justatinyrpmemeblog · 3 years
Not an rp meme but still important.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
PSA about Toxic Behavior
It’s ridiculous that I even have to make a post like this, but if someone on tumblr, or discord, or anywhere doesn’t give you constant attention, it does not give you the right to gaslight them, guilt them, or harass them. Having your friends stalk their blogs and posts to give you all the little details of what they are doing is also not okay. If your behavior is making someone afraid to even roleplay, then you are not a friend to that person, no matter how much you think you are. The tumblr roleplay community is a place people come to escape, to enjoy themselves, to have fun. It is a place people come to relieve stress, to make themselves happy. And if someone you consider a friend is currently having fun talking to someone else? Guess what? They’re allowed to. You might have no idea what is going on in their real life, and sometimes people have energy for one person and not another, because every person is different. Some people, through no fault of their own (or sometimes by their own fault, it depends), just take a lot of energy and effort to talk to, especially for someone with disabilities, or depression or energy issues. And people as time goes on, grow, and change, and either you grow the same way they do, or you don’t, and if you grow apart even with effort to keep the friendship going? Then that’s the breaks.
And if someone tells you that your behavior is problematic or toxic? It is up to YOU to fix it. It isn’t your friends’ obligation to constantly put up with your crappy behavior. And if you choose to make excuses, and not fix your own behavior, and just keep expecting people to put up with it forever? People have the right to stop being your friend. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Sure you’re allowed to have your own feelings, but just because your feelings are hurt don’t mean you get to trample on everyone else’s. Especially if it is caused by your own shitty behavior.
So if your response to not getting enough attention is to have your friends harass people, stalk them, or for you to gaslight them, guilt them, or otherwise make them feel like shit because YOU feel like shit, then you need to fuck right off. And take a good hard look at yourself, and maybe get therapy to fix your shitty, toxic, and quite frankly abusive behavior.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
A Reminder For RPers
Since this update has many people upset and stressed out, and I have started to see some unpleasant things happening because of it, I wanted to post a reminder to not use it as an excuse to be a toxic person. A great many of us, especially in the roleplay community are upset and dislike this new update, and we didn’t want it either. But being upset is not an excuse to take your frustrations out on your friends, or RP partners. 
Please remember that many of us suffer from issues like depression and anxiety, not to mention all the stressful events happening in RL, and while this completely awful update may tempt some people to lash out, please keep in mind that you are not the only person who is stressed and upset. I have already seen posts saying that the xKit team is working on making tumblr usable for us by updating and fixing their extensions and giving us new ones, so hopefully we will have things back to functioning how we like them soon.
In the mean time, please don’t bully or guilt trip your friends or RP partners, and still be mindful of others. Your feelings are valid, and it is alright to be upset about it, or about other things, but in such a stressful time, with everything going on in RL please please please do not make your friends feel like shit. Roleplay is something many of use to help combat our depression, and anxiety, and some of us have health issues that make things difficult for us. We need to be able to relax and RP as we want to, and with who we see fit. No one has the right to tell anyone who they can and cannot RP with, or guilt others for not doing enough. 
If you want to RP with someone more, ask them. Start things. Send them memes or tag them in starters. But do not. DO NOT guilt people or bully them, or try to make them feel bad for not doing enough for you. Do not lash out at others because you are stressed. Some days, people just don’t have the energy or the mental or emotional capacity to deal with things. Some people don’t have that on ANY day due to health issues, or depression, or general life related things. Sometimes our muses literally will ONLY reply to certain threads, and if we try to force them to reply to something else, they shut down. Muses have a mind of their own, and we cannot force them anymore than we can force another person to do anything they don’t want to. If you have a legitimate problem with someone, or want them to do better, talk politely with them about it. There is enough toxicity in the roleplay community in general without it being added to because of this update. If anything, we need to be MORE supportive right now, and mindful of others.
