junegeg · 3 years
“We are all independent human beings, beyond nationality, ethnicity or religion. We are all fragile eggs in the face of a solid wall called the system. The wall is too high, too solid and too cold.”
Haruki Murakami (12 January 1949 - ) is a Japanese novelist
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-グルの言葉 -
ー村上 春樹(1949年1月12日 - )は、日本の小説家
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junegeg · 3 years
5 дугаар сарын мэнд! Анхны постноосоо сар гаруй хугацааны дараа бичиж байгааг минь өршөөгөөрэй lmao идэвх дүүрэн пост бичиж байна гэж амалсан ч яагаад ч юм сонирхол гэнэт буурчихсан. Гэхдээ бичих талаар тоотой хэд бодсон, бодол бүр, "бичээд яах билээ, тэглээ ч юу бичих билээ" гэдгээр төгсөнө. Энэ бодлуудтайгаа тэмцэлдэх гэж их хичээсэн шүү. Ямар ч үйлдэл хийсэн бүгд л утгагүй, хэрэггүй санагддаг юм хойно. Гол нь хичээгээд үзэх хэрэгтэй байх. Яг л жил бүр ямар нэгэн баяр тэмдэглэдэг шиг, жирийн л нэг өдөр, гэхдээ хүмүүс тэр өдрийг утгатай болгодог, баярлах шалтгаан болгодог. Би ч tumblr дээр пост бичихийг өглөө, орой бүр шүдээ угаадаг шиг зайлшгүй шаардлагатай зүйлээ болгомоор байна л даа. Ер нь үхсэнн... Юу ч бичсэн яадаг юм бэ.
4-р сарын сүүл 7 хоног ёстой новшын болж өнгөрлөө гэхэд хилсдэхгүй байх. Бурхан минь... Хөл хорионд гэртээ удаан байснаас өөрийгөө галзуурч байна л гэж бодлоо. Юу ч хийсэн хамаагүй санагдаад, хэн рүү ч хамаагүй залгаад утгагүй асуултуудаар булаад заналхийлж хариулт нэхмээр... "Байна уу? Чи яг одоо ямар өнгийн дотоожтой байна? Хэлээч, хэл гэж байна! яг одоо бүх үнэнээ хэл, хамгийн аймшигтай далд нууцаа дэлгэ, чшшш би хэнд ч хэлэхгүй хонгор минь..." гэх мэт. Намайг галзуурч уу, хөгийн амьтан гэж бодно уу, үнэндээ ямар ч хамаагүй байсан. Ер нь бодоод байхад одоо ч ямар ч хамаагүй юм шиг. Хаха юу ч хамаагүй болжээ. Интроверт байхаасаа залхаад хүн бүртэй уулзах төлөвлөгөө гаргаад ам өгчихсөн. Одоо хөл хорио дуусаад яг уулзаж харагдаач. Листээ харж байгаад хамгийг уулзмаар санагдсан хүнтэйгээ бүтэн өдөржин уулзаад гэрээсээ дахиж 7 хоног хамраа цухуйлхахгүй. Эсвэл нэг өдөр бүгдэнтэй нь таарах гэж үзнэ... Миний тархи толгой логик яаж ажилладаг юм бүү мэд ээ. Цаганд баригдаж бүх зүйлээ нэг доор амжуулах гэсэн хүсэлтэй тэгснээ бүгдийг хойшлуулаад тохирох цагийг нь хүлээх хүсэлтэй. Хоё�� хуваагдчихсан юм шиг ядаргаатай гэж...
Би ходоодны эм ууж байгаа. Дотор цэвэрлэдэг байгалийн гаралтай эм юм байх. 11 жил харшилтайгаа тэмцлээ, тэмцлээ гэдэг нь магадгүй худлаа. Би зүгээр л зөнгөөр нь хаячихсан. 10-тай хүүхэд эмнэлэг явж, шинжилгээ үзүүлэхээ мэдэхгүй шүү дээ. Ямар зааж өгөх, үлгэр дуурайлал авах хүн байсан биш. Хүүхэд нас ер хачин ганцаардмал өнгөрсөн. Арга ч үгүй биз дээ. Боломж нь таараагүй юм чинь. Усалгаа авах үеэ өнгөрөөд одоо томоо ургамал болчихожээ. Нэгэнт ийм ургамал болчихсон хойно яаж ч услаад хэвээ өөрчлөх хэцүү ч шиг... Гэтэл яагаад ч юм хүүхэд насанд минь хэрэгтэй байсан анхаарал одоо ирээд байх шиг. Энэ анхаарал нь надад харь санагддаг. Харь гэхээсээ илүү хэрэггүй. Хэрэггүй, дарамт шиг. Дасаагүй болохоор ямар хариу үйлдэл үзүүлэхээ сайн ойлгодоггүй. Хэрвээ миний танил ийм байдалд орсон бол би цэгүүдийг нь холбоод гаргалгаа гаргачих байсан. Өөр дээрээ бодох гэхээр сэтгэл хөдлөл, бодохгүйн хүслэн таглаад болдоггүй юм... Мэдээж би талархалтай хандах хэрэгтэй... Яагаад төвөгшөөгөөд байдаг шалтгаан нь зүгээр л гомдол тээж явдаг юм шиг байгаа юм. Гомдолоо тайлахад хугацаа хэрэгтэй, одоохондоо бэлэн биш байгаа, тэгээд л тэр.
