the duchess
8K posts
Julianne Marcott Grove. Call me Jules. 23. Proud Mommy. Taken and happily married. Kryptonite. 3/19. August 21st, best day ever. (1x1 RP. I do not own unless stated)
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Best Friend.
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
As soon as the sickness hit her, it was gone. It passed through her system and she was better. Jules sat up and cleaned herself up. Slowly she stood up and leaned over the sink. Splashing a bit of water over face. "I... Yeah." She muttered out and took a deep breath. The blonde padded her way over to the door and swung it open, looking at Chris' perfect face. "I want this baby Chris. I love you and I love the family we are creating.. It just scares me to know that I have more people to watch over you know? One I could handle, but two... It's just scary. But I want this, I want this perfect angel you have helped me created... I love you." Practically falling into his chest, she wrapped her arms around him tightly and sighed, "Are you ready to be a dad again?" 
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Chris stood there and watched her. He could tell that she was still a bit off, but since he knew the reason, everything seemed to be alright. He just brushed it off as Jules acting out a bit. By now, Chris was used to it. Suddenly after Jules got up from the bed and rushed over to the washroom, he knew exactly what was going to happen before it did. He hated the sound of her having morning sickness, but he dealt with it well enough. After a moment, he went to check up on her. Chris leaned against the wall and knocked on the door, “Jules? You..okay?”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Jules crossed her arms and stood still not sure how to feel. Her mind went blank and all she wanted to do was sleep. She didn't want to talk about any of this anymore. Chis wasn't getting her fear of fucking up. They had a perfect family and maybe this one was going to add turmoil. She was the second in her family and there was nothing but trouble. Scooping up the pregnancy tests, she tossed them all in the garbage. Without even thinking, Jules slipped into bed and let out a hefty sigh. The fear was making her a different person. Why was she not thrilled? She was being so dumb and she knew it, but the unknown was never something she loved. The blonde laid there for a few minutes before a wave of sickness, morning sickness, hit her. Sitting up abruptly, Jules ran into the bathroom, slamming the door swiftly behind her as she let the first step of being pregnant take over. 
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Chris took a step back, “Jules, like I said, I think you just need to relax. Babe, I’m not trying to demean you, or anything like that, alright? I just- I just think that you are blowing this up way too much.” Tilting his head to the side, he closed his eyes for a mere moment before looking back at her. “You’ll still be the one raising it. Getting a nanny doesn’t mean that she’s going to take the kid. It’s just so we get a break. The nanny doesn’t have to come by everyday, for every hour. That’s what a schedule is for. And I don’t know why you’re scared. You really shouldn’t be. Just think positive and positive things will happen. We’ll be fine, the kid will be fine, Ryan will be fine. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
"But what if it was a false alarm. I wanted to wait to see if this was all real." Jules stared up at him and felt her blood starting to boil. It felt like he was talking down to her, making her feel stupid. Did he not remember that last time she was pregnant and all the emotions and hormones she had. Quickly standing up, the blonde glared at him, "Don't tell me to calm down Chris. This one wasn't really planned like Ryan was. I want to have another child, don't get me wrong, but I want to raise it. I won't let a nanny do my job. And we're just about to get Ryan off to school, she's finally growing up and learning. She's not as dependent and now we're just going to start over and ... I'm a raging bitch during the first trimester and then the not sleeping... Chris I love you and I love this unborn child, but I'm scared okay? I'm not sure why but round two is scaring me. We did such a great job with Ryan... What if we get cocky or things go wrong?"
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Chris’ face sort of scrunched up, “Yeah- not to tell other people, Jules. But of course you should tell me no matter what. It would’ve been my kid too…If we ever lost it, I would want to know about it before hand.” Crossing his arms, he faced her and then shrugged, “We can do it. I just think you’re over thinking things, like always. There isn’t any point in getting emotional. You just need to take a breather and relax. Calm down, and just don’t even worry about it. We’ve got money- we can easily hire a nanny or babysitter.”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Watching the expression on Chris' face fall from happy to disappointed was not exactly what she wanted to see. Letting out a sigh, Jules shrugged a shoulder and looked up at him, "Because last time everyone told me to wait. Things happen you know? What if I told you and we lost it..." Her eyes flickered down to the tests, "Are you sure we're ready for number two Chris? I mean with your new job, me almost done with my online schooling. I'd have to drop working for James on the side. I just.. Is this what we want?" Her eyes glanced up at him yet again, this time a little tear stained. She was having such conflicting emotions. She was beyond thrilled to have pregnant. This was another bundle of joy Chris and her created, but at the same time, who knew if they could handle number two.
