justcoffeeandme · 2 years
5 Ways To Grind Coffee Beans Without A Grinder
There is nothing like an aromatic and flavorful cup of coffee to get you through your day. However, the only way to achieve that delicious flavor is by using freshly-ground coffee beans. Perfecting your grind takes trial and error, and you need a decent grinder to help you perfect your grind.
If you don’t have a grinder to hand, but you don’t want to use pre-ground coffee, there are some simple hacks that you may want to try. we cannot guarantee consistent results, and the grinds may work better for pour-over than espresso due to the grind size; nevertheless, they are worth trying.
We will talk about how long it takes to hand grind coffee and discuss alternative hand grinder methods, such as pestle and mortar. We will also discuss the benefits of manually grinding your coffee beans.
How Long Does It Take To Hand Grind Coffee?
Using a hand grinder takes approximately 70 revolutions with the handle to grind up ten grams of coffee; this takes between 30 to 40 seconds.
An ergonomically-designed hand grinder with a side-mounted handle will make grinding your coffee beans much easier than a standard top-mounted handle.
If you use alternative methods, it may take longer than with a manual grinder. For example, some people use a rolling pin to bash their beans to pieces.
However, this process is labor-intensive and can take long before achieving the grind size you need.
Other manual tools people use to produce coffee grounds include:
Hand mincer
Garlic press
The above methods will take a long time to get your coffee to any useable consistency, but you can only try.
The following are not manual tools, but some people use a blender or food processor to grind their beans.
If you use a blender, remember that blending creates heat and cooks the beans, which nobody wants, leading to bitter and burnt tastes in your coffee.
Since coffee beans burn too quickly in a blender, this method mustn’t take longer than 30 seconds.
A food processor is pretty similar to a blender. Use the pulse setting and grind your beans in increments of 3 to 5 seconds; repeat this method until you get the consistency you desire. This can take a total of 30 seconds.
Is It Better To Manually Grind Coffee?
Grinding coffee beans manually is not as easy as pushing a button on an electric device, so what is the attraction to manually grinding coffee?
It depends on who you ask, but manual coffee grinders have many advantages over automatic ones. Let’s discuss some of those.
Hand grinders don’t heat the beans like electrical ones. So even though the taste differences are indistinguishable, beans from a manual grinder are healthier and better-tasting for you for that reason.
Manual coffee grinders may come with different price points, but even a high-end manual will always be cheaper than an electric grinder.
Hand grinders are smaller and more affordable than electric grinders. These manual devices are ideal for those on a tight budget and with little countertop space.
They are often quieter than automatic grinders as they don’t grind coffee quickly. They also don’t require electricity; this may not matter to you if you grind coffee at home, but if you travel or go camping, not needing electricity is a significant bonus.
These hand devices have a cool nostalgic appearance that is so sought-after now. People love old-fashioned models, and they make fun conversation starters.
If you are lucky enough to get your hands on a grinder over 100 years old, old models can still be good at grinding if well-maintained.
How Hard Is It To Manually Grind Coffee?
If you have an ergonomically-designed hand grinder, you should find it less strenuous than a standard one with the top handle. Your model depends on how hard you find it is to grind coffee manually.
If you grind coffee for one cup, so 17 g, it may take 30 seconds. So if you happen a round of coffees for five people, that’s five times 30 seconds of nothing but ground coffee, so that comes to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
It will not be easy to use unconventional methods, such as a pestle and mortar, to grind your coffee beans.
In addition, it will be more challenging than using a hand grinder. So, let’s explore five ways you to achieve a desirable grind without a grinder, manual or otherwise:
1. Pestle And Mortar
This method will deliver a fine coffee grind, but it takes along. Pharmacists, herbalists, and healers used this tool in the past to grind medicines, herbs, and spices into a fine powder.
If you have ever used a pestle and mortar to make a fine powder, you know it eventually uses a combo of pounding and rolling movements for a more even grind mixture.
This unconventional grinder can create fine coffee, very like an espresso.
Start by putting some coffee beans into your mortar; you will attain a uniform grind within a couple of minutes.
Hold the pestle firmly with one hand while the other handles the mortar securely. You want to prevent the mortar from slipping away from your hands during the pounding process.
Use force to smash the beans with the pestle, and ensure that you pound each corner to achieve consistency.
Continually add your beans and keep crushing them; stop once you have the required amount of coffee. Adding small amounts at a time achieves more consistent results.
Roll the coffee with the pestle for a finer texture when you stop crushing.
At this stage, the grounds should be finer. However, you must continue grinding and rolling until you are happy with the texture and consistency.
2. Rolling Pin
This humble kitchen utensil can easily crush your beans; you can also expect a fine to medium grind with the correct precision and execution.
The result will be a uniform texture with a finer grind. Nevertheless, you must exert some pressure and focus on the process to ensure consistency.
You may also find it helps to use a wide chopping board and a parchment bag with your rolling pin.
Put the necessary amount of coffee beans into a zip lock bag or another plastic bag.
Lay the bag out flat on the counter or cutting board.
Hammer the beans with the pin, smash and roll them. You should hear crushing noises as they break down.
Keep rolling the pin, only stopping when you have the right grind size. The grounds may look too big for what you need, in which case, keep crushing the beans.
3. A Hammer
Any tool similar to a hammer, like a mallet, etc., can easily crack and smash the coffee beans. Use these tools carefully to avoid damaging your work surface. This method mainly delivers a medium to coarse grind size.
Put the beans into a zip lock or similar plastic bag.
For a more uniform grind, crush the beans from one end of the plastic bag to the other for a more consistent texture.
Exert downward force to the beans and keep hammering until you have your preferred consistency.
4. A Standard Blender
A standard home grinder is an excellent grinder alternative. It has a blade system to chop coffee beans like many conventional coffee grinders.
Some blenders come with a grinding function, ideal for chopping your beans. However, you must blend the beans in small amounts as blenders move at high speeds to create a heated cavity.
The heat could cook the bean’s natural oils, resulting in a bitter taste. In addition, the blender method only works for coarse grinds.
Use the high-speed setting on your grinder.
Throw a little coffee in and cover it.
Blend the beans to the required consistency.
Continually add beans until you have the correct quantity and consistency.
5. A Knife
If you lack the above tools, a large butcher knife works well. These knives have a wider blade than most others, providing more surface area to deliver a more forceful crack to the beans.
This process results in a medium to fine grind. However, if you have never used a butcher’s knife before, it’s not safe to start using it to chop your beans; better to use another method.
Put the beans on a chopping board.
Lie the knife down flat against the beans.
Forcibly press down hard to crack the beans.
Final Thoughts
It helps to know that there are alternatives to grinding coffee if you lack the necessary grinder. Remember that grind consistency ensures that your coffee always tastes as it should, as it allows you to draw out flavors hidden inside the coffee beans.
An inconsistent grind will always result in your coffee being over or under-extracted, leading to undesirable tastes. With any method you use, do your best to achieve consistency. It’s worth the time and labor.
from 5 Ways To Grind Coffee Beans Without A Grinder
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
How Much Stronger Is Filter Coffee Than Espresso?
There are numerous differences between filter coffee and espresso, but the most obvious ones are the grinds’ fineness and brewing times. Espresso coffee is finely ground and is in contact with boiling water for a short period, while filter coffee has a coarser ground. As a result, it is brewed for longer at a much lower temperature.
The average cup of filter coffee ( 8 fluid ounces or 236.5 ml) has about 150 to 250 mg of caffeine. A single espresso shot (33 ml) has about 63 mg of caffeine. However, the average espresso shot is about two fluid ounces which bring its caffeine content to around 125 mg, so espresso has a higher caffeine concentration per fluid ounce, but filter coffee has more caffeine per entire serving.
We will explore all the differences between filter coffee and espresso to help you decide what coffee to have.
Why Does Filter Coffee Contain More Caffeine Than Espresso?
Espresso has a higher caffeine concentration than espresso because you grind espresso to a smaller size than filter coffee.
If you grind beans for filter coffee in an espresso grinder, you would have bitter-tasting coffee.
Espresso takes less time to brew, with the average brew taking 20 to 30 seconds. This means more time for the ultra-fine ground coffee to deliver an excellent espresso.
While brewing filter, coffee may take several minutes before reaching its final flavor.
Espresso machines have the pressure and temperature facilities to reach higher temperatures when compared to standard coffee makers; also, most coffee makers don’t have the pressurizing unit.
Differences between Espresso And Filter Coffee
It’s essential to know the brewing processes of the two coffees, as this is where all their differences lie:
What Is Espresso?
Espresso is a shot of coffee brewed at a high, almost boiling, temperature, pressurized water runs through finely-ground coffee beans, and it is more concentrated than filtered coffee.
As a result, espresso is more concentrated and thicker than a filter, and it has many layers.
The crema is the top layer of a shot; it is golden brown and made of oils, proteins, and melanoidins.
The liquid can be characterized by two different parts, the body, and the heart. The body is in the middle of the espresso, and it is a caramel-brown color.
The heart of the espresso is a richer shade of brown. This is the main component of an espresso shot and in it lies acidity and sweetness.
What Is Filter Coffee?
In theory, you could say espresso and filter are the same concepts as the fundamentals are the same.
Both drinks involve pouring hot water over coffee grounds. Hot water passes through coffee grounds and a filter and falls into a vessel.
The main difference between filter and espresso is that water flows through the grounds by gravity rather than being pushed with pressure.
Because of this, filter requires more coffee grounds and more water. As a result, the brewing process for filter coffee takes longer than espresso, but the resulting beverage is still pretty decent.
Filter coffee is also known as pour-over and drip, and this method draws less acidity and enhances the more intricate coffee flavors.
For this reason, filter coffee is a better brewing choice for single-origin coffees, as it enables the drinker to enjoy all the aromas and flavors.
Decent filter coffee doesn’t have layers like espresso, but it is clean and consistent, the reason being more water can absorb coffee oils and fragrances in its own time and pressure, rather than force.
Also, the lower acidity gives the coffee a milder mouthfeel than espresso.
Differences In Taste
One of the most significant differences between filter and espresso is the taste. Espressos generally have a complex flavor consisting of body, sweetness, and a finish. In addition, the thick crema on top has excessive acidity.
As a result, it’s a more miniature drink with more complex flavors, and it contains more of a kick due to its highly pressurized brewing method.
These flavors are perfect with steamed milk for drawing out the mild sweetness of cappuccinos and lattes.
Filter coffee has more subtle tasting notes, delicate acidity, and a consistent taste. In addition, black filter coffee is easier to drink and allows for the development of complex flavors from different single-origin beans.
How Long Is The Brewing Time For Espresso And Filter Coffee?
The brewing and steeping time for filter coffee is what draws out the complexities. The process begins by saturating the grounds and waiting for the wet coffee to “bloom” for a minimum of 30 seconds.
This helps release carbon dioxide, improving the water flow during the process. Then there is a waiting period of 1.5 to 2 mins for the coffee to pour into the vessel.
Making espresso is a faster way of getting your hands on a coffee. In contrast, the gold standard is the traditional Italian shot time of 25 to 30 seconds.
Using an espresso for a milk-based drink, steaming and pouring milk takes only seconds. Grinding takes a little time, and preparation takes about one minute.
What Brewing Equipment Do I Need For Filter And Espresso?
Filter coffee doesn’t require as much equipment as espresso, making it a cheaper way to make coffee. For espresso, you need an espresso machine that can set you back hundreds or even thousands, depending on the model.
An espresso machine will also take up more countertop space and electricity. You also need numerous tools, such as portafilter baskets, spouted or naked portafilters, shower screens, etc.
All you need is a dripper, a cup, and filter paper; however, you may need items like a thermometer and a scale to help you achieve more accuracy.
Many drippers like the Clever Dripper, Chemex, V60, Kalita Wave, etc., come in various materials and have minor differences.
Can I Use Filter Coffee For Espresso?
If you are lucky enough to have both a filter coffee maker and an espresso machine, you may wonder if you can use filter coffee to make espresso.
First, you can use filter coffee in an espresso machine, although the size may not be at the necessary fineness and may result in the espresso tasting bitter.
As ground coffee is used to make standard black coffee, you must do some things to draw out the best qualities fully.
With espresso, hot water is in contact with the ground coffee for only a short period, so the coffee needs to have a very fine grind size.
A fine grind size means more of the coffee will come into contact with the hot water because of the greater surface area, and the smaller gaps between the coffee grinds mean that the water takes longer to flow through.
If you use pre-made coffee, it will have a coarse grind size as it is designed to make coffee that tastes better when made with coarse coffee.
When using filtered coffee for espresso, the water tends to flow through it too quickly and will contact less of the grounds, which will result in a watery and sour espresso.
If you can get a decent grinder, grind the coffee more finely. You can minimize the sourness of espresso by tamping it with more force, although not too hard, as this can also make the espresso too bitter.
Brewing The Perfect Cup
Manual methods are best for both coffee types, as they give you more control over the different parts of the brewing method to create a balanced and tasty cup.
To brew the perfect espresso shot, these include the correct grind, accurately measured grams, and the right brewing time.
Brewing the perfect shot of espresso may be difficult at home, given the price tag on many decent espresso machines.
For that reason alone, it might be better to work with a filter brewer like a Chemex or V60 as they are user-friendly and produce a pretty decent cup of Joe.
The Future Of Filter Coffee
For too long, filter coffee has been looked down upon and considered an inferior brewing method; however, with the upsurge of third-wave coffee, manual brewing methods have become more prevalent in recent years, and filter coffee is seeing a comeback.
Filter coffee is becoming popular because coffee connoisseurs worldwide can taste more refined flavors in their cups due to the longer brewing time of single-origin coffee with a subtle flavor.
Final Thoughts
Espresso is stronger in caffeine; it has a higher caffeine content than filter coffee. If you wonder which coffee is better, truthfully, neither is better than the other as either method can deliver a delicious coffee.
With that said, filter coffee is ideal if you want to experience single-origin coffees and their delicate flavor notes. It also has a cleaner taste.
On the other hand, espresso is a faster way of getting your caffeine kick, and it is better if you wish to mix it with steamed milk. Ultimately, the choice between the two beverages comes down to your preferences.
from How Much Stronger Is Filter Coffee Than Espresso?
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
3 Of The Best Ways to Store Coffee Beans
What I have learned from experience is that poor storage of coffee beans does not only make it lose its aroma but also other essential oils leaving it stale. I have, therefore, learned how to store coffee beans to make them last long and fresh. Without proper storage, your coffee will lose the freshness and the aroma.
The best coffee storage is the one that protects it from light, heat, moisture, and air. These are not good for coffee since they can make them go bad or lose freshness and aroma faster.
When coffee is exposed to oxygen, it gets oxidized, a process that can be accelerated by heat and humidity. So if you want your coffee beans’ freshness to last, you must protect them from those four things.
Although other factors such as coffee variety may define its shelf life, how and where you store it is crucial.
Coffee beans can stay fresh for a significant time, provided they are not exposed to humidity and other things that kill them. Keep reading for more information on coffee storage.
Where Is the Best Place to Store Whole Coffee Beans?
The best way to store whole coffee beans is in a storage canister with an airtight seal. The canisters should then be placed in a dark, cool, and dry place at room temperature or below. Good storage canisters can be made from materials such as. 
Stainless steel
Each of these three materials has its pros and cons that you should consider before purchase.
Check out these frequently asked questions on coffee bean storage.
Can You Store Coffee Beans in a Mason Jar?
A mason jar, a container commonly used for jams storage, can also store coffee beans. Most important is to remember to keep it tightly closed.
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using mason jars for coffee storage.
AdvantagesDisadvantagesThey are waste-free.They can break easily.They can preserve the coffee’s freshness and aroma for longer.The bisphenol A (BPA) used to undercoat the lids are not entirely safe when they contact food.They are readily available in the market and come in many sizes.The screw-top rings are made of steel, a material prone to rust.They provide an excellent barrier for oxygen and moisture.Most of them are transparent, allowing light to pass through, risking your coffee shelf life.
The good mason jar should have a distinctive ultraviolet light-blocking property; alternatively, you can place the coffee beans mason jars in dark places like in a cabinet.