That said, please do your best to have fun, and take care of yourselves. Drink water, eat a snack, take your meds if you need to, and happy roleplaying.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
Random lines from GameEdged’s Green Hell Multiplayer Streams Starters
“You will take this rock and you will like it.” “Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Angry kitty, bad kitty, grr grr grr.” “Are you looking at my crotch?!” “Jesus, it’s not that small.” “Let me get the scientific equipment out to see if we can examine and find it.” “It just dies.” “Did you check if your purse was there still?” “Did you go and check the door's locked?” “Uhh.. We don’t have any doors.” “The true enemy is in the water.” “I see the true enemy.” “I’m just following ____, which is probably a bad idea but I did it anyways.” “So what you’re saying is you stole all the stuff from us and now you’re willing to give it back.” “Yes, that is correct.” “What are you staring at my crotch for dude?” “You’re a rock addict.” “I am a rock addict, and I am proud of it.” “It’s almost the end my friend.” “I don’t remember this place at all.” “Oh, he’s dead.” “I think we have a ghost.” “I’m happy to take them out of your butt.” “Fetch!” “The worlds slowest game of fetch.” “Don’t make me put my foot down!” “I see poisonous frogs in ____’s future.” “I blame ____.” “That’s it! That’s it! You take out your frustrations!” “I’m a pretty talented hooker, if I do say so myself.” “You might just get impaled if this keeps up.” “Eat it!” “Don’t eat it. don’t listen to ____.” “My god ____, you’re a bad influence.”  “Lets fight him.” “Well that’s the way insanity works. You work it out. Work out that insanity.” “He bit me!” “Kill him, kill him!” “He bit me, little bastard.” “Do you know how to wash yourself?” “This is where the spirit of travelers die.” “I forget what it’s called. It’s not good though.” “We can hit you with a spear, the pointy end if you wish.” “I don’t even want to know what you’re doing.” “They’re having an evening teabag.” “Note to self, don’t hit a spider.” “I’ve never tried to punch a spider before.” “We are one!” “Think positive thoughts.” “Punch a caiman. You won’t die.” -singing- “I’m so brave, so very very brave.” “Someone’s nuts just dropped.” “He likes the feel of them in his mouth.” “That would be on the list of foolish things to do.” “Are you sure there’s a bat in this house?” “Was it a magic trick?” “I’m no longer the banana killer!” “This is a really good picture.” “Did you pee in here or something?” “Tell me how you feel about not being able to eat your doritos.” “When you get angry do you have bad thoughts?” “Have you started your 12 step dorito withdrawal program?” “The lack of cheesy dust is causing this.”
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
Send a “💟” for the mun to admit an NSFW secret about the muse that the muse is embarrassed about.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
Send me “💞” on anon for an NSFW confession or headcanon of one of my muses favorite places to have sex.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
Send me “⇿” for another muse I play from a different fandom to temporarily swap with the current muse for a thread.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
My Muse Has Been Given A Truth Serum.
You have exactly one hour to ask them anything and everything you ever wanted to know and they HAVE to answer.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 4 years
Giant List Of Random Sentence Starters
“Hello, don’t mind me, I’m just your typical punk rock potato.” “Uhh.. Yeah.. So.. That’s a thing.” “Wait what do you mean there’s no cheesecake?” “I like cheese.” “I have no particular desire to discuss that matter.” “We can talk about whatever you want if you let me take you to dinner.” “Yes, I mean a date.” “I’ve had a lot on my mind.” “You shouldn’t have told him/her/them such a thing.” “He got what was coming to him.” “How are you, buddy?” “You won’t need it.” “_____ didn’t even know my name.” “I blamed him for the accident.” “There isn’t much to tell.” “Say nothing except the truth.” “I’m a geek.” “That problem isn’t important.” “I didn’t understand a thing.” “You can’t trust anything he says.” “My opinions differ from those of most of the students in the class.” “That plan is unacceptable.” “You can’t give up now, not after all the effort you’ve put into this.” “I can’t help anyone.” “I’m glad you had fun.” “We used to play together.” “I’ve never told a lie.” “I’m as hungry as a horse.” “I’ll take that risk.” “You shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket.” “I know you’re scared.” “Instead of just saying you love her/him, do something to show how much you love her/him.” “Tell me how you feel.” “I told you I hate that shirt.” “People thought that that was crazy.” “Sometimes I read so much that I forget about food and sleep.” “I don’t know what you’re trying to say.” “Excuse me, do you know what time it is?” “You’re not a millionaire yet.” “I think you’re strong enough.” “I finished writing the report.” “I can’t make promises.” “Perhaps I can help.” “I fell asleep on the couch.” “You must think I’m an idiot.” “People could’ve been hurt.” “There’s really a ghost in my house.” “If you don’t work, you can’t eat.” “I like ____ a lot, you know.” “I’ve never been this scared before.” “Get