just-imaginethat · 8 years
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Sorry it is so shit, I tried, kinda.
Plus sorry I have been MIA, I did just move countries though so that gives me half an excuse
-Lucy xoxo
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
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Text AU: Ashton stood you up.
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
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Beach Day - 5SOS Agh sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything I have been extremely busy :/ -Lucy xx
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Workout Gear - 5SOS
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Wedding Day - Michael
Your wedding day is supposed to be the most magical day of your life, you are allowed a few bumps along the way but in the end you are supposed to be Mrs. So and so and then go party. I was ok up to about 45 minutes later, then I was pissed. But now, now I’m just scared and broken. No one has heard from him, nothing for any of them. The only thing we have found is that Mike left his phone here. I’ve been staring at it for hours. How could he just walk out on our wedding like that? I mean Kate says that he didn’t because he left his phone behind but I can’t make sense of anything other than that.
I stand up from the couch at a knock on the door. I can’t find any words as I swing it open letting Kate in.
“Don’t look so sad I have good news.”
“Did you find my fiance?”
“No but we have an open bar downstairs, a ton of food and cake.”
“Right because I want any of that.”
“Come on you can’t sit in here and mope if he did leave. You have to drink it out tonight pack up tomorrow and go home.”
“If he did leave how am I supposed to go home?” I crumble to the floor, fighting all the terrible realizations.
“We will get you through it. That’s why you picked me as your maid of honor. We will do it together.” She pulls me to my feet and wraps me in a hug.
I sigh as there is another knock on the door. I open it and slam it shut just as fast. “So that was Michael. I don’t know what to do. I am happy to see him but why wasn’t he at our wedding?”
“I can’t answer that question. Try asking him.” Kate says as she opens the door letting him in and walking out.
“Where in Christ’s name have you been?” I say really feeling the anger I had shut down with fear.
“Baby I am so sorry. I was not supposed-that was not how I thought today would play out.”
“Why are you covered in dirt? Never mind I don’t care. How dare you abandon me on our wedding day? You sounded so excited to marry me this morning when you called while I was getting ready and then you don’t show up. And the worst of it you leave me and then you show up here trying to make it better. You are an ass.”
“Will you let me explain please before you say something you regret because I promise you baby it isn’t what you think. I love you please just give me a minute.”
“You have one sentence to catch my attention.” It was the line I used when he first asked me out. What he whispered in my ear really caught my attention and it was definitely the truth.
“I rode in the back of a truck full of hay with a goat.”
“Sucks to be you, but you have my attention.”
“Sit down please i need you to not look so pissed at me.” I do as he asks because with him I can’t help it no matter how angry I am. “We were running late anyways and I had left my phone here and Ashton had no idea how to get back to the church from the pub.”
“You went to a pub the morning of our wedding. We had a full bar downstairs you could’ve done it there.”
“I went for a gift. Anyways Ashton took a wrong turn with Luke giving him instructions and it was a disaster. So we found ourselves on this back road and we were like 3 miles from our turn that would take us down another road for 23 miles and then from there I don’t know. But Luke’s phone died and we lost the directions so we were going to just go with it the best we could. Then there was a loud pop sound and then so much smoke. So Ash pulled over and none of us know anything about a car so we didn’t know what to do with it. Well we were getting married whether the car broke down or not so I started walking, I was determined to get here to you. Well I didn’t make it far before Calum made me stop and go back to the car with him so we could actually find out what were going to do. I couldn’t have walked all that distance I am pretty sure I would’ve died and would’ve left you even more broken. So we paced at the car I was pissed that I had forgotten my phone. Calum left his with one of your bridesmaid and Ash’s died. So we really had no way to call and check on you. I knew you were going to be pissed but I didnt know what else to do. So I sat down and watched the sun set with no passing cars to jump into and knew I would need to kiss your feet in order to make it up to you. I know how important this date for our wedding was and I will wait another year if I have to just to give you the date you wanted.”
He stops and just looks at me for a minute. “So you didn’t get to the part where you road in a truck with a goat.”
