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justasensitiveplant · 2 hours
Nimitz: Dwight
Nimitz: DWIGHT
Dwight: What do you want Nimitz? It’s 12 am.
Nimitz: What do you ask a group of whales? I need to know… ASAP
Dwight: I don’t know, I don’t speak whale.
Nimitz: Whale whale whale, what do we have here?
Dwight: I hate you.
Nimitz: You know you love me
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justasensitiveplant · 2 hours
Proceed to yap please 🙏
Would anyone want to see me keep yapping about Cars? I can always talk about my own rewrite for Cars 2, and my own silly thoughts about other AU’s I’ve made up with and such- (includes headcanons)
coughs asking for… a friend? (the friend is me-)
Genuinely I did not think there would be a Cars fandom but then again, this is tumblr and I’ve seen niche, dead series come rising out of the ground like zombies. So, if y’all exist somewhere - i am here, meows
lowkey debating a server but that’s irrelevant right now. I just want to know about me yapping about Cars (Pixar)
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justasensitiveplant · 21 hours
Snarking mentors, my beloved.
Doc's snarks: Very tame, no mention of unalive of any kind. Very sarcastic, very critical, very funny.
Skipper's snarks: i.e. "I can end you where you stand if you want" and "your innards will end up strewn around on the tarmac, kiddo". Also, *slams the door on the poor kid*. Very rough, very gory, very harsh.
Blade's snarks: Mentions of "killed", "dead", "die", and the tamest he dished out was "You saved those peeps from good times. Nice work!". Blade, we know he almost killed you that morning, but be low-key please.
Conclusion; dark humor keep your mentors alive, people.
p.s. Dusty's firefighting training montage can just be renamed Blade's snarking montage and nothing would change. I would've left the entire montage uncut if it wasn't because Blade ended up hijacking the entire video, which made it unfair to Doc and Skipper lol
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justasensitiveplant · 21 hours
basically I think that if your protagonist doesn’t want to fuck someone so bad it makes them look stupid, then there probably isn’t enough energy in your story. “Fuck someone” isn’t literal btw—they can want to uncover the secrets of their parent’s death, they can want to prove their worth, they can want a donut from one particular bakery—it can be anything so long as they want it so bad that they’ll make decisions that make any sane person go “are you a moron??”, with little to no forethought, or even tons of forethought and this is still the option they chose. Because they want to fuck that thing so bad.
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justasensitiveplant · 21 hours
Adding my own little thoughts in this...
In my opinion they should feel every compartment. I think they whould just be very good at ignoring "normal" sensations so they wouldn't get overwhelmed, and well, if normal in the boiler room is 100 degrees, then they wouldn't really notice it.
In my opinion again, SS Lakonia would probably have a different outcome, as it is unlikely the issue wouldn't have been noticed earlier in this case. But then again, depending on time, materials, circumstances and the fact that the crew wouldn't have been humans, maybe the ship sank because of slightly different reasons?
I was watching a video on the sinking of SS Lakonia, an oceanliner turned to cruise. Long story short, during a voyage, a fire broke out in the salon on her. It went unnoticed till it became severe and burnt the ship.
The thing is, in WoC, do you think it would have turned out differently? For example, if Lakonia were to be alive, she must have felt the fire yes? Might sound dumb, but do you think ships cannot feel all compartments of theirs? Or the ship can feel what's happening in every compartment? Both things has its pros and cons. Preferably, i would say they can feel it. Again let's take Lakonia and say she was able to feel something wrong? A burning sensation? And what if she was able to notify the crew to go check out, and be saved? Makes more sense too. Why shouldn't a ship feel all its compartments? Just though maybe it would be bit uncomfy but surely they would grow to get used to it.
Just another though from me.
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justasensitiveplant · 22 hours
That's very interesting thought exleriment! While I love the movie's USA vibes, thinking about it being set somewhere entirely different is actually very interesting, and you have set it up very detailed!
I'm Putting these thoughts together very loosely and quickly, but the team would probably work nicely in my home country too, though the idea of the characters taking my nationality is simply nightmarish ( we meme way too negatively about ourselves). The dub of the movie was already not great imo ( which is sad because it was great for Cars)
My country has a serious problems with both wildfires and budgets so the premise is right there. We have a fair amount of national parks, though I have no idea how they are protected fire-wise. We also have a lot of cliffs so I wonder if the smokejumpers can do their work as often?