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Chris stopped where he was and just listened to Jules speak as he stared at all of the test. She said it herself, she missed her time of the month and it was suppose to start again, but it didn’t. Chris just couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t. Jules was pregnant again and they were going to be parents once more. Finally, it clicked. That’s why she was acting so strange and rejecting his intimate offers. “Wait…so we’re-” He paused again, a small smile curling onto his lips. “Babe, you’re preg- You’re pregnant again? This explains so much….I just-” Chris gave her a look, slightly disappointed, “Baby, why didn’t you tell me?”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Jules just sat on the bed and stared at him. Her eyes were dead and she wore no emotion. Remembering back when they found out about Ryan, the first positive test she had, Jules came running down the stairs, practically screaming. She cried for hours that day, calling everyone she knew, but everyone told her to be cautious. It was too early and things might go wrong. Luckily, they didn't, but this time, Jules waited. She had missed her period a month ago and today was the day she was supposed to get it again and it didn't come. "Those are from last month." Sighing, she pulled the fifth one out of her makeup bag and placed it down, "This one is from this morning. I missed my period a month ago. Today I would have re-started... And I'm not. Which means I'm pregnant again." Pursing her lips to the side, she just watched him cautiously, waiting for his reaction. 
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Chris gave her an odd look. One that was disappointed, annoyed, angry and just confused. He had no idea what she was hiding. He knew something was up, he knew Jules was hiding something from him and that fact drove him insane. What the hell was going on? He just wanted to know- he needed to know. So of course, when she left the room, he followed her. “What do you mean there’s nothing to brush off? Julianne, I know you’re hiding something from me. Don’t give me that, I don’t want to pressure you, crap. It’s complete bull. You and I both know that.” Continuing on his way in the hall towards their room, he cleared his throat, “What- did you break something? Was it my guitar? If it was, I don’t care, I’ll just get a new on-” Upon entering the room, his eyes scanned over to something on their bed. Chris stopped his sentence and walked towards the mattress. He paused, turning his head towards her, “…Jules?” His expression changed drastically. There was more of a calm look to him, with a hint of shock.
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
The blonde dropped her dishes in the sink with a clank and paused when she heard his voice again. "I told  you, I didn't want to pressure you. I'm fine. We're fine. There is nothing to brush off okay?" Sighing, she turned to face him. Her eyes flickered over his elongated body in the door way and her heart just stooped. She couldn't keep this going. Jules was lying to the one person she loved more than anything. Without a word, she walked by him again, hoping he would follow her. If not, she would come back downstairs with her news. Continuing on, she made her way down the hall, up the stairs, down the hall again and into their room. This was the same room they conceived this child and Jules wasn't sure if they were ready. Ryan was a handful in herself. She did all the activities in the world and she was going to be starting kindergarden next year. A new addition just seemed, well, out of the question. Quickly, she grabbed her makeup case from the bathroom, walked back into their bedroom where she laid out all four pregnancy tests next to her without a word.
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“Jules…” Chris paused, watching her get up and leave the room. With a shake of his head, he stood up and followed her. “Why won’t you tell me, hm? Look- I’m wide awake now, Jules.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway of the kitchen. “You’re not being…fair. At all. What’s up with you? You’ve got me wondering what’s going on. You made me start wondering yesterday and now you’re just going to brush this off? You can’t do that. It isn’t right. I thought we told each other everything?”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
As she ate her bowl of cereal, Jules heard the sounds of heavy feet walking down the stairs. Not really thinking much of it, she continued on watching her show. "Morning." She called back after swallowing a large bite. Her over sized t-shirt fell loosely from her body, barely hitting her knees as she sat cross legged on the couch. Her eyes shifted to the spot on the couch where Chris was when his voice started to echo throughout the room.
Jules' heart started pounding and her mind went blank. Placing her bowl down on the table infront of them, she felt his piercing eyes, almost angrily waiting for her response. Sighing, she stood up and snatched up her bowl again, "I told you, I just thought you were tired so I didn't want to pressure you. Please. Lets not make a mountain out a molehill." Sighing, she turned on her heel and walked into the kitchen to wash her dishes.
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Chris slowly opened his eyes, the sun’s light shinning directly at him. Squinting, he managed to pull himself out of bed and then put on a pair of sweat pants, along with a shirt. It was Saturday, a day that he normally to off just to relax. He worked every other day, which seemed to be fair. The least they could give him was a day. 
Scratching his head, Chris mad his way down the stairs. Hearing the T.V., he walked over and entered the room. Seeing Jules there, he smiled, “Morning.” Continuing on his way, he fell back onto the couch and stared at the television. “So…I hope you don’t think I forgot about last night. You know- what we were talking about? Jules…I feel like you’re hiding something from me. And I really don’t like it- at all.” He turned his head, now staring over at her. It was true though. This was one of the first times that he ever felt uncomfortable or that she was keeping something important from him. It didn’t settle easy. 
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Mother's Day Flowers. 
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Saturdays were Jules' favorite day of the week. When Chris first got hired, he requested Saturdays off mostly because Jules needed him. She spent her weeks caring for Ryan and being a perfect housewife, but they did need family time and she did need breaks. Ryan was a picture perfect daughter, but the girl was a ball of energy constantly bouncing around and wanting to do everything. Her sense of wonder was something Jules loved. The blonde brought her camera everywhere with her, wanting to never miss a moment of Ryan's life and wanting to capture that wonder on film, knowing it would soon vanish as she grew. Everything the tiny child did was perfect in Jules' eyes. Even if she was upset or did something bad, she learned quickly and rarely made the same mistake twice. Ryan was any parents dream child. But soon, their perfect little family was going to have a new addition... Maybe. 