He smiles knowing I’m softening to him. “So about 30 minutes ago a truck came down the road and stopped. He said somethings I didn’t hear to Ashton and then Ash came and told us we had a ride back to the hotel but we would all have to ride in the back with Buster. So we did that and we got back here as soon as we could. I wasn’t able to focus on anything else that was happening all I knew is I had to make this up to you. I am so sorry baby.”
“You rode in a truck with a goat for me, how could I stay mad.” I climb into his lap just needing to feel close to him. “I thought you left me.”
“I couldn’t have done that even if I had a gun held to my head. I wanted to be here to marry you so bad.”
I look over at the clock. “I can be in my dress in 15 minutes, we still have 2 hours before the day is over. I’m sure the justice is at the bar we can still make it today.”
“Anything to make you Mrs. Clifford as soon as I can.”
“Go so I can get ready. Get yourself looking decent and get people gathered. It’s time to get married.”
xX Kay Xx
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
He Misses Your Football Game -Luke
It was the day of your big football tournament. The game that day decided whether you stayed state champions and moved on to nationals or if you lost your title. It could also be your last game, you being a senior that year, with your team. Luke, your boyfriend of a year, was supposed to be at the game, cheering you on. Supposed to being the operative phrase. He hadn’t shown up. The bus ride back to the school and the drive to your shared house allowed your anger to fester and become full on rage. You understood he was busy, but he had promised that he would be at the game for months. He made sure the whole day was free.
You had stayed with a teammate last night since you had to be at the school early that morning and you didn’t want to risk waking up Luke. As you pulled into the driveway you saw his car was gone. Walking inside you headed for the bedroom you shared with Luke. Looking around you saw that the guitar case that normally occupied the corner is the room, was gone. This could only mean he went to the studio today. Still furious, you took a shower, rinsing off the grime and sweat that you had acquired during the game. As you were throwing on some spandex to go with the black tank and one of Luke’s flannels, you heard the front door open and close.
“Hey babe,” you heard Luke call from downstairs.
You didn’t respond, only walked downstairs to the kitchen. When you passed by Luke without saying anything, he knew something was wrong. Opening the fridge, you grabbed some leftovers from the night before and headed for the microwave to heat them up. As you waited, you felt two arms wrap around your midsection. Usually you would place your arms on his and lean in to the embrace, but you were mad at the boy who was giving you the embrace, so that wasn’t happening tonight. Instead you just stood still, not acknowledging the arms around you.
“Babe, what’s wrong,” he asked, noticing how tense you were.
The microwave beeped, saving you from having to answer his question. You wiggled out of his grip as you walked to the couch in the tv room. Sitting down on the couch, you pulled your legs up under you and turned on the tv. Luke came and sat down beside you and just watched you. You put on your favorite show and watched as you ate.
“Why aren’t you talking to me,” came Luke’s voice.
“Why weren’t you there today,” was your shirt response, as you placed the now empty plate on the coffee table.
“My game! You promised that you’d be there! Hell, you made sure nothing was going on today,” you felt a stray year escape your eye.
The color washed out of Luke’s face as he heard your words.
“Calum called and said the he needed my help with a song. I must’ve forgotten that your game was today. I’m so sorry Y/N.”
“But you knew how much this game meant to me! You promised Luke.”
“I know I did baby girl and I’m beyond sorry that I broke that promise,” he took your hands in his and just held them.
“You don’t know how horrible I felt to look up where all the other girls’ boyfriends were and not see you there. The girls were so exited to finally meet you. Then I had to explain, without crying, that you hadn’t shown up. You better never fucking do that to me again.”
Luke used the grip he had on your hands to pull you into him. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close to his toned chest. He just held you close for who knows how long, before pulling away slightly so that he could see your face.
“I promise to never break a promise to you again.”
“You better not,” you huffed and smiled slightly. “Oh, and my next game is next Thursday. You better be there.”
“So you won?”
“Yep. We kicked their asses.”
“That’s my girl,” Luke smiled before pulling you into a kiss.