Well then thanks for the inspiration and for taking the time to write all those wonderful ideas and info @blade-ranger-301 ❤️
Piston Peak
So, as mentioned previously in the character sheet, any of my works, art, fanfics, etc will all be based in the UK 🇬🇧
This is just a headcanon that I have. There's not much logic or evidence to back this up or support it as canon. It's just a fun little headcanon of mine. Blade, to me, would make such a good Brit. He's got that morning grumpiness, the intense stoicism, the bad habit of saying "alright" even though he might not be, and he would definitely swear like a brit too. But also, he's hardworking and down to earth.
So, with that, Piston Peak is going to be set in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 I've not yet decided if the park will have it's own geographical location or if it's going to replace an already existing one.
Here is the official map for Pistion Peak:
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Piston Peak will still have all the features from the movie; V6 Valley, Whitewall Falls, the small basin where the PPAA team is located, etc, but outside of V6 Valley and around the outskirts will be the rest of the park. It will contain features such as lakes, rivers, reservoirs, mountains, hills, forests, and moorlands.
There will also be some camping grounds/camping resorts. And small, cute villages.
Think of this aesthetic:
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These geographical features, and the appearance of these features, have taken inspiration from three irl National Parks: The Lake District, Peak District, and Snowdonia National Park.
These three parks hold a special place in my heart. They're my favourite parks and are also the three parks that I've visited most.
The Lake District
The Lake District is located in the north-west of England. It's famously known for its 16 lakes, given it's name. It's also known for the highest mountain in England - Scarfell Pike. It's also the location where Graphite was first discovered before they mass produced Graphite pencils in Europe.
The terrain here is much greener than the Peak District, and is a wide mixture of farmers fields, mountains, hills, moorland, forests, rivers and lakes.
The Peak District
The Peak District is located in the northern-central part of England, sitting directly beside the city of Manchester on it's Eastern side.
This park is mostly full of hills and sloped mountains, covered in moorland grass. There's also more reservoirs here, the most famous being Derwent Dam, known for being a popular training ground for Lancaster bombers when they were testing out the bouncing bomb.
It also has one of the most beautiful drives through the park too. Snake Pass, on the west side of the park coming from Manchester is a well-known road, known for its winding and "snake-like" appearance as you wrap around mountains. You actually follow a river upstream in a valley and arrive at 2 dams. It's also known for its high number of road accidents too.
Snowdonia National Park, better known as "Eryri" (Er-ru-ree), is located on the north-western side of Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. It's also the biggest National Park in Wales, and the 3rd biggest in the UK. It's also home to Wales' biggest mountain, Mount Snowdon. Around half of the park homes about 9 mountain ranges.
I tend to visit this park the most often, and I also just spent a week-long holiday here within the National park, but towards the far West where the borders of the park meets the sea.
So for this headcanon to work, we're gonna need some fires 🔥🔥🔥 otherwise there'd be absolutely no point in this.
Now don't get me wrong, we're nothing like the US. US temperatures can be between at least 30 to 40°c in the summer, we often have summers around the low to mid 20's. We may even get as much as the late 20's to 30°C during a heatwave.
We don't get quite as hot as other countries but we have insanely high humidity which prevents things from cooling down, even in the shade or at night, due to the amount of warm moisture in the air - so it actually feels hotter than it is.
The UK has a wet, windy and cooler climate BUT we do have our fair share of wildfires.
The UK Forestry Commision released a report that covers a period between 2009/10 to 2021/22 of wildfires recorded in the UK.
Between this 12 year period, around 360,000 individual wildfires were recorded, and 79,000 acres of land had been impacted.
The majority of individual fires were classed as being "small", but there was 12,000 classed as "primary" big fires.
4,700 fires affected National Parks, and 11,000 impacted "Sites of Special Scientific Interest".
The most affected areas of land were agricultural land, woodland, and residential areas.
Throughout the report, there seemed to be a steady increase in fire incidents throughout the 12 years.
I even had my own first hand experience with a wildfire. In August 2023, there was a wildfire on a field which backs onto my back garden fence at the rear of the house. The grass fire initially started down by the brook right beside my house, very likely started by teenagers, either by a lit cigarette or a vape. Had the wind blown in a different direction, it would've reached us in a few minutes.