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junegeg · 4 years
Tumblr дээр бичсэн анхны пост болно. 200406
Medium хаягтай ч гэлээ энд би жинхэнэ юу ч хамаагүй бичдэг болноо! Хэрвээ бичихгүй байвал сэтгэл гутралын гүн ангал руу орчихоод шүдээ угаах битгий хэл орноосоо ч өндийж чадахгүй байгаа гэж ойлгоорой! гэсс :}}
Лаг хэдэн жилийн дараа энэ постоо хараад "Оув маии бурхаан! Юугаа бичээ вэ?" гээд нүүрээ дарах хөөрхөн өдөр өөртөө бэлэглэж байна! Нэгэнт ирээдүйг дурссаных өөрөөсөө "Сайн байна уу, та?" гээд мэнд мэдчихье. Естой өөртөө итгэл дүүрэн "сайн сайн миний дүү, амьдраад л байна шүү" гэж хариулах байхаа гэж найдаж байна. Өөр тэгээд... бие эрүүл, ухаан саруул, хийж бүтээсэн зүйлтэй, санаа сэтгэл тэнүүн сайхан суугаа даа. Өөрийгөө илүү, илүү хайрлаж байгаа байх. Өдрүүд өнөөдрөөс илүү амгалан, тайван болсон байх гэж маш их найдаж байна. Байдал жаахан хүндхэн ч байж мэднэ л дээ... Гэхдээ яах вэ дээ! Даваад л гардаг хорвоо шүү дээ. Тэр хүч нь байгаа гэдгийг хоёулаа мэдэж байгаа. Мэдэж байхад л болно. Болноо!
Хайртай шүү. Дараа дахиад бичнээ.
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junegeg · 4 years
Herbal Tea Magic 🍃✨
there are plenty of ways to work to work a little magic into your day without doing a full on ritual, and your daily (hourly?) tea is one of them! here’s just a couple of suggestions with herbal correspondences.
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mint -  for exorcism, healing, love, lust, protection, and wealth
peppermint -  for healing, love, psychic abilities, and purification.
spearmint -  for healing and love.
ginger -  for beauty, love, power, success, and wealth.
fennel -  for healing, protection, and purification.
licorice -  for fidelity, love, and lust.
cinnamon -  for divination, fortune, healing, power, prosperity, protection, psychic abilities, spirituality, wealth, and wisdom.
nettle - for exorcism, healing, lust, and protection.
vanilla -  for happiness, love, and lust.
anise - for, lust, protection, sleep, blessings, youth. 
lemon balm -  for healing, compassion, endings, fertility, happiness, healing, love, mental, psychic, success,and youth.
rosemary -  for exorcism, healing, love, lust, protection, and purification.
sage -  for protection, cleansing, and wisdom.
thyme -  for courage, healing, love, psychic abilities, and purification.
there are various blends or herbals teas, as well as with fruits and flowers, though often herbs can be steeped by themselves. what is known as chai tea, is traditional black tea mixed with cardamom, cinnamon and black pepper. 
floral tea magic ✨  fruit tea magic ✨  general tea magic
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junegeg · 4 years
🌟 How To - Glamour Spells 🌟
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🌟 what is a glamour?
Often used for beauty spells, glamours are a type of spell used for creating an illusion over a person or object. They can be used for a number of purposes, such as to make someone more attractive, appear more confident, to make an object harder to find, or a person be more or less likely to be noticed.
🌟 common spell components for glamours:
CRYSTALS    —  rose quartz /  plain quartz /  amethyst /  selenite,
WATERS  — full moon water, sun water, dew, melted snow, ocean water
TOOLS  — candles (pink, white, blue) / brushes / mirrors / ribbons
ENCHANTED OBJECTS — jewelry / makeup / toiletries / clothes
MISC  — flowers / fruits / sugar / sea salt
🌟 suggestions for various types of glamours:
BEAUTY - avocado, catnip, dew, ginger, ginseng, heather, maidenhair, orange
COURAGE - basil, fluorite, mullein, sunstone, sweetpea, thyme, tiger eye
FOCUS - amber, aquamarine, celery, celestite, ocean water, onyx
TRUTH - bluebell, iron pyrite, moss agate, opal, selenite
STRENGTH - bay leaf, ebony, mulberry, pennyroyal, saffron, thistle, tourmaline
WISDOM - almond, amethyst, bay leaf, coral, iris sage, sunflower
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junegeg · 4 years
“Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.”
— Robert Downey Jr.
