jungshxook-blog · 6 years
Hi 🙂💕 (follow my ig dudes)
So you all probably hate me by now bc I still haven’t posted the next chapter to LDE but I’ve been having lots of writer’s block as well as a hella tight schedule and no time to relax. But I’m starting back again today and I promise to post the next chapter by next week Friday. In the meantime y'all should follow my ig @x.hangang.x 💖 you can always dm me too
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jungshxook-blog · 6 years
La Douleur Exquise | 04
Summary: “It was a question you had worn on your lips for days - like a loose thread on your favorite sweater you couldn’t resist pulling - despite knowing it could all unravel around you.
‘Do you love me?’ you asked.
In his hesitation, you found your answer.”
Genre: Soulmates!Taehyung (ft. Jeon Jungkook); Smut + Angst; Hanahaki Disease (not my idea)
La Douleur Exquise - French: (n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.
01 | 02 | 03 | 04
WARNING: Mentions of child abuse.
The sound of (Y/n)’s light snoring and periodic sniffling was like music to my ears. She still held on to my shirt as if it was preventing her from falling off of the bed, but I didn’t mind it one bit. A sense of tranquility washed over my warm body that was under the woman’s soft down comforter and I snuggled closer to her, tightening my grip around her waist.
I had no idea what had gotten into me, but at that moment I didn’t care. Just like (Y/n), I felt a lack of security, hope, and love. As I snuggle closer to (Y/n) - if that was even possible at this point – I cast my mind back to when I first found out that I was a guardian angel.
“Mom, DON’T-!” I shrieked as my mother raised her hand above her head. The woman brought said hand down with such force that when it hit the skin of my left cheek, a small, yet painful and deep cut was created by her sharp nails.
I fell to the ground whilst holding my cheek in my hands, tears rolling down my face and I didn’t dare to look up at my enraged mother.
“Don’t you EVER mention his name in this house, you got that?!” She screamed, eyes wide and face red with anger. “You already look like him too much, don’t give me another reason to hate you.” With that, Mrs. Jeon turned on her heel and made her way out of my room, slamming the door shut behind her.
I sat there, tears overflowing onto my skin as I held my stinging cheek, dark red blood trickling down my hand and neck. I cried myself to sleep that night, curled up on the wooden floor with my hand resting on my left cheek. Dried blood decorated my pale skin as well as the tear stains that were left untouched on my puffy face.
That night, I dreamt of a girl, a few years younger than me, prancing around in a beautiful sundress with a boy. They stopped at a garden full of white roses and the little girl’s eyes widened to the size of saucers.
Although the two children spoke, I was not capable of hearing what they said. The boy giggled at his friend and they laced their fingers together as they held hands, swinging them back and forth between them.
The scene began to get fuzzy and dull, and as Jungkook faded back into consciousness, he heard the sound of a boy, flustered as he said: “I love you, (Y/n).” And that’s how I knew that I was chosen to become one of the most powerful creatures on Earth; a gaurdian angel.
“Jungkook? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” I snapped out of my daze, blinking anfewntimes before turning to a tired looking (Y/n), worry and fear filling her eyes.
A pang of the woman’s emotions came rushing through my veins and I shivered ever so slightly. I didn’t bother to answer her, and I sat in her bed as confusion consumed me whole. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, tilting my head in a silent question.
“You’re crying,” she continued, and my hands shot up to my cheeks to find salty tears there. “Are you hurting? Where does it hurt? Are you okay? Let me see!” (Y/n) breathed as she ripped her soft down comforters off of me and scanned my body with her glossy orbs.
“I’m fine (Y/n),” I sighed, resting my warm hand on top of her cold, shaky ones.
“You don’t look fine,” she huffed, giving me the cutest pout. “If you’re hurt just let me help you.”
“I-,” I began before pausing to look the opposite straight in the eyes. I wasn’t going to lie to her and tell her that I was okay, she had a right to know about how and why I came into her life all of a sudden.
“When I was fifteen years old I found out that I was a gaurdian angel. Although I found out quite painfully I was ecstatic to know that I - one of the most powerful creatures out there - could help someone find their soulmate, if they really wanted to of course. The thing is… Gaurdian angels don’t have soulmates, it’s said that they’re not good enough for one; that they can’t stay loyal to a partner because they were born with a cowardly character.
"My father was a gaurdian angel, my mother’s to be specific. After meeting him she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life with her soulmate; she wanted him, and at that time my father wanted her too.
"Eventually they married, had two kids: me and my older brother, Junghyun. Junghyun has a soulmate and is married to her right now. I, as you know, am a gaurdian angel and when my father was caught cheating on my mom she snapped. Really bad.
"After a heated argument, my father vanished the next day. No calls, texts, letters or anything telling us where he was or what he was up to. I don’t even know if he’s alive right now.” I turned to look at a wide-eyed (Y/n) as she placed her hand on my forearm, rubbing calming circles and just her touch made me feel a bit better.
“After that, my mother began to hate me, and I never knew why. She’d always say that I look too much like my father but to be honest, my brother resembled him as well. So I knew that wasn’t the reason for her hatred towards me. I found out a couple of months later, though.
“For about four months, my mother would do nothing but scream at me, blame for things I had no control of, and abuse me - both emotionally and physically. 
“She’d use anything that was within her reach - belts, bottles, she even tried to burn me with a curling iron.” At this, I hear (Y/n) suck in a great amount of air, and I feel too ashamed to look her in the eye. Instead, I look straight ahead at the blank wall. “The day I found out about what I am, my mother and I got into a huge fight. I mumbled something along the lines of ‘that’s why dad left you’ and to say she was pissed would be an understatement. She was heated, fuming, and her eyes were red.
“My mother slapped me so hard that I’m surprised I didn’t pass out. But I was left with this,” I say as I point to the scar on my left cheek. “I cried myself to sleep that night and I dreamt of a little girl and boy in a garden full of white roses, holding hands and looking way happier than I could’ve ever been.” 
“That.. was Taehyung and I? The children you dreamt of?” (Y/n) questioned, eyes glossy and wide as her eyebrows furrowed and her hand still rested on my arm, this time not moving in any circular motion. I finally turn my gaze to the woman beside me, giving her a tight smile and a nod of my head.
“That night”, I began once more. “I knew why my mother hated me so much; not because I resembled my father, but because I, too, was a guardian angel.”
“Jungkook?!” I hear Taehyung’s voice outside of (Y/n)’s room and I feel her jump next to me. Footsteps could be heard approaching (Y/n)’s door.
“Lay down,” I whisper to her. She obliges and I lay down as well, moving my arms to gently guide the opposite’s head on my chest and she subconsciously wraps her arms around my waist. I rest my hands on her back, rubbing soothing circles there and the woman hums in contentment.
I hear Taehyung wrap his knuckles against (Y/n)’s door three times and (Y/n) yells a “come in” as she snuggles into my chest even more.
I watch as the brass doorknob turns until the door is pushed open. There stands Taehyung, a plastic bag in one hand and his car keys in the other. He flicks his gaze to (Y/n) but only for a split second as all of his attention is focused on me now.
“Ah, Jungkook! There you are. I, uh, got the pain medicine,” he explains as he holds up the plastic bag, dangling it in from of him. “Thanks so much,” I reply. I turn to (Y/n) who has her eyes shut and tap her on her shoulder. “Princess, let me get up for a second.”
