skeeting along in my lego car with my baby buffoon
83 posts
YEeTErS---- Mel here // (Stace -kinda- isnt here?) idk---- give us a follow at @melpaz7 & @sorozco5 (self promo)
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
An experiment.
Like for Javid.
Reblog for JackCrutchie.
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
davey as a dad
baby: p-p-
davey: he’s gonna say papa! he’s gonna say papa!
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
revive newsies
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
katherine: is anyone gonna tell me whats going on here???
davey: its kinda complicated, but Race-
katherine: got it. forget i asked.
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
How the Newsies Died
Okay so in my JoJo Newsie Month post, I killed some newsies. Well not some, but all of them. Mike’s is the saddest one in my opinion so be prepared.
Albert- Murdered, murderer never found. A mad serial killer decided to go around killing random people as they passed by. Albert found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, and one thing lead to another, and he was murdered. Some newsies still point fingers at Oscar and Morris Delancey, they’re certain they did it, but no one knows the truth. Except the mysterious killer.
Bart- War. There was no escape to the hundreds of soldiers shooting at him and his troops. He lot his closest friend Myron, what else was there to lose?
Bill- Allergic reaction. Who would’ve thought a bee sting could kill?
Buttons- Illness. Pneumonia was a top killer in the early 20th century, it spread like wildfire, and tragically, Buttons was one of the people who died from it.
Crutchie- Illness. Let’s just say Crutchie’s leg was slowly killing him. One day he lost all feeling in his leg and it shut down. The next, he lost feeling in his body. And the next, his entire body shut down. It was a slow, painful death.
Davey- Suicide. In my head, Davey outlived Jack. When Jack died, Davey felt alone. So unable to bare living alone for the rest of his life with no best friend, he took his own life. Luckily, he was old, he lived the third longest.
Darcy- Murdered. Intruders came in trying to steal his families fortune. In an attempt to save his family, he was brutally beaten and died slowly in the hospital.
Elmer- Illness. Another top killer of the time, Tuberculosis. Elmer couldn’t afford a doctor so he just accepted his death.
Finch- War. World War 1, it took some newsies lives. Finch was the first of the newsies to die. His battalion was taken hostage and when the US negotiated them back, their enemies executed the battalion with no mercy. Finch was so close to going home.
Henry- Fire. When there was no longer a need for newsboys, Henry decided to reopen his dad’s restaurant. After years of being open, Henry made a wrong move, and the kitchen caught on fire. He made sure all the workers and customers got out before him, but he couldn’t make it out in time. He died a hero.
Hotshot- Suicide. Hotshot couldn’t handle the loneliness. He witnessed multiple deaths and couldn’t handle himself anymore. He was the only one of his friends to make it home. 
Ike- War. Mike and Ike both joined the air force. One day, they were sent out to attack from the air, but they hadn’t realized that their enemies had been waiting for them to fly by. Ike was shot out first. Mike second.
Jack- Old Age. Peaceful. In his sleep. He went to sleep. And never woke up. He was the fourth oldest.
JoJo- In his sleep. I mean. We kinda saw JoJo’s death in the story soooo. MOVING ON!
Katherine- Old Age. She died right before her husband, Jack Kelly.
Kenny- Illness. Another tragic pneumonia death. See, I feel like Buttons and Kenny lived together and they both got sick & just kinda fizzled out together
Kid Blink- Illness. Pneumonia. That’s how he actually died. Nothing really new.
Les- Ran over. Les was somewhat old. He needed glasses and never got them, so one day, he went to cross the road and didn’t realize he was crossing a busy street until he was trampled.
Mike- War. Mike was born 2 and a half minutes before Ike. Ike was shot out of the sky 2 and a half minutes before Mike. Ike never saw a life without Mike. Mike had to live 5 minutes alone in the world.
Mush- Drowned. Mush died a hero. A child was drowning and he dived in to save him. Mush couldn’t pull himself and the kid out of the flowing river. He had to pick one. The kid had a whole life ahead of him. Mush knew what he had to do.
Myron- War. Friendly fire, tragically Bart who couldn’t save him.
Race- Ran over. The rule of Sheepshead Races was don’t mean over the railing. Race would break this rule a lot. One day, the worst finally happened. He slipped over. It seemed to be timed perfectly that he would have no chance against the horses as they ran out. He was trampled to death at his favorite place watching his favorite thing.
Romeo- Suicide. Romeo was a romantic. He met his soulmate. When they died, Romeo died. He couldn’t bare being alone with his love. It seemed he had honored his namesake. A boy named Romeo, killing himself because his soulmate had died. Ring a bell?
Sarah- Cancer. She worked in a factory and sadly got lung cancer. She spent a long time in bed unable to pay for the hospital bills. Les and Davey were by her side the entire time.
Smalls- Illness. Poor Smalls. She died early. Tuberculosis. She was one of the first newsies to die. It was quick. She didn’t suffer the illness long before it took her life.
