creating this blog in hopes that i can keep track of days better. i'm cursed to loop my days forever. no matter where i go or how far i go i always wake up like it never happened....but i remember. i have an ekans that is stuck with me, and evolves at 6:07 p.m. every day. poor Sassy....
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I keep posting daily, but it wont show up.
Is it my phone, the curse on me and Sassy, or just bad luck? who knows....i hope i can post again, but this will be my final post if it doesn't show up for me.
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A Livestream is happening, watch it?
*Candy pans over the previously shattered window, it isnt shattered at all.* Sassy, come here please! *Sassy comes into view in front of the window, she is no longer an Arbok....and she looks annoyed* As i said, Sassy is an Ekans again, and the window is not shattered. that is all for this live stream! *the stream ends, and the video can be rewatched*
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A live stream is happening. watch it?
Okay Sassy....time for your evolution....again. this time live! *sassy begins to roll her eyes, but then glows with the light of evolution* *sassy then stops glowing, and is no longer an Ekans, but is an Arbok.* okay Sassy, please move away from the window! *Sassy looks confused, but moves behind Candy, out of camera view* *candy then shatters the window, it goes from a strange version of Paldea as if her home is in the center of the city without any people, to nothing but white light. it is as if she is in a white void* I can guarantee this will be unbroken tomorrow. cya, and wait till tomorrow, 11/38/2024! oh wait-- that is the date for me. idk what date it would be for normal people. anyways. tomorrow!
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well....this sucks.
Guess I'll just have to hope i can remember my posts from the day before. >_< hopefully it doesn't do this tomorrow.
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Welp. this is my introduction post.
I go by Candy, and nothing else. i only have one pokemon....and i dont think i can get another atm.... She is my Ekans/Arbok Her name is Sassy. SOOO.....both me and Sassy are stuck in a time loop. i wake up every day to that damn curse scream that gave this stupid InfiniteTimeLoop to me. I cannot catch pokemon. any battles i try to partake in basically reset me and Sassy, by that i mean i end up back in bed. for another loop. I have tried so many times out of boredom my date on this phone is 11/36/2024......yes i broke time but then again time is already broken so do i give a damn? hell no! my time now goes up to 55 days in a month. funny at first but damn its hard to keep track of.... sooo...... Pelliper mail is a thing that i *HOPE* can get me a better diet. this place was turned into ITL on fucking grocery day. all i have is peanut butter, 2 bagels and some saltines. i'm not happy with that selection at ALL. CAN YOU IMAGINE PEANUT BUTTER WITHOUT MILK??? I CAN!!!! *ahem* Pelliper mail: ON Magic Anon: ON uhh.... GOOD DREAM THING: ON for the love of arceus's hate..... i miss dreaming.... OH right.....i dont like arceus anymore, he let this continue for idk how long? and yet i'm still looping....fucking asshole....i hope those hip rings squeeze arceus in half.
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