To my surprise, (Y/n) holds on to me tighter and shakes her head. “No, you’re so warm. I want you to stay.” My heart began to pick up speed and I quickly shoved her off before she could feel it. To make it seem as though I didn’t just toss my ‘girlfriend’ to the side, I climb over her and tickle her lightly, relived when she laughs and shrieks, and I giggle too.
After a couple seconds, I climb off of her and turn to Taehyung, who stands there with dark orbs and a solemn look on his face. Walking up to him, I take the bad from his hands and grin at him. “Thanks again, these will definitely come in handy.”
Flinching the slightest bit, Taehyung forces a smile on his face and lets out a quiet “no problem” before he exits his best friend’s room.
I turn to (Y/n), who wears a surprised look on her face. Her eyebrows were raised, her eyes wide, and her jaw dropped. “Did… Taehyung just get jealous? Just now?” She asks as she climbs off of the bed and runs up to me.
“Yeah,” I sigh, and (Y/n) snakes her arms around my shoulders and plays with the hair on the nape of my neck, a huge smile plastered on to her glowing face.
“Taehyung just got jealous.” And as I say those four words, I wanted to take them back; I wanted (Y/n) to get all jumpy about me, not someone who doesn’t even feelings for her like that.
It is now eleven o'clock, (Y/n) in my arms as she sleeps and probably dreams about Taehyung. “Must be nice,” I whisper to myself as I move a strand of hair from her face. “Being able to sleep peacefully.”
Why couldn’t I sleep? It was simple: I was catching feelings for (Y/n).
And I was catching them fast.
A/N: oh no, Jungkook what are you doing catching feelings this skksks. But I finally updated (yayy) and I plan on releasing the other one veryyyy soon (way sooner than I did this one). Tell me what you think, you can always drop and ask, comment, or DM me. Thank you for your support!!
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
La Douleur Exquise | 03
Summary: “It was a question you had worn on your lips for days - like a loose thread on your favorite sweater you couldn’t resist pulling - despite knowing it could all unravel around you.
‘Do you love me?’ you asked.
In his hesitation, you found your answer.”
Genre: Soulmates!Taehyung (ft. Jeon Jungkook); Smut + Angst; Hanahaki Disease (not my idea)
La Douleur Exquise - French: (n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.
01 | 02 | 03
You slowly opened your heavy eyelids, adjusting to the bright light that came through the window. Stretching your limbs, you turn to find that the area beside you is vacant of any warmth, of any sign that another body was there. Where could Jungkook have gone, you thought. But your thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice that was frighteningly similar to said boy.
“Ah, (Y/N), you’re finally up,” the voice said, a smile evident in the tone. You whipped your head around to the entrance of your bedroom, only to find that there was no one there.
“Stop panicking, I can sense your fear,” it chuckled. “It’s me - Jungkook. As your gaurdian angel, I’m able to communicate with you inside of your head by just thinking the words I’d say aloud. I also hold the ability to sense your emotions, which is why I felt your fear.”
“What the hell,” you replied, and you heard Jungkook giggle ever-so-slightly.
“Before you exit your bedroom, I wanted you to know that your friend Taehyung thinks that we’ve been dating for six months. Also, you might not have figured it out yet, but the reason I had you change into my shirt was because we need to make it look as if we, you know, slept together.”
“Ah,“ you sighed. “Smart of you, and this is supposed to make him start to like me the way I like him?”
“Well, this is day one. So we first start with making him jealous.”
Nodding your head - although Jungkook wasn’t able to see you - you stride out of your room and into the kitchen of your shared apartment with Taehyung. Seated at the table, you found your best friend and your gaurdian angel both staring at you, all conversation coming to a halt as soon as you made your entrance.
Jungkook was the first to spring into action, taking long strides towards you and enveloping you in a warm hug. “Good morning, Princess!” He grinned, leaning down to press his soft lips against yours. The kiss was short, yet it had your eyes widening to the size of saucers.
“Jungkook, what the actual fuck!”you practically screamed at him. “Shut up. You think I wanted to do that? The guy was staring at us, I had to make it look real,” the boy huffed, his voice resembling that of a small child who lost their toy. “Loosen up, he’s going to suspect something if you keep bulging your eyes out at me.”
A wide grin stretched onto Jungkook’s handsome face as he rested his hand on the small of your back, guiding you to an empty seat. Visibly relaxing, you flick your gaze over to Taehyung to see him staring at your collarbone.
You followed the boy’s eyes to find what seemed to be about three or four hickeys decorating your upper chest. The last puzzle piece to the mystery that was Jeon Jungkook seemed to finally find it’s place as it dawned on you that the reason the man had placed his hand over your chest was to create the illusion of hickeys; which, in effect, would grab Taehyung’s attention.
“Shit, Jungkook you’re smart as hell,” you called out to him through your mind connection.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Jungkook watch Taehyung as he shamelessly concentrated on your chest. Clearing his throat, Jungkook took your hands in his over the marble countertop as he gave them a light squeeze. “Do you want me to make you some coffee, Princess?” He asked, taking the initiative to break the awkward silence between the three of you.
“Sure, thank you,” you smiled at him as he slid his large hands out of your smaller ones. Jungkook got to his feet and headed over to the marble countertop, where the coffee pot stood and began to prepare your hot drink. As the boy’s back was turned, Taehyung whispered to you, “(Y/N), can I talk to you for a second?” Nodding your head, you followed your best friend into your room where he closed your door enough to provide the both of you with privacy.
“So,” he began. “A boyfriend, huh?” You watched as the opposite folded his muscular arms across his chest defensively as he peered at you with an unreadable expression.
“Yes, we’ve been together for six months-” you began.
“Oh, I’m well aware of how long you’ve been seeing each other,” he deadpanned, pinching the bridge of his nose as he fluttered his eyelids shut. “What I don’t understand is why you didn’t tell me, why you’ve been hiding something as important as this from me for so long. God, six whole months and I didn’t even know about it! Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)?”
“Why are you acting like a saint when you’re doing the exact same thing?!” You challenged, a cold, unfriendly tone lacing your words like venom from the fangs of a deadly snake.
Taehyung wore a look of confusion, but he stood there quietly, indicating for you to continue. “Don’t play dumb with me. I saw you at the party yesterday with- what’s her name? Rose? I saw how you two were kissing and groping each other like there was no tomorrow.
“That was basically second base in someone’s kitchen! And, if I were to take a wild guess, I’d say you two were just fucking - I don’t know for how long but it must be well over a week that you guys have been doing this.
“I was wondering how you were so good at kissing when we were playing that game at the party,” you mumbled the last part to yourself, but loud enough for Taehyung to hear as well. Said boy was rendered speechless, eyes wide, mouth slightly opened, and eyebrows knitted. His breath hitched in your throat as his defensive pose faltered, transforming into that of shame - but the boy still held on to a hint of rage which you spotted in his chocolate brown orbs.
Pressing his lips together to form a straight line, Taehyung took a step closer to you, and you took one step back. “Look,” he started. “I’m sorry, I was planning on asking her on a proper date and getting to know her the way any sane human being would. It’s just- Everytime I see her I get so caught up in her beauty and she just- God, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. She’s everything I look for in a girl.
