44 posts
We choose a cause. We share stories and needs. Then, we gather to take action, enjoy good company and to remember how fortunate we are to be able to help - one small act at a time.
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
First Stop
You show the BEST of humanity OVER & OVER:
$440 69 pairs of women’s underwear 45 razors 27 deodorant sticks 15 pairs of men’s underwear 6 bottles of dish soap 6 cans of food 2 men’s T-shirts & 200 tampons
In one week!! 
One week full of uncertainty all around. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for showing up again & again & when you are able. (And yet another thank you to the two anonymous givers I wasn’t able to thank because I don’t know who you are!) I thank you. First Stop thanks you. Our neighbors in our community thank you.
Much love, Amy
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
305 8th Street
Just Causers! 
What a beautiful way to finish our fall break strong, by showing off all your generous donations. Thank you for your love & support for all the people at 305 8th Street. You’re the best. Your useful supplies & fun surprises will bring a smile to all. THANK YOU!
 ... AND a longtime Just Causer shared the need with another group that donated $1000. This love spreads like wildfire with you all!
If you are new to 305 8th Street, it is a loving home that serves adults with diverse disabilities who need 24-hour supervision, daily reminders, case management, and transportation. These residents, who consider themselves a family, are ineligible of receiving state assistance. They rely on churches and volunteers. Some of you may remember when Executive Director Andi Williams spoke with our group in February 2018! Thanks again, my friends.
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
2020 Huntsville Inner City Learning Center families
There is so much we do NOT know right now.
But I DO KNOW that people are in more need now than ever. And I KNOW that helping others keeps our minds & bodies busy. 
Your gifts of beautiful cards, sincere words, and gift cards will surely lift spirits as well as ease our neighbors’ burdens. I know these can be scary times to leave the house. And no one is immune to financial downfalls. So I thank you - over & over again - for reaching out to others.
The Huntsville Inner City Learning Center provides food, spiritual lessons, tutoring, exercise guidance, 1-on-1 tutoring, and support to children in our communities. Teachers and tutors are doing what they can while working remotely, AND we can help, too. 
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Kids to Love Christmas
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I was SO happy to see so many smiling faces yesterday! What a wonderful gift of friendship and generosity. You really got me into the Christmas spirit! NOW I’m ready to decorate!
Thank you for supporting kidstolove.org! (I did not get a single picture of you beautiful people fellowshipping, but check out these magnificent pics.)Wishing you (and Jaida J! & the girls at Davidson Farms!) a beautiful holiday season.Thanks again for your loving support!!!
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Cookies for Kids’ Cancer 2019
Total is now 2167.61!
Hello to all you beautiful Good Cookies out there!!!! SOOO … who knew that I would get MORE busy the older my kids got?! I did not.  I can’t thank you wonderful friends enough for sticking with me all these years. We started with a bang in 2012 and proceeded to fundraise EVERY month for YEARS!!! Now, even though we band together only a few times a year, I can ALWAYS count on you. And I feel incredibly blessed. 
Cookies for Kids' Cancer is one of my very favorite non-profits. Before the 2019 bake sale, we had raised $16,117.72 
Every penny makes a difference.THANK YOU, FRIENDS!!!!
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Cookies for Kids’ Cancer 2018
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Just Causers, you did it again! Our 2018 grand total is $2691.35. THANK YOU!
Thank you for always giving your time & support & funds.Your hearts give me such hope.THANK YOU for baking, for setting up, for donating supplies, for working, for sending your kids to work, for buying YUMMY treats & T-shirts, for sharing our event, for donating online, for hugging our necks, for stopping to shop on our street. I love this group so very much.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Vincent Van Gogh
Pediatric cancer is the #1 leading disease killer of children in the U.S. For every $1 spent on cancer research by the U.S. government, only 3 pennies are dedicated to childhood cancer. 
