justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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“What?” Pulled away from their game he finally glanced up at the Detective, a little perplexed. “Oh, I don’t think I’m jealous really, just a little … disappointed.” A frown ruined innocent features upon a youthful face. “I never took student council lightly but I thought I’d be able to hold up her reputation, is all and so far I don’t think I’m even close to all that she’s accomplished.” His brief moment of sorrow distracted him only momentarily, blinking once his focus returned to the game at hand, using a pawn to knock over another of the Detective’s pieces. “I haven’t played Chess in a while.”
“I quite enjoy playing myself; though it’s not terribly often that I can find an opponent.” Akechi studied the board thoughtfully as he spoke. A pawn sacrificed, but if he had his way, it would not be in vain. Amada was clever, but his lack of practice may become his downfall.
“What is it about her work you feel you aren’t living up to?” A diversion back to the previous topic. Fingers closed around his bishop to move the piece diagonally along white squares. Akechi had another piece in mind, but its importance was better off concealed for now.
“If you can identify something specific that differs between the two of you, you might be able to change whatever it is you’re unhappy with. Of course, if it’s a matter of charisma...I’m afraid that comes as more of a natural talent.” Cheekily, he shot the other boy a princely smile.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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They goof off way to much lmao - Mod Velvet
*this isn’t an edit or a screenshot, this is 3D fanart*
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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His words cut deeper than any knife and they hit harder than anyone or anything he’s ever been at odds with. Irritated, the student councilman’s brows furrow, not too pleased with accepting that truth at face value. “It shouldn’t have turned out this way.” Quietly, he sounded as if he were scolding himself for the incident but he knew it wasn’t his fault in the end.
In his years, he’s learned to at least find better coping mechanisms before lashing out. Therefore, in a hurry he rose from his seat, brushing past the rookie detective. “I need some air.”
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Akechi had come to appreciate the many shades of anger that have the potential to color human emotions. The kind he sensed from Amada now, as he left, wasn’t quite the bitterness of resignation or of cynicsm. (Was that what Akechi was hoping to see? To share?) Instead, he saw frustration and a stubborn resistance to the inevitable outcome he so despised. Was his classmate a sore loser? Or did he still believe justice was within his reach? Was he mad at Akechi for trying to dissuade him, for being so pessimistic?
But no, it wasn’t pessimism. The reality was that the student council only held any power by the good graces of the adults in administration. Any issue that happened to conflict with their own twisted self interest was bound to be eliminated or covered up, no matter the moral cost. What ‘should’ happen had no bearing on what happens, and if Amada didn’t realize that by now, he was going to keep seeing it happen for himself over and over. If the other really wanted a change, if he sought leverage against the administration that would actually amount to anything, he would have to start fighting dirty. A dangerous game. Would he have the will (or the fury) to go that far, risking the reputation and position he had now?
Assuming their rendezvous was over, Akechi simply began to pack his things away.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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“So hypothetically speaking let’s say I am boiled alive, I’d be pretty worthless as a soup dish if the person boiling me isn’t handy in the kitchen.” Those raised another important question, causing her eyes to light up while snapping over toward the detective. “You’re the last person I’d want to boil me alive. I’ve read the messages between you and Ren, and I’ve decided to never let you near a kitchen or a hot tub ever again.”
Her palatability when boiled and his cooking skills were both completely beside the point-- though her insult was almost entirely forgotten at the mention of his private messages. Stiffening, he consciously willed the heat of chagrin out of his features. Opened his mouth, then closed it. Finally opted for the initial aborted response, for all the good it would do.
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“Stay out of our phones.” He managed to sound appropriately (if not naively) offended, recriminating, though a little defensively pitchy.
His thoughts couldn’t help but stray to the conversations she could have possibly read. ...Could he afford a new phone right now? Was it even worth it if she were also spying on Ren’s? Was it more farfetched to believe he could convince her to respect his privacy?