“She’s beautiful, she’s kind, she’s caring and compassionate, and she’s intelligent too. I’ve never found a woman quite like her. She’s the only girl I want to be with - for the rest of my life, I’m sure of it.”
There it was; the halting of your heart beat, the breath that hitched in your throat, and the unpleasant churning on your stomach that had you digging your teeth into the flesh of your lower lip in a failed attempt to stop it from quivering. Inhaling deeply, you close your heavy eyelids as you furrowed your eyebrows. “It’s okay, Taehyung,” you whisper, voice not as shaky as you expected it to be. “I’m sorry and you’re sorry, just go back out to the kitchen - I’ll be there in a second.”
Leaning in to give you a quick hug, Taehyung walks out of the silent room. You sunk to your knees, your hands covering your face as you let out a deep sigh. Why were you even surprised about Taehyung talking about Rose? You knew he didn’t love you the way you did him, so it shouldn’t have made you like this.
But sometimes, we still hold on to a thin string of hope; one that, with time, will begin to tear and eventually fall apart - just like our worlds when the love of our lives want to spend the rest of theirs with someone else.
You didn’t want to go back into the kitchen, acting as if you were fine when you knew damn well that you weren’t. Jungkook must’ve sensed it too, because although he didn’t say anything you felt a hint of his concern through your connection.
Taehyung was being a fucking idiot, how could one not notice your love for him? You never tried to hide it, you just didn’t flat out tell him, believing he’d take the countless hints you threw at him into consideration.
Pushing yourself off of the ground, you got to your feet and made your way to your unmade bed, hopping under the covers and pulling them over your head. In this state, you were able to cry to your heart’s content with no one to judge you or tell you that everything was going to be okay - because it wasn’t okay, and it never would be okay.
Tears rolled down your cheeks mercilessly as your trembling fingers took hold of the pillow beside you, hugging it close to your body as a means to coping with the emptiness you felt.
After what felt like hours of non-stop crying, you’d fallen into another deep slumber.
A sudden churning in my stomach was all that I needed to let me know that (Y/N) was feeling down beyond compare. A large rubber knot formed in my chest, convulsing and spreading to my veins as I broke out into a cold sweat at my temples. I hunched over the marble countertop, knuckles turning white as I held onto the handle of the coffee mug for dear life.
“Jungkook? You good, man?” Taehyung asked, genuine concern written on his face. I was so shocked by the pain that I didn’t even notice that Taehyung had returned to the kitchen. Said man hurried to my side, resting his hand on my shoulder, which only sent a burst of electricity to my spine, and I shivered under his touch.
I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my lips into a straight line, standing up to my full height and giving the opposite a nod. “I think it’s all that alcohol I had last night, I was wondering how come I wasn’t hung over this morning,” I forced a chuckle and watched as Taehyung relaxed his tensed muscles.
“Ah, I feel you. That happens to me sometimes too,” he sighed, relived that I was having a heart attack in his apartment. “I’m out of pain killers, but I’ll go out and grab some for you?”
This guy was such a kind person, how could he hurt someone like (Y/N) so badly? She didn’t deserve that kind of treatment - then again, Kim Taehyung had no idea about her feelings for him. Leaning up against the counter behind me, I flashed Taehyung a toothy grin. “That’d be great, actually. Thanks,” I said. “I’m gonna go lay down, thanks again man.”
I watched as the boy jogged down to the exit where his sneakers and his leather jacket were, quickly slapping the on before grabbing his keys and leaving me alone.
I practically ran over to (Y/N)’s room to find her door closed. I wrapped my knuckles against the door three times, and no answer. “(Y/N)?” I called out. No answer.
Having no choice, I slowly turned the brass knob and pushed the wooden door open to see her body fully enveloped in her down comforter. Tip-toeing up to the side of her bed, I gently peeled the sheets off of her to reveal her tear stained face, eyes puffy and nose tinted red.
Seeing (Y/N) like this broke my heart into a million pieces; she didn’t deserve this, but the little bit of hope that she held onto for dear life was tearing her apart.
I decided not to wake her from her slumber and instead crawled into bed with her. I placed a pillow in between us for her sake and laid on my back in deep thought. But about a minute later, I felt the woman stir beside me.
Turning my head to face her, I found (Y/N) staring up at me, tears threatening to spill once more. “Jungkook,” she whispered, a crack evident in her voice. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to cause you anymore trouble i-“l
I placed my index finger over her chapped lips to silence her apologies, offering her a sympathetic grin. “Hush, (Y/N). You’re not bothering me, I could’ve left a while ago but here I am.
"Cry until you can’t cry anymore - let it all out, yeah? I’m here for you, love.”
“Jungkook?” She said, peering up at me with innocent eyes. “I know you’ve already done a lot for me but- can you please hold me in your arms? I need it right now.”
Instead of answering, I opened my arms, letting her know that she was welcome to do so. I watched as she put the pillow in between us to the side and shimmied over to me until her head rested on my chest and her arms snaked around my waist. I rested my hands on the nape of her neck, my fingers toying with the hair there and I placed my chin on top of her head after giving her a small kiss on her forehead.
“Thank you,” she smiled up at me. And that was when I saw it for the first time; (Y/N)’s contentment, the way her eyes crinkled when she grinned, how the apples of her cheeks lifted to frame her face perfectly. That was when I realised that she wasn’t only a gem on the inside…
But she was pretty damn beautiful on the outside too.
Author’s Note: Damnit, Taehyung, you can’t be so dense with (Y/N)’s feelings. At least her might in shining armor- I’m I mean Jungkook 👀, came to make her feel better… Finally I’m done with with part 3!! I apologise for the long wait once more and I am already working on part four so not to worry, the next part will be out within a week and a half!!! 🖤
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
La Douluer Exquise Update/ Vote
Hello, lovelies!! I’d like to apologise for the long wait on part three of LDE, and I will post it this Saturday at 12 PM (EST). I’m finally done with midterms so I’ll have more time to update and all.
I decided to let you guys decide who you want (Y/N) to be with (and I know it’s kinda early in the story but you can change your mind at any given time); Jungkook or Taehyung??
You can either message me who you vote for or send an ask (however I may not respond to the asks if on anonymous for reasons of not spoiling anything)!
This poll will officially end when I write the last chapter of LDE (chapter 12). Thank you all, expect part three soon!!! ❤️
- jeon-jungkxook
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
“651k tweets about Outcast….”
“Bang PD, is outcast the concept for our next comeback?This is why it’s trending on twitter?”
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“ Why is no one expecting our comeback. I WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR THESE TRACKS”
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“ Why is everyone saying that I’m a liar? Tf did I even do?”
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“ 10 injuries? Jungkook is about to die? Jungkook panics? *stares at his muscles in confusion*  DO I LOOK THAT WEAK TO YOU?”
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“ They did it, again.”
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“ 650k tweets about a fictional universe featuring BTS? And we get ignored by our own fans? ”
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“ It was my first time holding a knife. I like knives.”
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5K notes · View notes
jungshxook-blog · 7 years
La Douleur Exquise | 02
Summary: “It was a question you had worn on your lips for days - like a loose thread on your favorite sweater you couldn’t resist pulling - despite knowing it could all unravel around you.