Where do your generous donations go? Cookies for Kids' Cancer: Under the direction of the Medical Advisory Board, funds are granted to five of the nation's leading pediatric cancer centers to find less toxic, more effective treatments. A portion of funds also goes to the Children's Oncology Group's Phase 1 & Pilot Consortium to match, dollar for dollar, funds granted by the Federal Government for children enrolled in clinical trials.
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Heal Mary
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THANK YOU for such a wildly successful April Just Cause. Our grand total is $1295!!! I know it is an extremely busy time of year, and I try to respect your time & finances with every single cause I bring your way. Amanda, Mary, and I are truly overwhelmed with your generosity! We are blown away by the speed in which you gave so thoughtfully. Amanda was able to reach Mary in Uganda by phone - and tell her the good news. Mary was speechless at first and then kept repeating, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She is now ready to schedule her surgery. Wow. What a gift you have given her. All my love and many thanks to you!!!
Read the whole story below.
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
305 8th Street
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Thank you SO MUCH for your support and generous donations to 305 8th Street! Your monetary and wipes donations (& Lysol!) will be incredibly useful during this harsh flu season. In addition, Executive Director Andrea Williams says a stocked closet reduces her residents’ anxiety - WHAT A GIFT!!
Andrea shared her vision for 8th Street and Huntsville as a whole. She clearly understands the needs of our community and wishes a better life for people with mental illnesses, intellectual and physical disabilities. She says, “There’s a medicine that people need, and it’s called independence.” The things we hate to do (like grocery shop) are exactly the same things many adults are wishing they CAN do. 
305 8th Street offers independence and gives folks a home. Some residents have lived there for decades. What a gift.
But 8th Street certainly cannot do it alone. Residents need 24-hour supervision, daily reminders, case management, and transportation. These residents, who consider themselves a family, are ineligible of receiving state & federal assistance. Volunteers, churches, groups, and organizations sustain 8th Street.
Your help is always valued. You can always pop in for a conversation or a card game. Your group can invite 8th Street to events. You can plan a party. You can donate items. You can paint, plant, repair … You can play UNO.You can hug. You can send cards. (Residents love mail!)
Whatever YOUR strength is, it is needed.You shared your Sunday afternoon with Andrea and me. What a gift. Keep sharing your gifts!!! 
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
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Camp LEAD is Lincoln Academy's summer camp for kids in 3rd through 8th grades, and we were able to donate supplies for a week of cooking classes.
Glenda Jones, who taught the Camp LEAD cooking classes in July was SO grateful for your donations of cash/checks/gift card/appliances to get the camp going! Thank you for helping give this opportunity to our children in Huntsville! As a bonus at The Greene Street Market at Nativity last night I met her friend who leads the 7-8th grade girls journaling group at Lincoln Village Ministry. Y'all, the love pouring out of these women inspires me. If you ever want to use your God-given talent to help children, there are plenty of opportunities, for sure!! THANK YOU!
(About once a month Glenda, aka GJSweet, LLC, sells her treats at The Greene Street Market at Nativity. So stop by and say "hello" if you see her! She'd love to meet you! And her treats are so YUMMMY!)
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Cookies for Kids’ Cancer
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Our total donation from Saturday's bake sale is $1381.20! Thank you again to all who BAKED, SHARED, DONATED, AND WORKED. My cup runneth over.(And thank you for not "hiding" me on FB - I know we posted A LOT that day - ha!) 
I love everything about the Cookies for Kids' Cancer bake sale, from the little kids making signs to all the friendly buyers stopping by to say hello! If you were on FB this weekend, I know we flooded you with pics - we were having fun! It started off beautiful, then was cold and a little rainy. In 4 hours we had the tables set up in 3 different locations - ha!
There is always one family who drops by the sale, who is unassociated with the sale, and shares their story. This Saturday, it was a little girl in a pink tutu dress. Her cancerous tumor had been removed and did not need further treatment, thank God. 
