Quora. (2017). What is the subjective experience in psychology?. [online] Available at: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-subjective-experience-in-psychology-1 [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017].
Cook, B. and Cook, V. (2017). Deconstructing the Illusion of Time - The Awakened Warriors. [online] The Awakened Warriors. Available at: http://awakenedwarriors.com/illusion-of-time/ [Accessed 4 Oct. 2017].
Otten, L. (2017). ‘Moving Parts: Time and Motion in Contemporary Art’ | The Source | Washington University in St. Louis. [online] The Source. Available at: https://source.wustl.edu/2014/04/moving-parts-time-and-motion-in-contemporary-art/ [Accessed 15 Oct. 2017].
Sands, I. (2017). New Ideas in Art: Time as an Element - The Art of Ed. [online] The Art of Ed. Available at: https://www.theartofed.com/2014/04/18/new-ideas-in-art-time-as-an-element/ [Accessed 18 Oct. 2017].
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Amber Fazon Jamie Young Jessica
One day, five hours, three perspectives. Join us, as we explore the complexity of ‘now’. The ‘now’ can be looked at through time. Time is a complex phenomenon in which we all base our lives around. Time is a field of all possibilities enabling us to live life differently and being able to be infinite choice makers. Everyone shares this idea of space-time, which three-dimensional spaces fused into one make a four-dimensional continuum. This idea of shared time and similarity is what the publication intends to explore. Jamie, Jessica and Amber each share each others perceptual time, there relative and subjective experiences of elapsing time and events as an observer as they live through. They specified five hours, within one day to share there particular ‘nows’ through any medium they choose, in the hopes to explore the complexity of each individuals now and to demonstrates the relationship of humanity with time. That although we may be living in this constant continuum of time we experience life and time in a very personal and subjective way.
Final Publication
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This image is all the images of our groups combined which is representative of how we are all living in the same continuum of time and will be one of the last pages of our publication.
The 1st page which has the 153  is representative of 1 day, 5 hours and 3 perspectives which pretty much describes how we conducted our publication. The 153 is written in our own individual handwriting further developing this idea of individual perspectives and now.
I have written a short concept statement to give our work a little more context
One day, five hours, three perspectives. Join us, as we explore the complexity of ‘now’. The ‘now’ can be looked at through time. Time is a complex phenomenon in which we all base our lives around. Time is a field of all possibilities enabling us to live life differently and being able to be infinite choice makers. Everyone shares this idea of space-time, which three-dimensional spaces fused into one make a four-dimensional continuum. This idea of shared time and similarity is what the publication intends to explore. Jamie, Jessica and Amber each share each others perceptual time, there relative and subjective experiences of elapsing time and events as an observer as they live through. They specified five hours, within one day to share there particular ‘nows’ through any medium they choose, in the hopes to explore the complexity of each individuals now and to demonstrates the relationship of humanity with time. That although we may be living in this constant continuum of time we experience life and time in a very personal and subjective way.
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This is the final overlayed images which will accompany the previously uploaded images in our publication
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The images placed together will be the images that will be overlayed together and each image represents our individual now at that specific time 
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Barbara Probst, “Exposure #106: N.Y.C., Broome & Crosby Streets, 04.17.13, 2:29 p.m.,” 2013. Ultrachrome ink on cotton paper, 12 parts, 29 x 44″ each. Courtesy of the artist and Murray Guy, New York. © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VG Bild-Knust, Bonn.
“Arrested Time and Sequence,” contests the supposedly static nature of still photography. In “Exposure #106: N.Y.C., Broome & Crosby Streets, 04.17.13, 2:29 p.m.” (2013), Barbara Probst deploys a dozen cameras to capture 12 simultaneous perspectives on a single instant. Spencer Finch’s “48 Views of Loch Ness” (1997), shot in Scotland at random intervals over the course of three days, contemplates the relativity of perception — what we see versus what we think we see
I really like this work because I thought it was very relative to the topic of ‘nowness’. Probst looks at a single moment in the now and depicts various perspectives of this moment so far my group are very interested in looking at the perspective of now or personals nows. Also using photography as a method to capture the true sense of now is what we want to do in our work as well. It also links into a topic I looked at on time it talked about “time as a field of all possibilities” ultimately indicating that what ever is happening in the now is a direct happening from a previous decision or choice an individual has made.
“As our lives unfold, we have to make a number of choices, and decisions. As children, many of these choices are made for us. Yet, over time, the responsibility becomes more and more our own. It’s these decisions, that we make from moment to moment, that ultimately shape and unveil our destiny.”
other works from this site was very interesting but this is the one that stood out the most
we used this site:
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Assessment Three
I have looked into ideas and concepts of ‘time’ to help support what our group and I want to do for the assignment and I found this really interesting website that deconstructs our knowledge of time.
