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just-a-bard · 29 days ago
…Okay, whatever you say mim.! i’m just worried about you y’know. I hope you feel better soon! But If you start feeling worse.. please tell me
Could you tell me your symptoms, Miriam?
Fatigue, runny nose, headache, sore throat.. that’s basically it
Im just.. gonna lie down for a while
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just-a-bard · 29 days ago
Are you sure?? I can come over to your house and try to help! I’ll even stop and get some medicine for you on the way there
Could you tell me your symptoms, Miriam?
Fatigue, runny nose, headache, sore throat.. that’s basically it
Im just.. gonna lie down for a while
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just-a-bard · 29 days ago
..Miriam you’re sick?!! Is that why I haven’t seen you at all today? Are you okay?? :(
Could you tell me your symptoms, Miriam?
Fatigue, runny nose, headache, sore throat.. that’s basically it
Im just.. gonna lie down for a while
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
Hey kiwi! Are you and Miriam 🏳️‍🌈? What type if so?
Ah uhm.. i really never think about that often. I think Miriam is.. bisexual? Maybe aromantic or just ace.. sorry I’ve never asked her that type of question before.. so i could be wrong, you’d have to ask her. But for me i am pan!! So i guess we are !! Or at least just me
Oh!! And i am nonbinary if that counts!
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
punch someone
Wha? No! Punching someone is like…. The LAST thing you’d ever want to do!! I would never
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
Hey Kiwi!
Want some Haribo gummies?
Ooo what are those?
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
What’s your opinion on Miriam in full detail
Oh my gosh Ive been waiting for somebody to ask me this!! I think she’s a wonderful friend to have. She can be a little grumpy at times, but that doesn’t bother me at all! She’s way more than just a grumpy witch. She’s special in her own way and i admire that a lot, like how she always knows what to do next and sticks up for me all the time.. Without her, I wouldn’t have even been able to save the world at all! She’s just so cool i could go on for hours! :D
She really means a lot to me..
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
Kiwi how do you feel about kissing
…Or just.. love in general
Uh well, I’ve never really kissed anyone before.. or really dated anyone so I wouldn’t know how it feels personally but i guess i don’t mind it. But i know that love is special!
Love is a strong feeling towards one another that shows you really care about them! The feeling is so beautiful, I’ve definitely felt it before. And I think that all people should experience it !!
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
Just a bard is my name because well.. im a bard !!
Why is your name that?
Mine is this because when I first started tumblr I was hyperfixating on an OC called Oscar who got kidnapped by an evil doctor/ringmaster. (He was called Valentine which was ironic because Saint Valentine was a doctor who was a beloved figure and all of the people Dr. Valentine kidnapped to be in his show hated him. But also because he’s aroace and loves all his victims like pets but he’s namesakes with a holiday about non platonic love.) Valentine would do a thing where- You know how some taxidermists will make mythical creatures out of several different animal species’ parts? He would do that with living things. He would use surgeries and chemicals to combine living creatures together to make monsters for his show. There was also a carnival that he also owned that traveled with the circus/was part of it. And in that carnival was a “zoo” thing for artificial monsters who refused to perform. Like Oscar. So Valentine turned Oscar into a have snake. (Like the shape a mermaid is, but with a snake instead of a fish.) Valentine has chemicals that can make things grow more than they should to fit whatever creatures they’re supposed to be attached to. So he did that with the snake and mixed up it’s organs so that it’s brain could go in in its back somewhere and be connected up to Oscar’s brain so that they could communicate mentally. Now Valentine put the snake’s fangs, tongue, and vocal cords into Oscar’s mouth and throat (so now he can’t talk and he’s venomous.) But you understand. It’s still the snake’s brain controlling all the snake parts. And the snake would have conflict with Oscar at first. But then they would slowly meld into one consciousness because they can both feel each other’s physical sensations and emotions and they’re aware of all of each other’s thoughts, so like. Intuitively, I felt like they would stop being able to tell the difference eventually and just become different facets of the same person.
Anyway, Oscar really, really likes plants. He’s a gardener professionally and on his own because he grows a lot of his own food. (Made his own rain catching irrigation system.) So Valentine offered him a bunch of options for a new name. “Oscar” simply isn’t exotic or snakelike enough. And while Oscar wasn’t going to respond to anything other than his real name, Valentine was going to name tag him with whatever he chose, so it did actually matter. There was one single option for a new name that was anything related to a plant. He decided he would choose that one out of. I guess it was some sort of tie to what he used to do? The name was Basil. Oscar thinks of it as the snake’s name.
