Space Duck
15K posts
Just a little water bird trying to navigate their way through the cosmos. She/He - 20-something
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
just-a-space-duck · 5 hours ago
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TRANSFIXED is Live on Kickstarter!
Happy Endings take on a whole new meaning when you dive into the enchantingly lascivious fairy tales of Transfixed. Everywhere from Beanstalks to Babylon to Paul Bunyan's pants, bewitch your senses on a hedonistic journey with Winsome Wizards, Fabulous Fairy Godfathers, Shapeshifting Lovers, Beastly Maidens, and more!   
Transfixed is a delectable collection of Trans & Genderqueer Erotic Fairy Tale comics. Send your inner sex goblin on a quest through twelve fantastical worlds of fairy tale bliss. This gorgeous collection of erotic comics will be printed in black and white and will contain over 200 PAGES of BRAND NEW naughty stories created just for this book!
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just-a-space-duck · 8 hours ago
mutual aid request !!
[pt: mutual aid request. end pt]
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my last post kind of died out so i’m making another one.
my name is abyss and i am ND & a moderately physically disabled person with severe chronic pain, making me unable to work at all, and i have three cats that are my life.
i desperately need help paying bills this month and ideally i also want to be able to get a little gas so i can go between my home and doctors appointments. i’m unsure if ill have much food money this month. the goal will be a little different than the last post due to me getting more surprise bills 🥲
if you can’t donate that’s completely okay, but please reblog this post anyways, that helps a lot!!!
here is the link to my paypal (preferred)
here is the link to my ko-fi
0 / 1500 SEK (~140 USD)
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just-a-space-duck · 8 hours ago
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
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just-a-space-duck · 8 hours ago
everyone dunking on that automated fleshlight sex toy needs to remember that disabled people get horny too ok 💜
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just-a-space-duck · 8 hours ago
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I want you guys to know this shit not only makes my life better and easier, and consequently makes me like you more, but WAY MORE IMPORTANTLY could literally save someone's life.
Yes, eye strain sucks. Yes migraines are painful. Yes seizures are miserable. But every single epileptic seizure, to a very small but very much not zero degree, can just kill you. Seizures are horrible and dangerous - with aspiration and head trauma to take into account as well. Even if it's "not that much flashing" or it's "not that long" or "it's only a seizure" or whatever kind of excuse you may want to make - PLEASE think about photosensitive users when you interact with media
Anything with
Rapid change between different colors
Rapid change between light and dark frames
Anything that causes the value of the screen to change very majorly very quickly
Anything very color intensive/stressful for the eyes
Needs to be tagged with things like "flashing lights" "strobing" "eye strain" etc - NOT tags such as "photosensitive" or "epilepsy" bc we use those tags for our community
Please and thank you
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just-a-space-duck · 9 hours ago
not to be an asshole but i think a lot of disability discourse on this website cannot comprehend the idea of being physically disabled in a way which is like. not at all negotiable or flexible. like i think it's great that we're pushing people to understand that disability is nuanced and that there are disabilities which are not visible forms of physical disability but also like. sometimes you straight up cannot climb stairs. no not even on a good day not even when you "have enough spoons" it is just not physically possible. or you cannot get on and off a bus without struggling or without help. or it is physically not possible for you to bathe yourself. and it's not about "and you force yourself to push through it because of the internalized ableism" because you literally cannot physically fucking do it. like i am not trying to be mean but i feel like it frequently strikes me that people talking about disability seemingly do not understand the concept of I Literally Cannot Do This No Matter How Much I Want To Or Try Like It Is Physically Not Possible
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just-a-space-duck · 10 hours ago
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the homecoming episode
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just-a-space-duck · 10 hours ago
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Uk peeps!! Let’s get this going! 🏳️‍⚧️🇬🇧
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just-a-space-duck · 10 hours ago
healthcare should not have a weight limit.
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just-a-space-duck · 10 hours ago
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it's raining somewhere else
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just-a-space-duck · 13 hours ago
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We have our Steel type! Up next is Ghost type.
Leave any ideas you have in the replies--I look forward to seeing your suggestions!
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just-a-space-duck · 1 day ago
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Art of my sona with a red alt cuz why not
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just-a-space-duck · 1 day ago
🔥 The beacons are lit; the library calls for aid
The Trump administration has issued an executive order aimed at dismantling the Institute of Museum and Library Services - the ONLY federal agency for America's libraries.
Using just 0.003% of the federal budget, the IMLS funds services at libraries across the country; services like Braille and talking books for the visually impaired, high-speed internet access, and early literacy programs.
Libraries are known for doing more with less, but even we can't work with nothing.
How You Can Help:
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🔥 Call your congressperson!
Use the app of your choice or look 'em up here: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
Pro tip: If your phone anxiety is high, call at night and leave a voicemail. You can even write yourself a script in advance and read it off. Heck, read them this post if you want to.
Phones a total no-go? The American Library Association has a form for you: https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=23577
🔥Tell your friends!
Tell strangers, for that matter. People in line at the check out, your elderly neighbor, the mail carrier - no one is safe from your library advocacy. Libraries are for everyone and we need all the help we can get.
...Wait, why do we need this IMLS thing again?
The ALA says it best in their official statement and lists some ways libraries across the country use IMLS funding:
But if you want a really specific answer, here at LCPL we use IMLS funding to provide our amazing interlibrary loan service. If we can't purchase an item you request (out of print books, for example) this service lets us borrow it from another library and check it out to you.
IMLS also funds the statewide Indiana Digital Library and Evergreen Indiana, which gives patrons of smaller Indiana libraries access to collections just as large and varied as the big libraries' collections.
As usual, cutting this funding will hurt rural communities the most - but every library user will feel it one way or another. Let's let Congress know that's unacceptable.
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just-a-space-duck · 1 day ago
can i be the bad guy for a sec.
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just-a-space-duck · 1 day ago
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Leah, 20
“I’m wearing thrifted clothes from Other People’s Clothes and a jacket from my mother's label Suite Veinti Uno. My style is inspired by mom because she is a designer and also by model Destiny Joseph. I like to wear neutral colors and clothes with interesting details.”
Mar 19, 2025 ∙ Williamsburg
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just-a-space-duck · 1 day ago
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A bunch of jeremys… it’s good to keep a few extra on hand just in case
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just-a-space-duck · 1 day ago
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guess who ended up drawing a comic of an entire scene from Artificial Condition
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