‘Do you love me?’ you asked.
In his hesitation, you found your answer.”
Genre: Soulmates!Taehyung (ft. Jeon Jungkook); Smut + Angst; Hanahaki Disease (not my idea)
La Douleur Exquise - French: (n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.
01 | 02
Keep reading
107 notes · View notes
jungshxook-blog · 7 years
La Douleur Exquise | 01
Summary: “It was a question you had worn on your lips for days - like a loose thread on your favorite sweater you couldn’t resist pulling - despite knowing it could all unravel around you.
’Do you love me?’ you asked.
In his hesitation, you found your answer.”
Genre: Soulmates!Taehyung (ft. Jeon Jungkook); Smut + Angst; Hanahaki Disease (not my idea) 
La Douleur Exquise - French: (n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.
Keep reading
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
This looks like a type of song they have never done before
I’m ready
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
Blackpink said to whistle like a missile so bts did
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
difference between reading smut and fluff 
smut/ rated M and E: 
pokerface sage level
frozen af
slight mouth twitching
less breathing/no breathing at all
often reads at exposed public spaces
tendency to break things
raptor noises
more screaming
fanning self
chill level at -0
hits everything and everyone
always on the verge of cardiac arrest
abnormal heart rate
external manifestation of the devil high on rainbow weed
‘bitch you dont touch me while im reading this or i will hurt you’
35K notes · View notes
jungshxook-blog · 7 years
I Choose You | Part 3.5
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A/N : Hello, lovelies!! I know I haven’t posted in weeks and I feel rlly rlly bad. So I’m working on part four, but I didn’t want to keep you all waiting for another week. So here is a part 3.5!!! It’s rlly rlly rlllllllllllly short but I promise that I’ll make it up to you in the next chapter (hint : there is smut hehe). This is just a chapter about Jimin and Y/N’s different povs and feelings about the situation that went on in part 3!! Love you all!! @therecomespringday
“I hate you,” I barked at her as I stormed out of her bedroom and headed straight for my house. I escaped the house before I did anything stupid, but not before I heard her whisper “I love you.”
I didn’t hate (Y/N); I loved her more than I loved myself, but she needed to think about what she was doing. I didn’t want her to leave me, go to the States and - perhaps, find someone else. (Y/N) is a beautiful, well-rounded woman. She could easily win any guy’s heart without even trying.
Although she decided to leave me for some University, she wasn’t the bad one in this relationship we had; I was. I was the one that took home another woman after hearing about her going to Harvard. I was the one that ignored her texts and calls. I was the one that whispered “I love you’s” into someone else’s ears as I thrust into her, trying to forget the pain that found its way to my broken heart.
I was the beast, not her. She was just trying to get her life together; I was just being impulsive.
I didn’t think about what I was doing, not until I saw my girlfriend’s best friend walk in on me - his face switching from joyful to stunned in a matter of seconds.
I don’t know what happened to Seokjin or (Y/N) after that day, but I do know that neither of them decided to contact me. Even a fucking bird with a letter in its mouth would’ve been nice. But I guess I was asking too much, because beasts don’t deserve that type of stuff.
The next day I went over to (Y/N)’s house, asking her mother where she went. The woman’s face dropped and she replied with a quiet, “Didn’t you hear? (Y/N) left for the States early this morning.”
And at that moment, my whole world went crumbling down on top of me.
“I hate you,” he yelped as he sped out of my bedroom.
“I love you,” I whispered, a tear taking purchase on the apple of my cheek. That night, I cried myself to sleep - but not before I sent a ton of text messages to Jimin, which he didn’t answer to.
What a mess… Did I create all of this? We agreed on trying out the long-distance relationship, but after a few hours of mulling over the idea of him cheating on me, I told him that I didn’t want that anymore. I told him “I leave in two weeks, so we have that time to love each other as much as possible.”
But instead of him agreeing, he just let me know that he hated me. And I hate me too, because if I had just shut the fuck up, I still would’ve had the love of my life beside me.
But insecurities always step in the way, I guess…
However, after hearing about Jimin sleeping with another girl, I knew I made the right decision - for the both of us. I wouldn’t have to worry about him sleeping around, and he could do whatever and whoever the fuck he wanted.
I was heartbroken, yes. But I was also glad that I chose to live in the States for about six years.
It was either my cheating boyfriend, or my studies - which would benefit me for the rest of my life.
Now, I’m six years older; six years smarter, seated next to a handsome man - around the same age as me, peering at me as if I was the most delicate thing to ever exist.
“I guess he didn’t know what he was saying when he said he loved you,” Jungkook sighed, stroking my forearm as he stared at me with sadness in his chocolate brown eyes.
“No; he knew what he was saying…” I said. “But then again, the world and the people in it change non-stop. Remember, the whole universe is different from yesterday.”
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
I Choose You | Pt. 3
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Jimin x Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff, Smut
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary : At age ten, you met Park Jimin. At age thirteen, you had your first kiss. When you were fifteen, you fell in love. At the age of sixteen, you made love, and at eighteen; you experienced heartbreak.
Author’s Note : Requested by @therecomespringday.
Inspired by Seventeen’s “Don’t Wanna Cry.”
“That was amazing,” you breathed, stroking the top of Jimin’s head whilst he layed on top of your naked body. “How were you so good, Jimin? This was your first doing this right?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. Jimin then wrapped his arms around your waist, and the boy snickered to himself. “But - I did look up some pretty nasty videos just to make sure that when the time came, I knew what I was doing.”
Realization struck you, and you giggled, giving Jimin a chaste kiss on his rosy lips. “Wow, well whatever you studied certainly did you justice,” you chuckled.
“I can tell by the way you were screaming my name,” he smirked. “‘Oh, Jimin! Right there!’” he screeched in a high-pitched voice at a failed attempt to sound like you.
“That’s it,” you huffed playfully as you lightly pushed the boy off of your body. Hopping off your matress, you stride to your chest, grabbing a pair of comfortable shorts and one of Jimin’s oversized tops that you stole from him last week.
Once you were dressed you turn to find Jimin wrapped up in your sheets, this time with his basketball shorts and a t-shirt on - and your boyfriend gestured for you to join him. Without a word, you made your way to your bed, climbing in next to him as he snaked his muscular arms around your waist.
“So,” Jimin began - a wide grin on his face. “How are you feeling? I hope you like the ring I got you; I know it’s not fancy but… I got one like it - but the more manlier version if it.”
Raising his left hand, Jimin showed you a simple, yet beautiful Sterling Silver ring, and your eyes widened - reminding Jimin of saucers. “Is this like a promise ring?” you questioned.
“I think of it as more of an engagement ring, but since we can’t get married right now - or engaged for that matter, it can be a promise ring… For now!”
“Oh, Jimin that’s so sweet! I love you so much. I will never leave you for anything or anyone else.”
“And I will do the same, love,” he beamed, caressing your cheek softly as he locked eyes with you. “Enough talk, all that thrusting is making me tired. You must feel tired too - seen as you were filling up the room with your moans and-”
“Okay, okay! That’s enough,” you yelp. Turning off your bedside lamp, you pull the down comforter over your body as well as Jimin’s, and you rest your head on his firm chest. Every rise and fall of his chest, every beat of his heart, every breath that brushed across the back of your neck - felt so relaxing, and you felt safe. You felt as if Jimin’s arms around you was the ultimate sheild to any obstacle or anyone. And you never wanted to let that go.
