2 posts
Hello my name is June and I'm interested in all things old, vintage, ancient. Im a transgender woman who has been interested in everything from Scientology, astronomy, history, ancient history, and aeronautical engineering. I'm 31 years old and I love to learn new things. I also like vintage womens fashion.
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june9120 · 2 years ago
Transgender transition
so I recently hit my 1 year 2 month anniversary of beginning HRT. I have been happier than before I started. Though I may be transgender and moving through the process. I still have been enjoying my different types of research I do on history, religions and scientific studies as well as finding lost treasure from an old abandoned railroad with my kids. I also love sewing though at times I grow impatient and rush and then it goes from good to oh crap. I love looking at the stars and day dreaming of many different things. I love airplanes and classic cars and trucks. I’m a mechanic that’s kinda to be expected in my passions. Sometimes a girl has nothing better to do than get covered in oil or dirt. When I was in the service I worked on planes however many would say that the army doesn’t have planes however we do. I worked on what civilians would call a drone though it’s not just an old drone. My unit was featured on an episode of top gear though I was not within the actual shooting of the footage of the launch I was the person who launched the first bird that actually did the majority of the filming. They came and did another filming of the launch on day three. So my main goal I guess because I’m still quite new to posting is to give an idea of who I am and my passions. I’m always looking to learn new things. Mainly about space and exploration of the past through metal detecting old locations which are privately owned by myself or others whom give me permission. I’m also I guess a controversial trans woman because I believe in the second amendment and also have a passion for shooting and hunting. Many would be mad to hear but it’s fun for me to go speed shooting and have been considering competition shooting. I have worked hard to get an old style muzzleloader and very much enjoy shooting it. It’s like going back in time to the flintlock era and understanding that it is quite difficult to load after 2-3 shots. I mold my own musket balls and enjoy doing that over an open fire. Learning from history by recreating the difficulty of the tools they would’ve had. Good bye for now. Working on coming up with more of what I could talk about.
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june9120 · 2 years ago
Some about me.
Almost a year ago now I began on my HRT. I’m happier now than I have been in a long time. I’m 31 years old and an army veteran. I’m a big fan of history mainly 18th century. Though most would probably not like Women's clothing and style of that time i however do. Of course I also love art but am not artistic in my own abilities. I’ve grown up in a very small community. I’m very well known and respected in my town. Though not all know of my transition I prefer to keep to myself for the most part. I am currently working on getting my airplane mechanic A and P license as well. I’m pretty new to this kinda thing of sharing about myself but figured I’d give it a go. I’m a transgender woman and proud of it. Life will always throw you a curve or drop a mountain in your way. But the strong are made from the struggle. Life is precious no matter how one chooses to live their life. Always know that you are special in your own way. I hope everyone is able to live free in their own way. Keep your head up and if you fall pick yourself up. Because I believe in everyone of you.
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