julianti's journal
9 posts
tetang dunia dan apa-apa yang ada didalamnya
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 4 years ago
serangan virus
banyak kabar bermunculan
berita tiada henti menyiarkan topik yang sama
sirene ambulans yang terus berkumandang
siang dan malam
banyak hal membingungkan
perasaan pun membingungkan
sedih dan tegar beradu
prihatin dan semangat menjadi satu
rasanya sungguh ingin jadi si kaya
punya uang di mana-mana
untuk beli oxymeter dan vitamin
bagi yang tidak terjamin
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 6 years ago
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From my very first roll of my father’s analog camera - or from now on I am gonna call it tustel, the very old word of a camera in the Indonesian language.
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 6 years ago
will write a lot of things about the journey very soon! after finishing most important thing right now. thesis!
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 6 years ago
Blog ini sudah lama sekali terbengkalai. Sebenarnya, sudah ada beberapa draft di dalamnya. Namun apa daya, belum selesai atau tidak (?). Entahlah.
Niat untuk kembali menulis di dunia maya, sudah lama sekali muncul. Tapi mungkin karena malas atau takut (?) yang selalu berhasil membuat saya gagal kembali menulis melalui platform ini. Karena tulisan yang dibuat kelak akan dikonsumsi publik, tidak dapat ditarik lagi, harus dipertanggungjawabkan, atau takut viral. Haha. #manusiaoverthinking.
Tapi hari ini, di hari yang seharusnya saya produktif mengerjakan tesis, saya malah produktif di sini. Selamat datang kembali, Jul!
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 8 years ago
note to my self
‘When you’re tired, go slowly, go quietly, go timidly. But do not stop. You’re tired for all the right reasons. You’re tired because you’re supposed to be. You’re tired because you’re making a change. You’re exhausted for all the right reasons and it’s only an indication to go on. You’’re tired because you’re growing. And someday that growth will give way to the exact rejuvenation than you nedd’
-Heidi Priebe
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Butuh diingatkan bahwa selelah apapun, jangan pernah berhenti. Mau selambat apapun, tetap bergerak. Butuh diingatkan juga bahwa kamu lelah karena kamu bergerak, that’s the point.
Semangat Jul!
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 9 years ago
Dream (not yet) Comes True
I am planning to obtain my master degree on Sustainable Urban Planning and Design in Sweden.
Sweden or in Bahasa Indonesia, Swedia. Far far away country in Northern Europe with extremely cold temperature and also high living expenses.
Why Sweden???
Me, myself, is a bit uncertain though. Wether it’s because its consistency to manage the sustainable way of living or it’s because Sweden is a top 5 livable country in the world. Or maybe it’s just my personal preferences to live in swedish lifestyle, eco-friendly and innovative. I do love Sweden, which is I don’t know why.
I’ve tried the scholarship test once, i still don’t know about the results, but i guess i fail. Why this country should invest a lot of money on you? In Sweden. Why don’t you just take the double degree? First year here, and in foreign country (that cheaper than Sweden) on the other year. What would you do to this country then?
I dont know my faith (and i guess you don’t know also) but i just feel i’m going to go to Sweden. I have to. I’ve failed once, there are tons of scholarship that I haven’t tried. My father hasn’t given up yet, neither do I.
Come on move that ass, don’t be such a lazy and pathetic girl. Go reach your dream. We all know you can do it! Even though i still don't know where God will guide me, let's assume that it's Sweden.
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 9 years ago
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Skies. Shines. Lights. Brights.
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 9 years ago
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Get ready - Set - Go!
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juliantiputrisetiawan · 9 years ago
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Life is hard. What if I fail?
Oh, my darling, what if you fly?
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