You should also avoid keeping them in hot places like cabinets close to the gas cooker.
You can also consider buying mason jars with stainless steel lids or plastic lids made from acetal copolymer, which does not contain BPA.
Are Mason Jars Airtight?
Some mason jars are airtight, especially those with a metal clasp or plastic lids with a rubber seal that helps to keep them together. But therefore, not all of them are airtight. 
Do You Have to Boil Mason Jars to Seal Them?
Old guidelines recommended that you had to boil the mason jar lid to seal it but not anymore. Most mason jars lids come with a rubber seal band that creates an airtight vacuum seal on the underside.
They also have an outer band with screws to tighten the cap.
You can boil your mason jar for sterilization purposes but not the lid. This is because boiling the mason jar lid will destroy the rubber seal and make them loose. Instead, check out how you can clean the lids to avoid damaging them.
Use a damp vinegar towel to scrub the lids and the rings sufficiently. 
Wash them using a sponge and soapy water. 
Rinse with clean water and dry them using a clean towel.
Alternatively, you can consider replacing the lids with new ones.
Do Mason Jars Keep Bugs Out?
Mason jar lids are designed with screw-on tops that keep them tight, keeping bugs away. This makes them useful for a variety of storage needs.
However, it is possible to transfer pests from the original package into your coffee jar; it is vital to inspect it for pests before purchase.
If you see pests like coffee bean weevils in your airtight mason jar, it is possible that you transferred some microscopic weevil eggs from the packaging.
In such a case, you need to eliminate them immediately. To get rid of the coffee beans weevils, you will need to;
Discard the infested coffee.
Vacuum and wipe the shelves with white vinegar.
Throw the garbage far from your home. 
Cleaning the shelves regularly will prevent the reappearance of the weevils.
How Long Will Coffee Beans Last in an Airtight Container?
Coffee beans last up to six months past their shelf life if they are well stored in an airtight container. In this case, you should consider other factors that may shorten its shelve life, such as direct light and heat.
Other aspects will affect the shelf life of coffee beans even when stored in airtight containers. For example, unroasted coffee lasts longer. Also, various types of coffee beans have different shelf lives.
Supposing you keep open your coffee bean container frequently exposing the coffee to air for long, it will lose its aroma and flavor and eventually become stale.
An alternative way to increase the shelf life of your coffee beans is to store them in small and truly airtight containers and keep them frozen.
Using poor quality containers which are not genuinely airtight will cost you your coffee beans because they will be exposed to oxygen and humidity, which kills it.
To protect the frozen coffee beans from condensation, always allow the airtight container to thaw entirely to room temperature.
How Long Do Whole Coffee Beans Stay Fresh?
Whole coffee beans will stay fresh for about seven to ten days after roasting, but it will take years before going stale with proper storage.
After roasting, they quickly get oxidized when exposed to air, losing their taste and aroma. When the coffee beans are fresh, they will show the following characteristics:
They have an intense aroma.
They leave oil traces in your hands.
They release carbon dioxide when put in a storage bag. 
If your coffee beans lack all the above characteristics, it is evident that they have long lost their freshness.
Although coffee beans do not necessarily go bad, it would help keep them fresh for as long as possible.
Some of the most affordable and simple ways to keep coffee beans fresh include using a valved pack and coffee vault.
But most important is to purchase freshly-roasted beans and brew what you can take within an hour or so.
Should I Vacuum Seal Coffee Beans?
Vacuum sealing your coffee beans in a plastic bag with a one-way valve is a great way to store them. It will help preserve their freshness for a year or more by preventing oxygen from entering the plastic bag and causing oxidation. 
If the proper techniques are employed, vacuum sealing can increase the shelf life of your coffee bean by two years. 
Suppose you want to store coffee beans for a few weeks before using them, then vacuum sealing them will be an excellent idea.
It would also be helpful to remember that not all plastic bags are suitable for vacuum sealing, but only those with a one-way valve. The benefits of vacuum sealing are to:
Save on space.
Retain your coffee beans’ freshness. 
Enable the coffee beans to be stored effectively to last longer. 
If you have a significant amount of coffee beans that require more extensive storage, you can opt for a bigger, opaque storage container to prevent light effects.
If you plan to purchase coffee beans and grind them from home, the vacuum sealing is worth trying. It will save you the disappointment of brewing flat coffee.
Can You Store Coffee Beans in a Plastic Container?
You can store coffee in a plastic container, but it should be opaque enough to prevent light from reaching the coffee beans.
In this case, any type of light is harmful to your coffee, whether fluorescence or sunlight. This serves as an alternative to ceramic or glass containers, 
The plastic container should be BPA-free and should be airtight to help keep the coffee beans fresh for a long time. Once you have put them in a plastic container, you should place them in a dark place.
Final Thoughts
Coffee storage is critical in ensuring its quality and shelf life regardless of the type of storage container. If you are a coffee fanatic, you also understand the beauty of brewing a fresh cup of coffee when and how you want it, which calls for proper storage.
In short, it is vital to ensure that coffee beans are appropriately stored for future use. Failure to adhere to storage standards might cost you money when your coffee loses its flavor and aroma.
from 3 Of The Best Ways to Store Coffee Beans
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
What Is Drip Coffee And Is It Any Good?
You may not know the term “drip coffee,” but you had drip coffee if you have ever drank coffee. Drip is mainly used as a way of distinguishing coffee from espresso. It’s confusing, but all the confusion should clear up by the end of this article.
Drip coffee refers to the coffee’s brewing method. In an automatic coffee maker, a heating element heats the water as it flows upwards to a showerhead it drips onto the filter full of ground coffee. The brewed liquid flows out of the basket into a carafe.
Naturally, you will have many questions about drip coffee if you have never heard of it before. This article will discuss the flavor of drip coffee and discuss how it compares to pour-over and other coffees.
What Is Special About Drip Coffee?
The paper filters for drip coffee trap oils present in espresso, percolator coffee, or French press.
Unlike espresso, drip coffee depends on thermally induced pressure to bring it to the showerhead, and gravity pulls it down through the coffee grounds.
As a result, it doesn’t dissolve much of the coffee’s soluble mass.
Drip coffee is the resulting brew of an automatic process. You put the coffee grinds in, pour the water in and press the button.
Select the cups you want, set the timer, so the coffee maker stops blinking, and that’s it. This brewing method is straightforward, affordable, and common among Americans where “drip coffee” is known simply as “coffee.”
Is Drip Coffee Any Good?
Drip coffee can be good; make sure that you use freshly ground coffee beans.
Drip coffee is often compared to pour-over, and drip coffee often falls short compared to the bold flavors of pour-over coffee.
The pour-over process takes longer, enhancing the flavor as the water has time to extract the oils and flavors from the grounds.
Both can be tasty, and drip can be strong and bold. Instead, it’s tasty and savory, well-bodied with a simple, smooth flavor.
Is Drip Coffee Better Than Instant?
Firstly, let’s discuss what instant coffee is. Instant coffee is a dry form of pre-brewed coffee. It was invented to offer an instant alternative to the standard brewing process.
As drip coffee is brewed from ground coffee, it involves extracting the coffee out of the beans and into your mug by adding hot water and percolating.
You will have a brewed coffee and used grounds at the end of the process.
Instant coffee only needs the addition of water. There is no extraction time as it already went through the brewing process in a factory.
Compared to ground coffee, instant coffee granules dissolve once the water is added, and there is no waste product at the end.
When it comes to the taste of both coffees, there is no comparison. Drip coffee is undeniably better than instant.
One of the main reasons instant coffee tastes terrible is that it’s often made with Robusta beans.
As a result, a substantial amount of caffeine is lost during production, although Robusta’s naturally higher caffeine content usually balances this out. However, this spoils the taste of the drink.
While you should only drink regular ground coffee, in certain circumstances like traveling or camping, there’s nothing like the convenience of the powdered stuff.
In addition, instant coffee won’t go stale. Instant coffee also works well in cakes, marinades, and smoothies.
Is Drip Coffee The Same As Filter Coffee?
Drip and filter coffee are parts of the same process. Drip is a process whereby hot water drips through the coffee grounds to extract flavor.
The filter is what holds the grounds as you drip the coffee through; the filter traps the grounds while letting the coffee through.
Drip brewers are also filtered brewers as you drip water through the coffee grounds held in a filter.
The filtered process is involved in many brewing methods, so you must be specific to indicate the type of process:
Pourover – hand-poured coffee through a filter
Clever dripper – filtered coffee brewed by immersing grinds in water in a coffee maker that looks like a drip, but the water doesn’t drip. Instead, a valve is released for the water to pour and drip through.
Automatic- coffee brewed with an automatic coffee maker that drips through a filter
Aeropress, Chemex, etc
Is There A Difference Between Pour Over And Drip?
Pour over and drip are similar in how you saturate the grounds with water then collect the liquid while it passes through the filter.
However, one of the main issues with drip coffee is that you have little control over how the coffee maker brews the coffee.
The pour-over brew method offers you more control over the water temperature, the speed at which it goes through the coffee grounds, how much it makes, and brew time.
As a result, coffee purists prefer this method to allow them more control over the resulting brew.
While the concept of these two brew methods is the same, the difference lies within the finer details of the brewing process and resulting product.
Therefore, to decide which method you prefer, you must understand what makes them different:
1. Quality
The quality of coffee can be subjective as everyone has their preferences. Some people prefer a dark roast, while others prefer medium or light.
The user has the freedom to customize to create the quality they want. Pour-over offers the most variety as it is an entirely manual process.
However, the pour-over method requires a lot of skill and attention to detail.
The drip method is faster and more reliable, but it delivers an average cup as you have little control over the process.
2. Control
Pour-over offers the user more options than the traditional drip. With the electric drip coffee makers, you control the quantity and ratio of grounds to water, but nothing else.
You will have no control over the water temperature, brew time, or pour speed.
With the pour-over method, the user is in charge of virtually every part of the process, and each variable makes a significant difference in the brew’s taste and texture.
3. Time
Even though the brewing process takes almost the same amount of time for the two methods, pour-over needs more attention and preparation.
When using a traditional drip coffee machine, you pour in the water, add the filter and grounds, push a button, and your coffee is ready for you after a few minutes.
The pour-over is by far more complicated. You must heat the water, put it in the filter and coffee grounds, and pour the water continuously over several minutes.
As a result, this is a less popular method for individuals with limited time to make their cuppa.
4. Durability
Most pour-overs are made of stainless steel, ceramic, or glass, so they tend to last a lifetime if you take reasonable care of them and don’t drop your device or break it.
Electric coffee makers are famously fickle, especially if you buy a lower-quality model, and they will only last a few years before you have to buy another one.
If you want a coffee maker that will last a lifetime, pour-over is better.
5. Cleanliness
Coffee not only stains our clothes and teeth, but it can also stain the device you prepare it in.
As most pour-overs are made out of ceramic, stainless steel, or glass, you must keep them continuously clean to prevent stains and build-up.
In addition, these devices are usually only made out of one or two pieces of material, making them easier to clean.
These machines are difficult to keep dry as they are used daily. In addition, the continuous damp environment is ideal for bacteria to flourish.
On the other hand, drip coffee makers can be a challenge to keep clean as the water and coffee go through numerous parts of the machine, so they require complete disassembly.
Drip Vs. Espresso
The main difference between drip and espresso is the brew method, as it has a significant impact on the final flavor profile of the drink.
Espresso is a concentrated shot of coffee; thus, bitterness and acids are in higher concentrations.
Coffee flavors come through differently in drip vs. espresso; the reason for this lies in concentration.
Espresso is nearly eight times as strong as drip coffee, and drinking a highly concentrated brew of the same coffee will pronounce certain flavors.
The main components of flavor include acidity, sweetness, and bitterness.
Bitterness is another macro coffee flavor; in espresso, this will feature in much higher concentrations than in drip coffee.
However, espresso extractions have a higher level of acidity. Therefore, acids will be the first to come through in both brew methods.
The best brew, be it espresso or drip coffee, should be balanced across the three elements; as espresso will always have a higher concentration of acid and bitter flavors, drip coffee will always be easier to balance out.
Final Thoughts
Drip coffee is mainly a way of distinguishing coffee from espresso, and it is so-called due to the way you brew it.
Drip coffee needs thermal pressure to send it to the showerhead; gravity pulls it down through the grounds. This brewing method is easy, and there is less human involvement than other brewing methods.
from What Is Drip Coffee And Is It Any Good?
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
Iced Coffee vs. Cold Brew Coffee (Which Came Out On Top?)
Iced coffee and cold brew sound very similar. That is why most people may confuse iced coffee for cold brew coffee. However, it is important to note that these are two different types of coffee regarding how they are prepared and enjoyed. You may note some similarities, but there are several differences between them. 
Iced coffee is a regular coffee served over ice. But the coffee should be stronger to prevent it from getting diluted by the ice. On the contrary, cold brew coffee is prepared by soaking the coarse ground coffee in cold water for at least twelve hours. The grounds are then sieved, leaving a coffee concentrate that can be diluted with water or milk. Since the coffee is cold, you can serve it over ice.
Although iced coffee and cold brew coffee are both cold, they differ in several ways; first, they have different preparation methods, caffeine content levels, and tastes. Knowing how to prepare them and their health benefits; will help you choose the best one for you according to your preferences. 
In this article, I will discuss the differences or similarities that exist between iced coffee vs. cold brew coffee. 
Is Cold Brew Just Iced Coffee?
Cold brew is not just iced coffee; it takes time to prepare it compared to a regular iced coffee with a straightforward preparation method. 
You have to soak the ground coffee in cold water for twelve hours or more and filter the grounds to get a coffee concentrate.
This concentrate is more robust than regular coffee, and you can dilute it with hot water, milk or serve it over ice.
If you are a cold brew fanatic but are short of time, don’t worry, you can find several brands of pre-made cold brew from a grocery store or outlets.
Some of the common brands available in the market include Starbucks, Califa farm, Chameleon cold brew, among others. 
Apart from being convenient for busy folks like you, these bottled cold brews have stood the test of time for their bold flavor.
Is Cold Brew or Iced Coffee Healthier?
Coffee is produced from coffee cherry seed which is rich in oxidants. Therefore, when roasted, the antioxidant and inflammatory properties increase significantly.
Generally, coffee has many health benefits, but here I will share some of the cold brew health benefits. They include the following:
Prevents Diabetes
One of the significant reasons you should drink a caffeinated cold brew is to lower the risks of type 2 diabetes.
Research showed that people who drink at least a cup of this stimulant beverage are not likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes.
So why should you prevent type 2 diabetes? This type of diabetes can trigger other health problems such as heart attacks and kidney diseases.
Prevents Obesity
While cold brew is sweet, the caffeine content present is believed to suppress hunger feeling a little, making you eat less throughout the day.
The reduced hunger level will result in fewer calories throughout the day hence lowering the chances of obesity and other related health issues like high blood pressure.
Boosts Mental Health
The presence of caffeine is another health benefit of the cold brew; it improves your mental health and physical performance.
Other health benefits of caffeine in cold brew include improved memory and focus that makes you feel motivated.
Boosts Energy
Caffeine is a stimulant that affects mental focus and daily performance. It also increases adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones that respond to fights by increasing heart rate and glucose level.
Once you take caffeine, these hormones increase, helping physical performance such as athletics. They also make you feel stronger and improve your overall productivity.
Reduces Stomach Problems Related to Coffee
Although the nutritional value of both iced coffee and cold brew is the same, cold brew has a lower acidity level which is gentler to the stomach.
In addition to low acidity levels, cold brew is less bitter, so you do not need much sugar that might irritate your stomach.
Prolongs Life Span
Most deaths are caused by high blood pressure, kidney failure, heart attacks, and other health complications.
Taking cold brew coffee lowers the risks of these diseases, living a healthier life, hence low chances of pre-mature death.
In addition, the study has it that if you drink a cup of coffee daily, you will be able to increase your days by 15%. 
Source of Antioxidants
Coffee is an antioxidant superstar; it fights inflammation, an underlying cause of common chronic diseases.
