Little Bit of Everything
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You (2018 -)
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the interaction i didn’t know i needed. ryan reynolds is a kindred spirit y'all, i’m dyinggg
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Y’all know I only post original content on here unless I feel like it’s important to share. Take it in ✨
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a few things to keep in mind today:
election results won’t be coming in immediately. we won’t have a conclusive answer tonight, or tomorrow, or for a few days. it could take a week or more to count all mail-in ballots. don’t believe anyone calling a state tonight.
the initial results will likely have a republican lean, because republicans are more likely to vote in-person, but it doesn’t mean it’s conclusive. again, don’t believe anyone calling states tonight.
consider tagging election-related posts - it’s a very stressful time for people here in the states, and i’m sure those outside of it are sick of hearing about it.
find something to do today and do it. seriously, learn how to bake or cook something, or find a new game to get invested in, or get caught up on schoolwork, or listen to that podcast you’ve been meaning to try out, or watch some movies. if you can, spend time with friends and family. stay updated, but supergluing yourself to the news all day won’t help you.
if you can’t vote for whatever reason - suppression measures didn’t allow you, you were too busy, or you were too young, any reason - please don’t feel guilty. take a deep breath and know there are other ways to create positive change.
overall, take care of yourself and your friends, and don’t panic
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NASA has released new images of Jupiter, taken by the Juno Spacecraft.
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some shirtless geralt as requested (and some touching)
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Charities/organisations to avoid:
PETA: They’d rather spend their money on publicity campaigns than on the animals in their care. PETA killed 73.8% of the animals in their care in 2015 (x)
FCKH8: Is a for-profit company that exploits oppressed groups for money. They’re also wildly uninformed, and spread misogyny, cissexism and bi/panphobia, as well as stealing their posts/designs (x)
Autism Speaks: They spend most of their money on researching a way to eliminate autism, heighten the stigma against autism and don’t have a single autistic person on their board (x)
Please support other, better charities, and feel free to add any others you can think of to this.
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Witcher Cast and their custom cakes
From Jaskier to Ciri
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From Ciri to Jaskier
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From Geralt, Lambert, and Eskel to Vesemir on his birthday
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Lambert had to bring the cake for Thanksgiving. He isnt allowed to anymore
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Jaskier to Yen on her birthday
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Yen to Jaskier on his birthday
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Eskel to Lambert and Geralt after he did did week for the first time and got drunk on his 21st. He did feel really bad.
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Yennefer and Lambert share a birthday. This was delivered to the party. It could be for either of them.
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From Lambert and Aiden after to Geralt when Geralt lost his virginity. He was the last of the brothers to do so.
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Geralt's response
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This video cured every single chemical imbalance I had
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Anon requested: Person A thinks that a proposal would be a great way to get out of a jam. Person B thinks it is a sincere proposal and accepts. Realizing it wasn’t done from a genuine place leads to some upset.
In Jaskier’s defence, it had seemed like a good idea at the time.
“Marry me, Geralt!” he called, jogging over to his witcher, a little out of breath.
Geralt’s face pinched into something cross and Jaskier was sure he was about to be told to fuck entirely off.
“It’s the Belleteyn festival tonight,” he explained quickly. “I might have, erm, sown my seed a little more widely than would be advisable in the town.” Geralt scowled. “And there may have been some, ahem, threats against my person made by the local lord.“ Geralt’s scowl deepened. “But we can smooth it all over if we’re wed tonight. There’s some local custom – forgiveness of past indiscretions for newly married couples on May Eve.“
Geralt was still glowering but he hadn’t said no yet. Jaskier pulled out his strongest move: He ducked his head, looked up at Geralt from under his lashes, and licked his lips. Geralt’s eyes followed the movement of his tongue almost imperceptibly.
“So marry me? Here. Tonight.”
Keep reading
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If you dare come at me about banning straws, I will throw you into the sun cannon. I’m disabled, I’m crippled, I need disposable plastic straws, and all those pricey ridiculous alternatives aren’t working as well. Plastic straws were invented for the disabled.
Way to shit all over a vital access need because you think straws are worse than corporate greed.
We all care about the turtles, the seals, the oceans, obviously. Notice how the easiest thing to yell about was something that would barely affect anything but appealed heavily to emotional discourse.
The disabled community is huge, and it can be joined by anyone. Most of those As Seen On TV products were invented for us. Society still mocks us and ignores us, and often outright harms us in multiple ways.
Communicate better. Listen better. But stop putting us out in the cold because you are inconvenienced by our simplest needs.
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Before you think about voting for Kanye, remember...
He has openly supported Trump and his racist, sexist policies
When the Bill Cosby allegations dropped, he tweeted “BILL COSBY INNOCENT”, invalidating any experiences of his victims in the process
“When you hear about slavery for 400 years... 400 years? That sounds like a choice”- Kanye west, TMZ
He has openly supported Trump and his racist, sexist policies
He is a part of one of the richest families in the world that capitalize from our money through everything they can- whether it’s their TV shows or their overpriced merchandise.
Remember the Kardashians have enough money to end a lot of serious issues in the world. And do they do that? No they do not
He has openly supported Trump and his racist, sexist policies
He literally had his fans chant “fuck taylor swift” at her Nashville hometown because he was petty. How hateful of a human do you have to be to do something like that to someone? Is this the type of person we need in office?
On the topic of Taylor Swift- remember when he lied about a phonecall where he referred to her as a “bitch” and made it out as if she “owed him sex”
And we all haven’t forgot about the 2009 MTV music awards 🙂
*cough* asshole *cough*
And oh, yeah!
He supports Trump and his racist, sexist policies
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OMG...... Dead!! 💜💜
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