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
Show A Little Skin Meme
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
Worst Boy Goro Akechi smugs his way into Persona 5 Royal
Despite what Persona 5’s earworm of a theme told us, we all saw this coming. As we allowed Atlus to star our eyes with trailers for cool kids Ryuji Sakamoto, Futaba Sakura, Matoko Niijima et al, we all knew we’d get here eventually. Today’s trailer looks at insufferable square Goro Akechi, who returns in upcoming JRPG Persona 5 Royal.
Goro Akechi is a genius-level detective with S-tier irritability. Akechi is first encountered by Joker and pals where they meet the fame-hungry snoop at a television studio. Wearing gloves indoors and carrying a briefcase like he’s somebody, Goro Akechi proceeds to hound The Phantom Thieves at every turn, determined to break their resolve and unmask their identities to the world, before ultimately resigning himself to their assistance.
Wearing clothes that have been ironed to within an inch of their life, Akechi’s perfect hair, handsome features and passive-aggressive attitude belie an obsessional personality built upon narcissism and misplaced arrogance. Akechi is haunted by demons he is unable to control, driven by a desire not only to be the greatest detective of all-time but, far more importantly, to be known as the greatest detective of all-time.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
Some other gift items for Akechi that give +2 confidant instead of the +3 ones already listed:
Wrist & Ankle weights, ¥6,800 Sporty sunglasses, ¥12,000 Rubik’s Cube, ¥3,200 (Rustic) Fountain Pen, ¥8,000 Cowhide Pencil Case, ¥12,000
P5R: List of ♪♪♪ gifts for Akechi (With picture references)
(I will update this if new discoveries are made in the game I suppose)
**UPDATE** (11/27) - Added 1 more gift
I got this information while surfing through the Japanese wiki sites about P5R and through social media   1. 最新美顔器 - Newest model of a facial skin care product  (¥9,800)
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2. 高級アロマセット - High-Quality Aroma Set (¥3,800)
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3. シルバーバングル - Silver Bangle (¥78,000)
Here is Akechi’s reaction when he receives this gift
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4. 万能ビタミン剤 - Vitamin pills (¥4,500)
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5. 最新ロボット掃除機 - Latest model of a Roomba (¥44,800)
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6. 高性能電動歯ブラシ - High Performance electric toothbrush (¥29,800)
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My thoughts: Goro why you so high-maintenance? No wonder why Ren needs level 3 charm and level 3 knowledge to rank up his confidant lol
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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Akechi theory fandom, I’d like to know your thoughts on this. I see a lot of debate as to which of Akechi’s personas came first. According to this scene, Akechi seems to have had the power to turn people psychotic from the very beginning of him associating with Shido. Doesn’t this suggest Loki was likely his first persona? I wouldn’t mind hearing arguments for either side.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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ALL-OUT ATTACK + color palettes
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
Love the infographic. Just one thing that seems to be missing--the unknown number of psychotic breakdowns referenced in this scene, which seems to have happened even before Wakaba:
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This scene seems to be referencing taking care of a specific scandal that was going on right when Akechi introduced himself to Shido, as opposed to Akechi just referencing his general ability to erase scandals with his psychotic powers.
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(Sorry about the ugly watermark. I’ve learned the hard way since I made the original one that this stuff does get reposted without credit…)
I’m seeing more “Goro is a mass murderer” discourse so I replayed P5R three times and checked my Goro Kill Count infographic. Turns out I did miss one associated with Kayo Murakami, but the method is not confirmed. It is heavily implied to have been a metaverse hit, however (and it did happen on the same day as Murakami’s mental shutdown), so I have put it in there.
That brings the total number of deaths for which Goro Akechi is responsible up to nine if you get the good ending. If you get the bad ending, it goes up to 11.
I’m not going to opine on this post about if they would be considered murders of any degree, manslaughter, etc. This is just my attempt at giving an objective record based on the facts provided in canon for anyone who wants to have a discussion about him, like him or hate him.