The antioxidants also help neutralize free radicals found in metabolic function. In addition, chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant found only in coffee, helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
Reduces Depression
Researchers have linked coffee consumption with low chances of depression in both genders. It is believed that caffeine boosts neurotransmitters used to control mood.
Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have only a twenty percent chance of developing depression.  
Is Cold Brew Sweeter Than Iced Coffee?
The preparation method of cold brew involves steeping the coffee ground in water for twelve hours.
As a result, the coffee oils, sugar, and caffeine extracted from the coffee grounds are less acidic and bitter than iced coffee. The many hours that the coffee sits in water also produce a tasty and robust flavor.
On the other hand, iced coffee has a bitter taste due to roasting or extraction.
Some of the reasons for bitterness in iced coffee include a high level of coffee roasting, type of coffee used, over roasting, stale coffee, taste bunds, and temperature. 
Most people do not like the bitterness in the iced coffee, and as a result, they add sugar to the coffee to taste.
However, if you are a coffee drinker, you can make a less bitter coffee if you use fresh beans, the correct type of beans, brew fresh, fix extraction, and consider adding sweet diary or salt to your iced coffee to give it a taste.
Which Has More Caffeine Cold Brew or Iced Coffee?
Cold-brew is more caffeinated than iced coffee with 12.5mg per oz, while iced coffee has 0.38 mg per oz.
If you take this caffeinated beverage regularly, you will likely have improved mood, a lower likelihood of depression, and stimulated brain function. 
The caffeine content also prevents diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Although there are many benefits related to caffeine in coffee, its overconsumption is harmful to your health.
Some of the health problems related to overconsumption of caffeine include heartburn, high blood pressure, and low born density. 
If your body gets used to caffeine, discontinuing its consumption can cause withdrawal symptoms such as dizziness, headache, anxiety, etc.
Numerous factors affect the level of caffeine content in coffee, which includes:
Coffee Beans
There are four primary types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. Robusta is less costly because they are cheap to grow, but they tend to be bitter.
On the other hand, arabica has a fruity taste but has high acidity levels; they are also expensive to purchase due to the high cost of production.
Type of Roast
There are two types of roasts, light and dark roast, and it is believed that the dark roasted beans are more caffeinated than the light roasted.
Note that the roasting time does not affect the caffeine content in the coffee but the mass of the beans. Therefore, the dark roasted beans are more caffeinated than the light roasted. 
The Brewing Method
Methods that have high extraction levels produce a highly caffeinated coffee. Here are some of the brewing factors that affect the caffeine content in your coffee.
They include grid size, water temperature, time, and the brewing method.
Does Cold Brew Taste Different?
Cold-brew has a smooth and sweet taste, unlike iced coffee, bitter. Here are reasons for the taste difference between iced coffee and cold brew; 
Hot water takes a short time to extract coffee from the ground producing the bitter and acidic end product. 
The Grind 
Cold-brew uses coarse grind, while iced coffee uses different grind types depending on the brewing method.
The coarser the grind, the more it is likely to produce more flavor to your brew after soaking, but even a fine task can produce a strong flavor when water is forced through it; an example is an espresso.
Roast Level
Different roasts, such as dark roast or light roast, have different flavors. For example, a light roast will give you a more acidic mellow flavor, while a dark roast will produce a less acidic bolder taste drink.
Therefore, using a dark or light roast will result in different tastes and flavors. 
Final Thoughts
Some people mistakenly think that you only drink cold coffee during summer, but if you want all the health benefits related to coffee, cold brew, or iced coffee, you need to take it all year round.
It will help you maintain fitness and healthy life, and above all, you will always feel motivated and energized.
from Iced Coffee vs. Cold Brew Coffee (Which Came Out On Top?)
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
What Is Nitro Coffee? A Fad Or The Best Coffee Ever?
Coffee is a global beverage facing a series of innovations over the years. Some of the major revolutions in the coffee industry include the rise of oats milk, coffee-based cocktail, coffee delivery drones, cascara soda, mushroom lattes, among others. The emergence of the new coffee format “ready to drink” or cold coffee indicates that the innovation is not stopping soon. An example of cold coffee available in the market is Nitro coffee.
Nitro coffee is a cold brew charged with colorless, tasteless, and odorless nitrogen gas. In other words, it is a nitrogenated cold brew coffee.
If you enjoy taking coffee, you would like to taste every new coffee product coming to the market, especially with the rise of out-of-home consumption. Supposing you are yet to taste the Nitro coffee, here is all you should know about it.
What Does Nitro Do to Coffee?
Nitrogen does not dissolve in liquids, so once it is infused into the coffee, it forms tiny bubbles that make its texture extremely smooth and creamy with a unique silky mouthfeel. 
To add to that, nitrogen is safe, odorless, and tasteless, which does not change the taste of the coffee.
Nitro coffee is available “on tap” served from a pressurized valve with a tiny hole that creates silky, creamy effects. Most people like it black, either served over ice or enjoy its natural creaminess.
It can also be prepared as a cocktail like the nitro pina colada or enriched with a flavor like vanilla syrup for those with a sweet tooth. Nitro coffee goes well with many flavors than regular coffee.
Is Nitro Coffee Healthy?
The natural sweetness and the inherent creaminess in nitrogenated coffee make it a healthier alternative to regular coffee. 
The sweetness makes it an ideal option for anyone dependent on coffee with cream and sugar. 
Nitro coffee contains high levels of caffeine due to less water saturation making it perfect for keeping you awake. Like other coffee brands, nitro coffee has many health benefits, which include;
Boosts antioxidants
Coffee beans are high in antioxidants, a class of nutrients responsible for protecting healthy cells from radical degeneration and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress harms several body functions leading to severe diseases. 
Since the preparation of the nitro coffee does not involve heating, the antioxidants are always efficient.
In addition to antioxidants, nitro brew coffee is also loaded with nutrients such as potassium, manganese, and vitamins B2, B3, and B5.
Helps in reducing sugar intake
If you are struggling to reduce your sugar consumption, then nitro coffee is your best option; it is naturally rich, creamy, and sweet. Drinking a cup of fresh nitro coffee can save you unwanted calories. 
It helps avoid stomach upset.
Infusing nitrogen gas in coffee produces nitrous oxides that make it rich in healthy fats. In addition,
Nitrogenated coffee has a lower acidic level than regular coffee, making it ideal for people with sensitive stomachs.
Improves physical performance
Nitro coffee contains equal or more caffeine than regular coffee needed to improve mental alertness. It also has an ergogenic effect that enhances physical performance.
So if you are a sportsman or have a busy schedule, sipping a nitro coffee can help improve your performance and endurance.
Promotes weight lose
Apart from helping you reduce sugar intake, nitro coffee can also help you cut on weight. This is because the presence of caffeine content in nitro coffee increases your body’s capacity to burn calories.
It also helps suppress your appetite, reducing the chances of consuming unnecessary calories.
Lowers the risk of diseases
Since nitro coffee is naturally sweet and does not require added sugar, it is an ideal beverage for people living with diabetes.
It also has all properties of regular coffee that help reduce the risks of type two diabetes. 
Regular consumption of nitro coffee, supported by proper diet and exercise, can help prevent the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease development.
Additionally, coffee can help reduce liver cancer risks and other types of cancer such as breast, skin, head, colorectal, etc.
Is Nitro Coffee Stronger Than Regular Coffee?
Unlike regular coffee that uses heat to extract caffeine, nitro coffee, a nitrogenated cold brew, is prepared as a concentrate with more coffee to water ratio of 1:4.
As a result, the process results in high caffeine concentration, making nitro coffee stronger than regular coffee.
An example of the ready-to-drink nitro coffee brands that are high on caffeine is the Stumptown cold brew coffee.
Since the caffeine content in cold brew coffee is higher than the typical drip brew, you can use water or milk to neutralize it to a ratio of 1:1.
Examples of ready-to-drink nitro cold brew coffee that you can readily find in a coffee shop include; caveman coffee co. —Nitro cold brew coffee, Starbucks nitro cold brew coffee, la Colombe lemon shandy, etc.
Is Nitro Coffee Stronger Than Espresso?
Nitro coffee is more robust than espresso. Why? Because cold brew coffee has more caffeine content than espresso.
The caffeine concentration difference can be associated with their preparation differences. For example, espresso is prepared using an espresso machine, which takes around thirty seconds.
 On the other hand, Nitro cold brew is prepared by soaking coarse ground coffee in cold water for twelve-hour or more.
Time is of the essence in coffee preparation, and since the nitro cold brew takes more time in the water, more caffeine is extracted, making it more robust than the espresso, which is prepared in less than a minute.
Although espresso and nitro coffee have a good flavor, the cold brew flavor is more robust than that espresso.
Besides the flavor difference resulting from the preparation methods involved, it can also result from the coffee origin.
Coffee is produced by different countries globally, and some countries have full-bodied coffee beans, while others make more acidic coffee beans.
If you want your espresso to be slightly stronger, leave it to cool down, cooled coffee tastes stronger than a hot one.
Suppose you are a cold brew fan but prefer the espresso caffeine content; use water, milk, or other alternatives to dilute it to the same caffeine content as espresso.
Is Nitro Cold Brew Good for Weight Loss?
Nitro cold brew is perfect for weight loss; this is how. When cold brew coffee is infused with nitrogen gas, it results in smooth, creamy, and sweet coffee that does not need additional sugar or dairy.
This reduced sugar intake will make your desire to lose weight easier to achieve. 
The caffeine in the nitro cold brew also helps in weight loss. In addition, caffeine is a hunger suppressor, reducing the chances of consuming junk and fast food that increases calories in your body.
If you intend to lose weight for health reasons or any other reason, you may consider narrowing your coffee preferences to black coffee.
Why? It contains a chlorogenic acid that slows down glucose production. So if you take a cup of black nitro coffee after a meal, your body will produce less glucose and fats.
Taking a cup of black coffee before starting your workout will also promote metabolism hence reaping significant benefits from your exercise.
What Is the Difference Between Cold Brew and Nitro?
Although nitro coffee is a nitro-infused cold brew, you can find a few differences when you look at them closely.
It is good to consider their preparation method, taste, and texture in this case. Cold-brew is prepared by soaking the coarse ground in cold water for twelve to twenty-four hours to come up with concentrate.
Nitro cold brew, on the other, is a variation of cold brew produced by infusing nitrogen gas into the cold brew.
It has a smooth texture compared to cold brew, which is syrupy due to many hours of soaking. Cold-brew is less bitter, smoother, and less acidic than iced coffee.
It becomes super soft with a sweeter flavor when infused with nitrogen gas to produce nitro coffee.
Nitro coffee is an improved cold brew that is gaining popularity among the young generation.
If you love the sweeter, milder, and smoother flavors, you would love nitro coffee; it has all the qualities of a great coffee brand that you do not want to miss. 
Does Starbucks Nitro Have More Caffeine?
Since Starbucks nitro cold brew is not served over ice, its caffeine content is more than the regular iced coffee.
However, Starbuck has produced more flavors with varying caffeine levels. So, if you are looking for a ready-to-drink nitro cold brew that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home, Starbucks got you covered.
It comes in flavors like black, dark caramel, or sweet vanilla cream readily found in a grocery store.
Caffeine consumption has many benefits, but it is vital to remember that excessive consumption is harmful to your health. Therefore, always stick to brands with moderate caffeine levels for your health reasons.
Final Thoughts
The benefits related to the consumption of nitro cold brew cannot be overlooked, from keeping you awake to preventing diseases. In short, nitro cold brew coffee is like a flavor added to an already popular cold brew. 
from What Is Nitro Coffee? A Fad Or The Best Coffee Ever?
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
What Is A Piccolo Latte? Baristas Detailed Guide
The piccolo latte is not a well-known coffee drink shrouded in mystery. Not many coffee houses make it, and it is commonly misunderstood. However, it can be an excellent addition to coffee shop menus as it involves robust espresso with smooth milk.
Piccolo means small in Italian, and a piccolo latte is a drink served in 3 to 4 ounces/ 85 to 114 ml glasses. It is one part ristretto to two parts milk with a soft foam layer on top. There are 40 to 60 ml of milk to one 20 to 30 ml shot of espresso. The espresso has steamed, stretched milk that blends well with the coffee.
As most people would not have heard of piccolo latte, let’s examine how they are made, how they taste, and how you would drink it.
How Do You Make A Piccolo Latte?
Consider the following ingredients you need to make a piccolo latte at home:
1 Ristretto shot
Steamed milk
Frothed milk
Sweetener such as sugar, honey, agave syrup, if you like your coffee sweet
1. To make a piccolo latte, you begin by grinding freshly roasted beans before tamping on an even surface.
2. Place the portafilter securely into the group head and before you begin your shot, place your cup underneath. If you are making a one-shot, hit the one-shot button on your machine and let it do its magic.
3. The shot should drop from the spout at about eight to ten seconds. The flow should resemble warm honey.
4. Some machines have milk texturing options to get the right amount of microfoam and texture this drink needs. However, manually, pour cold milk into the pitcher up to the bottom of the spout.
5. Purge the steam wand to clean it and clear out any condensation before you begin. Place the steam wand about half an inch into the milk and open the steam valve to draw air from underneath the milk’s surface. It should create a good whirlpool.
6. Lower the jug after a few seconds to introduce air to the surface of the milk; if you hear it screeching, lower the pitcher further. Again, it’s essential to focus on texture before thinking about temperature.
7. Aim for 140 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 to 65 degrees Celsius. One indicator that you have achieved the correct temperature is when the jug becomes too hot to touch.
8. For non-dairy, it’s best to keep temperatures below 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 55 degrees Celsius as the milk can separate or curdle. What you want is a velvety and smooth texture.
9. Swirl the jug to distribute the air and evenly mix in the microfoam. When you are done, purge the steam wand to clear residue milk inside the wand and wipe it with a damp cloth.
10. Pour the milk into the espresso with a layer of microfoam on top, and your piccolo latte is ready to drink.
Which Coffee Beans Are Best For This Recipe?
A piccolo latte is somewhat strong in taste, so to make it at home, it’s best to use dark-roasted coffee beans, as these have the best flavor notes for milk-based beverages.
Sweet and fruity coffee beans are best for pour-over coffee but not the piccolo latte.
Espresso and regular coffee beans come from Arabica and Robusta coffee trees. Espresso coffee beans are excellent for this coffee as they differ from regular coffee beans.
However, espresso beans are darker, while coffee beans come in all roasts.
What Does Piccolo Taste Like?
A piccolo latte is a ristretto shot of coffee pulled into an 85 to 114 ml glass and then topped with steamed milk, and the result is a small yet strong beverage with a robust coffee flavor.
The milk gives it a rich and creamy taste. People often compare this drink to a cortado; however, the single-shot piccolo is more delicate, sweeter, and less intense.
The cortado has a more prominent espresso flavor, and it isn’t as sweet as there is less milk in the cup.
This drink is often misunderstood; people expect it to be as strong as a cortado. The espresso in a piccolo can be mistaken for poor extraction, especially if you are an avid cortado drinker.
If you expect a particular strength from a piccolo, this can create problems if you don’t know the difference.
Piccolo latte isn’t a popular coffee beverage in the US or internationally as not many people know about it, and few baristas know how to make it.
It often gets confused with other milk-based drinks. However, this beverage should be well known, and it shouldn’t be expected to taste like other drinks.
If you haven’t tried a piccolo before, there is no time like now to try it and get used to its flavors. If you happen to own an espresso maker, give it a try; if not, talk to a barista and suggest a piccolo recipe. This drink needs to be discussed more and enjoyed in its own right.
How Do You Drink Piccolo?
Typically, baristas serve piccolos in an 85 to 114 ml glass; this is simply a way to display the different layers of coffee and milk.
However, you can also drink a Piccolo in a demitasse cup containing 90 ml of coffee. You will see these cups in most coffee houses around the globe, and they are typically used to serve a macchiato or cortado.
The best time to drink a piccolo is after a meal or with a dessert, and because it’s so small, you won’t be too full. It’s also not so caffeinated that it will keep you up all evening.
A piccolo isn’t from Italy, so it doesn’t come with any rituals attached to Italian coffee drinking.