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junegeg · 4 years
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🌌Astrological Keywords
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junegeg · 4 years
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Inspired by The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
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junegeg · 4 years
Connecting with Trees
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Working with Trees
***Before working with trees, please be knowledgeable about them. There are toxic / poisonous trees that one should not touch or handle in any way. Start with widely-recognizable trees, such as pine or oak, if you are a novice.***
Trees have held special magical meanings in cultures around the world. They are gateways to working with Earth energy and Earth magic. Each type of tree has its own special meaning, so utilize a tree that resonates best with your intentions. Here are some ways to work with trees within your magical path:
🌳Learn about trees. Read books; do research online etc. Recognize and identify them by sight. Know their seeds, leaf shapes etc. Learn both the magical correspondences and the scientific / botanical facts about them.
🌳Visit a tree and offer water or a small gemstone at the roots to honor its spirit. Touch the tree and pray for its well-being. Then thank it for providing oxygen, food (if it has edible parts), a home for small creatures, and shade. Say goodbye and do not pick fresh leaves or twigs etc from it.
🌳Go forest bathing. (Safely) venture into a local forest or heavily-wooded park. Ask the trees to recharge you and fill you with restorative verdant energy. Observe the natural beauty, listen to the birds singing, breathe calmly...take it all in. Reverently walk through the area and thank the trees for the healing.
🌳Pray over a ribbon. Speak your wishes to it. Then ask a tree's permission to work with you. If you sense confirmation and acceptance, loosely tie the ribbon on a branch or twig to help bring your goals to fruition.
🌳Collect three small fallen twigs and pray over them. Whisper your intentions into them. Then stake them into the earth to help anchor the energy in the material world and to manifest your desires.
🌳Sit at the foot of a tree and meditate, daydream, read, or have a picnic. Thank the tree for its shade and company when done.
🌳Collect fallen acorns, pinecones, or seeds from the foot of a tree. Place them on your altar and utilize them in spells and rituals.
🌳Plant a small tree if you have the outdoor space. Speak kind words to the plant and tend to it with care as it grows.
🌳Work with a twig to use as a magic wand. Bless it and wash it with blessed water first. Kiss the wand when done consecrating it (do NOT handle toxic trees or place them near your mouth).
🌳Utilize a tree stump as an altar table. Pray over the damaged, fallen, or chopped tree stump (do NOT purposely chop down a tree for this...find a fallen one that you have encountered by happenstance). Ask the tree its permission to give it a second life as an altar table. Place gemstones upon it and bless it.
🌳Hold a twig upright in each hand. Cross your arms over your chest. Close your eyes and think of your goals, your dreams, or simply meditate. Imagine lines of energy flowing through the twigs, up into the sky and down towards the earth. Envision your success and happiness. Hold that space and feel empowered. When finished, place the twigs in the shape of an X on the ground.
🌳Be a protector of trees. Join a tree-planting group or environmental protection & preservation society. Donate to public botanical gardens etc. as well.
I hope that these suggestions are helpful!
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junegeg · 4 years
magick of the moon
new moon: lunar energies encourage new beginnings. this is when you want to initiate new adventures or to ignite dreams. think about doing magical workings for a new job, new home, or anything new you want to bring into your life. the magic done during this time will continue to grow and feed off the energies of the moon as the phases move forward to full. (a great time to pick a topic and study it until the next lunar phase)
waxing moon: energies are fairly similar to the new moon, but with an emphasis on growth. think about doing magical workings in regards to constructing, strengthening, or gaining. this is a wonderful time to attract things into your life that you’ve been seeking. do you want a better relationship? an increase in salary? this is a wonderful time to work towards those goals and to continue pushing for anything you may have started during the new moon.
full moon: think fruition. this is the time where anything you set to seed during the new moon, will come to be. the full moon is arguably the most powerful phase in the lunar cycle. this is the time to work spells for retaining, receiving, or anything you want to bring to a successful culmination. it is a wonderful time for manifesting, or anything that needs a little extra “umph”.
waning moon: this is when the moon begins to ‘wane’ or decrease in size, and the energies emitted reflect that. this is a great time to work with spells regarding banishment, decreasing something, overcoming, and resolving things. if you want to cut ties with a person, decrease a feeling, or work on an emotional toll you’re experiencing, this is the perfect time to do it. this is also a perfect time to work household purification or cleansing rituals, as it’s a great time to drive negative energy away. (but of course cleansing & purification can be done during any point in time.)
dark moon: this is during the period of time between the waning and the new moon; when the moon is no longer present in the sky. some people choose to identify this moment in the lunar phase as the new moon, and really it’s up to each individual person to choose how they would like to interpret it. (remember what works for you, may not work for others.) some witches may choose not to practice at all during this phase- they may use it as a period of reflection, and to create new workings for the new moon. if you do choose to work with the dark moon, do so with respect and with open eyes.
Here is a great plant analogy to help remember the phases:
new moon: plant (set) your intentions to seed.
waxing moon: the seeds will begin to grow.
full moon: what you’ve set to seed has grown (come to fruition).
waning moon: you start to harvest what has grown.
dark moon: take care of your garden by pulling out weeds (take care of yourself during this time) and prepare for the next cycle.
it’s important to note that really, you can do you spell work anytime, regardless of what phase of the moon it is as successful spell work is 100% possible without the aid of the moon. however, it is much more powerful with it.
here’s the video where i got this information from, check it out for more! and i highly recommend her channel, she is amazing (The Green Witch)!
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