Sniper- Illness. Pneumonia. Unlike Smalls, Sniper suffered. He was sick for almost a year before he died. He was stuck in bed rest for half of it. It was terrible for him. He wished to die for months.
Specs- Old Age. He knew he was going to die soon. He was a realist. He had been sitting in his rocking chair, on his front porch, when he felt tired. Specs took a deep breath and simply passed away. It was time. He was the second oldest.
Spot- War. Spot lasted the longest out of all the boys who were drafted for World War 1. He was simply shot in the trenches. It was a quick death. He always carried a letter in his left, front, chest pocket. Addressed to his best friend, Hotshot. It got delivered. Hotshot had to tell all the Newsies of New York that the once mighty King of Brooklyn had passed away.
Tommy Boy- Illness. Tuberculosis. No one saw it coming. He was the healthiest of the newsboys. Athletic. Ate healthily. Had great hygiene. No one saw it coming. It happened suddenly. He had a cough one day and the next he was lying on his back. The next he died. It was fast. Too fast.
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
Ravey as a huge clusterfuck of things
Okay so we had another competition; this time we were at nationals! So in order to apologize for the odd hiatus type thing, I made a clusterfuck of things that went on during the four or so days at Indianapolis, Indiana!
Race, tired and probably high off of sleep deprivation: Hey look what I brought *takes out a piano you breathe into to make it work*
Davey: Race, why.
Davey: Did you bring earbuds?
Race: No, I couldn't find them
Davey: Here *hands him good quality ones* I brought extra because I knew you wouldn't bring them. Also, I know you like those Symphony bars so I got you a really big one *hands him that too*
Race: *crying* I love you so much
Race: It's three am, time for some... pringles
Davey: Race, no
Race: Snack time
Race: Hit me up with some beef jerky
Race: Oh, so it's three am and you're allowed to give me a history lesson but I can't quote vines?
Davey: Yep
Race: Toss me a banana!
Davey: *throws one in confusion*
Race: *takes a bite out of it sideways through the peel*
Jack, upon observing the banana: ...why
Davey: Whoever threw that paper..
All of the newsies: YOUR MOM'S A HOE
Davey: Why did I do that
Davey: Race, eat your breakfast
Race: *shoves an entire apple in his mouth*
Race: *walks out of the breakfast area with a cardboard box full of sausage links*
Davey: What the...
Race: I'm getting kinda... hungry *takes out a can of Chef Boyardee*
Race: Wanna take a cute picture?
Davey: No
Race: Yes you do
Race: Every time you play the Soviet Union anthem, you summon another one of me
Albert: Another? I'm gonna play it five hundred times then
Davey, in the hotel room: Hey, there's a bible in here
Race: I got someone from another band's number
Davey: You... You what
Race: Davey.. Davey what the...
Davey, with a god damn plate full of just potatoes: Potatoes!
Race: *comes to the dinner table with an entire plate full of pasta salad* Hey
Davey: Would you like to throw up? Because this is how you throw up on the field, RACE.
Race, at six am: C'mon Davey, it's time to wake up
Davey: *sits up, glares, and shoves face back in the pillow wordlessly*
Race: Abstinence is key!
Davey, barely engaged in the conversation: ...what
Davey: *arrives at the dinner table*
Race: Hey-
Race: Would you like some bread?
Davey: No
Race: How about straight up oil, then?
Davey: *disgusted look*
All the newsies: *singing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of their lungs in the 30 degree weather after their performance*
Race: *casually pokes Davey's toe in the middle of the night*
Davey: I know who it is, but why?
Race, at four am: Ah, time to wake up. It's wake up call
Davey: *wakes up and immediately goes to the coffee maker and downs two cups of coffee*
Race: *accidentally in the way, as per usual*
Davey, done with his shit: I just wanna get dressed, please move
Davey: Hey, let's play some Uno
Race: OH GOD
Race: *plays Ram Ranch at four in the fucking morning*
Race: *almost trips over plant*
Davey: Please do the careful
Race: *finds a random water bottle under his stadium seat* GOD HAS BLESSED ME
Davey: *facepalm*
Race: Hold my hoodie
Davey, a known hoodie stealer: You're never getting this back
Race: If we make semi finals, we'll have to wake up at four in the morning
Davey: FUCK
Race: Why do you like salad so much?
Davey: I'm... vegetarian?
Davey: I fell asleep on the cupholder thing last night and now I have a headache
Race: You absolute lettuce wrap
whooo that was long. sorry for the odd pause!