The beverage was invented in Sydney, Australia. Baristas and roasters tested their brews with milk, and as they wanted to avoid consuming lots of milk, they added very little milk to each cup.
This enabled them to try different mixes and prevent the usual dairy bloating.
What Is Piccolo Coffee In Italy?
Piccolo means small in Italian, but it isn’t anything like a small latte, and it isn’t from Italy.
The piccolo latte was invented in Sydney, Australia, by baristas that wanted to use milk sparingly and so came up with the piccolo latte.
Piccolo coffees in Italy are few and between. However, the Australian coffee culture has taken to the piccolo more than any other.
What Is The Caffeine Content Of A Piccolo Latte?
Piccolo latte tastes much like espresso; the higher the quality of the beans, the better the flavor of the piccolo. A small to medium piccolo contains roughly 80 to 100 mg of caffeine, while a double piccolo contains 120 to 130 mg.
How Many Calories In A Piccolo Latte?
A piccolo latte contains between 15 and 54 calories. The calories depend on the milk you want to use. Whole milk will deliver a fuller and creamier coffee. Consider the following
table for the number of calories in a piccolo latte using milk and milk alternatives:
Whole milk 54
Non-fat milk 39
2% fat milk 45
Almond milk 15
Oat milk 45
Soy milk 36
One of the best parts of brewing coffee at home is that you are free to use whatever ingredients you prefer and make your coffee as strong as you like.
Why Are Piccolo Lattes Hard To Find?
You may have noticed that piccolo lattes don’t feature as widely as the classic Americano, latte, and cappuccinos.
One of the reasons for the drink’s lack of popularity outside of Australia is customers’ confusion about what the drink is.
Other drinks similar to the piccolo latte are macchiato and cortado; the definition of these drinks can be confusing, making consumers unsure of what they are ordering.
As a result, people tend to order lattes and cappuccinos as they know what those drinks are and what to expect.
Piccolos are rarely seen on European menus. However, the issue is not with the drink itself; few individuals know what and how to make it.
The sooner people openly talk about the drink and enjoy it, the sooner they find a place in coffee shops.
The piccolo is often confused with other drinks like cortados, lattes, macchiatos, etc. The piccolo may have a latte in its name, but lattes are significantly larger.
However, each drink delivers distinctive textures and flavors. The cortado has a bolder espresso flavor and is less sweet than a piccolo.
A macchiato is similar to a cappuccino, whereby just a few spoons of milk accompany the espresso, whereas a piccolo is a blended milk and espresso drink.
Final Thoughts
Piccolo lattes are delicious and creamy, and they should be discussed and created more. Traditional piccolo lattes are made with whole milk, but as you can see, it’s just as easy to make the little beverage with any milk alternative. If you have a coffee machine at home, why not try to make it for yourself.
from What Is A Piccolo Latte? Baristas Detailed Guide
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
Does Roasting Coffee Affect Caffeine Content? Baristas Guide
Different people react in different ways to caffeine. That makes it important to understand the amount of caffeine content in your coffee. Many variables determine the quality of a cup of coffee. Things like grind size, type of roast, tamping, brew length, and caffeine content. 
The extent of coffee beans roasting has a significant effect on caffeine content in them. Lightly roasted coffee beans can contain over 60% caffeine compared to darker roasts. While darker roast coffee is more robust and more intense in flavor, it has less caffeine content than lighter roast.
Learning this can help you decide on the type of coffee to take, depending on your body’s caffeine requirement and the amount your body can withstand.
In addition, it might help to know how much caffeine is considered “too much,” how roasting time affects caffeine level, and everything there is to know about the relationship between roasting coffee and caffeine content. 
How Would the Roasting Time of Coffee Beans Affect Their Caffeine Content?
The time you take to roast coffee beans significantly affects the caffeine level; the longer the roasting time, the lower the caffeine content and vice versa.
As roasting coffee becomes more popular among different people and cultures, you have to learn that roasting the beans for a long time burns off most of its caffeine.
In addition, the darker brown beans result from roasting for too long in contrast to the lighter ones. 
When roasting coffee beans, the heat activates certain chemicals inside the bean. The chemicals are activated at varying times according to the beans’ period on the heat.
There are four resultant types of coffee; light roast, medium roasts, medium-dark, and dark roasts. Roasting the beans takes them through a series of changes that determine the different types.
What is the difference?
The first roasting stage produces the lighter roast, and the process continues to all the other stages and coffee types. 
Light roasts 
A few minutes after placing the coffee bean on heat, it pops, expands, and increases its size. If you remove it from the heat at this stage, you will have a light roast coffee. This is because the coffee bean can retain all its natural flavor and caffeine at this stage. 
A medium roast
The medium roast comes after the light roast. It leaves the beans on the heat a little longer than a lighter roast, making the beans dry up. At this point, the beans are less acidic than lighter ones. The exact process applies to medium-dark roasts. 
The dark roasts
The dark roast bean has a second crack and a bitter flavor, and a shinier surface than the other types. The bean will appear larger than the lightly roasted ones. The bean is also lighter in weight as all the water evaporates during heating.
The size of the bean and the water evaporation contribute to the bean’s caffeine level. So, the lightly roasted coffee beans have a higher caffeine content than darker roasts meaning the shorter the roasting time, the more the caffeine. Therefore, someone may conclude that green coffee beans must contain the highest caffeine. Please note that consuming green coffee beans is unsafe.
Does Roasting Coffee Make It Stronger?
Roasting coffee significantly affects its strength. Dark roast coffee is more robust than lighter roasts. It has a substantial bitterness compared to a medium roast, which has a bitter-sweet taste. 
It loses its coffee’s natural flavor and acidity through the roasting process. 
The following features distinguish strong dark roast coffee from lighter roasts. First, they have an oilier surface than the other types.
The darker roasts have an oily surface
They have a heavier body that contributes to the thick coat in your mouth when you drink
Rich traces of chocolate, wood, or spice
A bolder coffee aroma
Please take note that coffee strength is different from caffeine content. Dark roast has the least caffeine.
What Determines Caffeine Level in Coffee?
Factors that influence the caffeine content in coffee include the type of roast, brewing method, type of coffee bean, and the amount of coffee ground that an individual uses.
Each of these factors has a way of influencing caffeine levels. 
Type Of Roast
Roasting time affects the mass of coffee beans which eventually affects caffeine content. Most of the qualities of a coffee bean, including caffeine, are in the water in a fresh bean.
A long roasting process evaporates all the water leaving the bean dry, larger, but lighter. A lighter roast retains all its caffeine as it does not undergo roasting for a long time. 
The type of coffee beans 
The coffee beans in question are Arabica and Robusta. Most people may go for Arabica coffee due to its taste, sweet and fruity, and high acidity level. Yet, their caffeine content is almost half that of Robusta.
On the other hand, robusta coffee has a bitter taste and a higher caffeine level. Its cost is also cheaper than Arabica.
Brewing Techniques 
If you want to make a cup of coffee with high caffeine, you will need to use a brewing method with a higher extraction level. Certain brewing factors influence the quality and caffeine content of your coffee.
The grind size– a finer coffee grind size will produce a brew with a high level of caffeine. The high caffeine is because the smaller grinds’ surface area to volume ratio is more significant. 
Water temperature– using hotter water to brew will extract more caffeine from the coffee than cold water.
Brewing methods- using brewing techniques that immerse the coffee entirely produces coffee with higher caffeine than pour-over methods. Complete immersion also allows longer brewing of the grinds if necessary. A longer brewing time means more caffeine extraction from the grinds
Discovering the optimal balance between these factors will help you achieve maximum extraction from the grinds.
Also, please note that some brewing methods require a particular grind size and water temperatures. For example, an excellent French press coffee requires a uniform coarse grind.
Does Darker Roast Coffee Have More Caffeine?
A darker roast coffee contains less caffeine than a lighter roast coffee.
With the gustier and more robust taste of dark roast coffee, someone may assume that it has equally high caffeine content, which is not the case. Dark roast coffee beans take longer in the hot roaster, a process that burns off most of the caffeine. 
In physical comparison, dark roast beans are more prominent and drier than slightly roasted ones.
It means that the lighter roasts still have water that contains caffeine, while in the darker roasts, the water evaporates with the caffeine. In the process, the darker expands in size and forms two cracks.
Does Flavored Coffee Have More Caffeine?
Flavored coffee has less caffeine level than regular coffee. According to research, eight ounces of standard coffee range between 75 and 165 milligrams of caffeine content.
The same volume of flavored coffee contains 48 milligrams of caffeine. Flavor, which is primarily an addition or topping to coffee, may not have such a significant impact on caffeine. 
The type of coffee, roast, brewing method and the amount of coffee you use will determine how much caffeine is in your cup. 
Does Mocha Flavoring Have Caffeine?
The mocha flavor contains a considerable level of caffeine as it is a product of espresso and cocoa. It has 152 milligrams of caffeine in every 12fl oz cup.
The 12 oz cup contains two espresso shots and a tablespoon of cocoa powder. The caffeine content may vary depending on various factors. 
The main factor is the quality and quantity of coffee in the espresso. The content of cocoa powder and the method of making the mocha will also influence the caffeine level.
Asking your barista how they make the mocha will help you know how much caffeine is in the drink.
How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?
Experts propose 400 milligrams of caffeine per day as safe for a healthy adult, and more than that may turn out too much and unhealthy.
That amount is approximately four cups of brewed coffee, two energy drinks, or ten cans of cola. Remember that caffeine content varies, especially in energy drinks.
Please avoid powder caffeine as it might be at toxic levels, with one teaspoon full being equivalent to 28 cups of brewed coffee.
Caffeine consumption is dangerous for children. Adolescents should avoid too much consumption, especially mixing it with alcohol. Pregnant, lactating mothers and women who want to get pregnant should also avoid caffeine. 
In Conclusion 
In a nutshell, roasting coffee has a direct effect on caffeine content. The lighter the roast, the more the caffeine content in it. This also affects the flavor and the strength of the coffee. 
I, therefore, know that you have learned the dynamics about coffee roasting and caffeine content, among other things, as discussed.
from Does Roasting Coffee Affect Caffeine Content? Baristas Guide
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
What Kind of Coffee Is a Breve? Barista Explains
If you love coffee, you know there are different flavors you can enjoy. Breve is one of them. Breve coffee is a favorite drink to many due to its rejuvenating flavor.
Breve coffee is an espresso-based beverage similar to a cappuccino but has half steamed and half whole cream (half-and-half) instead of milk. As a result, it is creamy with little or no sugar. Some people call it café breve or breve latte. 
There is more to breve coffee than you can imagine. You need to know how to prepare it, its taste and its health benefits. There are also different flavors of coffee that you need to know if you are a lover of coffee. Finally, you need also to know what breve is made with and the difference with latte coffee.
What Is a Breve Made With?
A breve coffee is a product of steamed half-and-half rather than whole milk. Half-and-half means it has half cream and half steamed milk.
It has a rich foam at the top that comes from the half and half. The espresso is also a vital ingredient in making breve.
If you wonder how to make breve, it is easier than you think. This is because there are already half and half that you can acquire and to make your breve. You can also choose to make your half and half at home. 
Once you have your half-steamed milk and half cream, mix them with espresso. Also, ensure that whatever you are using contains only ten to twelve percent fats. 
Does a Breve Have Coffee in It?
Breve is an espresso-based drink; therefore, it contains coffee. You can use any coffee to prepare the espresso for making a breve latte. 
The flavor, taste, and strength that you want in your drink will determine the type of coffee you use. Medium-dark to dark roast is the best choice for coffee as they are readily soluble and extract faster.
In addition, dark roast coffee will produce a more robust espresso and breve. 
Correct measurements determine the quality of the espresso, which is vital for a good breve coffee. A standard dose of thirteen to eighteen grams is good for two shots (two ounces). 
Fresh coffee will also contribute to quality tasting breve. You can use coffee that has stayed a couple of weeks after roasting and finish any open pack sooner to avoid losing the coffee’s flavor.
Newly roasted coffee contains carbon dioxide, which is not suitable for breve.
What Does a Breve Taste Like?
A breve tastes much like a standard latte though it is richer and has more flavor. It combines a strong coffee flavor with a creamy latte taste. The cream in the dairy gives it a dessert-like flavor, which is why many people use it. 
Breve latte is naturally sweet even without added sugar due to the top creamy foam. In addition, the half-and-half adds a rich texture to the beverage.
You can consider adding some powder cinnamon or nutmeg on top to boost the flavor.
Is Breve Coffee Sweet?
Breve coffee is sweet and still bold, thanks to the espresso in the beverage. The sweetness is natural from the cream, so you do not need to add any sugar. It is, in fact, sweeter than a traditional latte. 
What Is a Cafe Latte Breve?
Café latte is a kind of espresso drink similar to a cappuccino, only that it is made with steamed half-and-half rather than milk.
It is fluffier than a traditional latte made with regular milk as the half-and-half increases the volume of foam in the espresso.
A caffe latte has more average fats and cholesterol than other lattes made with standard milk, whether whole milk or not. 
While some people would prefer a café latte as a dessert without added sugar or sweetener, others want it as a morning caffeine treat.
If you are not strict with authenticity, you can add a syrup flavor or sweetener to your caffe breve to make it more of a treat. 
How to Make Café Latte Breve
Making a caffe latte is an easy process. Just like any other coffee flavor, you need to follow these steps:
Steam and froth the half-and-half
Place a shot of espresso, two ounces, in a cup. 
Pour the hot half-and-half in the cup while straining the foam. 
Top up the drink with the foam from half-and-half with a spoon. 
Please note that you can have your caffe latte hot or cold according to your preference, but a breve is better when hot. 
Is Breve Better Than a Latte?
Breve is better than a latte in terms of creaminess and richness. However, as much as they both use espresso and milk as ingredients, the kinds of milk are different. 
Latte uses steamed milk to give flavor to the espresso, while a breve uses half steamed milk and half cream. 
Both latte and breve use foam at the top, but breve becomes better as it uses more foam than the latter. 
Breve also has a better taste than a latte. The half-and-half gives breve an authentic sweet taste without the need for sweeteners and still maintains the strong original flavor and aroma of coffee. 
You can also consider breve better than a latte if you are looking for a heavier and tastier dessert and not a healthy cup of refreshment. 
What Is the Difference Between a Latte and a Breve?
Many differences exist between latte and breve. The most obvious is the type of milk that makes each beverage. 
Latte combines steamed whole milk with espresso, while a breve uses espresso with steamed half-and-half in place of milk, which brings about the difference in taste, foam, and creaminess. There are more differences besides ingredients.
The taste 
A breve has a creamy taste, thanks to the half-and-half. It also bears a mild caramel flavor as the steaming burns down some of the sugars in the milk.
You can enjoy a more robust coffee flavor in breve as well. On the contrary, a latte is slightly sweet and milky due to the high milk percentage. The coffee flavor is mild.
You can easily recognize a breve at a glance. It appears much similar to a dry cappuccino with the half-and-half separating the espresso and the cream in layers.
The top foam layer is also significant and visible. The latte, on the other hand, is homogenous. The milk mixes with the espresso, and the top layer of foam is considerably thin. 
Number of Calories
Breve beats latte in the number of calories with a triple as much as in latte, making latte the healthier option.
The high calories content comes from the half-and-half, which contains up to twelve percent of fats. The whole milk in the latte comprises a maximum of 3.5% fats. 
Serving Preference
You can serve latte hot or cold without noting any significant difference except the temperature. But, on the other hand, you can only enjoy a hot cup of breve due to the half-and-half. 
Is Breve Latte Keto?
An authentic breve is not fit for a ketogenic diet. The best way to make it is by removing the half-and-half.
The natural sugar in the milk has skim and regular that is too high in carbs to be Keto. There is, however, a keto-friendly version of a breve latte. 
The keto-friendly breve coffee has no milk, which is a significant ingredient in breve. 
In Keto, water replaces the milk, resulting in a lighter product since water weakens the espresso and changes the coffee flavor.
Therefore, it will not be a genuine breve latte but much like a regular latte with heavy cream instead of milk. 