Luckily for me, the fire was blown East and it travelled away from my house and along the side of the field. The farmer at the time was growing straw that had since been harvested, so all the tiny straw spikes in the ground were dry and helped to fuel this fire and it spread quickly.
There were flames that did reach at least 8ft in places, but it was the heat and speed of the fire that was the most concerning. It took multiple fire engines and two tractors with flattening equipment behind them to eventually smother the fire, just as it reached the back garden fence of someone's house.
Just witnessing this made me realise how quick these grass fires can spread and just how scary it was if the wind had simply blown the other way.
And with that, comes my conclusion. With the facts and figures I've discussed in this post, I do have a little bit of logic to go with this headcanon of mine. It won't quite sit right with the film but it's not complete nonsense at least XD
Hope you enjoyed reading it :)
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justasensitiveplant · 24 hours
You guys should make interfandom poly self ships. You know. You should imagine all your f/os and you as roommates or housemates. You should imagine yourself being loved and adored and fought over like a Shoujo anime protagonist. You need to do it for your own good. You desetve to feel twice, thrice, million times lovable n desirable, ok?
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I can't stop thinking about the 'if Maru had a YouTube channel' scenario based off @askthecarscharacters post. Which is here.
While most of the time, Maru uses a tripod, occasionally Blade steps in as camera man. Blade doesn't mind being behind the camera every now and then. Blade supports Maru in his video-making endeavors. Blade's pretty much the most viable option for being back up camera man. None of the Smokejumpers are allowed around the camera. Cabbie is too grumpy. Windlifter is too Windlifter. (He ends up filming nature.) And Dipper turns it into her vlog.
While we don't see Blade in Maru's videos we sometimes hear him. Sometimes Blade and Maru start bickering like an old married couple mid video. Maru could edit it out 'cause despite his age he's actually sort of in tune with technology. But he leaves it in there for humorous purposes. And it is funny.
Old Mayday likes to watch these videos from Propwash Junction. (Dusty probably shows him.) He likes to see what his old pals are up to. It brings him joy to see Blade and Maru doin' ok and making their way in the world.
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I can't stop thinking about the 'if Maru had a YouTube channel' scenario based off @askthecarscharacters post. Which is here.
While most of the time, Maru uses a tripod, occasionally Blade steps in as camera man. Blade doesn't mind being behind the camera every now and then. Blade supports Maru in his video-making endeavors. Blade's pretty much the most viable option for being back up camera man. None of the Smokejumpers are allowed around the camera. Cabbie is too grumpy. Windlifter is too Windlifter. (He ends up filming nature.) And Dipper turns it into her vlog.
While we don't see Blade in Maru's videos we sometimes hear him. Sometimes Blade and Maru start bickering like an old married couple mid video. Maru could edit it out 'cause despite his age he's actually sort of in tune with technology. But he leaves it in there for humorous purposes. And it is funny.
Old Mayday likes to watch these videos from Propwash Junction. (Dusty probably shows him.) He likes to see what his old pals are up to. It brings him joy to see Blade and Maru doin' ok and making their way in the world.
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For the last 2 weeks, the theme from "The Love Boat" has been playing at random times in different areas of the ship. The elevator. The hangar. The comms room. The bridge. The best guess as to why is that it's an MP3 player or cellphone in the vents, but searches for one failed. (It's really a singing greeting card that gets blown about and opens when the fans turn on, but nobody has figured this out yet.) It has created some spectacularly awkward moments, and now everyone just wants it to stop!
