juniper-blame · 3 years
Full of beans
ate far too many beans recently, and they seem to have had the opposite of the desired effect. i was under the impression they were supposed to invite life energy to course through your semi-clogged, all the way fucked veins. KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME. who said that? was it you BATMAN. probably not. anyway, back to the matter at hand; far too many beans, not enough means. that rhymed, but didn’t seem to make too much sense. ahh kill me kill me kill me. jingoist sentiment will be the death of the greyhound, just give it some time. you think this makes no sense? you should try speaking to yuri bakintov. my man. jesus. cheese us. please us. fuck me. in the bumbagong. ramity roopy hoping for a doping. lobotomize me and it will be much easier. or you could go the simple route and KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME. ok bye. 
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juniper-blame · 3 years
I feel a deep, profound, inexplicable sadness which is just eating itself every single fucking day. My sanity is a distant memory and all I’m left with are the scraps of a half-formed personality swimming through the noise that is my head. To say that I’ve lost the plot would be a fallacy, as that implies I ever fucking had it. What to do with this rage, inexpressed, mutated, distorted bitterness, seething at the bottom of my diminishing soul. AHHHHHHHHH. Nothing I say or do amounts to shit, and I’m nothing but a drain on those around me. They try and try and I fail and fail again. An unhealthy blend of narcissism, short-sighted egotism, lack of empathy, loneliness, perversion, sexual obsession/impotence, dissociation, short attention span and neglected cognitive faculties leads to this steaming shit-heap of a rotting mind. God, if you’re out there, speak to me. 
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