Plant products are also ideal for making a keto-friendly breve latte. A good example is coconut milk or cream, which are permissible ingredients. Nuts are Keto, which makes them perfect substitutes for dairy milk.
You can make nut milk to use instead of the normal milk since it has less sugar and other components.
Adding cashew or almond milk to your breve coffee will give the beverage a better flavor with the keto diet benefits, whether as a dessert or morning caffeine treat.
Please be careful not to add a plant-based alternative to an espresso that is not keto-friendly. 
Final Thoughts
At this point, you already know what kind of coffee is breve, and more that I have covered about other flavors. Then, of course, there are various espresso drinks to enjoy, and breve latte is just one of them.
Making any coffee flavor is easy, as discussed above, making a café latte breve. So you can give it a try and enjoy the flavor you want without hassle. 
You can also make and enjoy an iced breve by simply stirring the half-and-half and espresso with ice. However, this is not the best way to serve most people since hot breve is more preferred than cold breve.
from What Kind of Coffee Is a Breve? Barista Explains
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
Does Grind Size Matter for French Press? Fact Not Fiction
Any professional barrister will tell you that factors like grind size, coffee bean freshness, grind freshness, extraction time, gram throw, water quality, and other factors determine the quality of the coffee you prepare. Still, all these depend on the type of coffee drink you want to make; French press, long black, cappuccino, breve, espresso, latte, or any other coffee beverage. 
The size of the grind significantly matters for the French press. A coarse, even grind is perfect for French press coffee. With this grind, a ratio of 1:12 coffee to water will produce an excellent brew. The size of the grind also affects the texture, flavor, and richness of your coffee. 
Apart from the grind size, there is more that you need to learn to achieve that richness or flavor you want for your coffee. You also need to understand the proportions you need for each cup and perhaps the type of roast you should use, among other things covered in this article. 
What Size Grind Do You Use for a French Press?
An excellent French press coffee requires a uniform coarse grind. The size and texture should be close or similar to salt granules, sea rock, or even chunks. 
So, how does the grind size influence the quality of the French press? You aim to produce a quality drink with the right flavor and refreshing benefits of coffee. 
Why the grind size matters 
The coffee grind size determines the flavor and texture of the coffee drink. The extraction and grind size will stand in the gap between brilliant brew and bland or tasteless drink if you wish to make great coffee. 
A too fine-grind coffee will produce a mirky and bitter brew. A French press coffee requires excellent extraction to avoid making bitter and dry-tasting coffee or bland and weak drink to taste. 
The extraction process means the path the water follows through the coffee ground and how it picks up caffeine and flavor from the coffee. 
The grind size influences how fast the water flows through the grind and its time to extract, eventually affecting the outcome. The grind size also determines the levels of extraction under-extraction of over-extraction. 
Though it could result from the wrong filter or water temperature, a too coarse coffee grind is the main reason.
In addition, under-extraction means that water passes through the coffee but does not collect enough of its goodness.
As a result, the water route is less resistant, and the resultant drink is weak with a bland flavor and has acidic, sour, and salty traces.
With over-extraction, the water struggles to pass through the too fine grind, which is compact. Due to the straining and longer extraction time, the water picks up too much of the coffee’s qualities. The outcome is a bitter and dry-tasting drink.
Therefore, you need to use the correct grind size to avoid under-extraction or over-extraction. 
How Much Ground Coffee Do You Use per Cup in a French Press?
Approximately three tablespoons of coffee in one cup of water will make an excellent French press coffee. 
Generally, the ratio of coffee to water can range between 1:12 and 1:15, meaning 1 gram of coffee will go with 15 grams/ 15ml of water. 
Once you have the proper measurements of ingredients, it would be easier to make your coffee than you can imagine. These are the steps to help you achieve the best of your French press: 
Add the coffee into the coffee pot.
Add hot but not boiling water to just above the coffee grind and swirl it gently.
Put back the plunger into the pot carefully just above the water and the coffee; do not plunger, then leave it for 3 to 4 minutes.
Add the rest of the water.
Exert steady pressure by pressing the plunger further down slowly.
Decant your coffee immediately so it does not over-extract.
Clean the pot with mild detergent and water after each use before repeating the cycle. 
Is French Press Coffee More Potent?
A few factors make the French press stronger than regular coffee. First, a French press coffee is typically more potent than regular coffee because the filtering fine mesh screen permits the fine particles in the coffee grind to pass through and into the final carafe. 
The French press also allows coffee oils into your cup, adding flavor and aroma to your brew. It also has more body, making it feel more robust in your mouth than other standard coffee drinks.
How to make your French press stronger?
Apart from the fact that the French press is more robust than regular coffee, you can increase the strength to meet your desire. 
First, you can slightly increase the volume of the coffee grind.
Increase the steeping time to five minutes instead of four to make it stronger and more caffeinated.
Make sure your coffee grind size is uniformly coarse.
If your preference is a weaker French press coffee, reduce the steeping time to three minutes to reduce extraction. 
Can Regular Ground Coffee Be Used in a French Press?
Regular ground coffee will not give you the authentic French press coffee you desire. To make a quality French press coffee with the best aroma and caffeine content, you need to use an evenly coarse coffee grind. 
If you use a too fine coffee grind, you will struggle with sediments in your brew that might even be too bitter for your taste. Sometimes you may not be able to get the plunge down if you use this regular fine coffee grind. 
In addition, a French press is best if you use a fresh coffee grind. Most of the regular ground coffee in the stores has been on the shelves for longer than two weeks and may not give the French press aroma even when the grind size is right. 
What Is the Best Roast to Use in a French Press?
The medium-dark roast is the best choice when you want to enjoy a refreshing cup of the French press. The medium roast coffee beans allow you to taste every bit of the floral notes and rich chocolate up to the last sip. 
These coffee beans develop some significant color while roasting, and although their surface is oilier, they contain less acidic levels than the medium roasted beans.
As a result, they enclose more flavor and a bolder body than the others. If you prefer a lighter or more potent brew, you have other roast options.
The Medium roast 
Medium roasted coffee beans have an oily surface and a soft darker brown color. Generally, they are well-rounded, and their flavor profile is well balanced.
The moderate roasting method preserves the original taste of the coffee bean and emphasizes the sweet caramel hint. It is ideal for the French press if you prefer your brew milder.
The dark roast
 The dark roast coffee beans are the choice for coffee drinkers who love their brew extra strong. The dark roasted beans have a distinct dark brown color no one can miss.
In addition, their acidity level is significantly low. 
Notably, they pack richer, deeper, and darker flavors with a significant hint of caramel, nuts, and chocolate.
The dark roast is not ideal for someone looking for authentic French press but for those who like the more robust taste.
The coffee roast you make will depend on your favorite strength, but the medium-dark roast is ideally the best of all.
Can You Use Folgers in a French Press?
It will be acceptable to use Folgers in your French press. The only challenge is that the brew will not be as good as using the proper French press coffee. 
You will have a lot of residues in your cup, which may not allow you to enjoy the brew. 
You can check the following steps if you want to make a French press coffee using Folgers: 
Disassemble and clean the plunger using hot water. Filling the glass pot and coffee cups with boiling water before using them will keep the coffee hot for a while longer.
Get rid of the hot water and put eight tablespoons of Folgers, French roast coffee grounds into the press.
Add hot but not boiling water into the glass but not fill to the brim. Use a plastic spoon to stir the coffee and the water.
Reinsert the plunger to the top of the pot and close the lid to stop the pour spout. Wait for the coffee to brew for four minutes before plunging.
Slowly lower the plunger up to the bottom of the pot, then turn the lid to open the spout for pouring. 
In Conclusion
You may decide to add a flavor to your brew. Flavored syrups like vanilla, cocoa, hazelnut, or caramel could be the ideal option for that. Another popular coffee topping is sweetened cream, which you can buy from the store or make your own. 
In a nutshell, the size of the ground, coarse or fine, will affect the texture and the flavor of your coffee.
from Does Grind Size Matter for French Press? Fact Not Fiction
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
What Does it Mean to Allow Coffee to Bloom? Barista Explains
Blooming is a way of enhancing the flavor of your coffee. This is an easy task that would not require you to have any additional equipment, and you can do it within a matter of seconds.
To allow coffee to bloom means letting recently roasted and ground coffee loses carbon dioxide and other gasses when brewing. Coffee beans contain carbon which reacts with oxygen when roasting to form carbon dioxide gas. The gas slowly escapes on its own through a process called degassing, which takes about two weeks. 
Dampening ground coffee speeds up the rate at which it loses carbon dioxide. A foam with bubbles called bloom forms on the surface of the powdered coffee as the gas escapes, which takes 35-40 seconds. It may take longer than 45 seconds or shorter than 25 seconds depending on prevailing factors such as the type of beans and freshness. 
What is the Purpose of Coffee Bloom?
Coffee bloom helps minimize carbon dioxide in the coffee grinds. You may wonder why it is necessary to lower the gas amount or completely do away with it. Here are some benefits of coffee bloom:
It enhances the flavor of coffee in your brew. The acidic carbon dioxide gas has a sour taste, and when it dissolves the hot water, it makes the whole cup of coffee taste sour. 
You don’t want a bitter/ sour tasting cup of coffee, and allowing the gas to escape restores the pleasant chocolatey taste of coffee. 
It allows water to extract nutrients from the coffee grind. Caffeine, tannin, proteins, carbohydrates, and oils are some of the chemical components of coffee beans. 
Carbon dioxide on newly roasted berries hinders water from dissolving the chemicals in coffee, which degrades its taste. When the gas escapes, water penetrates the berries extract and dissolves the nutrients.
It releases the tasty aroma of coffee. Then, as carbon dioxide gas escapes, it comes along with the sweet aroma from the berries that stimulates your nervous system while preparing.
Does Coffee Bloom Matter?
Coffee bloom is essential. As mentioned, blooming is an easy process, and so it matters in many ways that include the following:
It helps you detect the quality of coffee you are using. The amount of CO2 evolved as coffee blooms indicate its freshness. Recently roasted coffee gives off more gas than one with a long shelf life. 
It improves the flavor of the coffee. Coffee bloom allows water to infuse the essential nutrients in coffee and dissolve them, making your brew tasty and stimulating to your muscles.
It improves the nutritional value of coffee powder. Once CO2 escapes, the water interacts with ground coffee drawing all the essential nutrients such as caffeine, oils, and proteins.
It helps you estimate the amount of CO2 in coffee by observing the flow of bubbles and the size of foam formed.
It helps you to distinguish stale coffee from fresh coffee. Stale coffee liberates little or no gas, while fresh coffee gives out a steady gas stream when you let it bloom.
It lowers the amount of gas in your beverage, relieving you from too much gas and discomfort after taking it.
It reduces bitterness in coffee caused by acidity when carbon dioxide dissolves in water.
What Does a Coffee Bloom Look Like?
Coffee bloom has a frothy light brown appearance with a steady flow of bubbles whose intensity decreases with time. The foam is formed by a buildup of gas on the surface of ground coffee interacting with water molecules. The gas escapes as a continuous stream of bubbles.
After wetting your coffee grind, the froth swells for the first thirty seconds and flattens down as the bubbles burst from escaping gas. 
As the gas diminishes, the powdered coffee darkens and restores its original dark brown shade. 
The particle size of the grind increases as it blooms due to degassing and popping on the surface as you add hot water.
Should You Bloom Pre Ground Coffee?
You can bloom preground coffee, but the taste may not be as fruity and chocolatey as self-ground coffee. 
Once you roast coffee, the carbon and other organic substances combine with oxygen from the air to form CO2 gas, the gas slowly escapes, and within two weeks, there can only be a few traces remain. 
The flavor, scent, and freshness of preground coffee cannot match that of self-ground coffee because when you allow it to bloom, there is minimal water interaction with the coffee powder.
Also, the aroma that comes with the escaping gas is weak and lacks that calming effect on your nerves as you brew a cup of your favorite beverage.
One benefit of using preground coffee is its convenience. If you are not good at grinding or lack the equipment to do so, you are better off purchasing ground coffee and saving yourself the hassle of crushing the beans. It also saves time. 
How Long Should You Let Coffee Bloom?
The ideal time to let your coffee bloom is 35-45 seconds for freshly roasted and ground berries. 
Unfortunately, the period decreases fore-grounded coffee with a shelf life that exceeds two weeks since most of the gas will have escaped naturally. 
For coffee beans roasted and ground within the last 24 hours, the bloom time should be longer than one minute because of the high quantity of gas in the grinds.
 Other factors to consider when setting bloom duration include:
The temperature of the water. Carbon dioxide diffuses and escapes faster at a high temperature (hot water) than at a low temperature (cold water).
The intensity of roast. Darker, heavily roasted coffee berries contain more gas than the brown lightly roasted ones. The darker ones require more bloom time than less dark ones.
Amount of moisture in the air. Coffee degasses rapidly in dry areas than in humid areas. To contain the gas in berries after roasting, you should keep ground coffee in containers that keep it humid. 
Bean texture. Coffee beans with a hard surface require a long bloom time as the gas takes longer to penetrate the hard surface and escape.
Quantity of coffee. A small amount of coffee grind loses gasses faster than a large amount.
Type of beans. Different types of coffee beans take varying lengths of time to degass. The bloom time for coffee that degasses faster is shorter.
How Much Water Do You Use For Blooming Coffee?
When blooming, the amount of water you should add to coffee is small, just enough to make the grinds wet and trigger the gasses to escape. 
The standard ratio of water to coffee in grams is 1:3, though you may adjust the ratio depending on the type of beans.
Suppose you want to brew 10 grams of coffee; you should add about 30 grams of water to the grind and allow it to bloom before you continue brewing.
There are over 100 species with different features such as texture, grain size, and water absorption rates. Therefore, the amount of water you should add to your ground varies from one type to another.
Other factors that influence the amount of water include:
The extent of roast. Beans that are roasted lightly require more water to bloom, while those with extended roasting bloom with less water.
Humidity. Coffee grinds stored under humid conditions bloom with a small amount of water, while those stored under dry conditions require more water.
The ideal humid condition to store coffee is average to avoid mold infestation at high humidity and loss of flavor in dry conditions.
Freshness. Freshly roasted and ground coffee has a lot of gasses and requires more water for blooming, unlike one with a long shelf life which has already lost most of its gas buildup.
Size of coffee grinds. Fine coffee particles take longer to soak in water and require more water for blooming, while coarse particles soak faster and require less water.
How Long Should French Press Bloom?
Ideally, French press blooms should last between 25-40 seconds. You can adjust this time to suit your taste and give you the best results depending on the type and quality of your grind. 
If you are using fresh coffee berries that have undergone extended roasting, blooming will take longer because the concentration of CO2 in the grinds is high.
Here are some factors to consider when setting bloom time for French Press.
Amount of coffee you are brewing. Large quantities require more bloom time.
Type of coffee. Arabica coffee blooms faster than Robusta coffee and therefore requires less time.
Shelf life- coffee grinds with longer shelf life require less time to bloom since they have a limited amount of gasses.
The water temperature- Hot water drives CO2 faster and blooms coffee robustly, unlike cold water, although the latter is not ideal for blooming.
Coffee grind texture. Finely ground coffee takes a long time to dampen all the particles, hence a longer bloom time.
Final Thoughts
Lastly, the other factor to consider is the roast extent. The volume of carbon dioxide on deeply roasted coffee beans is higher than the lightly roasted ones. This is because the former requires more bloom time to emit the gas buildup fully.
from What Does it Mean to Allow Coffee to Bloom? Barista Explains
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
Frappuccino Vs. Iced Coffee 10 Key Differences
A sweet Frappuccino and a refreshing iced coffee are delicious drinks that would make a refreshing energy booster in the summertime.
However, choosing between them would be hard, and for this reason, it helps to know what makes them differ from each other before you hold up the queue at Starbucks.
Iced coffee can be any type of coffee, cappuccino, latte, flat white, etc., poured over ice.
A Frappuccino is a sweet and creamy blended iced coffee line, trademarked by Starbucks, and it is made in a particular way with milk, heavy cream, spices, and sweet syrups.