So Basil the snaking thing. Now I think I would rename myself “Parsley the Crow” since that’s more accurate to me, but everyone knows me as this and I have friends and branding to keep up with.
(Oscar eventually managed to grow a bunch of plants in his cage as an act of rebellion. Mostly ferns.)
okay, first of all, that lore is FIRE. second, branding is very important so good on you for maintaining your brand.
now, regarding myself, I am, as has been proven, a nerd. I am such a nerd, in fact, that my favourite band of all time is 2CELLOS, a cello duo comprised of Luka Šulić and Stjepan Hauser that has since broken up. I grew up OBSESSED with their music (I used to beg my mother to watch their music videos every day). they basically designed my pop culture taste. I got into AC/DC because 2CELLOS covered Thunderstruck. they covered the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, so I watched the films. I became interested in time travel (now a dear obsession) because one of their music videos involved them doing rocking cello solos in the Georgian era, and I began hc-ing that they travelled back in time to do it (this was when I was maybe nine). I loved them SO MUCH (still do, but now I also have other interests music-wise and pop culture-wise).
when I was around twelve or thirteen years old, I finally got the chance to go to one of their concerts; my grandparents were in town for my birthday, and as a gift, they bought me tickets to the 2CELLOS tour. at that point, I had just gotten into the internet and didn’t really have a brand or a consistent url, and I didn’t know what I wanted it to be. and then, at the concert (which was AMAZING), Luka played the cello so hard his bow broke. the coolest thing my tiny child self had ever seen.
that was the moment I forever became Luka’s Broken Bow.
funnily enough, for my birthday this year, I got tickets to go see Luka solo in concert in April. who knows, maybe he’ll break his bow again.
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just-a-bard · 1 month ago
Hey Kiwi, have you heard?
Apple's coming up with a new product called iCup!
I-c-u-p? Thats nice!! But uh.. whats apple?
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just-a-bard · 2 months ago
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just-a-bard · 3 months ago
Oh, wherever you go~
You know I will follow you~
You know I will run to you~
Oh i love that song!!
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just-a-bard · 3 months ago
Hey kiwi!
Are you 🏳️‍🌈?
Maybe? I mean, i like everyone!
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just-a-bard · 3 months ago
Is your name Quintagon?
Nope! I’m just a bard
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just-a-bard · 3 months ago
What's the French word for seal?
Uh I don’t know!
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just-a-bard · 4 months ago
Miriam, I didn’t know you had trouble sleeping? maybe… i could help!! I can sing to you..! Like when you go to sleep tonight, i can come over to your grandma’s house and hum a sweet melody to try and make you sleep faster!
Eya’s sweet chords.. why am I doing this.
It’s two am. Almost three. After the whole almost end of the world thing I’ve been having these weird.. sleeping issues. It’s gotten so bad to the point I’m genuinely starting to feel the effects. Might need to make a nightshade potion for that.. Or, sleeping potion, as it commonly goes by. Except the difference between a nightshade potion and a sleeping potion is that nightshade just helps you sleep by making you calmer and stuff like that. Kind of like melatonin. Sleeping potions are basically just chloroform that takes a little longer to kick in. It kinda just drugs you. And if you’re stupid enough to lace someone else’s drink with it.. or, sociopathic, more like, you might end up with a restraining order against you.
So, yeah. Nightshade is probably my best bet. Not.. the poisonous berries, the potion. I am getting a little desperate for some sleep though.. might just knock myself out with a sleeping potion. Or a frying pan. Either work. Might get a headache from the frying pan, however.. ugh. I don’t know. This stuffs weird.
Grandma Saphy’s good with potions. I’d ask for her help, but.. eh. I don’t want to bother her. I already know how to make potions, anyway. I’ll probably just use what I’ve learned or find the recipes in her potion book. Something to knock me out for a while.
and maybe stop all these damn thoughts that keep me awake all night..
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just-a-bard · 4 months ago
(You hear a beat coming from the rabbit pen).
(It goes dun, dun-dun, dun, dun-dun, dun).
(The bards facial expression slowly dropped into a worried one while getting closer, their running turned into walking as they let out a little worried hum)
Is.. this really a ghost..???
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