Hope you guys liked this! -Katie
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Wedding Ceremony - 5SOS
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
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Text AU: You're married to one of the 5SOS guys and he finds birth control in your daughter's room
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
He Finds Out You’re Ticklish - 5SOS
Luke: “Hey baby.” He says after kissing my cheek. “Hi, how are you?” “Good.” He says moving from his door letting me into his place. I stare at the couch where an orange furry pillow is resting. “That’s new.” “Calum takes it out whenever he’s had a one night stand. I don’t know.” “He’s weird Luke.” “I know, but so are you.” “I never said I wasn’t.” I plop down on his couch feeling the pillow softly touch my back. “Oh holy shit. Here take this.” I hand it over to Luke. “You ok?” “Yes it just felt weird on my back. I didn’t like it.” “What kind of weird?” He asks with a smile. “Just weird. What do you want to do today? I don’t want to feel cooped up.” “Well...” He says as he climbs over the couch sliding me underneath him. “Luke this isn’t what I had in mind but I won’t stop you.” He smirks and then runs his hand down my body. I take in a sharp breath closing my eyes. Suddenly his fingers are dancing across my ribs. “Whoa Luke no.” I say swatting his hand away. “How did you even know? I don’t tell anyone I’m ticklish to avoid this.” “The pillow gave it away.” “Damn pillow.” He starts at it again harder this time. The air is sucked from my lungs as I squirm under him. My legs start flailing as I try to push him away with my hands. Suddenly my knew connects just right sending him to the ground in a heap of cries and moans. “Luke oh my god I’m so sorry.” “Give me a second.” He says grabbing himself taking some deep breaths. My heart pounds in my chest waiting for him to speak. “Damn learned my lesson. Protect myself better next time.” I roll my eyes. “Let’s just not have a next time, keep us both safe.” He lays on his back, “no promise.”
Calum: “Do you always insist on being on top of me?” I ask as he pins me to the floor. “Yes I do. I need to be able to control you at some point. You’re the only thing in my life I can’t control. It drives me crazy.” “You’re so domineering.” “I’m domineering?” He says with a spark in his eyes. He leans down blowing softly down from my neck leading a train up my arm that is pinned above my head. My body goes rigid. “You like this?” “Yes and no.” He stops abruptly, “why no?” “It tickles and I can’t focus on it beyond that.” His face lights up, “you’re ticklish?” “What...no...I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say as I try to wiggle from his grasp. “Oh no no no, you’re stuck and I have your weakness.” He uses one of his hands to keep mine pinned down. He uses the other and starts at my hip moving up across my ribs. “Calum stop please stop, please please please.” I say between gasps of laughter. He stops and laces his fingers between mine above my head. He leans down putting his lips a few inches above mine. “I won’t be so easy to stop next time.”
Michael: “Kylie stop it!” I yell to my best friend. “Just tell me!” She yells back. Both our heads snap up when the front door opens. “Did I show up at a wrong time?” “Yes.” I snapped back. “The lovers having a fight?” He says sarcastically. “We wouldn’t be if she would just tell me what the letter said.” Kylie says. “Why did you have to do that? It’s none of anyone’s business.” “I’m your best friend this is my business. Michael you should’ve seen the look on her face, it was obviously something good.” “I’m your boyfriend I deserve to know. Come on back we just want to know.” “No not if you two are going to act this way with it.” “Michael she’s ticklish, I’ll pin her down and you do the deed and we will be able to get it out of her that way.” “Kylie shut up. That was so horrible. Breaking the best friend code right there.” “You broke it keeping secrets.” It happened so fast. I tried to run but I was caught. Michael got me on my back and Kylie took my hands. “Last chance babe.” But he didn’t give me a chance to speak. The tickling started and my pleads came out half laugh, half scream. “I”m going to pee please stop.” “Nope not unless you agree to tell us.” Michael says continuing relentlessly.  “Fine fine but I get to go to the bathroom first.” They let me go and I stomp off to the bathroom with no intent of leaving. After about 10 minutes I hear a knock. “Did you fall in? Please come tell us.” Kylie said through the door. “No I’m mad at you two.” Michael’s voice comes through next, “I’m sorry we just want to know. Please babe and I’ll spend the next week making it up to you.” I stand next to the door and say, “Dinner? Movies? Everyday this week?” “Yes.” “They picked my photos for the gallery.” I say as I open the bathroom door. “Oh my god I am so happy for you!” Michael half screams pulling me into his arms. “I am so proud of you, this is really something to celebrate. Dinner and a movie sound good?” He adds a smile and I’m no longer mad, who could be mad at that.