Let’s examine ten differences between a Frappuccino and an iced coffee:
Frappuccino Vs. Iced Coffee: Ten Differences
1. Ingredients
The main ingredient in Starbucks’ Frappuccino is their signature Frappuccino syrup. Each of the Frappuccinos, whether coffee-based or crème-based, include a Frappuccino syrup as part of their base.
In addition, Frappuccinos use an ingredient called Frap roast, which is a powdered mix paired with cold water rather than hot coffee. This gives the drink its characteristic texture and sweetness – it is also the glue that holds the mixture together.
After the syrup and the Frap roast, the two other ingredients are milk and ice. The quantity of ice and milk is specific to the size ordered.
At Starbucks, the barista decorates the cup with syrup then puts whole milk in the cup, unless you request an alternative. With the milk, goes the ice into the blender.
Whipped cream is usually added to the top of your drink. If you were to make a Frappuccino at home, you would need the following ingredients:
Strongly brewed coffee
1 cup of milk
A sweet syrup
Ice cubes
Whipped cream
A glass jar with a lid
As there is more than just one way to make an iced coffee, you can use any brewing style, such as espresso.
French press, instant, in a Keurig, etc. Once you have made your coffee, let it cool down to room temperature, then add ice to the coffee.
Consider the following ingredients you will need to make an iced coffee; there is an option to create a milk-based coffee:
Freshly ground coffee
Your preferred coffee maker
Filtered water
Milk (or plant-based alternative)
A simple syrup
A glass jar with a lid
2. Method
Let’s look at how baristas make a Caramel Frappuccino as one of the most popular Frappuccinos. For a clearer picture of what goes into the drink and the time and effort it takes to complete, consider the following steps:
Add 3/4 of a cup of crushed ice to the blender.
Add one cup of whole milk, but you can opt for an alternative.
Add two pumps of the Frap roast or Crème base (if you are making a decaf version).
Add one shot of vanilla syrup, then blend all the ingredients. Once you can hear that the ice is crushed up, add the caramel syrup to decorate the cup, then pour the Frappuccino into the cup.
Squirt some whipped cream on top of the drink and drizzle with caramel.
Since you can make an iced coffee in any way, use the brew method of your choice. Make sure that you use fresh coffee beans, and a medium to dark roast is best.
You should ground your coffee beans before brewing. If you would like a milk-based iced coffee, make a cappuccino or latte, let it cool down and pour it over ice.
Make sure you don’t pour hot coffee over ice as this will melt the ice immediately, watering down your iced coffee. Let’s look at one way to make an iced coffee:
Make sure you have good-quality medium to dark roast beans, to begin with and grind the beans every time you brew.
Whether you are using a pour-over, Keurig, or French press, brew your coffee according to your chosen method.
Let the coffee sit out with a lid for a few hours or overnight to cool.
In the morning, add ice cubes to the cold coffee, along with a syrup of your choice.
3. Caffeine Content
Many Starbucks Frappuccinos don’t contain coffee; as a result, most Frappuccinos don’t have much caffeine, if any.
This is excellent news for individuals with caffeine sensitivities or who want a sweet coffee that doesn’t have them hopping off the walls.
But, on the other hand, it is certainly not a good drink if you want a caffeine kick in the morning, but just sugary sweetness.
Iced coffee is undoubtedly the better option than a Frappuccino if you want to kickstart your day. It has more caffeine than espresso but less than cold brew.
A 16-ounce cup of iced coffee generally contains about 165 mg of caffeine.
4. Temperature
There isn’t much difference in temperature between a Frappuccino and an iced coffee. Even though both drinks are prepared differently, they both involve ice.
5. Milk
Classic Frappuccinos are made with whole milk, although you can ask for a milk alternative. You can create an iced coffee with milk, plant milk, or water.
Frappe coffee, which is like Frappuccino, can be made anywhere.
The milk is frothed before being poured over ice. Cold brew coffee is made with cold milk and isn’t frothy. There are so many ways to make an iced coffee, with or without milk.
6. Flavors
If you are making either coffee at home, you can add any flavor you like. Frappuccinos are not complex coffee drinks, they have a hint of coffee, but they are more about syrups and sweetness.
Depending on the type of Frappuccino variety you order at Starbucks, you will have chocolate, caramel, vanilla, raspberry, and hazelnut flavors from the syrup.
Whereas iced coffee uses pure coffee, and that flavor will go through the coffee if you use milk.
If you use cold brew over ice, this method will pick up on the most complex flavor notes hidden in the coffee.
7. Calories
Iced coffee can be one of the healthiest coffee drinks with the fewest calories, as long as you don’t add dairy or sugar. One coffee cup of plain iced coffee contains less than 20 calories.
At Starbucks, a tall cup of iced coffee with milk contains 80 calories. As you add sugar and dairy, the calories increase.
A Frappuccino, on the other hand, is highly calorific in comparison. A 16-ounce Caramel Frappuccino contains 370 calories. Let’s look at the calories content of other Frappuccino beverages:
Espresso Frappuccino – 140 calories in a Tall drink
Chai Crème Frappuccino – 230 calories in a Tall drink
Cinnamon Dolce Crème Frappuccino – 230 calories in a Tall drink
Mocha Frappuccino – 250 calories in a Tall drink
 White Chocolate Crème Frappuccino – 250 calories in a Tall drink
Strawberry Crème Frappuccino – 250 calories in a Tall drink
8. Sweetness
Sweetness is one unique characteristic of the Frappuccino. They all taste syrupy, whether they have a crème or coffee base.
If you have a sweet tooth, the Frappuccino should be your main refreshment, although if you want to try the unsweetened variety, the green tea Frappuccino is an option.
Iced coffee doesn’t need to be sweet, you can have it plain without sugar or dairy, or it can be as sweet as you like with sugar, cream, and syrup; the choice is yours.
9. Variety
There are various Frappuccino drinks with all types of flavors; you can even buy Frappuccino drinks in bottles.
Starbucks is the only company that offers this kind of variation, and it is an excellent pick-me-up that lets you enjoy the beverage longer.
There are many different types of iced coffee recipes; as for bottled iced coffee, many companies manufacture their own bottled iced coffee drinks.
However, if you want to be certain of a flavorful iced coffee, Starbucks bottled Frappuccino is the way to go.
10. Preparation Time
Frappuccinos can take a long time to make. They are one of the most time-consuming drinks to prepare at Starbucks.
If time is a concern for you, iced coffee might be a better alternative. Once your brewed coffee is cold, you can pour it over ice, and voila, it’s ready.
Frappuccino Vs. Iced Coffee: Which Drink Is Better?
It’s hard to say for sure which coffee drink is better, as it all depends on what you are looking for in an iced beverage. Each variety has its strengths and weaknesses.
Iced coffee is ideal if you prefer a smoother coffee. It offers total control over the amount of flavor and sweetness you wish to add.
On the other hand, if you love Starbucks and sweet drinks, Frappuccino will entice your appetite.
You cannot order a Frappuccino just anywhere, but if you wanted to try making one at home, numerous online recipes are scattered online to get you started.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are several differences between a Frappuccino and an iced coffee.
Frappuccinos are prepared a certain way at Starbucks, whereas iced coffees can be prepared in various ways using different brewing techniques.
If you would like a low-calorie, refreshing coffee drink, a plain iced coffee is a drink for you. Otherwise, if you crave something sweet and creamy, then a Frappuccino is an excellent option.
from Frappuccino Vs. Iced Coffee 10 Key Differences
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
10 Key Differences Between Frappuccino And Cold Brew Coffee
Cold brew coffee is often misrepresented as iced coffee because large coffee chains advertise it that way. However, there is a lot more to the drink than just that. For example, you can make a cold brew coffee with room-temperature water; you don’t even need ice.
A Frappuccino is a line of blended iced coffee drinks from Starbucks: milky, sugary, and icy. Both are delicious summery drinks in their own right, but let’s explore ten key differences between a Frappuccino and a cold brew:
Ten Differences Between A Frappuccino And Cold Brew Coffee
1. Brewing Method
The primary difference between a Frappuccino and a cold brew is preparing these drinks. A Frappuccino involves blending room-temperature coffee with ice, among other ingredients.
In contrast, cold brew involves seeping coarse grounds in cold water for 12 to 24 hours, depending on how intense you want the coffee to taste.
Starbucks uses their own Frapp roast coffee to make Frappuccinos, and a barista pumps that coffee into the blender with ice and other ingredients.
You can make a copy-cat version of the drink at home with your preferred brewing method, but it’s best to use strong coffee to handle the drink’s sweetness.
When making a cold brew, grind the coffee beans coarsely, then combine them with water to steep overnight or for 12 to 24 hours.
2. Ingredients
The only ingredients for cold brew coffee are coarse coffee grounds with water. You can add ice after if you wish.
Frappuccino requires more ingredients, starting with strong coffee, whole milk, a flavored sauce, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and spices.
To get a better idea of the authentic ingredients you need for both drinks, consider the following recipes for both drinks:
113 grams (1 cup) of whole coffee beans
4 cups of water
Coarsely grind the coffee beans in short 1-second pulses. The grounds should resemble coarse cornmeal – this should give you just under one cup of coffee grounds.
Combine the coffee grounds and the cold water in a jar. Pour the water over the top and gently stir using a long-handled spoon, ensuring the grounds are thoroughly saturated.
Allow the coffee to steep overnight.
You must cover the jar with a lid or plate; the coffee can stay out on the countertop, or you can refrigerate it.
Strain the coffee by lining a small strainer with a cloth, placing it over a large measuring cup or bowl, and pouring the coffee through it.
Dilute the coffee with water or milk and serve over ice. You can warm it for a few minutes if you prefer.
1 cup of strong brewed coffee at room temperature
2 cups of ice
1 cup of whole milk
1/3 cup of caramel sauce
3 tbsp of white sugar
Whipped cream
Chill your glass, this is optional, but it does add to the deliciousness of the drink. Put all the ingredients into a bender – coffee, ice, milk, sugar, and caramel sauce on high, then pour into two-16 ounce glasses.
3. Time
Extraction is the process of drawing flavor from the coffee beans, and multiple factors influence the flavor, the most notable being time.
The various flavor compounds in the beans are extracted at different rates. Therefore, the total brewing time can significantly affect the beans’ flavor.
The steeping method of cold brew coffee generally lasts between 12 to 24 hours. The grounds need to be coarsely ground since you will be leaving them in the water for so long.
If you grind the coffee beans too finely, this may result in over-extracted and bitter coffee.
Frappuccinos are made quickly, usually a few minutes. However, Frappuccinos do not rely on time as a cold brew.
A barista pumps Frapp roast coffee, which is similar to instant coffee. The drink also relies on milk, ice, and a lot of sweetness to counteract any unpleasant tastes from their coffee.
4. Temperature
A Frappuccino is generally colder than cold brew coffee. Cold-brew coffee involves steeping coarse coffee in cold water for a long time, and it is a cold drink from start to finish.
A Frappuccino requires blending room temperature coffee with ice, among other ingredients.
5. Flavor
The above factors will impact how quickly flavor can be drawn out of the coffee beans. Cold-brew uses slow temperature, low pressure, and a lot of time.
The long-drawn-out extraction period can obtain the most hidden flavor compounds inside the coffee beans, making the taste different from other brewing methods.
Cold-brew coffee is smooth, mellow, and complex with sweet chocolatey notes. It is a famous drink for its indulgent and naturally sweet taste.
The coffee flavor in a Frappuccino is nothing special; the Frapp roast from Starbucks is more like an instant coffee and tastes somewhat bitter on its own.
A Frappuccino is full of artificial sweeteners and often topped with whipped cream; it isn’t a complex drink like a cold brew.
6. Acidity
One study revealed that cold brew has 50 to 67% less acidity than regular brewed coffee, and it’s a better option for individuals with gastrointestinal problems and acid reflux.
In addition, there are no deprotonated molecules in cold brew, making it a smoother beverage for most people.
Cold-brew coffee extracts flavors at room temperature or colder; it doesn’t extract all the acids like a hot brew. Hot brew coffee has a higher acid concentration which can be unpleasant for some people.
A Frappuccino is highly acidic; the coffee used by Starbucks is acidic, not to mention all the sweeteners and dairy in the drink – not ideal for those with acid reflux.
7. Health
It is well known that green coffee beans have more antioxidants than roast coffee; high-temperature exposure destroys numerous antioxidants.
Many of the coffee beans benefits are lost between the roasting process and the hot water used for brewing. Thankfully, cold brewing does not eliminate these antioxidants, making it a healthier beverage.
The Frapp roast that Starbucks uses is explicitly designed for Frappuccinos, and it comes in powder form.
However, it is formulated for cold water use, and the taste is far from ideal. In addition, the beans for the Frapp roast undergo a drying procedure; it’s uncertain whether the roasters freeze-dry or spray-dry the beans; nevertheless, Frappuccinos are not a healthy drink, and that is mostly due to the addition of whole milk, cream, and sweeteners.
8. Sweetness
Cold brew coffee has a natural sweetness compared to many hot brewed coffees due to the low acidity levels.
You have the option of not adding a sweetener, as this drink is naturally sweet – cold brew is a lighter and healthier beverage.
Frappuccino is all about sweetness and not much else; it relies on artificial sweeteners for flavors, such as sugar and syrups. As a result, it’s a heavier and not-so-healthy drink.
9. Convenience
Cold-brew coffee takes a long time to brew; however, if you make a batch, it can remain in the fridge for up to ten days and still taste fresh if you like your coffee without having to go through the whole brewing process every day. Brew it before the start of the week, and you’re all set.
If you were making a Frappuccino at home, you would need to brew strong coffee every time and add numerous ingredients to your blender, making sure you have ice, or there wouldn’t be much point.
Otherwise, you could pick up a bottle of the stuff at any supermarket vending machine or have it made at any Starbucks.
10. Versatility
One of the nicest things about cold brew is its dependability in body and flavor; it can be added to many recipes like ice cream, cakes, cocktails, and non-alcoholic drinks.
Frappuccinos can be included in recipes too. You can add vodka to a Frappuccino to make a hard Frappuccino; you can also add it to ice cream, cheesecakes, and other cold desserts.
Starbucks has a line of bottled Frappuccino coffee with a “splash of cold brew,” skim milk, reduced-fat milk, and sugar that come in three flavors – Toasted White Chocolate, Salted White Chocolate, and Caramelized Vanilla honey.
However, traditional Frappuccinos are made with Starbucks’ Frappuccino roast coffee, an instant blend of Italian and signature espresso roasts with water.
The coffee is at room temperature, and it is blended with whole milk, ice, and a Frappuccino base syrup.
Starbucks Frappuccino cold brew contains 8.03 mg of caffeine per fluid ounce. A 13.7 fluid ounce bottle contains 110 mg of caffeine.
Final Thoughts
As you can see from the ten differences listed above, Frappuccino and cold brew are nothing like each other – they are two very different drinks.
Nevertheless, both are a welcoming and refreshing treat in warm weather. It’s helpful to understand their differences to know what exactly you are ordering.
from 10 Key Differences Between Frappuccino And Cold Brew Coffee
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
Frappuccino Vs. Latte: 5 Key Differences
A Frappuccino and latter differ significantly from each other, from the ingredients to the preparation. Also, the taste and texture of those drinks are different.
Frappuccinos are a line of frozen coffee drinks from Starbucks made with their Frapp roast; then ingredients like ice, whole milk, syrup, and a coffee base are blended. Finally, whipped cream is added to this drink.
There are far fewer ingredients in a latte. A latte is a traditional hot coffee beverage originating from Italy. This drink involves adding warm milk to two separate espresso shots, topped with foamy milk. Now that we have clarified what a Frappuccino and latte are, let’s explore five differences between a Frappuccino and a latte.
Frappuccino Vs. Latte: 5 Differences
1. Temperature
Temperature is perhaps the main difference between a Frappuccino and a latte, and it affects the texture of the two drinks.
A Frappuccino is a cold blended coffee beverage, and while lattes can be served with ice, they are traditionally served hot.
In addition, lattes require pulled espresso shots, while coffee in a Frappuccino is premade and put in a bender along with ice.
