justnarelynormal · 6 years
Terry Crews coming in with some wisdom
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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Where did it all go wrong?
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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Porcupines live in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia—basically, wherever they want. A porcupine can have 30,000 quills, and most animals know to stay away from these spines, which make a loud, warning noise when rattled, like a rattlesnake’s rattle. Animals that ignore these warnings can end up looking like living pincushions. The North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum), pictured above, has barbed quills with hundreds of tiny hooks on the end that make them hard to remove from punctured skin.
Birthing a baby porcupine sounds painful—but fortunately for pregnant porcupines, their babies are born with soft, flexible quills that don’t impale their mother on the way out. Their quills harden into sharp spikes only after they are born.
Meet more amazing creatures in Life at the Limits, open till January 2016. 
Image: Wikipedia
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
A porcupine’s Halloween present (+ original sound effects)
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) by Enji Night
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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it’s just one of those croissant days
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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Grimy exploit at a discount
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
8 Character Creation Tips (for DnD or just writing in general)
1. Have a goal
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While it may sound like I’m stating the obvious here, your character needs to have something they want to accomplish. Maybe they want to be the best at something, see a place, fall in love, conquer the world, or something else. Whatever it is, they need to have something that they desire beyond all other things. Ideally, give them more than one goal. Make them have to sacrifice one to achieve the other, to add extra drama
2. Have a reputation
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Maybe they’re the best artist in their class or they’re great at juggling. Perhaps they slipped on the stairs in front of their whole village. Either way, give something for the locals to remember about them. That way it can give you a starting point for the interactions with other characters
3. Have a friend
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Whether a friend, a coworker, a sibling, an army buddy, or someone they saved, have someone close to your character whom they’re close to and wish well. Yeah, angsty “I have no friends” characters can be fun, but in small doses; eventually the reader gets fed up with them. At the very least the character needs someone to talk to or bounce ideas off of
4. Have a home
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It may be a neighborhood they grew up in, their parents’ house, or a room they’ve been renting in a tavern. Hell, it could even be a person if you so choose. Everyone needs to feel secure at one time or another
5. Have a signature item
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Now, recognize that this may not work for EVERY character, but it’s up to you to decide what will fit and what won’t. In many cases, it can work. A signature item is something that is recognizably YOUR CHARACTER’S, be it a weapon, a scarf, a toy, or a piece of jewelry. It’s something that makes them feel like themself
6. Have a problem
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This should be something other than the problem addressed in the main plot line. Maybe a member of their family is sick, they are broke, or they’re failing their classes. This helps make your character seem more realistic because NO ONE has one problem at a time
7. Have a secret
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This can affect the plot or not; either way, it helps make your character more well rounded. Maybe your character can’t read, left their crewmates to die when a kracken attacked their ship, or made their long lost sister run away. If you choose to have it affect the plot in any way, this secret should embarrass your character, make it so that other characters don’t trust your character, or somehow endanger them and the people they’re close to if found out
8. Have a reason to be brave and to fight
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Maybe it’s because your character wants to be like their hero, maybe it’s so they can repay a debt (like if someone saved their life previously), maybe it’s for their child, but your character needs to have a reason to occasionally face their fears
Have fun!!!
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
when you successfully avoided being in avengers: civil war and you could’ve just done that again if your sister didn’t get your entire nation blown up which was technically all your dads bitch ass fault for being a liar and now you gotta deal with this purple fool who never took a civics class in his life and your lying ass little brother is playing dead instead of being useful And you miss valkyrie :(
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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Can we take a few moments to appreciate how good Kairi and Lea look together? I’m a Sora x Kairi kind of guy but dang do these two look good! 👀
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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16K notes · View notes
justnarelynormal · 6 years
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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hercules (1997) soundtrack
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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some less-than-reputable sylveons
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justnarelynormal · 6 years
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some ship visuals taken from my casualframe ladies and lads set and based on my headcanon post
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