{{Hey guys! It’s uh been a while, huh? I know I’ve been gone from this blog for a long time, but I think it’s about time for me to come back at least.
I’ve been thinking about starting this blog over from scratch, maybe give Sphereos a few tweaks and such.
But what do you guys think of this blog? I want your honest opinions about what I should or shouldn’t do with this blog. (I’m not gonna delete anything though, just starting over from the beginning) }}
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{{Hey guys! Mun here! The blog is still in hiatus mode sadly. But I wanted to say that I still wanted this to be somewhat known?? What I’m trying to say is that I still want my character, Sphereos, to be out there in the world and I still kinda want to use him since he probably hasn’t seen the light of day in a while. Also cuz he my baby. Like if he pops up in your blog, tell him hi or something lol.
Hope that’s alright with those who have JSAB Ask blogs!!! :D}}
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{{It took a while to get this in here, but I’m finally out of the hospital!! I believe I got out maybe a little more than a week ago. I just wanna let you guys know that I am ok and everything else is going really well!
I am getting better!! I still can’t put any pressure on my left leg for more than a month but being back home and out of the hospital makes me feel WAY better than what I felt when I was in there. Though, it’ll still be a while ‘till there’s really anything back on this blog again.}}
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{{Hey guys. I’m so sorry it’s been kinda dead here. I just had surgery done on my left hip because I have hip dysplasia.
So I’m going to be in the hospital for quite some time.}}
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*A Spherical shapes walked up to the edge of the lake* Sphereos: Wow! This lake is amazing! *rolls up his pants leg a bit to dip in his legs* (just-asks-and-shapes)
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You promptly pull your leg out the water, it's pretty cold.
Actually scratch that, it feels like liquid ice.
Makes sense for it to feel that cold, as not a few seconds after you retrieve your limbs from its chill, the lake begins to freeze over before your very eyes, creating an icy bridge over to the entrance of the cave.
It looks thick enough to walk on safely.
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Thank you to all of you who entered the raffle! Here are the  prizes the winners asked for!!  @trick-anon I kept muttering ‘is this sans undertale’ under my breath and nearly killed my hand doing the star effect but I had fun! @llamagal21 Sphereos is a cutie and I loved to be able to draw this for you :sob: I need to draw him more!  @biight gdjkghdjgka Heres Your FUc kING CAT I had fun drawing all of these!! But now its over and I’ll be getting back to our regularly scheduled asks once i get the motivation too! I’m kinda hyper fixating on another thing rn but i’ll try to get asks out asap!
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Okay so two of my friends got hacked by bots on steam, I don’t have an exact image example of what they sent but if any of you out there get a message from a steam friend saying “congratulations you won a free game” with a link in it DON’T CLICK THE LINK YOU WILL GET HACKED
Reblog this like wildfire people one of my friends are freaking out over this!
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*her smile doesn't fall just becomes more... Threatening and passive aggressive* Well, I assure you, as long as I'm around ain't no one gonna be messing with you. I'm not the kind to get violent, unlike mtly foxy friend, but I will put someone in their place uwu
Sphereos: Um ok then? *awkwardly smiles* (Why do I feel so unsure and scared about this?)
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{{Feel free to send in asks!
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Sphereos: Well.. the last time I went was my first time going actually. I thought it was going well, but then I started getting… many of stares.. from other shapes… At the time I wasn’t really sure why, so I went to a store, a-and had the same reactions there. That’s where I got my sweater from! Soon after I left that particular store, however…
Heh.. I’m not much of a violent type of guy you see..
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I can come into town with you and cronch and threaten anyone that tries anything. I can and will be aggressive
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Sphereos: Ah- While I appreciate the help, I-I don’t think violence will be the answer here… Besides, I can’t go into town looking like this. They’d recognize me in a heartbeat!
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Sphereos: *sees the fallen shapes* Oh dear! Are you two ok?! That was a pretty nasty fall!
*The Helicopter suddenly tried to raise their paw up*  
??????: H-help us-
*Suddenly, the grey creature snatched the shape and made their way over to the grey shape* 
*The grey shape didn’t move*
*They just stood there and…*
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*… Praised them??*
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{It’s been a while after the pinknic. The shapes had loved Sphereos’ cakes! Lots of other shapes, including the anons had left, but everyone had lots of fun and lots to eat!}
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Hey y’all sorry it’s been a bit quiet here. Been working on this thing all week! I’ve been trying to get him in before Friday, but obviously it didn’t happen. XD
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Anyway hope you like it. This glitchy boi belongs to @dontvap0rdawave and their Glitched AU.
Hopes this makes up for all the Fresh Fridays I’ve missed!
Happy (late) Fresh Friday
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Of course!!
Reblog this post if you ARE okay with other muses commenting on your Asks/ Shenanigans /Posts
As an Roleplayer in the Tumblr community, I’m fine with other muses commenting on posts my muse makes or reblogging asks I’ve been sent with their own take on what was posted about. In fact, I LIKE IT! It’s fun! But I’m not sure who else wants that interaction on their RP blog like this- so if you reblog this I’ll know it’s okay to interact with your character this way.
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(Just remember don’t re-blog RolePlay threads that aren’t yours! Usually those are between specific people, and outside people reblogging them makes it difficult to keep track of when their partner has responded. But re-blogging general posts and asks with in-character shenanigans? Do it! Let’s have some fun!!!)
If you do NOT want other Muses commenting on your general posts reblog THIS link instead.
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[Flashing Lights Warning]
Voice actors :
Male Voice - lackofcoffee (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYT5…)
Female Voice - Charlotte Kingsley
Background Characters (left to right, bottom to top) :
Jetboi and Hexagon - by @agenthexagon
coda - by @tender-squared
squog - by @aquatic-turquoise
luknife - by @icondor15
meatball fresh - by CCRP
nipp and trip - by @nipp-le-angel
decoder and hacker - by @ask-decoder-and-hacker
DISCLAIMER : I am not associated with berzerk studio and this is not an official trailer for Just Shapes and Beats. This is a fanmade trailer made for a fanmade comic series for the fans.
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It worked!
the multi universe data scan protocol worked!
Thank you for your participation!
Without you, we won’t know what would happened in there
thank goodness the process went well
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