2. Ingredients
Frappuccinos require room-temperature coffee to prevent the ice from melting before blending. This gives the drink a thicker texture than if you added hot coffee.
Also, Frappuccinos call for a higher fat content like whole milk or half, making the drink thicker.
On the other hand, you can make lattes with skimmed milk, whole milk, and even milk alternatives like rice and almond milk.
A classic latte consists of 300ml of steamed milk to a double espresso (60ml) shot. It is topped off with a small foam to give the latte its creamy and slightly sweet coffee flavor.
A Frappuccino, on the other hand, consists of two pumps of a coffee base or crème base for decaff, its’ blended with ice, has flavored syrups, and it’s topped with whipped cream and spices.
As a result, a Frappuccino will generally have more calories than a latte. For example, a latte can have about 200 calories, while a Frappuccino can have over 400 calories.
3. Consistency And Taste
Frappuccinos have a thicker and creamier consistency than a latte; they are colder and not as smooth as lattes. In addition, Frappuccinos contain small ice chips giving them a gritter texture profile.
Frappuccinos tend to be sweeter than latte due to the flavored syrups.
However, lattes offer a more intense coffee flavor than Frappuccinos because water is added to the Frappuccino as ice which significantly waters down the flavor of the coffee flavor.
Also, lattes use intense espresso instead of instant coffee.
4. Caffeine level
Lattes have more caffeine than Frappuccinos. Lattes contain 75 to 150 mg of caffeine, depending on your order size. Frappuccinos range from 65 to 125 mg.
5. How They Are Made
Lattes and Frappuccinos are made in different ways, and it’s essential to know how they are made to understand their differences truly:
How To Make A Latte
The ingredients you will need to make a latte are:
Steamed milk
Milk milk
You will need the following equipment:
Coffee machine with a steam wand
Coffee beans
Milk jug
Cloth for the portafilter
Prepare the espresso. Begin by pulling out the portafilter and wiping it to ensure it’s dry. Next, start your grinder to make a shot.
Please make sure the coffee bed is flat, and distribute your coffee by giving it a few taps on either side. Next, tamp the coffee by pushing it down at a 90-degree angle, keeping it nice and flat.
Finally, lock in the portafilter and start your espresso shot. Watch how the shot runs; it should take between 38 to 40 seconds for a double shot.
Pour the milk in the pitcher, and ensure the wand cloth is moist.
Purge the steam wand and bring it up to the straight position. Put the pitcher nozzle in alignment with the steam wand.
Make sure the wand nozzle is in the center of the milk jug and just below the surface of the milk. Angle the pitcher slightly to optimize the whirlpool.
Turn on the wand. Bring the nozzle just below the surface to go deeper into the milk. Ensure the nozzle doesn’t touch the bottom of the milk jug.
Get the jug in the correct position where the milk whirlpool is created and keep heating the milk until it reaches 131 to 143.6
Swirl the milk in the jug until it is silky, smooth, and shiny.
Pour the milk into your shot, keeping back some of the foam; you can put a little of it on top of the steamed milk.
How To Make A Frappuccino (At Home)
Before you begin making a Frappuccino, there are some things you must do first:
One of the finest ways to serve a delicious coffee drink is to chill a glass or mug. It isn’t necessary, but it completes the beverage when it’s done.
Add your glass or mug to the freezer and leave it overnight. The frost on the mug will create a delicious touch to the drink.
Gather Your Ingredients
Make sure you have the necessary ingredients. Below is a list of everything you require for this easy and tasty Frappuccino recipe:
1 Cup of coffee – You can get espresso or coffee; the choice is yours. It is essential for the coffee to be strong to stand up to the sweet flavors.
2 Cups of ice – Crushed ice is preferable. However, you can always put ice cubes in a freezer bag and use the back of a metal spoon to break up the ice. Next, consider putting the cubed ice into a blender.
Three-quarters of a cup of milk – Use your preferred milk variety. However, whole milk is best.
2 tbsp. Sweetener – Choose any sweetener you like, granulated sugar is the easiest, but you can always choose stevia, agave, or honey.
Whipped Cream – This will do nicely.
Additional flavorings to consider:
Java Frappuccino – These are chocolate chips that can be added to the drink’s base.
Mocha Frappuccino – This is a cocoa powder. You can add 3 tbsp of this cocoa powder to the base of your drink before blending. You can add chocolate sauce as a topping to the whipped cream.
Caramel Frappuccino is a caramel sauce that you can add to the drink’s base before blending, or you can add it to the top of the whipped cream.
1. Brew The Coffee
Begin making your coffee according to your chosen brewing method; you can opt for espresso. However, take note the coffee must be strong.
If you choose weak coffee, the flavors won’t come through the milk, sweeteners, and flavorings.
2. Blend The Ingredients
Once the coffee is finished, put all ingredients into a blender, except for the whipped cream and additional toppings. Combine ice, milk, coffee, spices, and sweetener.
If you don’t own a blender, you can mix the ingredients by hand. Ensure all the ingredients are blended well.
Add the chocolate chips to the blender to make a Java Frappuccino. If you prefer a flavored cappuccino, have the necessary ingredients.
3. Add Your Toppings
Once thoroughly blended with all the ingredients, pour the liquid into a chilled mug. Add your squirty cream and additional toppings if preferred.
If you want a caramel Frappuccino, you must add the caramel sauce to the top of the drink.
4. Serve Immediately
After all of that hard work, you can finally enjoy your cappuccino. Serve the beverage immediately so that you don’t give it time to melt. Depending on the thickness, you may require a spoon or a straw.
A Review Of Additional Ingredients
Apart from the whipped cream, other flavorings and toppings are optional to make a Frappuccino. The following ingredients include:
Java Frappuccino – You can add one handful of these chocolate chips to the base of your drink before blending.
Mocha Frappuccino – 3 Tbsp. of this cocoa powder can be added to the base of your drink before blending.
You can add chocolate sauce to the whipped cream as a topping.
Caramel Frappuccino – 1 Tbsp. Caramel sauce can be added to the base of your drink before blending, or you can add it to the top of the whipped cream.
There are many differences between a latte and a Frappuccino. A latte is a classic coffee beverage, and anyone can make it anywhere as the name was never trademarked.
Frappuccinos are a line of delicious, blended ice coffee drinks, and they can only be sold by Starbucks or establishments permitted to sell them.
Both beverages can be easily made at home, depending on what you’re in the mood for. You can make a Frappuccino any time, but they will be incredibly delicious as the weather gets warmer – something to look forward to.
from Frappuccino Vs. Latte: 5 Key Differences
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
What Is A Frappuccino And How To Make One In 3 Easy Steps
There is much confusion in the coffee world about Frappuccino, and it is a drink that is often mistakenly called a frappe. However, Frappuccino is a much-loved coffee beverage, and it’s essential to know exactly what it is so it doesn’t get mistaken for other drinks.
A Frappuccino is a frozen drink made with ice. However, the base is for this drink is its special frappuccino syrup. It is a Starbucks trademark brand and can only legally be sold by the company or those permitted by Starbucks.
Frappuccino is a delicious drink you may wish to try at your local Starbucks, or perhaps you may want to make it yourself. This article will elaborate more on Frappuccino and how you might make a copycat version for yourself.
What Is A Traditional Frappuccino?
As mentioned above, a Frappuccino is a coffee beverage that can only be legally sold at Starbucks. Still, you can also purchase bottled versions at grocery stores, gas stations, and vending machines.
This coffee drink has a crème or coffee base blended with ice and other ingredients like flavors, spices, sweeteners, syrups, and whipped cream.
Fun fact the beverage didn’t begin with Starbucks, but rather The Coffee Connection in 1992, as a coffee combined with milk, ice, and sugar mixed in a frozen yogurt machine for a smooth and creamy texture.
Starbucks bought the company in 1994 and perfected the recipe we know today.
The traditional Frappuccino has blended coffee in it, and it is similar to ice coffee, as it contains brewed coffee.
It is made with a Frappuccino roast. However, there is also a decaffeinated version. For decaffeinated Frappuccinos, the barista uses decaffeinated shots instead of the Frappuccino roast instant coffee.
Is There Espresso In A Frappuccino?
Frappuccinos aren’t made using espresso shots from a machine but rather an ingredient called Frap roast, which Starbucks uses in place of hot coffee.
This roast is a powdered mix paired with cold water that smells and tastes like freshly ground coffee, but it’s more of an instant coffee.
The powdered mix for this drink is bitter to counteract all of the sugar and syrup added to the drink. However, if you prefer to have espresso in your blended drink, you can have it that way too.
However, the Frappuccino recipe wasn’t designed for espresso shots. So, your drink may not have the viscosity you’re used to.
Making this drink with espresso will significantly alter the beverage as espresso is hot, whereas the Frapp Roast is for cold use.
Espresso is sweeter and smokier than Frapp Roast, but most people prefer more robust coffee for this drink.
What Is A Frappuccino Roast Made Of?
The Frappuccino roast is a blend of the Italian and espresso roast to balance out the creamy flavors of the blended coffee drink, and it is a strong-flavored dark roast.
The roast refers to the powder which comes in 2 oz sacks. It is mixed with cold filtered water to create large batches of coffee, then placed into bottled pumps.
When you order a Frappuccino at Starbucks, the barista adds 2 to 4 pumps according to your size preference.
Since the Frappuccino is a cold drink, the roast is formulated for cold use, so espresso shots would not work for this drink.
This is why freeze-dried coffee is better for Frappuccinos as it has less oil than regular brew to allow a richer foam to develop.
Not all Frappuccinos use Frapp roast or contain caffeine, the decaf version substitutes Frapp Roast for decaf espresso, and Creme Frappuccinos don’t use Frapp Roast.
How Many Shots Are In A Frappuccino?
As Frappuccino isn’t made with espresso shots, but rather instant coffee mixed with water, and placed in bottles, what you would get is coffee pumped into your Frappuccino.
The number of pumps in this drink depends on the size to order.
A Tall Frappuccino would contain two pumps of Frapp Roast
A Grande, three pumps of Frapp Roast
A Venti, four pumps of Frapp Roast
If a customer asks for extra shots, their Frappuccino will have 3, 5, or 7 pumps. You can ask for as many pumps as you like, but that is typically what you would get if you don’t specify how many extra pumps you want. It’s worth noting that two pumps of Frapp Roast are equal to one shot of espresso.
How Do You Make A Frappuccino Thicker?
Making a Frappuccino at home can be tricky, and things can go badly if you get one element wrong. You may find that your Frappuccinos tend to be watery, and there are several possible factors behind your watery drink. Let’s look at what needs to go right to avoid a watery mess:
The base mixture must be chilled, or it will separate and leave you with a watery Frappuccino.
You need to blend everything well or add a connective agent like xanthan gum.
Modify the milk to syrup ratio; you may want to try putting less milk and more syrup, as long as you don’t overdo it.
Refrigerate the Frappuccino base before you blend. To get the right texture, consider making the base first and putting it in the fridge for an hour or two. When you add the ice and blend, it won’t melt.
Use less liquid than you would normally.
Blend for the right amount of time; it takes a little longer to blend all the ingredients of the Frappuccino properly, as there are many ingredients and lots of ice.
Are Frappuccino Chips Coffee?
Frappuccino chips are cookie crumbs coated in chocolate and sugar, and they have a different texture from regular chocolate chips.
It can be hard to find Frappuccino chips online, but there are recipes online for you to try making yourself at home. There is no coffee, only cocoa, oil, sugar, and additives.
Frappuccino chips are cookie crumbs covered in chocolate flavoring. They have a soft texture, allowing them to crumble or melt in the mouth.
The Frappuccino chips taste mostly like chocolate. However, the quality of the chocolate depends on the cocoa content.
Frappuccino chips cannot be classified as chocolate. According to the FDA, there must be a minimum of 15% chocolate liquor in the cocoa for the chips. Starbucks’ chips have 12%, so they are called ‘chocolatey’ instead.
What’s The Difference Between A Frappe And A Frappuccino?
There is a lot of confusion between the two drinks. However, a Frappe is a setting on many blenders and has evolved to mean a blended coffee drink that any company can sell.
On the other hand, Frappuccino is Starbucks’ trademark cold blended coffee beverage, and it’s a name that is legally protected from being used by other companies.
Both drinks are coffee-based milkshakes, apart from those that Starbucks sells called “crème,” and have no coffee.
How Many Syrup Pumps Are In A Grande Frappuccino?
Starbucks generally puts four pumps of syrup in a Grande Frappuccino, three in a Tall, and five in a Venti. There are about 380 calories in a Grande Frappuccino, and it is usually topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle.
How To Make A Frappuccino At Home?
If you crave a cold, sweet drink, then you should look to the Frappuccino. This copycat version of the Starbucks Frappuccino is straightforward and quick to make, and leftovers keep well in the fridge. Prep takes two minutes, and this recipe yields two servings.
Before you begin making this drink, there are some things you must do first:
CHILL A MUG OR GLASS – this step isn’t entirely necessary, but it completes the drink when it’s done. You add your drinking vessel to a freezer and leave it overnight. The frost creates a delicious touch to the drink.
GATHER ALL THE INGREDIENTS YOU NEED – you must get the required ingredients. Below is a list of what you need to make this delicious and easy recipe.
1 cup of strong coffee, cooled
2 cups of ice
1 cup of milk
A third of a cup of caramel sauce
3 tablespoons of white sugar
To begin, make your coffee according to the instructions of your chosen brand. The coffee must be strong for the flavors to shine through the milk, sweeteners, and flavorings.
Once the coffee is finished, blend ice, milk, sugar, and caramel sauce with coffee ( leave out the whipped cream ) in a blender on high until perfectly smooth.
Pour the liquid into two 16-ounce glasses, then add the whipped cream and other toppings like caramel sauce if you wish
Serve the drink immediately. Depending on the thickness, you may require a straw or a spoon.
Final Thoughts
To summarise, a Frappuccino is a line of mixed iced coffee beverages sold by Starbucks with a coffee or a crème base.
It’s blended with ice and other ingredients like syrups and is often topped with whipped cream. The recipe we know today is a combination of strong brewed coffee, ice, and additional ingredients, like milk, syrups, sugar, and whipped cream.
from What Is A Frappuccino And How To Make One In 3 Easy Steps
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
8 Reasons Why Grinding Coffee Beans at Home Is Better?
Some people believe that ground coffee is better, while others believe that whole beans should be purchased and ground at home. Preground coffee is all about convenience and ease of use. However, it is difficult to deny that freshly ground coffee is unrivaled.
Grinding your own coffee beans is always better because you control the quality of the coffee you buy. If you grind your own coffee beans you can make sure the coffee is fresh and that you have the right amount of grinds for the amount of water in your coffee maker.
The rest of this article will discuss the pros and cons of using different coffee grinders and why you should use one appropriate for your needs. Read on for some ideas about how you can get the best results.
Why Is Grinding Coffee Beans Better?
So, to answer the question, what distinguishes them? For starters, grinding coffee beans reduces their surface area, which causes the flavor to fade faster than it would if they were whole beans.
As a result, when coffee is made from freshly ground coffee beans, the flavor lasts longer and helps to enhance everything that makes coffee delicious.
On the other hand, preground coffee loses its flavor when stored and packaged.
The coffee industry is vast and can be overwhelming at times. It does, however, cater to each individual based on their taste, preference, needs, or requirement.
Every day, many coffee lovers experiment to find the perfect cup of coffee that meets their needs.
Grinding your coffee is the way to go if you want to make the best tasting coffee ever. So let’s take a look at the advantages of grinding your coffee.
The Advantages of Grinding Your Coffee At Home
One of the primary reasons for grinding coffee is to increase the surface area of roasted coffee beans, which aids in the extraction of aromas and flavors within the coffee.
When it comes to coffee, you have several options:
Buy from a shop or online
You can buy instant coffee or preground coffee.
You can buy whole beans to grind yourself.
So, how should one go about getting a cup of coffee? When making coffee, grinding is an important part of the brewing process.
The taste and texture of coffee vary depending on how it is ground. As a result, the grind size is important in distinguishing between coffee types.