1. Clock Time: man’s tools, machines, and methods for measuring and keeping track of time and events.
2. Space Time: the concepts of time and three-dimensional space as fused in a four-dimensional continuum.
3. Perceptual Time: one’s relative and subjective experience of elapsing time and events as an observer
I found some really interesting quotes as well in this website 
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.” – Albert Einstein
“You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.” – Deepak Chopra
“The future is a concept, it doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as tomorrow. There never will be, because time is always now. That’s one of the things we discover when we stop talking to ourselves and stop thinking. We find there is only present, only an eternal now.” – Alan Watts
“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time, but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time – past and future – the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” – Eckhart Tolle
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ASSESSMENT 3: EXPERIMENT 2 “What are you doing now?” We asked people “what they are doing now” and collected their answers and photo. This was exploring what a subjective sense of now looks like when we interact with different people. These are their answers (starting from top left) 1. At the moment, filling out my experience survey 2. Was helping Grace 3. I'm waiting for my mum to get to work so I can get my face mask 4. Working out what everyone else's timetable are so I have friends 5. Looking at capital city populations 6. Going to eat my lunch a shepherds pie and frozen 7. Working on a design project 8. Working on a design project the final design 9. Feeling worried about my assignment that it won't get done
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The first two layered photos are from 5:00pm
The second set are from 8:00pm
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Layering experiment
Changed the opacity of the 2:00pm photos and layered them on top of one another. Wanted to see what all the surroundings and features in the photos would look like when they are merged with one another. This creates a somewhat cohesive sense of now and highlights the differences that surround us in a strange union
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These photos were taken at 8:00pm on Sunday, 15/10/2017.
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These photos were taken at 5:00pm on Sunday 15/10/2017
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For our experiment we wanted to explore what our “subjective” sense of now looked like, documenting the different locations, environments and things that we encounter. We decided to document ourselves on Sunday 15/10/17 at 2:00pm, 5:00pm and 8:00pm.
We took photos of our surroundings first and then decided to take selfies to document what our own selves looked like within the different environments.
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Curate a series of 10 images that communicate your group’s concept
To explore the theme of “now”, Amber, Jamie and I conceptually looked into the subjective experiences relating to “now”, drawing from our own experience in the gallery. Amber and Jamie took photos around the gallery of the artworks. They took photos of the same artworks or around the same environments and from that we compared the photos together. We looked at how the artwork or the environment is interpreted from the two different perspectives, paying attention to how the different angles and lighting is captured from the photos.
From this we found that even though all of us were looking at the same artworks, all our interpretations of our surrounding environments were different. We offered a different and unique sense of “nowness” and all documented it individually. So as the basis of our publication we wanted to see how a single moment or “now” can be viewed, how many different perspectives can arise and what kind of meanings are generated from these views.
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Our group’s public intervention involved interfering personal spaces between people. We interrupted conversations between people by sitting on the table, blocking their view from one another. We conversed amongst ourselves whilst everyone else attempted to resume their conversations.
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Bibliography- Assessment 2
Parret, H., ‘On the Beautiful and the Ugly’, Trans/Form/Ação [online], vol. 34, 2011, <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101-31732011000400003>, accessed 20 August 2017.
Soujanen, M., 'Aesthetic experience of beautiful and ugly persons: a critique’, Journal of Aesthetics & Culture [online], vol. 8, no. 1, 2016, <http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3402/jac.v8.30529>, accessed 20 August 2017.
Kurek, L., 'Eyes Wide Cut: The American Origins of Korea’s Plastic Surgery Craze’, Wilson Quarterly [website], 2015, <https://wilsonquarterly.com/quarterly/transitions/eyes-wide-cut-the-american-origins-of-koreas-plastic-surgery-craze/>, accessed 28 August 2017.
Law, B., 'Getting surgery to 'westernise’ your face’, The Sydney Morning Herald [website], 4 May 2013, <http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/getting-surgery-to-westernise-your-face-20130509-2jaa9.html>, accessed 29 August 2017.
Tai, C., 'Popular but painful: top 5 cosmetic surgery procedures Chinese tourists want’, South China Morning Post [website], 2 May 2015, <http://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/1784088/popular-painful-top-5-cosmetic-surgery-procedures-chinese>, accessed 25 August 2017.
Koreaboo., '8 Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures In Korea’, Koreaboo [website], 2 September 2015 , <http://www.koreaboo.com/uncategorized/8-most-popular-plastic-surgery-procedures-in-korea/>, accessed 1 September 2017.
101 East-Plastic Surgery:South Korea[video], Al Jazeera English, 22 August 2014, <https://youtu.be/wp4YZdSz2aA>, accessed 2 September 2017.
Things Not to say to Someone with Body modifications[video], BBC Three, 18 July 2017, <https://youtu.be/5-2urKADWQ8>, accessed 31 August 2017.
Supervenus (2014)- Short film by Frederic Doazan [video], Zaza Asatiani, 18 August 2015, <https://youtu.be/Z-A2NE6mA64>, accessed 2 September 2017.
Making of Supervenus [video], autourdeminuit, 4 February 2016, <https://youtu.be/h-GROMfKdgY>, accessed 2 September 2017.
Alison Jacques Gallery., 'Ana Mendieta’s: Metamorphosis’, Alison Jacques Gallery[website], 2017, <http://www.alisonjacquesgallery.com/exhibitions/147/works/artworks15441/>, accessed 10 September 2017.
Hess, Bart., 'LucyandBart 2008’, bart hess[website], 2010, <http://barthess.nl/lucyandbart.html>, accessed 15 September 2017.
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MAJOR PROJECT: Final work display
Surgery in a Hurry, DIY’s new range 2017
Video, installation
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJJkiSfv3XJq_ATd3oJo39P-krKZ8-Y4
The work is displayed so that people can interact and select the different video demonstrations associated with the various kits. They are able to see the “surgical process” that are involved in order to modify a certain facial features.
The videos are: - lip enhancement - lip reduction - eyebrow and double eyelid - full face ( cheekbone, jawline, chin, nose)
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