Pinging @lokiarsene for being a big help with this, and @nyakira1412 as well for cross-checking and adding information.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT THE COLOR THEME.. IT’S 3-4-5 PERFECTLY!!! And here I’m 2 a.m finished the crossover.. here you go, Pokemon Go Team Leader x Persona MC hahaha
With this team leader….
“I’m asking you again, which team you will choose?”
POKEMON GO X PERSONA!! | Sakon04 [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58106312
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
The 100: Sentence Starters
"Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would have happened to mine?"
"If you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven."
"I tried. I tried to be the good guy"
"Their blood is on your hands."
"But I made this choice with my head and not my heart."
"Either you get up and fight this or you crawl away and die alone like a coward."
"You think you're a god at everything."
"Maybe there are no good guys."
"Empirical evidence doesn't lie."
"You say having feelings makes me weak, but you're weak for hiding from them."
"Touch me again and I'll end you. In a non-criminal way."
"Maybe life should be about more than just surviving."
"Stay alive and be ready to fight. War is coming."
"After everything we've done, do we even deserve to survive?"
"I won't let you die."
"You're a natural born revolutionary."
"I won't let you surrender."
"I'm just trying to do what's right."
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
Love this video and its insights, but I disagree about a couple of things.
1. In the anime, it's clarified that Akechi was passed around relatives, not just ‘general’ foster care or orphanage. That's not a retcon or an inconsistency; as far as I've researched, foster families are often relatives of the child. And if there are no willing relatives, foster care is rare; they just get put in an orphanage. That's where you'd get the high staff-to-children ratio. Akechi, however, was among family. That's not saying he was necessarily treated well by them, but it is a bit of a different picture.
2. This very video showed the reference of the art book page that says Robin Hood was Akechi’s initial persona. So I don’t know why it would be a theory that Loki was the first, and Robin Hood was gained by his relationship with Joker, especially because that’s not how wildcard personas are even acquired. Joker never gained a persona from his friends. He confronted and empathized with shadows. The video’s explanation for Loki's nature still works for it being his second persona, perhaps gained somewhat early in the 2 years before the game. Maybe it was his desperation in doing anything Shido wanted that spawned Loki. First was Robin Hood that represented his idea of justice, and that idea centered around his plot to get revenge on Shido in the first place (among other childhood ideals). Therefore, it makes sense that Robin Hood is the initial persona. He just gets progressively more desperate later on--thus, Loki.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
Some pretty good reasoning as to why Osagiri might represent Shido and his scientists rather than Wakaba (related to the theory that Wakaba worked with Akechi on his powers). There’s also the fact Akechi speaks of Wakaba as if he didn’t know her. I really do like the Wakaba theory, but it just doesn’t seem to be true.
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
You're telling me this isn't how it went...?
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
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La gata bajo la lluvia
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justeverydayakechi · 4 years
thinking today about how the entire concept of the lock on shido’s door that you can only open with the five letters of introduction is that these are the five people who shido considers to be such essential patrons of his operation that they literally protect him from threats in his cognitive world and you can’t even see him if you don’t get past them. thinking about how goro wanted to become so essential to shido’s operation that he could wield some kind of power over shido and force him to regret his actions, and how goro sold himself into a conspiracy with a man he hated for a pipe dream at revenge. but in the end none of the required letters of introduction are from goro… shido doesnt even consider him important enough to be one of the five figures who keep the door locked… cognitive akechi is just a fanatical idiot kid whose only purpose is to murder the real akechi if he ever tried to escape the conspiracy or betray shido. not only is cognitive akechi not essential, he’s not even relevant to most of the ship. entirely disposable, entirely replaceable, just kept around because he has a halfway interesting talent and is exceptionally easy to manipulate due to his desire for attention and affection, making him low cost and low risk to keep around. goro had done all that just for a shot at being wanted and needed and given some kind of love and definitely made sure that he looked the part of someone who was a member of society who was wanted and needed and given love, but really his situation in shido’s conspiracy was basically just as disposable as when he was an orphan in the foster system with nicer clothes and a better facade
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