your hat and coat.” “A little soap and water never killed anybody.” “____ hate(s) raw onions. "Because of you, I’m having problems with my blood pressure.” “Come and have a look at this.” “Don’t be afraid to get your feet wet.” “You should’ve listened to me.” “If I wanted to stop speaking to all the people I despise, I would have to take a vow of silence.” “I’d say no if I were you.” “I’ve never heard ___ speak ill of others.” “I heard what had happened.” “Would you chew your food more, please?” “Your idea is not entirely crazy.” “We took every precaution.” “It was just your imagination.” “How impatient are you?” “What’s the title of that book?” “You can’t run away from age.” “Who do you think this hat belongs to?” “Your question is hard to answer.” “That looks very promising.” “Could you do me a favour please?” “Ugh, how long does it take to deliver a pizza?” “Were you ever really sick when you were a kid?” “Eat your soup while it is hot.” “I’m pretty sure that _____ doesn’t have plans for next weekend.” “Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now?” “My hands were full.” “_____ is impossible to satisfy.” “Are you on good terms with _____?” “_____ never said that, as far as I know.” “Hello and farewell, brother.” “Put that back.” “Believe me, everything he’s told you is a lie.” “I haven’t seen you in years.” “I’m beginning to get used to doing this.” “I think it’s time for me to throw a little party.” “Well, look who’s here.” “This city used to be beautiful.” “Light blue is the color of the sky, the sea, lakes, rivers, but most importantly, your eyes.” “I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one.” “Minds that have nothing to confer find little to perceive.” “Ugh, they finally left.” “What’re we up to now?” “I feel like I’ve been thrown in the deep end.” “I’d like to speak to you for a moment.” “This is not okay.” “How will it all end?” “Thanks for the awesome dinner.” “You did what you could.” “Cows give milk.” “A bold man has half the world.” “I can’t imagine what things living on another planet are like.” “Are you sure you want to quit?” “Connecting a PC to the internet is not rocket science.” “______ is probably jealous.” “Do you want to see my scar?” “I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.” “According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is approaching Okinawa.” “_____ is haunted by his past.” “Are you having a nice summer?” “I stepped on a nail.” “No one is allowed to go there.” “Without air, nothing could live.” “Who do I go to to report having an item stolen?” “I’ve had my pocket calculator stolen.” “You think I’m stupid?” “______was right, wasn’t he?” “Do you want me to rub your back?” “The last thing I want to do now is clean the bathroom.” “The food is good, and service is good here.” “You are speaking a bit too fast for me, could you please speak more slowly?” “Did you forget anything?” “You are home late.” “I know the difference between right and wrong.” “If pleasure is fleeting, so is the effort.” “His/Her story can’t be true. _____ often tells lies.” “I know how you must be feeling.” “It’s my duty to talk to you.” “I just wanted to be happy.” “He has no less than three hundred books.” “I didn’t take it seriously.” “Wake me up early tomorrow morning.” “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.” “It’s happening now, isn’t it?” “Failure is the mother of success.” “I missed you a lot while you were gone.” “Everyone is against me.” “You don’t want to do that, do you?” “I thought you wouldn’t be so busy.” “You should see the doctor at once.” “We’ve been going about this all wrong.” “I’ve had a very busy morning.” “Please don’t mistake my meaning.” “You don’t need to look for love anymore.” “Nothing scares me.” “Who do you think’ll be at the party?” “If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” “We’ve got to talk.” “_____ made the situation worse.” “I just want to know where _____ is.” “I’m twice as busy as I was before.” “You really hurt her/him.” “It’s kind of comforting.” “Can’t we talk this over?” “How did you get so strong?” “Some people are well off and others are badly off.” “Something’s not right.” “When I told them I’d done it, they looked at me like I was nuts.” “I’ll be glad to be friends with you.” “I’ve put all of my energy into this plan.” “Someone was there.” “I’ve seen you with them.” “I swear I’ll always protect you.” “What are you frightened of?” “Experience is one thing you can’t get for nothing.” “Help me clean up this mess.” “I finally gave up.” “You need to mind your own business.” “I know, your busy too.” “Whatever you do, don’t tell ____ about what we did.” “Bread and butter are my usual breakfast.” “Is there anything else you remember?” “I feel much better now.” “You should smile more.” “Try not to worry about him.” “So it’s not something you enjoy?” “I owe it to you that I am still alive.” “Now, what do you think?” “Please don’t get him excited.” “Go easy on him.” “You should throw this out.” “I want to have a sword!” “You have to change before the party.” “You’re needed here immediately.” “I’m glad I met you today.” “I’ll never forget what happened.” “Maybe someone else can help us.” “Is there a problem with it?” “Could you wait a moment?” “This seat is taken.” “Wow, that line is huge!” “You can’t drink the water here.” “I’ll make you pay for this.”
