No kidding. I'm beginning to see why Sapphires are so popular? They're pretty and can help you be less of an idiot.
Well, I care about you, so of course I'd miss you!
Mhm. I've been okay! Traveling the multiverse. More of the usual.
Yeah, probably, I should work on that. I should’ve been working on that instead of fixing this tiny one, whoops.
Why weren’t… did you think I wouldn’t miss you while I was away? Silly.
That all sounds really good!!! I’m glad you managed to carve out even more of a home for yourself there. You and your Gems! Hopefully that make you happy.
Hindsight is always annoying.
I just didn’t think you’d have reason to miss me.
That’s the goal, I guess, right? Happiness. How about you? How have you fared?
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You need a proper-sized form of communication. These devices are already too small for my hands, let alone yours.
Oh, uh. I wasn’t expecting that. 
I’ve been… I’m not sure how to answer this. The Sanctuary is bigger, I’ve added more to it. It’s easier to handle the blizzards. My Gems are doing well.
Yeah, probably, I should work on that. I should’ve been working on that instead of fixing this tiny one, whoops.
Why weren’t... did you think I wouldn’t miss you while I was away? Silly.
That all sounds really good!!! I’m glad you managed to carve out even more of a home for yourself there. You and your Gems! Hopefully that make you happy.
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iwastheultimatequartz replied to your post: (Also how many posts can I make before Jasper who...
They’re primitive communication devices. How I haven’t annihilated mine yet is a mystery and a miracle.
Still, you’d think I’d know better by now, even if it is way too small for my stupid giant hands.
(Also hi how are you I’ve missed you!)
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(Also how many posts can I make before Jasper who is acknowledging me just calls me an idiot for dropping my device in the lake~)
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I know you’re just supposed to  put it in rice but where would I get rice? I don’t have any rice.
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It probably shouldn’t have taken me this long to fix it. 
But I fixed it.
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She smiled softly “You aren’t the Pink I knew… But you’re still Pink… The same  as mine was. Kind and caring…” she said, nodding. She saw the star on Pink’s clothing and gave a soft laugh “You can still be my Pink. Or… I can be your Blue?” as intelligent as she was she was a bit troubled by the nuances of transuniversal situations.
“Maybe not... but yes. I’m still as Pink as they come.” She frowns, looking off to one side. “The Blue from my universe was... so cold. I don’t know if she ever felt anything at all. I’d be more than happy to have one like you as my Blue.” Her eyes practically glittered, excited. “I’m glad I found you.”
Your Diamond
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She couldn’t help White or Yellow. But maybe she could help Blue.
“Oh pink… I’m so happy that you’re alive…  Everything’s changed on homeworld… I come here sometimes… To mourn in peace, Yellow and white don’t know… I sneak away.” she said, just hugging Pink.
“Where do you stay? You couldn’t be staying out in the filth of nature… could you?” she asked
“No, I built a little residence by a lake.” She grins, practically glowing with pride. “By myself! It took me a while, but. It’s nice.” She realizes, she’ll have to have a long talk with Garnet about this before she can come into the Home Home universe. That’s fine. She’s got a side place where she does all her serious thinking anyway.
“It’s a few universe over - are you willing to do a quick little jump with me?” She leans back, now, disentangling herself and letting Blue see the star emblazoned on her outfit as she interlaces their fingers.
Your Diamond
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“I… Don’t want to go back.” she replied, burying her head in the other Diamond’s shoulder. “Yellow is cruel and I’m alone… and… Humans seem… Interesting… I met one… It understood loss… I think they are more like us than I realized.” she muttered
“I don’t want to lose you again. Let me stay here on Earth with you.”
Pink froze, eyes wide.
If she were human, she would have said her heart stopped in her chest, so surprised that her more “Imperial” outfit lost cohesion, leaving behind her more free, technically Crystal Gem affiliated one that she’d reformed herself with.
“I’d never make you go back, Blue.” She shuddered, thinking of how Yellow had tried to... persuade her, to return to the Authority. She could make this work, maybe build another... she’d make this work. “My home is your home - as long as you want.”
She couldn’t help White or Yellow. But maybe she could help Blue.
Your Diamond
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Interesting, if a bit… restrictive.  It sounds not unlike a caste system full of robots.  And yet the robots have personalities!  I levy no criticisms your way, of course!  Still, it is interesting, unheard of almost, that  each leader has freedom to rearrange the castes’ standings at their discretion.  But, a white?  I do not believe you mentioned a white diamond.
Ah, there is the rub, yes?  Made-to-order.  And yet, what little I have seen from the few Gems I have ever interacted with suggests that they are sentient, aware.  
I didn’t make the system. I’m actually the youngest Diamond - only ten thousand. The creation of a Diamond requires more carbon than most planets can provide, so. A chance to add another is something of a rarity. And yes, White Diamond. She rules over the Home World herself, and is the eldest Diamond. 
They’re very aware. All Gems are technically made to order. Even I was made to order.  It’s just... part of being a gem.
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Then you are indeed at odds with the upper-crust, eh!  There are few places I like as well as earth, so good on you!
In summary, I wish to know everything!  Information is my truest and most favorite currency, and every gem colony I have ever encountered was more interested in putting holes in my ship and I than sharing facts.  Worse, they keep a very insular market, making them an enigma!
We might start with how you structure your societies!
That’s not hard!
There are four Courts - or, there were. Now there’s three. Generally, every class of Gem belongs to one of the three courts, and has a designated purpose. The more important the purpose is to the aim of the Particular Court, the more important the Gem. It’s all about productivity. For example, a Quartz soldier might be considered fairly lowly in Blue Diamond’s aristocratic Court, but in Yellow’s militaristic ideals, they’re extremely important!
All the Courts work together, of course, under the Diamond Authority. There’s only. Three, Diamonds. Yellow, White, and Blue. Diamonds and Pearls are really the only truly consistent groups - the Ruling class, and the... well, on Homeworld they’re considered made to order servants.
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She is. Friendly and docile. The ability is appreciated, too. It allows Jasper and I to meet from time to time. It is only a bit. Dizzying.
Heh. It definitely takes some getting used to, that. I certainly thought I was going to break right and there when I first used it...
... Thank you, for.  Standing with Timehop? With Gems that have dangerous potential - giving them a chance.
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Hello, Garnet. And that’s fine - at least you remember your password, right?
@sinfulglambot @justcrystallizedcarbon
Greetings. I hadnt been on my blog as much as i probably should.
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I agree. It is not like Timehop is any danger now.
I do not think she has hurt anyone ever since I first met her and she destabilized my form.
From what I hear, she’s quite friendly.  And... her - OUR ability, isn’t inherently dangerous. It can be hard to learn, but she doesn’t seem to have any particular issue with doing hops in the few times she does.
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loveonearth replied to your post: …
Pearl is a little. Overzealous.
I er.  I noticed? I know her heart is in the right place, but... Overzealous is exactly the word.
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Sorry… I just. I thought you should know?
Thank you, Pink. It’s… appreciated.
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