It's time's like these Dwight realizes that *maybe* his crew blasting "Danger Zone" in the rec room like it's the chart topper of the summer is not so bad after all. At least the worst that can happen is muttering and a spontaneous musical number. This is... something else entirely. The first time it happened, it was near the jet's sleeping areas. Thankfully it didn't happen to anyone in particular, several rooms can hear it dimly in the night and the first time it was kinda funny. Lots of jokes are made, snickers are had, and couple remark it's a funny prank. The second time it happens is near the washrooms. This is.. a little more awkward for those involved. Everyone takes it in stride though. The third time, in the mess hall the some officers find it a little less funny and remarks are made that whoever is responsible is probably gonna get some talking to. The more this happens, the more annoyed the higher ups get. Five days in and other folks are starting to get a little annoyed too. It's gone from a funny, if not totally mature prank that most can laugh at to grating on the nerves. It was funny the first couple of times, but now it's just irritating. The other ships have gotten wind of this, jokes are had but it's already getting old. It's also starting to get actively disruptive. Warnings are made that whomever is responsible better stop, or else there is gonna be some serious talking toos. It gets worse when it happens in areas of the ship that *really* don't need that kind of distraction. Once it plays in the tower, it's clear someone is gonna be in serious trouble. By the end of week one, it's traversed half the ship. Unknown to them, the next week's forecast will make things much, much worse. A week of mostly clear sunny skies, and even on the ocean July gets pretty hot. The fans are gonna be busy this week. By this point, Dwight is starting to get a little *cranky*. Jokes about the situation are met with a stern gaze, and the deck is pretty much empty of them by noon. Most though, are just as sick of it as he is. The other ships in the fleet ask about it occasionally, but no jokes are made within earshot. A day later, it's practically a several times a day event. It moves through an entire quarter of the vent system in the span of about 12 hours as the ship's temperature spikes. It's becoming a security risk, no one should have that kind of access to vents. Dwight makes arrangements to have the damned source found. The first few attempts are fruitless. Over the next several days, it just keeps getting worse. The song haunts everyone's nightmares. The crew live in terror of when this beast will strike next. No one and nowhere is safe. Crewmen are on the brink of insanity. Bravo has a suspicion, it's been 12 days and the terror follows something almost like a pattern. He begins to jot down notes, making a list of every time the villain has struck. It appears to follow some kind of pattern, for the attacks are clustered. Day 13 Bravo begins to predict the general area of the next strikes, and the other wrenches place bets on his success. Those who bet on Bravo's guesses being correct win more often than not. Day 14, Bravo overlays his notes on a map of the vents. He brings his discovery to his superiors and an expedition is arranged. The smallest are sent into the vents to begin the hunt. Bravo narrows down te most likely location. A half an hour later the culprit is found and the news spreads like wildfire. No one will be scrubbing the deck for the culprit is not a crewman but a singing card. The villain's reign of terror has ended. Everyone is surprised, grateful, and once again amused. Bravo is a hero. The card is framed and a plaque commemorates the 2 weeks of it's tyranny.
It is an inside joke among the fleet for the rest of Dwight's career and story told at bars and among friends.
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Every time I come back to this it gets better
(Forklift mechanic in the Flysenhower's engine room, to new recruit): See this thing? We have no idea why, and there's absolutely no logical reason that it should do this, but every time we poke it, the ship sneezes within the next ten seconds. Observe.
Someone is about to permanently banned from the engine room. There's just this massive, sign tapped next to the spot, written in sharpie and colored with highlighter saying "For the love of Chrysler DO NOT TOUCH!" BOLDED and ITALICIZED Dwight sneezing and some poor jet falls off the flight deck in fright. I imagine being on an aircraft carrier when one sneezes is like being in a magnitude 8 earthquake. The cooks scrambling to stop this massive carton of 100+ eggs from toppling over. The captain is making marks on a map and there's just this massive stray line disappearing off the map. Some sleeping seaman wakes up on the floor in confusion. The doctors have a lot bumps and bruises. The submarine getting the crap scared out of him when his super sensitive hearing picks up the sneeze from 800 feet down. Everyone scrambling to hold onto something. Bravo and Echo freezing in place like someone just shouted "RED LIGHT!" Better yet, visiting Dusty panicking cause he thinks they just got torpedoed.
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I know that a lot of people such as you and I wanted to see characters from both Planes movies in Cars on the Road but unfortunately didn’t get that! I’m just curious to know what did you wanted to see of them if they did show up?
In all honesty, I would have lost it with any form of cameo or even the vague mention of the Planes films, as small as Mater mentioning his visit to Propwash Junction that one time. Even a little cameo of Dusty would have had me over the moon and losing my shit.
But in a perfect world? I'd want Piston Peak. Nothing gives me more goosebumps than the thought of Lightning and Mater taking another side road and going down through California while looping back to Radiator Springs, just to stop at THE Piston Peak National Park on the way home. And can you just imagine the cinematography!?