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
Race: A saltine, but without the cracker
Davey: That’s just fucking salt
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
race: i wish homophobes were actually afraid of gay people. *pointing to davey* if you don’t give me $3000 by next week i am going to kiss THIS MAN on the MOUTH in front of your CHILDREN
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
newsies closed tonight but i’m in denial so here’s some shenanigans from our run
Oscar: *hassles newsies in line for papes*
Spot: *pushes him away*
Spot: *gets in his face*
Spot: *makes her “I’m gonna kick your ass” face*
Spot: *is five feet tall*
Spot: *is actually a huge softie irl*
Oscar: *covers his face with his hat to hide the laughter*
- - -
Crutchie: *hears Brooklyn newsies singing “Shots” from their dressing room*
Crutchie: *pokes head in*
Brooklyn newsies: *doing shots of Emergen-C*
- - -
Spot: “Honestly I’ve been writing a lot of fanfiction recently.”
Bill: “For what fandom?”
Spot: “I’ll give you three guesses as to what’s been on my mind for the past three months.”
Elmer: *gasp* “You write newsies fanfiction??!”
- - -
Katherine: *doing Watch What Happens*
Sound booth: *plays the circulation bell instead of typewriter sound effect*
Katherine: “…those darn neighbors.”
- - -
Mike: “Spot man up we gotta do Brooklyn’s Here.”
- - -
Jack: *hugs Crutchie during the finale*
Jack: (whispers) “I love you Crutchie.”
- - -
Davey & Katherine: *are dating irl*
Davey & Katherine: *kiss in the wings*
Spot: “Oh my god guys, sightlines. The audience can still see you.”
- - -
Race: *uses cookie as prop cigar*
Race: *puts cigar in mouth*
Race: *accidentally bites cigar in half*
- - -
Bill: “I have to read your newsies fanfiction.”
Spot: “I feel I should clarify it’s not, like, smutty fanfiction.”
Bill: “Aw.”
- - -
Elmer: “You need to tell an adult. Not, like, us, but, like, an actual adult.”
- - -
Spot: *walks onstage for places*
Spot: “Brooklyn’s here.”
Race & Davey: *making out for some reason??*
Spot: “Brooklyn’s leaving.”
- - -
Mike & Crutchie: *take a pic in costume*
Mike: “Oh my god I look like a boy.”
Crutchie: “Oh my god I look like my mother.”
- - -
Spot: “My brain must still be in newsies mode because I heard someone yell something that sounded like Spot and I turned around.”
- - -
Les: “It’s 3am in Italy right now. And it’s midnight in California.”
Bill: “That… is not right.”
- - -
Elmer: “I’m stress eating.”
Crutchie: “I stress drink.”
Spot: “Same.”
Crutchie: “…I meant water.”
Spot: “I’m just an alcoholic.”
- - -
Jack and Katherine: *kiss during the finale*
Race: *dips Davey and kisses him*
- - -
Spot: *talking shit*
Spot: *checks to make sure mic is muted*
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
what your newsies ships say about you, part 1: jack and race
these are all good natured jokes and I ship most of these anyway no judgement
jatherine: you probably have every disney movie completely memorized word for word and own like 3 pairs of mickey mouse ears. also a pianist.
javid: bi as heck. 
jack/crutchie: you’re in love with at least one of your best friends and also have no impulse control.
jack/specs: you’re a mom friend through and through. also a mess.
jack/spot: you think you’re really cool because your tastes are “unconventional”.
sprace: you probably swear about every other word. also probably prefer 92sies to the musical because it has more canon. I bet you dance too.
ravey: you ship it because you’re the physical embodiment of either race or davey to the point where it’s almost creepy.
ralbert: your favorite harry potter characters are the marauders and the weasley twins and you try to live your life as chaotic neutral as possible but not actual chaotic neutral just the “hey what if I fought a bear right now” kind
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
david: “jack” is probably short for jackson
race: or jackenzie
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
Race: Hey Davey! Your favorite Newsie has arrived!
Davey: Really? I don't see Jack anywhere.
Race: ...That hurt because of how real it was.
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
Jack, wearing an apron and towel over his shoulder: Davey!
Race, also wearing an apron: Davey, you're home!
David: What--
Romeo, wiping down the kitchen counter: Honey, I cleaned the house for you!
Specs, opening the oven: I made dinner, doll!
Crutchie: We missed you!
Les: Welcome home!
David: Guys, please...
David: This is Ikea. We're going to get kicked out.
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
We saw the neon stars of the city
We drank the liquid laughter of the night
The vividness of life made us giddy
And the golden birds of sunrise took flight
The songs of thunder rolled into the sky
And the lightning danced with the grace of sprites
Hearts were granted (instead of fear) a light
Our old demons shrank to quite a size
And ancient gods of past can’t give frights
Thus our souls’ fire continues to rise
- a poem for us
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
racetrack asks “can you read?” to kids when he’s distributing the newsies banner so he can read it to the kids who can’t
racetrack standing on a crate, surrounded by kids, patiently telling them about the rally because the kids who can’t read need to know their rights most of all
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
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jus-gimme-a-watta-blog · 6 years ago
all pedophiles should die and theres literally no downside to them all dropping dead
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