Coffee with chunky particles is known as coarse ground coffee.
Medium ground coffee contains grittier coffee particles that resemble coarse sand.
Fine: Coffee with a smooth texture and particles the size of table salt or sugar grains.
Extra fine: Coffee with extremely fine particles smaller than table salt or sugar grains.
Turkish: It’s a fine powder that looks like flour.
All of these are additional reasons why you should grind your coffee. However, one might believe that it is a difficult and time-consuming task.
That is a common misconception; in reality, once you’ve mastered the basics of grinding beans, doing so regularly to brew your morning coffee can be a rewarding task.
We’ve gone over the eight incredible benefits of grinding your coffee in great detail here.
Coffee of Higher Quality
You take a positive step when you buy coffee beans to grind instead of preground coffee.
When compared to preground coffee beans, whole coffee beans provide higher quality. However, when ground beans contact other elements and components, such as oxygen, their quality degrades.
The quality of ground beans continues to deteriorate between purchasing and brewing coffee.
On the other hand, Whole beans provide higher quality because they have not been processed in coffee machines like ground beans have.
The oxidation process is what distinguishes ground beans from whole beans. When organic molecules contact oxygen, they break down, destroying fresh, tasty flavors and textures. This process is known as oxidation.
Better Taste
The predominant flavor in coffee beans is derived from coffee oils within. These oils are soluble in water, and their removal propels the brewing process.
Moisture in the air, on the other hand, can ruin the flavor of the coffee. Whole beans keep their flavor better than ground beans.
Ground beans have already been ground, which causes them to lose flavor over time, whereas freshly ground coffee beans allow you to make a flavorful cup of coffee due to the intact oils in whole beans.
To ensure that the best flavor of coffee is consumed, brew the coffee immediately after the coffee beans have been ground.
Coffee is now fresher.
After the grinding process, coffee can stay fresh for up to thirty minutes.
As a result, grinding whole beans to obtain fresh ground coffee rather than preground coffee allows you to have fresher coffee.
Coffee absorbs smells, tastes, and moisture from its surroundings, causing it to become stale. This is why preground coffee goes stale much faster than whole beans.
After being roasted, whole beans keep their freshness for at least two weeks.
Additionally, you can keep your roasted whole beans safe by storing them in airtight containers at room temperature and avoiding heat, moisture, oxygen, and light.
Amazing Fragrance And Aroma
The fragrance and aroma of freshly ground coffee cannot be compared to instant or preground coffee.
As previously stated, oxidation causes coffee to lose its freshness, quality, fragrance, and taste.
This process, however, is slowed when coffee beans are ground. Freshly ground coffee has a rich fragrance and aroma, making drinking coffee a pleasurable experience.
The Coffee Essence Is Preserved
Because coffee is reduced to tiny fragments when ground, you can observe the amount of coffee produced while retaining all of its essences when grinding whole beans at home.
When you buy preground coffee, it loses flavor with each passing second and does not retain the same essence. If you buy specialty coffee from a coffee roaster, this can be unpleasant.
Coffee that is cleaner
Coffee is made of extremely porous particles and is susceptible to contamination from air particles such as odors and taste.
When you buy ground coffee, you increase the likelihood of contamination from everything in the kitchen.
Similarly, storing ground coffee in a refrigerator is not recommended. It will absorb the aroma and flavor of everything in the fridge, whether cooked food or just herbs.
When coffee absorbs the aroma of other things, it changes the fragrance and flavor of the coffee.
You can make a clean, flavorful cup of coffee by grinding whole beans and brewing them immediately.
Increases Brain Stimulation and Antioxidants
Caffeine in coffee aids brain function by blocking adenosine receptors and releasing neurotransmitters. Norepinephrine and dopamine, for example, alleviate tiredness.
Caffeine is a stimulant that helps you stay alert and focused. Caffeine is the primary reason why coffee allows you to work long hours and pull all-nighters.
Coffee contains antioxidants, which aid your body’s fight against free radicals. Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation and protect cell organisms from damage.
This can help reduce developing Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Grinding your beans will ensure that you receive this health benefit.
You can get all of these benefits even if you only drink a small amount of coffee. However, use a small amount of milk and no sweeteners to get the full effect.
You can add turmeric, cacao, maca powder, cinnamon, or ginger to give it a power boost while still drinking flavored coffee.
Grind Control Is Yours
Because we know that the grind size of coffee grounds plays a significant role in bringing out the best flavor and aroma of the coffee, having control over the size of particles you want is a significant advantage of grinding your coffee.
Consistent, uniform coffee grounds extract at the same rate, whereas different sized coffee grounds extract at different rates, which is what makes coffee good and balanced.
With the help of coffee grinders, you can grind coffee to your liking.
Coffee grinders and coffee brewers come in a variety of styles. You must choose the one that best meets your requirements.
The first and most important step is to choose a coffee grinder. Blade grinders and burr grinders are the two most common types.
Blade grinders are widely available in stores and are also simple to operate. Burr grinders are classified into two types: manual and electric.
When you have control over the size of the grind, you have more options for coffee brewing.
The coffee maker that drips
In the opposite situation, you would always have to watch to ensure that you purchase specific preground coffee for your chosen brewer.
By grinding your coffee and controlling the grind size, you can get a good idea of how your coffee will look.
Here’s a guide to which type of coffee equipment and technique can be used for coffee brewing to ensure that you get the full flavor and aroma.
You can use percolators, vacuum coffee pots, plunger pots, and French-presses for coarse ground coffee.
Drip coffee makers with flat borrowed filters are suitable for medium ground coffee, whereas drip coffee makers with cone borrowed filters are suitable for fine ground coffee.
Espresso mocha pots can also be used for fine ground coffee, whereas espresso machines can be used for extra fine ground coffee.
Turkish ground coffee can be made with ibriks.
What is the distinction between ground and whole coffee beans?
All coffee comes from coffee trees; the tiny seeds that are picked are known as green coffee beans, and they are then roasted before being consumed.
Whole coffee beans are roasted beans that produce fresh and flavorful coffee.
Various tools, such as electric coffee grinders, blenders, or food processors, are used to grind coffee beans into smaller particles. After being ground in these machines, whole beans are now known as ground coffee beans.
What is the difference between a manual and an electric burr grinder?
Manual burr grinders necessitate the use of labor. For example, to grind the coffee, you must use your hands.
However, manual burr grinders have the advantage of being lightweight, durable, and portable.
On the other hand, electric grinders can complete the same task in much less time. The disadvantage is that they can be quite loud.
What is the superior option between ceramic burrs and steel burrs?
Ceramic burrs are better if you enjoy espresso, whereas steel burrs are best for manual brewing methods.
Does freshly ground coffee make a difference?
Fresh grounds preserve the quality, freshness, flavor, fragrance, and aroma of coffee better than preground coffee, which loses all of these elements with each passing second.
Is it cheaper to grind your coffee?
No, it isn’t. Purchasing preground coffee is significantly less expensive than purchasing whole coffee beans. First, you must locate a roaster or a source for whole beans.
You’ll also need to buy a coffee grinder and a coffee brewer.
Should you grind your coffee every day?
Yes. It is the best option for you to reap the full benefits of coffee grounds because when they come into contact with moisture, they begin to lose flavor and fragrance.
Coffee is only fresh for about thirty minutes after it has been ground; this is why it is best to grind fresh coffee every day.
Is freshly ground coffee better for you?
Yes, fresh ground coffee is healthier than preground coffee because it contains antioxidants, whereas preground coffee contains more free radicals, which can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.
Freshly ground coffee has a more robust flavor and aroma than preground coffee.
Do you prefer whole beans or ground coffee?
Ground beans yield more coffee than whole beans.
Is it possible to use preground coffee in an espresso machine?
Yes, preground coffee can be used in an espresso machine, but keep in mind that the grind size of preground coffee may not be fine enough, resulting in a sour taste to your espresso.
Can you make a pour-over with preground coffee?
Preground coffee’s grind size is too coarse for pour-over coffee. However, you can use medium-sized coffee grounds or a burr grinder to fine-tune your coffee grounds for pour-over.
Is preground coffee harmful?
Coffee that has lost its gases and oils isn’t particularly tasty. Preground coffee is more susceptible to moisture in the air, causing it to lose qualities such as freshness, flavor, and aroma. Ground coffee becomes stale and bitter over time.
This is why, when compared to freshly ground coffee, preground coffee has a bad reputation.
Coffee made from freshly ground whole beans is fresh, flavorful, and has a strong fragrance that can help you relax.
Grinding your coffee beans is a good idea if you are an honest coffee lover who isn’t necessarily interested in consuming it for the caffeine boost.
from 8 Reasons Why Grinding Coffee Beans at Home Is Better?
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justcoffeeandme · 3 years
5 Reasons Electric Coffee Grinders are Better Than Manual
If you are looking for a coffee grinder, this is a good thing, as you understand that pre-ground coffee just doesn’t cut it, and drinking freshly ground coffee delivers all the benefits over drinking the pre-ground stuff. There are electric and manual, offering blade or burr grinders. You can choose either flat or conical burrs in steel or ceramic.
A manual grinder can be a helpful piece of equipment, especially if you have a tight budget; however, an electric coffee grinder is better than a manual one. Let’s discuss five of the reasons why.
5 Reasons Why An Electric Coffee Grinder Is Better Than A Manual
1. They Offer Power And Convenience
Electric grinders offer all the benefits of power and convenience, and they grind the beans faster with no effort on your part.
In addition, they are straightforward and fast to use; fill the hopper with beans and choose your preferred grind size and switch it on. It takes seconds to have freshly ground coffee beans ready for you to brew.
2. They Offer Consistency
A decent electric coffee grinder is more likely to deliver a consistent grind size than a manual one, as it is designed and programmed to offer a specific size.
Also, as you are not responsible for grinding the beans, the device isn’t subject to human error.
3. They Have More Settings
A good-quality electric coffee grinder can offer numerous numbered settings from which you can choose, ranging from coarse to grind or French press to espresso.
All you need to do is consult the grind size guide in your user manual to match your desired type of coffee.
4. They Grind More Coffee
Electric coffee grinders can grind beans in larger quantities as they generally have the capacity to do so. This is extremely useful if you are making a round of coffees and not just a cuppa for yourself.
5. They Last A Long Time
This, of course, is true for higher-end machines that can grind coffee consistently for many years – these electric coffee grinders are a wise investment.
However, it’s worth mentioning that low-end electric grinders are often fitted with false burrs and don’t produce the uniform grounds that you would expect from an electric coffee grinder.
In addition, these machines have poor wiring flimsy parts, and they constantly fail, so avoid those.
What Should I Look For In An Electric Coffee Grinder?
So, hands down, an electric coffee grinder can offer speed, convenience, and power that you won’t get with a manual coffee grinder.
Nevertheless, there are some pitfalls you need to avoid to ensure you get the right electric coffee grinder for you.
It’s worth noting that a high-end electric coffee grinder comes with a hefty price tag, at least $100 for a reliable device.
However, the price is worth it. Avoid cheap electric coffee grinders using low-quality materials and components to produce a varying grind size; also, these machines wear down fast.
Optimum performance is key to getting what you want from a coffee grinder.
There are two types of electric coffee grinders, blade, and burr. But, first, let’s discuss the differences between the two:
Blade Grinders
Blade grinders are very popular; you are likely to find lots of these grinders on sale when shopping in-store. The blade is at the bottom of the chamber, and it rotates quickly, chopping anything it comes in contact with.
The problem with this type of machine is the inconsistent grind. Some beans will be finely ground while others are coarse, which isn’t ideal for extracting the flavors you desire from the beans.
They also give off too much heat, resulting in bitter-tasting coffee after extraction.
Blade grinders are generally pretty affordable due to their simple design and defective parts. They can cost between $20 to $30.
However, they are easy to use. Just press the button until you are happy with the grind, and they are generally easier to clean than many other electric and manual grinders.
Many believe that blade grinders are a step above using pre-ground coffee beans. However, these machines are best avoided due to the lack of consistent grind size, poor-quality materials, and too much heat.
Burr Grinders
Burr grinders are the gold standard for coffee grinders at home and in coffee houses. Burr grinders wipe the floor with blade grinders, and they are that good.
Burr grinders use two burrs that spin in opposite directions to guide the beans down a funnel where they are ground to ordered size.
Burrs are made of stainless steel or ceramic, so little heat is generated while the coffee beans are ground. Burrs offer uniformity every time.
The closer the burrs are together, the finer the grind, and when they are further apart, the coarser the grind.
This function enables home baristas to fine-tune their grind with tiny adjustments to get the grind setting just how they want it.
Burr grinders do not come cheap, but they last, so consider a burr grinder a wise investment.
There are flat and conical burr grinders, so let’s look at the differences between the two:
Conical Burrs
Conical burr grinders are the standard for burr grinders. They use two of them- one sharp and serrated on the outside and the other cone-shaped spinning inside. This type of burr grinder delivers a mostly consistent grind.
Flat Burrs
Flat burr grinders are mainly used for espresso. They use two O-shaped burrs with very sharp edges on the two sides.
Flat burrs are opposite each other and grab the beans using their teeth on the inside, forcing them to the outer edges of the burr.
Espresso lovers prefer this type of burr grinder because they can offer uniform distribution for one grind size.
If you want incredible espresso at home and all the versatility a flat burr has to offer, you have the money and the means.
Then this is the machine for you. Otherwise, get yourself a conical burr grinder – they are good but not as versatile.
The Bottom Line On Electric And Manual Coffee Grinders
Nothing beats the ease, convenience, and speed of electric coffee grinders, as long as you use a high-quality burr grinder and not a low-end blade model.
However, if you don’t have much money to spend on a premium electric device, many excellent manual grinders offer consistency and durability.
Manual grinders may not deliver speed and convenience, but they can outlast most electric grinders; if you have less than $100 to spend, you can still get a high-quality, manual grinder.
It’s worth noting that most manual grinders can hold 20 to 30 grams of coffee grounds, which is sufficient for most people.
However, if you tend to brew a large coffee, you can opt for a larger grinder with a 30 to 40-gram capacity.
How To Clean An Electric Coffee Grinder
Coffee sediment and oils can build up inside your grinder over time as they stick to every nook and cranny inside.
Over time this leads to decreased performance, so it’s essential to take a few minutes to clean it from time to time. But, first, let’s look at how you would go about cleaning blade and burr grinders:
Blade Grinders
Put roughly 20 grams (1/4 cup) of uncooked rice in the hopper.
Run the machine until the rice becomes a powder.
Dispose of the rice.
Unplug the grinder and wipe the inside with a damp cloth.
Repeat the process above anytime your coffee grinder looks dirty or emits an unusual odor. Bad smells occur as the coffee oils produced tend to stick to the blades and the inside of the hopper.
Conical Burr Grinders
The model will differ by cleaning a burr grinder due to different components and their build. However, the concept is essentially the same, even for manual devices. You begin by taking the grinder apart.
Many burr grinders contain coffee beans in the hopper, so remove this and wash it and its lid.
Run the grinder for a couple of seconds to remove any remaining coffee particles from the burrs.
Unplug the grinder.
Remove all plastic and rubber parts that come into contact with coffee beans. Wash those by hand.
Wash the bin that catches the ground coffee.
Take out the inner burr; you may require a tool.
Use a brush to loosen any coffee grounds that may have stuck to the inner and outer burrs.
Dry the inner and outer burrs with a dry cloth to help remove any oils left behind by the coffee beans. Never wash the burrs with water.
Leave the hand-washed parts to dry and put all the features back together.
Final Thoughts
An electric grinder is the better option of the two for grinding your coffee beans, and by now, you understand that a good model will cost a fair bit.
However, it’s not worth cheapening out and getting a $20 blade grinder; you won’t get the uniformity in your grind size, which will affect your brew’s flavor.
On the other hand, if you don’t wish to spend over $100 on an electric burr grinder, you can always opt for a manual burr grinder.
Manual grinders are much better to use than a substandard electric grinder – they last longer and are not likely to fail constantly.
from 5 Reasons Electric Coffee Grinders are Better Than Manual
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