“Goodnight, Park Jimin,” you whispered.
“Goodnight, my love.”
“Oh my God! What have I missed out on all these years?!” Seokjin gasped as he enveloped you and Jimin in a hug. “You two have grown up so much - theast time I saw you, you were fifteen!”
“Well, that was three years ago; of course we’re going to look different!” Jimin chuckled. “You look different too, Hyung.”
“Well, I just keep getting more attractive over the years,” your best friend joked, turning to you. “(Y/N), has Jimin been taking care of you?”
“Not really,” you sighed - and you gave Jimin a side glance that said ‘Let’s see how he reacts’. Leaning towards Seokjin’s ear, you whisper, “He even hit me once. But I know he loves me, so it’s okay if he hurts me.”
“What the-” Seokjin began, as he made his way towards the knife set sitting on the countertop.
“Woah, woah, woah!” you giggle. “Oppa, I was just messing with you! Jimin is treating me fine, just like he always has. Plus, I’m eighteen now; I can take care of myself.”
“Don’t do that shit ever again, do you hear me?” he deadpanned as he rested his hands on either of your shoulders, although you could see the relief in his eyes. “Okay, I won’t,” you promise.
Seokjin was now in his senior year at Seoul University, however he revealed that after he graduated, he wanted to go back to get his master’s degree.
You all talked about your plans for school - you applied for a couple of schools, while Jimin hadn’t applied for any yet. After your many interviews with different Universities, you ended up getting accepted into two colleges.
You spoke with your parents about the two options you were left with, and the outcome was you going to another country - whether you liked it or not.
You didn’t dare tell Jimin yet, as you didn’t want to see the hurt and grief on his handsome face. So you just lied, saying that you didn’t hear back from any school yet.
“So, (Y/N)!” Seokjin chirped. “Did you choose which college you’re going to; Harvard or University of Daegu?”
“You’re going to the States?! And you didn’t bother to tell me?” Jimin shouted, causing you to flinch back from him. “(Y/N), this is unacceptable! Didn’t we promise to stay by each other’s side?! What ever happened to that?”
“Jimin, it wasn’t my choice!” you shouted back. “My parents are making me go, okay?! I was offered a four-year scholarship at Harvard, and they said that if I didn’t go there, I wouldn’t go to college at all! You think I have money that I can just throw at any college I wanted to go to?”
After hearing this, Jimin visibly relaxed - and he beckoned for you to lay down next to him on his bed. “(Y/N), I just love you - that’s all. I want the best for you, but I also want the best for us,“ he whispered, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you so that you were laying on his chest.
“I know, Jimin. I do too, but if I don’t do this, I’ll end up working at a coffee shop for the rest of my life!”
“Okay, well maybe we could try a long-distance relationship?”
“I don’t know. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try,” you sighed.
That was your first mistake.
Author’s Note : I’m finally posting pt. 3 of I Choose You!!! Sorry for how long you’ve had to wait. For about a week I was sick and I was really tired so all I did was sleep. Then the sickness came back yesterday and now my temp. is over 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) but I’ll be okay!!! I just really wanted to finish this. So here it is!!
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
can you make a master list ????
Sure. I was planning on it, however I wanted to make more fics before I do so. If you have any requests feel free to send them my way!!! (Sorry for the late reply I was rlly rlly sick for a while and I slept for most if the day but I'm back!!!)
0 notes
jungshxook-blog · 7 years
I Choose You | Part 2
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Jimin x Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff, Smut
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary : At age ten, you met Park Jimin. At age thirteen, you had your first kiss. When you were fifteen, you fell in love. At the age of sixteen, you made love, and at eighteen; you experienced heartbreak.
Author’s Note : Requested by @therecomespringday.
Inspired by Seventeen’s “Don’t Wanna Cry.”
“I’m going to miss my (Y/N) so much!” Seokjin smiled sadly as he embraces you, burying his nose in your hair. You were fifteen now, and he was eighteen - meaning he was beginning college. However; he was moving to Seoul, since he was offered a four-year scholarship there.
Tears spilled on to the apples of your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you - and you nuzzled​ into his toned chest. “Promise me that you’ll visit sometime? I can’t live without you,” you sniffled.
“Of course I’ll visit you!” he beamed, although sadness lurked in his chocolate brown orbs as well. “I made sure to tell Jimin to take care of you while I’m gone.”
The hug between you and Seokjin lasted for what seemed like a few of seconds, and the older hesitantly pulled his body away from you and grabbed his luggage. “I have to get going now, or else I will miss the train. I’ll call you later on when I arrive.”
You nodded your head furiously, giving him one last breathy ‘goodbye’.
With that, he was gone.
For the rest of the day, you stayed over Jimin’s house - both of your parents were on a double date, leaving you and Jimin to spend time alone. The two of you layed on the couch, the boy’s muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him - and you rested your head on his chest.
What was supposed to be movie night quickly turned into ‘make out night’. It all started when the female character in the film confessed her love for her best friend, and she learned that he loved her too. They new couple locked lips, and as they moaned and groaned erotically, you tilted your head up to peer at Jimin - who already had his eyes on you.
“(Y/N),“ he said in a low growl - and before you could even reply, his soft, plump lips were on yours. You let your eyes flutter shut as you melted into the kiss, moving your lips along with his - and you soon felt his wet muscle swipe across your bottom lip, silently asking for entrance into your mouth; and you obliged.
Jimin placed both hands on either side of your cheeks, pulling you closer as his tounge explored your mouth, leaving nothing untouched. Once the boy’s sinful muscle slid over your teeth, you took the chance to suck on his tounge - earning you a soft moan from him.
Jimin was the one to back away from the kiss, his hands still cupping your face - and he gave you one last peck on your now swollen lips before flashing you a wide smile.
”(Y/N)“, he whispered. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Park Jimin.”
“I really love him, you know?” you said. You we’re currently on the phone with your best friend, who - like he promised, called when he arrived in Seoul.
“If you live him, then what’s the problem?” he asked, and you could see the confusion in his face just from hearing his voice.
“What if he leaves me? He always says he wants to be a producer, singer, or dancer - and of course he’d go to Seoul for that. I already lost my best friend; I can’t loose the love of my life either!”
“Wait,” Seokjin said. “You didn’t loose your best friend, (Y/N). Just because I’m in another location doesn’t mean anything - we have a friendship that not even Kim Jung Un can ruin!”
You chuckled at his sad excuse for a joke, and you grinned at hearing his laughter - which sounded similar to a windshield wiper, on the other end of the phone.
“Plus,” he continued. “Jimin won’t leave you, not if he really loves you; trust me.”
“Okay, you’re right. Thank you, Oppa!”
“No problem. Hey, I’ve got to go now but I’ll try and call you tomorrow. Love you!” he beamed.
“I love you too, bye!”
And with that, the phone disconnected.
“Park Jimin is not going to leave me,” you thought. “And I will not leave him, no matter what!”
