jurijuri · 2 years
The giant manbaby running Twitter just banned linking to your alts on most other social media sites, like Mastodon, Post, Facebook and Instagram. He didn’t ban Tumblr lol
Anyways I’m @[email protected] on Mastodon, jurijuri on Post, Cohost, and Hive, and my FB/insta are hibernating.
Love you all 😘
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jurijuri · 2 years
Dear tumblr:
I made a ball pit in the green room at Chicago TARDIS. I am not above IRL shitposting
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jurijuri · 2 years
I did it
I got the double checks just to spite Emerald McFailson
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jurijuri · 2 years
logging in and looking at my feed like
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jurijuri · 4 years
Apologies for the spam. I’ve changed my password and deleted all connected apps.
Anyways, obviously I’m not on Tumblr like, at all anymore. You can find me on Twitter though!
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jurijuri · 11 years
Man: I had my heart broken once by a girl who friendzoned me, so now I hate women. It's not my fault, they're just cold-hearted and stupid.
Mens Rights Activists: I don't see a problem with this.
Woman: I say I hate men because I've been physically/sexually abused, harassed on the street, made to feel inferior or have experienced domestic violence, and have had the weight of an entire social system of oppression forced on me since birth.
Mens Rights Activist: You're a fucking sexist! Not all men are like that! Why do you hate equality? You're a bad person! Get back in the kitchen! Fucking women.
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jurijuri · 11 years
All of you are wrong. The J in GIF is silent. Like in José.
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jurijuri · 11 years
breaking my tumblrsilence to blog this because holy crap
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2012 Chicago Murder Locations vs 2013 CPS School Closings.
Still in progress as the City of Chicago spread sheets blocks out some of the murder data.
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jurijuri · 12 years
To be fair, that IS a common sign of sleep apnea. I got it a lot. Snoring is a big tell, although not foolproof (I don't snore, for example). If someone notices that you stop breathing when you're asleep, that's a pretty good guarantee.
Mayo Clinic info on sleep apnea
Anyhoo, I'm not saying this to be alarmist, but to say that if you do have it and you get it treated, you will feel SO MUCH BETTER that it's astounding. Greg and I both found that one out!
Woke up with a headache again; googling “waking up with headache” tells me that I either might a brain tumor, high blood pressure and/or should have a sleep study done.
I think I’ll start with a cup of coffee.
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jurijuri · 12 years
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jurijuri · 12 years
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jurijuri · 12 years
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1) go to tinypic to upload something 2) get this CAPTCHA 3) scream 4) pack a suitcase 
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jurijuri · 12 years
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Cookie-inspired Girl Scouts - Samoa/Caramel deLite
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jurijuri · 12 years
I like her okay, but I can totally understand where you're coming from. It's like how I want to punch the Broadway version of Marius in the throat.  
FUN FACT: Frances Ruffelle (original London/Broadway Eponine) is in the movie. Depending on the source she's listed as Whore #1 or, amusingly, The Most Fabulous Whore.
ADDITIONAL FUN FACT: Judy Kuhn, the original Broadway Cossette, is also the singing voice of Pocahontas.
wow eponine in the original broadway recording is…really annoying, jeez
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jurijuri · 12 years
My dash is full of Les Mis and I love you all for it.
Unrelated: I am spamming my Tumblr right now because reasons.
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jurijuri · 12 years
I can't wait to find out how Sherlock survived the fall so we can get Mythbusters to test it.
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jurijuri · 12 years
oiafkfask;jaroijewfiouewfiohgrehger;h bless this post
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