During the CFKC bake sale, we eat delicious treats and hug our friends’ necks. But as soon as we mail this money in, scientists are busy at work. Trying their best to save lives and to find less-toxic treatments. (Remember: In May, all donations are doubled up to $100,000!!!)
Thank you to everyone who baked! I know it takes A LOT to plan & buy & bake & package & drop off! 
Thank you to all who donated at the sale or online! I know there are a million worthy causes!
Thank you to all who worked! I know the days are BUSY!
And thank you to all who shared on social media. I truly appreciate you. Oh! And thank you to Green Bus Brewing for taking our few leftovers & bringing in even more donations; THEN thank you to Victoria Rush Hinton for brining the rest to Manna House. I know our neighbors enjoyed those!! ALL the treats were a blessing.This sale truly takes a village. THANK YOU! 
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Kids to Love
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In Sunday School, on the morning of our Just Cause event, I was asked to think about my greatest undeserved gift. It was incredibly easy for me to answer, just on the heels of a road trip with my mother and daughter the night before. I have been given a mother who loves and a daughter to love, in addition to the husband and son who love me unconditionally. This question was clearly very easy for me to answer.
My heart grows weary, however, when I think of the “undeserved” part of this question. Just as I did nothing to receive these gifts, foster children did nothing to receive their fate.
THE HARD TRUTH When Kids to Love's Meredith Payne told us that 80 percent of foster kids go to jail after foster care, my heart sank. 80%?! There are @5,000 children in foster care in Alabama - but only @1,200 foster families. That leaves the rest to live in detention or lockdown facilities. It’s all too much …SO … let me just tell you what Kids to Love is doing about it. Not only did they serve 7,500 foster kids last year, but they continue to support foster families. Kids to Love provides 5,000 backpacks a year, school supplies, Christmas gifts, scholarships, and more.And there’s even more 
GOOD NEWS: 1. Kids to Love has created KTECH, a workforce initiative that teaches technical skills to foster kids aging out of the system (and undeserved populations) in 15-week courses. KTECH graduates can be hired for $30K a year, and they learn the budgeting and life skills necessary to thrive. It’s all about moving people from poverty to industry. Amazing. 2. Camp Hope Alabama is a weekend camp where siblings reunite. Siblings are often divided when they are placed into foster care, and Camp Hope gives these kids time to play and love and strengthen their sibling bond. Love. 3. Davidson Farms will be a permanent home for 10 girls in the foster care system. This home will be a refuge, offering stability in an uncertain time. A home, house parents, a full-time therapist. I’m humbled by the enormity of this.
Where do WE come in?First … many, many heartfelt thanks for your generous donations!!! Thank you for coming out on your weekend to support the good works at Kids to Love. Kids to Love does not receive any city, state, or federal funding. Every donation is a huge blessing.
We talked yesterday about touring the facility. If you’d like to do that, please let me know. I am more than happy to coordinate that, and/or we can bring our kids to put some volunteer time in there as well! If you want even more opportunities to help, you can sponsor a child at any level. You can follow Kids to Love on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidstolovefoundation/?fref=ts You can donate: http://www.kidstolove.org/donate-todayYou can volunteer: http://www.kidstolove.org/volunteer THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Somehow some people avoided the camera, but I know you were here!!! I am incredibly grateful and humbled and thankful.
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
Trinity United Methodist Church’s Hispanic Ministry
OH my GOODNESS! We had so much fun yesterday!!! Thank you for coming out & sharing your kids with us! Our final numbers are still trickling in (THANK YOU!), but it looks like ALL the kids who signed up to play spring sports WILL get to play, thanks to your donations. WOO HOO! THIS is community in action. THIS is people taking care of people. AMEN!
We’ve seen the research: Extracurricular sports reduce feelings of isolation, increase completed years of education, and help children learn self control. 
Thanks to your donations, and support from Southeast Family YMCA & Craig Satterfeal - Thrivent Financial, Trinity United Methodist Church’s Hispanic Ministry is gearing up to get these precious kids on a team again this spring!