No matter what; The words you mumbled to yourself when you were fifteen years of age. My, how people change…
You we’re sixteen when you made love for the first time. It was your sixteenth birthday today, but you didn’t bother having a huge party - like most people your age do. No, you spent the night out with your boyfriend, Jimin. You went out to the movies - you watched a romance film although Jimin hates those cheesy movies, then you went to your favorite restaurant downtown, and then he drove you home. Your parents were out for the night, do Jimin stayed with you in your home.
Walking into your kitchen, you find a decent sized cake sitting on the countertop, creamy white frosting swirling around the cake while roses made of Ruby red fondant decorated the perimeter of the desert. “Oh, Jimin! This is so pretty, did you do this?” you asked, snaking your arms around his waist and pulling h on for a hug.
“Yup,” he grinned - clearly proud of his achievement. “Enough of admiring the cake; let’s eat it!”
With that, the boy made his way towards the cake, grabbing a knife and slicing a piece before handing it to you. You noticed that Jimin look quite focused while cutting the cake, as if the slices had to be perfect.
After Jimin got himself a piece, you both headed to the living area and lounged on the couch, his arm slug around your shoulders as you nuzzeld into him - taking your first bite of the cake. The sweet, sugary frosting hit your tounge like a wave of pleasure, and you sighed in satisfaction.
It was amazing, and you were soon shoveling more of the desert into your mouth. However, you soon stopped your chomping when you felt your teeth bite against something that felt similar to metal. Furrowing your eyebrows, you use your free hand and pick whatever object it was that was in your mouth - only to come face to face with a stunning Sterling silver DiamonLuxe ring.
“Happy birthday, love,” you heard Jimin say. “I hope you-” he began, but you wouldn’t let him finish.
Dropping your plate of cake, you wrap your arms around Jimin’s neck as you crash your lips onto his soft ones. Jimin was caught off guard for a second, however; he soon got a hold of himself and kisses you back, moving his lips along with yours.
Jimin’s right hand found its way under your shirt, and he pinched the skin near your naval - earning him a gasp from you; and he took the opportunity to sneak his wet muscle into your mouth.
His tounge swept over your teeth, then your inner cheeks, and soon enough - both of your muscles were in a battle for dominance. Jimin won, of course, by simply biting down on your bottom lip - which caused a breathy moan to escape your now swollen lips.
Jimin soon broke the kiss, leaning away and staring at you with blown out pupils. His grip around your waist never faltered as he leaned into you, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“Are you ready to take this to the bedroom?” he asked in barely a whisper, and you shivered at the question.
But, you were ready; you knew that much - and you wanted your first time to be with Park Jimin, so why wait any longer? You loved him and he loved you, so this would just be another way to show your love for each other.
“Yes, Jimin. I’m ready, make love to me,” you moaned, and - as if that was all he needed to hear, the boy was hoisting you up, gesturing for you to wrap your legs around his waist, and he supported your weight by holding your thighs as he made his way to your bedroom.
Once he reached his destination, he gently placed you down on the matress before diving back in for another kiss, however - he kept this one short. For, he had another idea in mind; one that would show all the other boys in school who you belonged to.
Unbuttoning your shirt, Jimin helped you get your arms out of the blouse before tossing it to the side of the room. He then latched his plush, pink lips onto the sensitive skin on your neck - and you moaned when you felt him nip your skin before swiping his tounge over it as if to sooth the pain (although it was pleasurable at the same time).And he continued that pattern for who knows how long?
After completing his ministrations on the crook of your neck, Jimin trailed kisses down your chest before meeting your bra, to which he discarded as quickly as he did your blouse. He then continued with his open-mouthed kisses, this time kissing down the valley of your breasts all the way to your stomach.
You watched Jimin silently, safe for the low whimpers of pleasure you let out every so often - and your cheeks flushed a bright pink when he snapped his gaze back to you. Now, he was back at your chest area, one of your breasts in his right hand while he sucked on the sensitive bud of the other, toying with it between his teeth just to hear your breath hitch on your throat every now-and-then.
You enjoyed the way Jimin kissed down your body, but that just wasn’t enough. He was still fully dressed while you were half naked, he wasn’t going to be the only one admiring a body; you wanted… No, you needed to take in as much of his well-built chest as possible.
Slipping your hands under the hem of his shirt, you lightly pinch at the skin of his abdomen, signaling that you wanted his shirt to be taken off. Rising from your chest area, Jimin stood and practically ripped his shirt off, tossing the clothing behind him carelessly.
Next, the boy unzipped his jeans and hopped out of those - placing them next to his shirt. He then went on his knees before sliding your shorts down your legs, eyes widening at just how wet you were from just kissing. He took the shorts and slid them to nowhere in particular, and then he was trailing butterfly kisses up your legs - licking the skin periodically.
Heat pooled in your stomach, shooting to your aching core - and you sat up on your elbows in anticipation to see what Park Jimin would do next.
Jimin was now face-to-face with your clothed sex, and he scanned your entire body - a smile playing on his lips. You suddenly felt small under the boy, and you shifted - trying to cover as much of your skin as possible.
“Don’t hide from me, love. There’s no need to be shy,“ he grinned soothingly, taking a hold of your wrists and placing them on the matress. “You trust me, don’t you?”
“Yes”, you breathed. “Okay, I’m ready to go on.”
With that, Jimin dragged his hands towards the hem of your panties slowly and sinfully, peppering kisses on your lower stomach as he did so. Soon, your last article of clothing was piled with the rest of your outfit, and Jimin slid his index finger up your slit - making you jump in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.
“Fuck, (Y/N). You’re so wet for me,” he growled before leaning into your core, flicking his tounge around your bundle of nerves. “Shit,” you moaned, a sudden need to hold on to something over taking you - and you reached for the first thing that popped up in your mind; Jimin’s hair.
The boy then took hold of your legs, spreading them out so he’d have more access to your heat - and then he was diving into you, his sinful muscle swirling around your clit, sucking on it every so often. “Fuck, Jimin,” you whimpered, and you felt your boyfriend smile against your sex.
You held onto his hair as if it was the only thing keeping you alive, moaning, groaning, whimpering, and nearly screaming as he continued ravishing your body.
Soon enough, Jimin backed away from your needy core - but only to give you a chaste kiss, and you moaned when you tasted yourself on his lips. “What I’m going to do next shouldn’t hurt or be uncomfortable, okay? I’ll be as careful as possible,” he whispered against your mouth, and you nodded slowly - eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
Jimin receded back down to your dripping sex before slipping his middle finger into you, earning a gasp to rip from your throat. The boy’s finger inside of you felt awkward, yet pleasurable at the same time, and the awkwardness quickly subsided once he began moving it and his lips were back on your nub.
Jimin’s tounge licked and swirled at your clit while he added another finger inside of you, and he curled his fingers everytime he thrust them back into you. “Ah- oh my god, Jimin- fuck!” you screamed as you felt a strange knot build up in your stomach, one that said it might snap anytime soon.
“Shit, (Y/N) - you sound so fucking hot,” Jimin moaned, thrusting faster, and you arched your back off of the bed, gripping and pulling at his dark brown locks. “J-jimin, shit. Don’t stop,” you whimpered, rolling your hips onto his face. However; you soon felt an emptiness in your lower area, and you huffed in annoyance as you gave Jimin a ‘what the hell’ look.