Ashton: I’m standing in my kitchen putting together a salad for a barbecue at my parents that evening. I have my headphones in swaying my hips back and forth to 7 Minutes In Heaven. Suddenly there were hands on my hips sending a shock through my body. I slam my elbow nailing him in the side. I rip my headphones out spinning around, “Jesus you can’t sneak up on me like that. You scared me and tickled me that is not an ok combination. Are you ok?” He’s hunched over taking some deep breaths. “Sorry learned my lesson. I’m fine.” “Why didn’t you call and say you were coming?” “I wanted to surprise you. I knocked you just didn’t answer. I heard you humming so I thought I was safe to come in. Obviously not.” “I’m sorry Ash I really am.” I stand in front of him placing my hand against where I had hit him, “forgive me?” “Not quiet. I believe someone told me they are ticklish?” “Yes but please don’t.” “I’m going to be bruised for weeks.” His eyes spark to life. He lifts his hands to my hips and starts the cruel form of torture. I spin in his arms trying to get away, but he’s so much stronger than me. “Ashton please stop, please, I’ll do anything.” His hands go across my stomach making me fold in half. In that moment my head slams against the kitchen counter making everything speckled with light. “Holy shit babe are you ok?” He lets me go turning me towards him. I have my hand on my forehead. “Oh my god you’re bleeding.” I head into the bathroom to see a cut above my eyebrow. “It’s not bad.” I whisper softly. “I am so sorry.” He says grabbing a wash cloth getting it wet. “I’m fine, I guess we’re even.” I say as he starts dabbing at the blood.
xX Kay Xx
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Hi! Can u do a 5sos 4/4 where he finds out you're extremely ticklish?
All done for you love :) I hope you like it seeing as it’s my first one on this blog!
xX Kay Xx
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Co Owners !
Congratulations to…….
Message me your email that you used to set up your tumblr :) 
Welcome to just-imaginethat
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Co owner
I'm going to announce the new co owners tomorrow and I currently have chosen two :)
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Bridesmaid Dresses - 5SOS
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Hey all
Click on this link if you want to help co own this blog, message me if you have any questions https://www.esurveycreator.com/s/655d628
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Help me please
If anyone wants to help co run this blog and help me write, message me and let me know
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just-imaginethat · 9 years
Wedding Reception - 5SOS
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just-imaginethat · 10 years
Water Fight - Ashton Irwin
“Would you like some help with the salad Mrs Irwin?” you asked walking into the kitchen, “No, it’s all right, you go outside and enjoy yourself” She replied whilst washing the lettuce. As you walked out the back door, Harry threw a water balloon straight at you, hitting your stomach and exploding, causing your white shirt to become see-through. “Haha bullseye!” he yelled, before you knew it Ash and Harry had started throwing water balloons at you. You sprinted behind the bushes; running straight into a soaking wet Lauren, you two quickly coming up with a plan of revenge. “It has to work” she said to you. A look or determination on her face. “1, 2, 3” you both yelled running at the boys with the hose ad sprinkler soaking them, getting the best payback ever. “Eyes up here ash” you say to him, noticing his eyes clearly looking at your lacy pink bra through your now see-through shirt. “Well maybe next time you shouldn’t wear the lingerie I bought for you” he whispered in your ear, while not so subtly grabbing your ass. Laughing as you lean in to kiss him, teasing him just a little further. “Ugh get a room you too” you hear, causing you to pull away from ash, you look down to see Lauren and harry with totally disgusted looks on their faces. “Let’s go get some lunch” you say, giving Ashton one last peck on the lips. “You’re so in for it later” he whispers in your ear, as you walk towards the table.
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