justcalljan · 11 months
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“Yes! Hello! This is Jan Kuykendall in Sector Five’s Shinra Company Billing Office. … No. There’s no R in that. It’s K-U-Y-K-E-N-D-A-L-L…”
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“Give me three donuts. I need them.”
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justcalljan · 11 months
Lost in the Tower [open starter]
The Shinra Tower was one of the single loveliest buildings that Jan had ever been in, bright and clean and sparkling, and she stirred her coffee idly as she waited for the other managers to arrive.  She sat across the lobby, pretending that she hadn't noticed where Ms. Meaux from Two and Mr. Selvin from Seven were standing.  She much preferred to keep as much distance between herself and the other sector managers as she could for as long as she could.
A sip of her coffee, and she watched the elevators in between checking her phone for updates from Vori.  Not that Jan could exactly leave if something did happen back in the office.  These meetings every six months were not optional.
She watched as other managers arrived, drifting toward Meaux and Selvin, and she sipped her coffee again, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips.  She stood when she spotted Mr. Tuesti's assistant stepping off the elevator, and she smiled warmly as she took the badge the woman offered her.  Her pass into the upper levels of the Tower, to the conference room Mr. Tuesti preferred.
The one with the view.
That view made the bickering of the managers, the dry details of the meetings, worth it.  The fact that there was always something delicious to snack on made it pretty close to perfect.  Getting to see Mr. Tuesti's face when his attention inevitably drifted out the window for a heartbeat and he looked over his city-- their city...
That made it one of the best days out of the year.
This meeting was no exception, and by the time she left, Jan was grinning like an idiot.  She knew it, and she excused herself to the restroom to try to get herself under control again, just so she wouldn’t have to listen to the other managers bugging her about her enthusiasm.
She hadn't expected the group to be gone when she stepped back out, and her lips pressed together, smile gone as she realized Ms. Meaux had probably convinced them to head on without her.
Hours later, she was hopelessly lost.  She'd managed to get out of the restricted upper floors, but none of the elevators she managed to find went all the way down to the first floor, or even close, honestly, and she leaned against one of the walls in the hallway, trying to catch her breath.  She reached down to rub her heel, sighing.  At least she hadn't worn heels to this.
She glanced down both ends of the hallway, and she pushed off the wall to start walking all over again.  She was so preoccupied, glancing down at her phone and trying to figure out if the stupid map app for the Tower was even going to work, that she didn't see anyone else until after she ran straight into them.
"Oh, I'm so sorry--"
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justcalljan · 11 months
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Do not copy, repost, edit, or trace without permission. Jan (the character) belongs to her owner and her owner only. Never use my work or any characters depicted without proper permissions.
Birthday drawing for @traxits of OC, Jan. :) I’m working on something bigger/better, but this was an “in the meantime” drawing, because… We all know how slow AF I am. ;w;
Fun fact! I just got new markers, which are called Marvy Le Plume markers and I love them! They were used for her shirt and pants.
Tools: Copic markers, Marvy Le Plume markers, Copic multiliners, Uni-ball Signo white gel pen, and Strathmore 300 series vellum bristol board.
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