The boy was now towering over you, his arms on either side of your body and he gave you a peck on your lips. He then took your hand in his, placing it on the strap of his boxers, and you immediately got the silent message he was sending you.
Your eyes scanned his lower body, stopping at the very obvious bulge - and you made haste as you slid the cloth down his toned legs. Jimin was quick to step out of them, kicking it behind him - and you watched as his hard member sprang free. You suddenly felt anxiety wash over you. Jimin was pretty… Big - for lack of better words, and you wondered how the hell that would fit inside of you.
Jimin must’ve sensed your hesitance, because he was stroking your arm and flashing you a reassuring smile. ”(Y/N), I will tell you that it is going to be uncomfortable at first, but you’ll feel really good after you get used to it. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you - if the pain is too much for you to handle or I do something that you don’t like, just tell me, okay?“
“Alright,” you nodded.
Jimin then stood up to his full height and strode over to his jeans, plucking a foil packet from his pocket before returning to his previous location. With his teeth, Jimin ripped the packet open and slid on what you assumed to be a condom.
The boy then aligned himself up with your entrance, giving you a glance before pushing himself into you.
Jimin let out a low moan, but he stopped himself from moving despite his need for more, and he looked at your face - which was twisted into pain, but he didn’t think it was that bad since you never told him to stop. After about a minute you said, “Okay, you can move.”
Jimin began to move slowly, his pace steady and, although he wanted to pick up the pace a bit, he waited for your okay which came in the form of, “Faster”.
He began snapping his hips into you with more force and speed, and you moaned when he leaned in the junction between you neck and shoulder, nipping and sucking at the skin. “F-fuck, (Y/N) you’re so tight,” Jimin growled, and you whimpered at his lust-filled voice, low and husky.
You threw your right leg around his waist, allowing him to burry his member into you deeper. Jimin’s thrust became needier by the second and he soon pulled out of you - safe for the tip of his cock, before pushing back into you, a scream coming from you and a muffled moan coming from him.
“Fuck, J-jimin!” you yelped as he hit that one spot that had you gasping for air. The familiar knot formed in your lower stomach once more, and with one final thrust, the know snapped and your body went limb as your strong orgasm washed over you.
Jimin continued his thrusting, helping you to ride out your high while he chased his own. Your violent convulsions allowed Jimin to reach his own climax faster, and he soon stiffened as his cock twitched inside of you, his seed pooling into the the condom. He then let his body fall on top of yours, pecking your cheeks and neck as he flashed you a breathtaking, yet tired smile.
“Jimin,” you breathed as you toyed with his locks - which were wet at the tips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
“Please don’t leave me, please don’t find someone else, please don’t leave the city, please stay with me for the rest of our lives,” you whispered as you twirled a strand of hair in your hand.
Jimin then sat up, hands on either side of you, as he gave you a quick yet satisfying kiss.
“(Y/N), he began. “I choose you, and I’ll keep chosing you; over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat…”
“I choose you.”
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
4K notes · View notes
jungshxook-blog · 7 years
I Choose You | Part 1
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Jimin x Reader
Genre : Angst, Fluff, Smut
Part 1 | Part 2 (coming soon)
Summary : At age ten, you met Park Jimin. At age thirteen, you had your first kiss. When you were fifteen, you fell in love. At the age of sixteen, you made love, and at eighteen; you experienced heartbreak.
Author’s Note : Here it is! A Jimin fanfic requested by @therecomespringday. I had so much fun writing this, and part two will be out soon! Sorry if this chapter was short, but I’ll let you know that the next part will be way longer!! Thanks, I hope you enjoy, loves (sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, I didn’t have time to edit but I will later)!
Inspired by Seventeen’s “Don’t Wanna Cry.”
“Please step through,” the tall, broad-shouldered security guard hummed as he gestured for you to go through the metal detector that stood before you.
Striding towards the awaiting machine, you make sure that all of your jewelry and other items were placed in the small plastic bin that lay on the conveyor belt so that you wouldn’t have to be check by hand.
As you entered the detector, you shivered at the thought of the middle-aged man slowly and sinfully feelings the curves of your body as he “checked” for any dangerous objects on your person. The last time you went through one of these, the bright lights on the side of the machine turned an angry red as it made sounds similar to that of a shrieking girl. The rather young security guard then led you to the side as he caressed your waist and under your breasts, a crooked grin gracing his chapped lips; just because you forgot to take your belt off.
Nope, you thought. I am not going through that again.
Fortunately, the device did not go off, and you let out a breath that you didn’t even know you’d been holding in. “You’re all set!” the man grinned before waving his hand violently as an indication that you needed to hurry up and move get your items so the others can get checked as well.
Grabbing your jewelry - along with your cell phone and nap sack, you quickly make your way towards the Starbucks nearby before striding towards your assigned aisle. Taking a seat in one of the Navy blue chairs, you stare blankly at your left hand - specifically at the Sterling silver DiamonLuxe ring that was slipped onto the finger right next to your pinky.
He had given it to you for your sixteenth birthday, and he’d gotten one similar to it; just without the rather girly diamonds that decorated the middle of the ring. You both promised to never take it off, not even in the shower - but you weren’t so sure if he was still keeping that promise now.
Maybe he forgot about it altogether.
“Thank you - enjoy your flight, ma'am!” the middle-aged woman beamed as she handed your passport back to you, gesturing for you to enter the hall.
“Thank you,” you smile before scurrying down the wide hall that lead to the entrance of the airplane.
Once you found your seat - which was 34B, you happily threw your nap sack onto the ground and plopped down into the cushioned seat, immediately sitting back and letting your eyelids flutter shut. That is, until you heard a low grunt coming from your right.
Snapping your eyes open, you turn to find a tall, handsome man - who looked like he was in his early twenties, seated beside you as he typed away on his phone.
After getting a better look at the man’s features, you concluded that he wasn’t handsome; he was utterly breathtaking. The sparkle in his eyes, the round tip of his nose, his two front teeth that reminded you of a bunny, and even his flawless, milky white skin - everything about him screamed beautiful.
“Ah, hello!” he said, a bright smile gracing his light pink lips, and you noticed the small mole that layed about a centimeter above his chin.
“Hi,” you smile.
“ Hi, I’m Jungkook.” he laughs beams, his eyes forming little cresents.
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you,” you say as you hold out your hand, to which Jungkook takes hold of before giving it one firm shake. “Nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
Jungkook’s eyes then avert to your left hand, and his eyes light up with delight and admiration. “Are you married?” he asks, nodding towards your Sterling silver ring.
A sudden pang of guilt, sadness, and emptiness floods your chest - and your features turn stone cold, emotionless, but your eyes are sad and Jungkook notices. “Hey, I’m sorry if I said something wrong. I know I just met you, and I’m horrible for intruding-”
“No, no I’m fine. Sorry - but no, I’m not married. My ex-boyfriend gave this to me six years ago. I still love the guy, I’m such a butt for still believing,” you sigh, tears welling up in your eyes. “Believing in something that’s not going to happen - at least not again.”
The tears began to overflow, falling onto the apples of your cheeks, and you looked away in shame. Jungkook reluctantly raised an arm to your cheeks before swiping his thumb under your eye, and doing so to the next one. “Hey, don’t cry (Y/N). It’s going to be okay in the end. You’ll get over it; I promise,” the boy cooed as he rubbed small circles on your back.
