from the Global Scenario Group...
What should humankind achieve? .."a rich quality of life, strong human ties and a resonant connection to nature. In such a world it would be the quality of human knowledge, creativity, and self realization that represents development, not the quantity of goods and services."
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let's start with the basics.
The 4 principles of sustainability: 1. Substances extracted from the lithosphere must not systemically accumulate in the ecosphere. 2. Substances produced in the techno sphere must not systemically accumulate in the ecosphere. 3. The physical conditions for production and diversity in the ecosphere must not be systemically deteriorated. 4. The use of resources must be efficient and just with respect to meeting human needs. Comments or questions?
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fav quote of my readings so far...
seems too obvious but well articulatedโฆ
โ..the costs of reducing water and air pollution should be understood in terms of those other goods that we would need to give up to accomplish this goal. In short, we need to make tradeoffs. Every resource devoted to reducing pollution is a resource not devoted to washing machines, hospitals, schools, B-1 bombers, and so forth. โ
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Throw a temper tantrum. Shed your tears. Talk to your father. Get inspired. Then gently pick your feet up and move on.
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well France, it's been a slice
Can't believe it, but my 10 weeks are done in France. Mixed feelings really. But glad to be en route for the next chapter in Sweden! Sitting at the airport now, indulging in breed and cheese. I finished off French school at an A2 level. Not too shabby. However, it feels like I've only just begun. I hope to be able to find some sort of French group in Sweden to continue learning he language. I hear Swedish is much easier, thank goodness! As much as I will miss the quirks of France (dodgy electrical systems, the feeling of always being dirty, being surrounded by smokers constantly) I am thankful for the experience I had of getting to know another culture and another way of life. I had a great last weekend down in Nice and Mougins visiting friends and my Norwegian aunt and uncle. Topped off my tan too for the fall :) I had many good conversations with my aunt and uncle about social systems and governments. Tres interressant! Especially to understand what really drives the culture the way citizens conduct themselves and their motivation for how they choose to live their life. I can't believe the summer is drawing to a close. But alas, one cannot always be "on vacation". I've a plane to catch and a new country to go to! Till next time, Lindsay
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Enjoyed my final night in Paris before my last day of French class at the Sacre Cลur ๐ I can't believe how fast 10 weeks has gone by!
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Je suis en crise existentielle; aujourd'hui tout le monde court, aujourd'hui tout le monde conduit. Mes images? Elles furent le produit d'un amour creatif, lie a mes experiences et la realisation. Je n'etais jamais presse. [ I'm in an existential crisis; everybody rushes about these days, everyone drives these days. My images? They were the product of a creative love, linked to my experiences and fulfillment. I was never in a hurry. ]
Kati Horna
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from where i am.
Ok, I won't lie, Paris has been an adjustment for me. It took me a good week to get over my loss of not being in the French Riveria. However, I wanted the experience of somewhat being able to say "I lived in Paris". Granted, 5 weeks doesn't quite constitute what one may typically think as "living". Nonetheless, I figured it would offer me a different experience than the typical tourist gets who come stays for max ~10 days (if you're lucky). French school has also been much tougher here I'd say. I got moved up a level this week and I don't think I should have been. Confidence was definitely shaken. Combined with a teacher who moved very rapidly through the lessons and exercises. Also, most of the people in this class have already been together for a few weeks. That being said, I've made some friends who I've gone out with and explored with a couple days this week already. Again, such a mix of people! Met a lovely girl, Nadja, who lives in Gothenburg (!), Californians, and even an Australian actor/musician who lives in LA, Brett Tucker. He brought his guitar in today (his last day) to play a French song he learned during his 5-week stay. Paris is quite the city. I'd say it has grown on me during these 3 weeks. At first I thought the all white buildings were a tad boring. But now I understand. The grandeur of the monuments, testaments of love, adoration and nobility in timeless tombs, and spacious jardins. The amount of space dedicated to the public. It can really catch a person off guard. It's all constitutive of the French lifestyle. Take a snooze on the grass or park bench or lounger in jardin du Luxembourg? Find a quiet spot for reflection while kids play close by? It is here. Magnificent really. So surreal to have these experiences. Like yesterday when I really just needed time for myself, I hung out upstairs at Shakespere & Co, nestled on the daybed with a children's book and then tinkling the ivories on the piano. This is Paris.
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A couple of observations: - in such a large city as Paris how can there be NO recycling?! My host family looked strangely at me when I asked where to put old papers. The host family in Antibes had recycling in their apartment building. - "coffee to go" doesn't really exist in France, at least from what I've observed. People take time to sit down and drink their coffee. They relax. They read the newspaper. They talk to one another. They get to know the people who serve them. Yes, I've seen some Starbucks in Paris, but I have yet to see people with a "to-go" coffee cup in their hand as they go on their merry way. - along similar lines, I think I must stick out like a sore thumb as I have yet to witness anyone else in France rushing around and walking quickly. Actually,I know I do. I know it's a habit of mine I need to let go of; people here must either be really good planners and always on time, or the worry and stress of being late is just not in their repertoire. L
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Final goodbyes with my Antibes host family Raymonde & Daniel!
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A perfect farewell Friday in Antibes: picnique sur la plage avec mom amie, Andrea avec kir royal (lavande liquer + champagne), fromage, jambon, pain, et chocolat. Followed by bongos on the beach (+ lesson) with David and scooter trip past Cannes to join guitar musicians on the beach to embrace the full moon! Sigh, Antibes, you have a special space in my heart. xo
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Last day of classes in Antibes (late post from last Friday). Small classes, beautiful school, although small. Ameilie (top photo - long skirt) and Yann (bottom photo - middle) were great teachers! Each week would be a new group of students, although the majority of us stuck around for my 5 weeks. Such diversity in the classes - I was the only Canadian! We had students from Iceland, Poland, Vietnam, Columbia, USA, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Great Britain, and Bolivia. Open air classrooms, sans AC. Eventually you adjust...
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Antibes theme song... thank you Julia!!! xoxo
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l'ecole: centre international d'antibes Yes, indeed this is where I have been learning French for the last 5 weeks! Classes are small with max of 12 students. Teachers have been excellent! Classrooms are essentially open air as there is hardly any air conditioning. Thankfully the temperature has been a few degrees below normal (so only 27 degC) so with a fan and the window open I can manage the heat. It is quite nice to never have to carry a sweater anywhere! On the patio up top is the cafeteria and tables. Lunch is delicious and healthy - and reasonable priced. I can't believe tomorrow is my last day at this place before heading for 5 more weeks of French lessons in Paris! I will definitely miss the school and Antibes. I always feel safe here, people are friendly, delicious food and amazing weather! Perhaps I will continue French lessons for a couple weeks next summer during my break from school in Sweden :)
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diner. Dernier week-end j'ai manage du lapin avec moutard et pomme de terrre! C'est tres bon! C'est provence specialte! (Last weekend I ate rabbit with moutard and potatoes! It was very good! Specialty of Provence!)
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Moi dejuener (lunch) today! Baguette with melted chauvrn fromage avec jambon (proscuitto) avec fleur des corgettes!ย I love France!
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