They're having a great, peaceful time in the campground, when suddenly, fire! There's a raging fire so close to their camp there's smoke, so they try to leave the area, and perhaps they're either lost or stuck, or both. Deere go running past them. It feels close, too close. This is bad.
And then you hear them.
Just that faint rumble of aircraft engines, the beating of heavy rotors, a slate grey wing barely visible through the trees, and the silhouette of the familiar fire crew geared and ready.
Lightning and Mater turn to watch the scene above them, airplanes and helicopters lined up for drops, and others parachuting down to their location. Avalanche rumbles through to them, "HELLO!" as Dynamite pulls beside him, "You three head back towards the Lodge, we'll handle this!" and as Avalanche leads them from the fire - with Mater following closely - Lightning can't help but pause to look back at the aerial firefighters risking their lives for them...
So who knows. Maybe they want to go back so that they can thank them. And, you know. Run into Maru waving a wrench in their faces to clear off...wellllll, until Dipper recognizes Lightning, anyways.
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(Forklift mechanic in the Flysenhower's engine room, to new recruit): See this thing? We have no idea why, and there's absolutely no logical reason that it should do this, but every time we poke it, the ship sneezes within the next ten seconds. Observe.
Someone is about to permanently banned from the engine room. There's just this massive, sign tapped next to the spot, written in sharpie and colored with highlighter saying "For the love of Chrysler DO NOT TOUCH!" BOLDED and ITALICIZED Dwight sneezing and some poor jet falls off the flight deck in fright. I imagine being on an aircraft carrier when one sneezes is like being in a magnitude 8 earthquake. The cooks scrambling to stop this massive carton of 100+ eggs from toppling over. The captain is making marks on a map and there's just this massive stray line disappearing off the map. Some sleeping seaman wakes up on the floor in confusion. The doctors have a lot bumps and bruises. The submarine getting the crap scared out of him when his super sensitive hearing picks up the sneeze from 800 feet down. Everyone scrambling to hold onto something. Bravo and Echo freezing in place like someone just shouted "RED LIGHT!" Better yet, visiting Dusty panicking cause he thinks they just got torpedoed.
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Suddenly struck with a need to explain to you how boat pronouns work (I work in the marine industry).
When you're talking about the design of the boat, you say "it".
When the boat is still being built, your say "it".
When the boat is nearing completion, you can say "it" or "she".
When the boat is floating in the water you probably say "she", unless there is still a lot of work to be done (e.g. no engine yet) then you say "it".
When the boat is officially launched and operating, you say "she". If you continue to say "it" at this point you are not incorrect but suspiciously untraditional. You are not playing the game.
If you are referring to a boat you don't really know anything about you may say "it" ("there's a big boat, it's coming this way"). But if you know its name, it's probably "she" ("there's the Waverley, she's on her way to Greenock").
If you are talking about boats in general, you say "it" ("when a boat is hit by a wave it heels over")
If you speak about a boat in complimentary terms, it's "she" ("she's a grand boat"). If you are being disparaging it may be it, but not necessarily ("it's as ugly as sin", "she's a grotty old tub").
If she has a boy's name, she's still she. "Boy James", "King Edward", "Sir David Attenborough"? The pronoun is she.
If it's a dumb barge (no engine), you say it. But if it's a rowing boat (no engine), you say she.
I hope this has cleared things up so that you may not be in danger of misgendering floating objects.
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Propwash Junction Corn Festival,
The fact that, Maru and the jumpers probably built those ramps themselves.
The fact that, Blade and Windlifter were smiling at each other at the end there.
The fact that, Cabbie gets to participate beyond just dropping the jumpers.
The fact that, Blade made one (1) water drop and then immediately kicks himself into a hover to helicopter parent his entire team.
The Air Attack team isn't a found family; they're established family. In this essay, I will talk about how Patch got the short end of the stick and had to stay back home and look after the base while everyone else got to have fun at Propwash Junction😭😭😭
Also, Literally every fire department from Piston Peak (Air Attack + Pulaski) left the Park for their much needed vacation while still in the middle of fire season. The entire Park burned down and they really went "well, nothing else to catch fire here" and promptly peaces out💀💀
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Blade and Pulaski be like, "Finally getting that vacation Cad denied huh?" "Yeah."
Also, Mayday, there's this thing called "show don't tell", so how come we never see you two "old friend" interacts hm??
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