“I’m sorry for crying and ranting about my problems to you,” you sigh when you managed to hold in the rest of your tears. “No, it’s fine. I don’t mind, plus if you want to let it all out - we have fourteen hours, and I’m a good listener,” Jungkook nodded before returning his hand to the arm rest on his seat.
Would telling Jungkook about your past be a good idea? The only person that knows of this was your best friend, but you never told him about how you felt; not recently anyways. Keeping your feelings in were never a good idea, plus the guy seemed nice.
Letting out a sigh, you turn to Jungkook as you no your head. “Okay, but it’s a long story,” you said.
“Don’t worry; we have time.”
You we’re ten years old when you met Park Jimin. He’d moved into the house next to yours, and you watched as he hopped out of the palladium silver van - a soft stuffed panda in hand.
“Mommy, look!” the child yelped as he pointed in your direction with his short, stubby index finger. “I told you there’d be kids my age here!” Your eyes widened to the size of saucers as the boy flashed a grin at you. You sat criss-cross on the front lawn, Barbie dolls scattered around you.
“Would you like to say hi?” you heard a woman ask, the mother of the loud child you figured. By that time, your own mother spotted the little boy - and she sprung up from the garden and rushed over to you, leaning towards you ear to whisper to you.
“Go over and say hello, (Y/N). Don’t be shy - would you like me to come with you?” Peering up at your mother, you shake your head no before getting to your feet and sauntering over to the family.
As soon as you set foot on their lawn, the small child came rushing to your side, enveloping you in a hug - as if you’d known him for years. “Hi, I’m Park Jimin!” he said when he let go of you, his panda in his left hand. “(Y/N),” you smiled, cheeks burning red.
Jimin was an adorable boy; his round face, his smooth, chubby cheeks, and his sparkling eyes that lit up when he heard your name. “(Y/N)! That’s a cute name,” he giggled. “I’m glad I have a friend in my new neighborhood.”
“Friend?” you asked. Was he just going to call you a friend when you just met? “Yeah!” he smiled, and then his face dropped. “Unless… Do you not want to be my friend, (Y/N)?” Jimin looked as if he’s cry any moment, his narrow eyes filling with tears.
“No, I do Jimin!”
And then he was back to his bubbly self. “Really? Oh my gosh, I’m so happy! You’re going to be such a great friend, I can tell!” Jimin then wrapped his slender arms around your waist, pulling you in for a tight hug.
He nuzzled into the junction between your neck and shoulder, and you felt the small grin that crept onto the boy’s face when you hugged him back.
For the rest of the summer, you and Jimin spent time together - everyday. Sometimes, you’d go to his house; other times, he’d go to yours. When school started, you both ended up in the same class.
Well, scratch that. Park Jimin went to the principal, screaming and begging to be placed in the same room as you. When Mr. Kim finally obliged, Jimin leaped in the air with joy, plush stuffed panda in hand - as usual.
Fifth to seventh grade went by rather quickly, Jimin always finding a way to end up in your classes - and you didn’t mind either. Jimin had grown into a handsome young boy; his jet black hair now dyed chocolate brown, which made him look even more attractive. His chubby cheeks were still there, however they were slimmer than when he was ten.
Park Jimin made other friends, yes, but he always made time for you as well - and he even introduced you to some of them.
You we’re thirteen when you had your first kiss. You’d been out with your best friend, Seokjin - who was three years older than you, so he was able to drive. It was your birthday, so he took you out for hibachi. Of course Kim Seokjin would take you out to eat; he loves food.
Giggling to yourself, you sit back in the cushions of the passenger seat. “What’s so hilarious?” Seokjin asked, giving you a side glance before turning his attention back to the road. “Oh, nothing,” you lied.
“(Y/N), you’re my best friend - I know something’s up.” And then he paused, his handsome face turning a bright red. “Were you thinking about how savage I am when it comes to food?!” he giggled, shaking his head playfully.
“Haha, you got me there.”
The rest of the day was filled with excitement; hibachi, the movies, the mall, ice cream - the list could go on. Jimin buzzed your phone hundreds of times, but you ignored it. You didn’t want to talk to him right now, not when he forgot something so important. It was when you hopped back into Seokjin’s car that he asked you where Jimin was.
“What happened to Jimin? I saw how many times your phone was ringing; was that him?” Turning to you, the older got the answer without you even speaking. Your face was contorted into a mixture of hurt, guilt, and betrayal.
“Oh my God, what did he do?” Seokjin then grabbed your wrist, forcing you to look him in the eye as he continued. “Do I need to tell him about himself?”
“No, it’s okay. It’s just… I’m a little hurt that he forgot my birthday. Wait no, he didn’t forget it - he knew, he just wanted to hang out with his little friends.” You knew you shouldn’t be so harsh on Jimin, maybe you could’ve answered his calls - but you started to have feelings for him, like a little crush you guessed. You wanted him to care about you as much as you cared about him.
“It’s alright, love. I’ll take you back home and we can do something to cheer you up, okay?” he smiled, and when you nodded - he leaned in to give you a small kiss on the cheek.
When you arrived to your home - at about 8:30 pm, you found Jimin standing in the driveway, flowers in hand as he watched you through hooded eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight, what was going on? Did he feel sorry for the way he acted?
While you looked shocked, Seokjin let out a deep chuckle as he parked his car. “(Y/N), happy birthday!” he beamed, pulling you in for a tight hug.
“What the hell is going on?” you questioned, eyes still wide with shock.
“Well, Jimin and I decided that I’d take you out for the day, and he’d have you for the evening. The whole ‘he doesn’t care about my birthday’ act was apart of it too.”
No words were able to be formed as you stepped out of the vehicle and almost sprinted towards Jimin. The handsome boy handed you the flowers, the sweet smell reaching your nose, and you sighed in content.
“(Y/N), happy thirteenth birthday. I love you so much, you don’t even know,” he smiled, brushing a strand of hair from your face. Your eyes widened even more - if that was possible, and your heart began to beat wildly, blood rushing to your cheeks.
“Jimin, I -”
“(Y/N), I’ve loved you since the first day I met you; when I hopped out that van with my little panda bear. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way - but I just had to let you -” he began but you cut him off with a light slap to his chest.
“Park Jimin, would you shut up? I was going to say; I love you too.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Jimin’s soft lips were pressed against yours, his strong arms snaking around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. It wasn’t a nasty kiss - no, you were only thirteen; but it had meaning to it. Passion, love, all types of emotions.
When Jimin finally broke the kiss, you heard Seokjin clapping his hands as he made his way to you. “How cute, I hope this little thing you guys have going on will blossom into unconditional love!” he said, encasing you in yet another hug - this time from behind, and his lips met the flesh of your cheek once more.
What the three of you didn’t know was that the love you and Park Jimin shared was more than unconditional; your love was stronger than anything in this world….
Especially when you were sixteen.
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jungshxook-blog · 7 years
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Unconditional - Part 13 (final)
A/N : Ahhhh it’s done!! Thank you all for the love and support! I shall be posting part one of a Jimin angst soon so get ready!!!!
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