes head lightly, and offers a small sheepish smile] I have trouble remembering to speak in English sometimes. 
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[Smiles at the other’s description of the path they’re about to embark] ‘He seems to really know the school and his way around. He must have many friends too with such a bright smile.’
Yes, I arrived a few weeks ago, though I still have some trouble finding some classrooms. [shyly tucks a loose strand behind her ear] Have you been attending Sky High for long? You seem to know your way around. 
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
{ beamingoncebefore }
[pops up from behind him]
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“What’s that you’re playing with?”
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
[puffs out his chest]
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“Of course I can! If I can wait for a person for three years, I can definitely wait two for sweets. By the way, I’m Felix if you ever need to look for me.”
[peeks down at the kitten and grins at Amadeus’ reply pout]
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I won’t be making croissants, but two days sounds good. [Smiles] Can you wait two days? 
[Amadeus seems to pout right back with his ears drawn back, and bits of watermelon on is whiskers]
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
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stupid pressure sensitivity doesn’t work but i can’t be stopped
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
“O-Oh, no, no. It’s okay! Don’t feel bad. I just need a partner to help to look for her.”
[smiles then looks up, thinking]
“Here, how about you help search in the library, and I’ll look in the halls again. She likes sleeping under tables since it’s getting warmer now, so-”
A small bit yes…although I can’t say I’m all too experienced with the likes of cats —
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
“I’m Felix! Felix Vargas. I’m not that popular, though.”
[laughs nervously as he rubs the back of his neck]
“I only have a few friends and acquaintances from my classes, and I think I’m not too noticeable. It’s probably why you haven’t heard of me, but it’s okay. You’ve heard of me now.”
[dramatically scoffs]
“And I’m shocked that you, yourself wouldn’t think that you’re cool! Look at you! Nicely built, almost like a god. I’d have to go through hell trying to find a model like you to draw! But wait! There’s more! See, you’ve even perfected the slight blush and polite smile that’d kill people thirsting for love all around! Gentle, polite, and good looking. Get yours today!”
[breaks character and laughs, flushing from embarrassment]
“Ah, sorry. I tend to accidentally say things aloud, and it’s been happening ever since I’ve been taken out of school. Forgive me for that terrible cover-up. You must think I’m weird. What is your name?”
[blushes faintly] Hum [a bit shocked by the boy’s words] You think I’m cool? [surprised] Really? Yes, I actually arrived last year, so I guess you’re right by saying that I’m the new… [blinks] I don’t think I caught your name.
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
“Um- That means ‘thank you,’ right? In that case, you’re very welcome!”
[knows it from the little anime he’s watched but he’s not going to admit that]
“Ah, that’s wonderful! I’m sorry. It does take a little longer to get to class, but I get to see some of my friends if I do take this way. Not only that, you can see the front of the school from here from all the windows. It’s the prettiest in spring when flowers are blooming. Oh, and the sun shines in when it’s really cold. I really hope that you can take this way depending on where your previous class is.”
[starts walking]
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“So, is this your first year here, Miss or is the Sociology classroom just a really hard classroom to find? If you can keep a secret, I’ll admit that it took me a while to find it, too.”
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[Afraid he might have found her rude by the time he takes to answer. Smiles relieved.] Ah, どうもありがとうございます (Doumo arigatou gozaimasu/thank you very much), and whichever way you like is fine, thank you.
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justslightlybadass · 9 years
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“Eccellente! It’s a deal, then. When should the deadline for your sweet be? I heard things like croissants can take up to two days to make.”
[pouts at Amadeus, trying to convey with his facial expression that he’s just going to have to put up with it]
[Smiles] Alles ist gut; no need to thank me. It’s about time he learned some manners. His real parent just spoils him.
[Amadeus grudgingly puts up with the petting, looking displeased by the nickname] 
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My best shot? [quirks a dark brow, before lightly chuckling and nodding in agreement] Very well. I will bake you my specialty then. In return, I expect equal effort from you with whatever dish you decide to serve.
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