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 5 years
AU Wishlist:
☾ • Feudal Samurai Era AU - My muse and your muse are samurai in the era of Feudal Japan. In the midst of battles and wars, our muses grow close. Maybe even fall in love. Either starting on opposite sides, or being comrades from the beginning, this is one of my favorite types of AUs.
☾ • Yokai/Ayakashi AU - My muse is a yokai/ayakashi. Your muse is either human, or a yokai/ayakashi from another clan. Despite their differences, they are drawn together, and become close.
☾ • Royalty and Knight or Commoner AU - One of our muses is a prince, and thus is required to marry another of royalty.. But instead, they fall in love with someone below their caste. Can they make it work? Or will society force them apart no matter how much they want each other?
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 5 years
Give my muse a command and they must obey or ask a question and they must tell the truth.
Make them confess their feelings. Force them to do something they don't want to do. Ask them funny questions, get personal, or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Send a ✔ (checkmark) + a command for a command, or an ✘ (X) and a question for something you want them to answer.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 5 years
Send “Flirt” to my inbox for my muse to say something accidentally and unintentionally flirtatious to your muse.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 5 years
Send me a symbol:
♕ (Or Crown) - For my muse to be forced to dress (and maybe act) as if they are royalty for a day. ☁ (Or Cloud) - For my muse to have to spill something they thought about your muse but never said. ☂ (or Umbrella) - To catch my muse out in the rain. ★ (or Star) - For my muse to spill one of their dreams for the future. ✈ (or Plane) - For my muse to tell you somewhere they’ve already visited, but want to go back to. ☤ (or Health) - For my muse to be sick, and stuck in bed. ༄ (or Whoosh) - For my muse to tell one of their favorite things. ⚘ (or Flower) - For my muse to tell you their favorite flower.
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justatinyrpmemeblog · 5 years
Giant List Of Random Sentence Starters
“Hello, don’t mind me, I’m just your typical punk rock potato.” “Uhh.. Yeah.. So.. That’s a thing.” “Wait what do you mean there’s no cheesecake?” “I like cheese.” "I have no particular desire to discuss that matter." "We can talk about whatever you want if you let me take you to dinner." "Yes, I mean a date." "I've had a lot on my mind." "You shouldn't have told him/her/them such a thing." "He got what was coming to him." "How are you, buddy?" "You won't need it." "_____ didn't even know my name." "I blamed him for the accident." "There isn't much to tell." "Say nothing except the truth." "I'm a geek." "That problem isn't important." "I didn't understand a thing." "You can't trust anything he says." "My opinions differ from those of most of the students in the class." "That plan is unacceptable." "You can't give up now, not after all the effort you've put into this." "I can't help anyone." "I'm glad you had fun." "We used to play together." "I've never told a lie." "I'm as hungry as a horse." "I'll take that risk." "You shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket." "I know you're scared." "Instead of just saying you love her/him, do something to show how much you love her/him." "Tell me how you feel." "I told you I hate that shirt." "People thought that that was crazy." "Sometimes I read so much that I forget about food and sleep." "I don't know what you're trying to say." "Excuse me, do you know what time it is?" "You're not a millionaire yet." "I think you're strong enough." "I finished writing the report." "I can't make promises." "Perhaps I can help." "I fell asleep on the couch." "You must think I'm an idiot." "People could've been hurt." "There's really a ghost in my house." "If you don't work, you can't eat." "I like ____ a lot, you know." "I've never been this scared before." "Get your hat and coat." "A little soap and water never killed anybody." "____ hate(s) raw onions. "Because of you, I'm having problems with my blood pressure." "Come and have a look at this." "Don't be afraid to get your feet wet." "You should've listened to me." "If I wanted to stop speaking to all the people I despise, I would have to take a vow of silence." "I'd say no if I were you." "I've never heard ___ speak ill of others." "I heard what had happened." "Would you chew your food more, please?" "Your idea is not entirely crazy." "We took every precaution." "It was just your imagination." "How impatient are you?" "What's the title of that book?" "You can't