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
2016 Coat Drive
On this Giving Tuesday, we are sorting all your generous donations!! Thank you for giving ALL YEAR LONG! Thank you, Charlene Pinke, for staying out late to get these items to the people who need them in our community. Thanks again to Jennifer Anderson Dillard for keeping this going! And thank you to Sara Alavi for giving us an incentive to give AND dress well.  We appreciate you all!! #givingtuesday
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justcausehuntsville · 4 years ago
New Hope Children’s Clinic
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This clinic changes lives - and gives hope to children through local, low cost healthcare. They see medical patients four days a week, dental patients twice a week and vision patients monthly. Nova Center counselors see students at the clinic two-and-a-half days a week.
Just Causer Tammy Sorocko Benjamin, R.N., shared what being part of the New Hope Children’s Clinic team means to her: “ ‘Honored’ seems an understatement. How lucky am I to be part of such a plan, place, and idea? I truly feel undeserving of this honor. I've always considered myself a ‘ servant' of nursing care because it describes how I FEEL about being a nurse. A ‘servant' is a 'devoted and helpful supporter'. But never have I felt so much devotion as I do for New Hope. We serve a diverse population, but most of our families are in a great deal of need in many ways. Our clinic provides a reliable support system for healthcare. It includes VERY personalized and skilled pediatric medical care, as well as access to specialty resources. We provide this care while empowering parents and families to be advocates for their children and to be proactive in preventative health for themselves. This allows families (many who struggle financially, socially, emotionally, physically, and/or mentally) to have one less worry in their lives. We are in their community, spend extra time with them, and make ourselves more available than most provider offices would. Some of these families wouldn't seek care if we were not right there in the middle of New Hope. And without the support of our community and outside communities we couldn't help make the difference we are making. Thank you for thinking of us! YOU are making a very REAL TIME difference by donating. All kiddos need a Popsicle and stuffed animal after their vaccines  THANK YOU!”
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justcausehuntsville · 8 years ago
Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids’ Sake (September)
We made our goal: $405 raised for Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Alabama! And we had a lot of fun bowling today! Everyone did AWESOME, even without bumpers - whew!!! A huge thank you to our bowlers and donors!!! Your donations will help a child in our community. HOW GREAT IS THAT?! I appreciate EVERYONE'S love & support!!
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justcausehuntsville · 8 years ago
NCAC Teddy Bear Dare (August)
These incredible friends raised more than $350 that will go directly to therapy for children who have been abused. Please help us spread awareness & raise funds for the National Children's Advocacy Center right here in Huntsville. Not only does NCAC offer therapy and comfort to abuse victims, but it provides preventative services. Bless these AMAZING people!
$150 is the amount of money it costs to provide a therapy session for a victim. All donations are appreciated and needed! When someone walks through the NCAC doors, all services are provided free of charge.
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justcausehuntsville · 9 years ago
July 2016: Nova Academy
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You donated SO MANY school supplies - THANK YOU!!!
Nova Academy, part of Wellstone Behavioral Health, is a children’s day treatment program serving children ages 3-5. In the summer program they serve children up to 8 years old. While during the academic year they have a 35 children capacity, in the summer they can serve up to 56 children. Clients have different behavioral and emotional problems including hyperactivity, impulsivity, lack of focus, defiance, anger, temper tantrums, anxiety, etc. Nova Academy serves its clients by providing group therapy, individual therapy and family therapy as well as additional age appropriate academic activities.
The Nova Center relies heavily on donations, and 100% of the children they serve are on Medicaid and come from lower-income families. Many of the school supplies you donate will be used at the Nova Center, starting in the fall. Also … some students who attended Nova this summer will “graduate” this Friday, and they will receive school supplies as a parting gift that they can proudly bring to their new elementary schools next week.
I love to help kids feel prepared and ready to start their new, fresh year of school. Thank you for helping us do that together!!! What a great confidence booster!
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