MAYDAY, if you find out that it's me, all that I ask is that you
62K posts
Call me Juniper, any/all, I write fics. Main fandoms are TMA, Mechs, Malevolent and Generation Loss
Last active 2 hours ago
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
bitches will hear a song and be like 'this makes me feel like i have a gaping hole in my chest' and then they put it on repeat. its me im bitches
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
It is with the heaviest of hearts that I bring you sad news today. Murphy, the eagle who incubated a rock (and later raised a foster eaglet after his rock "hatched"), passed away at age 33 (almost a decade longer than long-lived wild eagles!). A tornado hit his local area. It's believed he sustained blunt force head trauma, likely from spooking during the high winds, as his cage and fellow eagles were unharmed.
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Murphy is survived by his foster son, Baby 23-126, who was successfully released into the wild, and a second foster eaglet he was still caring for; this eaglet is expected to be able to be released as well.
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I know a lot of people on Tumblr enjoyed seeing his story, and I know we will remember him fondly.
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
the neurodivergent experience:
20% of the time: wowwieee!!! i love my passions and interests!!!!! they make me so happy i want to jump up and down!!!!! weee!!!!!!! :3333333333
80% of the time: this mind is a prison
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
In Gaza, our lives have become certain death. My wife, children, and I live in danger of bombing. I ask for help so that I can protect my children and family and rebuild my home.
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
It's actually crazy how Kill la Kill shouts at the top of its lungs how it's ABOUT FASCISM right from the get-go and this is like the least discussed aspect of the series, because people are much more interested in arguing about all the nudity. Honnouji Academy is a microcosm of a fascist state. Those who pledge loyalty to the regime and spread its influence are given rewards and a better standard of living, and all the while a lower class is maintained so the upper classes have someone to look down on, distracting them from the system's oppression. The show is not subtle at all about its intermingling of school systems and the military, or how the students take pride in being part of a greater whole. The very first scene of the first episode literally opens on a history lesson about Hitler. It's soooo not subtle.
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
cop pulls me over little does he know my drivers license is written in elf hieroglyphics & blinds anyone who reads it
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
Dreams and dont mean shit fuck frued. They respond to your memories and emotions but they dont reveal anything secret. Neither do intrusive thoughts. Were neurons and chemicals
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
I've seen an advertisement for a basket weaving class, which fascinates me, because when I was younger I had plans in my life to do advanced literary degrees and weasel my way into publishing, and also for fun engaged in vast quantities of fine arts at which I didn't feel, at the time, I had to be good; but the person I married, who had an English degree and a failed writing career due to not really being very good at it and also being really unfriendly to everyone all the time (even Margaret Atwood has more soft skills), made it a point to regularly rant about people who did useless art for no money, and would often sneer about people who wasted money on arts and humanities degrees, frequently pulling out the old "basket weaving" comparison. It smothered and killed my natural and I think kind of innocent urge to create and to learn, which was the real point of all that cruelty--even my hobby foreign language classes were a point of ridicule and contention. I was primed to be broken. It was a slant rhyme on Dad's refrain: when are you gonna write something that sells?
Later, I heard of a friend's son beginning an expensive classical music degree, and I barely managed to keep my instinctive bitterness down my throat: what, I wanted to say, was the basket weaving program full?
You can change the way a person thinks by being vicious and negative around them all the time. You can make people, eventually, believe horrible things that aren't true, just by isolating them in a nasty environment and closing an iron fist around their hope for anything better. Being abused isn't just being victimized: it can also mean being transformed. They're already rewriting your reality (no, I don't remember ever hitting you, and why are you even bringing that up? You're always keeping score), they can easily go ahead and make you as pessimistic and miserable as they are too.
anyway I think id like to learn to weave baskets, and I don't know why that's wrong.
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
When you realise the foundations of Australian Food is just cheap white bread
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
The most terrifying part of having memory issues is when you can feel something from 5 seconds ago be thrown out the window and there's an empty hole where it once was. You remember that you forgot something.
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
If I were a security guard for a person who’s being targeted by assassins I simply wouldn’t devote my entire attention span to every single noise I hear.
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
tumblr staff kys 💕
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
yall im losing my mind i went to the grocery store w/ me mum for essentials & was wearing this mask cause why not
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& this old ladys like oh thats so cute! & i was like heh & she was like can i take a picture & i said thats fine but then she says put your paws up! so i did the fucking catgirl neko pose im gonnajfjjgk
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
It breaks my heart to see that the world is such that there is no one to hold the Zionist state and the US empire accountable. The Zionists keep on crying about October 7th and the hostages, and every Western institution keeps on coddling them. There has been no genuine acknowledgement of the fact that the British government implanted an illegal settler colony in Palestine and that settler colony forced the native people out of their homes in 1948. There has been no genuine acknowledgent of the horrors of the Nakba, no acknowledgement of ethnic cleansing, no acknowledgement of the destruction of the land in trying to hide the genocide of 1948 through greenwashing, there has been no acknowledgement of the fact that Gaza has been an open air prison, and that Hamas has every right to push back against the oppression of the Zionist state. Right now another genocide is being carried out in front of our eyes, with enthusiastic encouragement from the Western world, the most complicit being the USA. It was always about re-occupation of Gaza and today the Zionist state violated the ceasefire. I am scared for my friends. I am terrified and I do not know how to help except to keep the fundraisers circulating.
So please donate to my friend Siraj Abudayeh.
And please keep requesting a refund from both of his gofundme campaigns, that were shut down unfairly by the fundraising site. I do not care how long you have to go back and forth with gofundme on this, but Siraj lost 32k because of the site's callousness and even recovering half of that money would mean a lot. So if you have donated in November, December of 2024 and in January of this year, please request a refund because Gofundme allows requests upto a year. They should by their own policy still have the money with them. Please help by clicking on the links above...
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
hey look over there what's that *throws these at you*
disco elysium ultra compressed for free
sacred and terrible air english translation // group ibex version
disco elysium art book
full soundtrack by sea power // bandcamp version
disco elysium script explorer with audio
FAYDE (more accessible wiki of dialogue trees but without audio)
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junipersramblings · 2 hours ago
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This made me bust out laughing
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