run away from age." "Who do you think this hat belongs to?" "Your question is hard to answer." "That looks very promising." "Could you do me a favour please?" "Ugh, how long does it take to deliver a pizza?" "Were you ever really sick when you were a kid?" "Eat your soup while it is hot." "I'm pretty sure that _____ doesn't have plans for next weekend." "Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?" "My hands were full." "_____ is impossible to satisfy." "Are you on good terms with _____?" "_____ never said that, as far as I know." "Hello and farewell, brother." "Put that back." "Believe me, everything he's told you is a lie." "I haven't seen you in years." "I'm beginning to get used to doing this." "I think it's time for me to throw a little party." "Well, look who's here." "This city used to be beautiful." "Light blue is the color of the sky, the sea, lakes, rivers, but most importantly, your eyes." "I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one." "Minds that have nothing to confer find little to perceive." "Ugh, they finally left." "What're we up to now?" "I feel like I've been thrown in the deep end." "I'd like to speak to you for a moment." "This is not okay." "How will it all end?" "Thanks for the awesome dinner." "You did what you could." "Cows give milk." "A bold man has half the world." "I can't imagine what things living on another planet are like." "Are you sure you want to quit?" "Connecting a PC to the internet is not rocket science." "______ is probably jealous." "Do you want to see my scar?" "I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long." "According to the weather forecast, the typhoon is approaching Okinawa." "_____ is haunted by his past." "Are you having a nice summer?" "I stepped on a nail." "No one is allowed to go there." "Without air, nothing could live." "Who do I go to to report having an item stolen?" "I've had my pocket calculator stolen." "You think I'm stupid?" "______was right, wasn't he?" "Do you want me to rub your back?" "The last thing I want to do now is clean the bathroom." "The food is good, and service is good here." "You are speaking a bit too fast for me, could you please speak more slowly?" "Did you forget anything?" "You are home late." "I know the difference between right and wrong." "If pleasure is fleeting, so is the effort." "His/Her story can't be true. _____ often tells lies." "I know how you must be feeling." "It's my duty to talk to you." "I just wanted to be happy." "He has no less than three hundred books." "I didn't take it seriously." "Wake me up early tomorrow morning." "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster." "It's happening now, isn't it?" "Failure is the mother of success." "I missed you a lot while you were gone." "Everyone is against me." "You don't want to do that, do you?" "I thought you wouldn't be so busy." "You should see the doctor at once." "We've been going about this all wrong." "I've had a very busy morning." "Please don't mistake my meaning." "You don't need to look for love anymore." "Nothing scares me." "Who do you think'll be at the party?" "If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." "We've got to talk." "_____ made the situation worse." "I just want to know where _____ is." "I'm twice as busy as I was before." "You really hurt her/him." "It's kind of comforting." "Can't we talk this over?" "How did you get so strong?" "Some people are well off and others are badly off." "Something's not right." "When I told them I'd done it, they looked at me like I was nuts." "I'll be glad to be friends with you." "I've put all of my energy into this plan." "Someone was there." "I've seen you with them." "I swear I'll always protect you." "What are you frightened of?" "Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing." "Help me clean up this mess." "I finally gave up." "You need to mind your own business." "I know, your busy too." "Whatever you do, don't tell ____ about what we did." "Bread and butter are my usual breakfast." "Is there anything else you remember?" "I feel much better now." "You should smile more." "Try not to worry about him." "So it's not something you enjoy?" "I owe it to you that I am still alive." "Now, what do you think?" "Please don't get him excited." "Go easy on him." "You should throw this out." "I want to have a sword!" "You have to change before the party." "You're needed here immediately." "I'm glad I met you today." "I'll never forget what happened." "Maybe someone else can help us." "Is there a problem with it?" "Could you wait a moment?" "This seat is taken." "Wow, that line is huge!" "You can't drink the water here." "I'll make you pay for this."
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