This Saturday was different however. James and Gina took Ryan for the day to the local park and then over to their place for a sleepover, leaving Jules and Chris alone for a whole day and night. It was rare and they were going to enjoy it, even if they did lay around the house. Jules decided to let Chris sleep in, seeing as he was still out from the night before. The blonde woke up and sent Ryan off with her brother before making herself some breakfast and plopping down infront of the television. 
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Jules internally screamed for joy when Chris shrugged it off and started to head up to their room. She walked a few steps behind him, watching how different he carried himself when he was tired versus when he was awake. Now, he was slouching and barely moving a snails pace. When they finally reached their room, Jules closed the door behind them and made her way into the bathroom. Closing and locking the door, the blonde quietly pulled out her makeup bag and laid out the four pregnancy tests. All positive. It had been almost three weeks since missed her period. Were they really ready for number two? They had to talk soon and she knew it. Shoving them back in her bag, she tucked it away and changed for bed. When she was all set, Chris was already fast asleep. Cautiously, she climbed into bed and curled up next to him, soon drifting off herself. 
Watching her, something seemed off. He noticed that something seemed off- but it was something with her. Looking at her, one eyebrow raised, Chris tried to figure out what it was. Was he not pleasing her the last couple of times- was that it? It was way too late for him to be even processing much right now. Thinking about this wasn’t going to happen, so Chris just got up from the couch, “Yeah, okay..” Lazily sliding his feet across the ground, he dragged himself up stairs and made a b-line for their bed. Crashing on top of the mattress, he quickly undid his pants and kicked them off, along with throwing his shirt to the side. Chris didn’t even care right now, all he wanted to do was sleep. 
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Jules stared at him for a moment as he finally questioned why she was turning him down so often. This serious moment was broken however when Chris skirted around the idea of it being Jules' time of the month. "Chris, we've discussed this. I'm like clockwork. On the calendar, there is a purple dot for when I start." She sighed and shook her head as she climbed off his lap. "But to answer your question, no, I'm not. I'm just tired and I can tell you are too and I didn't want you to feel like we had to because we wanted to earlier in the kitchen." As she spoke she was pacing, yet she did realize it until she finished her train of thought. "Come on, lets go snuggle in bed. I changed the sheets today so they are gonna smell nice." Jules smiled widely as she tried to change the topic back to going to bed. Hopefully, if the odds were in her favour, Chris would be too tired to question it and he would follow her upstairs. 
Even though he was more than tired, Chris continued with his lazy kiss. If things turned into more than just a kiss, he would be fine with that. His arms were still around her, keeping Jules in a close embrace. He slightly smirked against the kiss but it faded after a short amount of time. Before he realized, Jules pulled away and declined him again. “Jules..” It wasn’t like Chris had a problem with it. He wasn’t even looking for sex tonight, but it was just the fact that she thought so made him question. “Babe, what’s going on? You declined multiple times over the last week? Oh wait..are you on your thing? Is that it?”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
Everything happened so naturally with Chris, it was like the pair knew what the other was thinking before it even happened. Jules knew that even though she offered, Chris was not going to let her go. After long days like today, he always liked to spend alone time with her. It was almost routine, a routine she adored. A surprised gasp passed her pink lips as he began to sit up. She was not exactly sure where he was going or why their moment ended so quickly. Luckily, he pulled her onto his lap and like instinct, Jules snaked her arms around his neck, clasping them at the nape of his neck. Their kiss was sweet and loving. There wasn't a lot of need or lust behind it. It could have been because Chris was tired or possibly because in the back of Jules' mind, she did want to sleep with him tonight. After a few minutes, the blonde pulled back, resting her forehead on his, "We should sleep... I don't want to keep you up... I umm, tomorrow night we can, you know..." This was the third time this week Jules turned down sex and she knew sooner or later, she was going to have to figure everything out. 
With a huff, he said, “Hm- Hey..” Chris adjusted his arms around his wife and smiled as he felt her lips on him. “Huh? Oh yeah. I- I am pretty tired..” When he was speaking, he tried to hold back a yawn as much as he possibly could. Lazily shaking his head, he rejected the idea of making her get up. “No, no way. You’re not going anywhere. You’re gonna stay right here. I’m not overly stuffed, so I think we’re good.” His voice went a bit quiet towards the end of his sentence. Chris stared down at Jules, a small smile curling onto his lips. His girl- she was so beautiful. Always beautiful. Slowly, he began to sit up, pulling Jules onto his lap as he did so. He let his forehead fall onto her shoulder for a moment before looking back up and placing his lips on hers.
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
The blonde looked at Chris' limp body in the couch. He looked so peaceful and adorable. Her smile grew as he opened his arms to her. All she wanted was to spend the rest of the night together, no matter what that entailed. Jules scurried over, almost running and she crawled ontop of him, nuzzling her head into his chest. "Hi," she purred as she let out content sigh. Even though they lived in this house for years, Jules' real home was in Chris' arms. There was no place she would rather be, no matter how she was feeling or what she was doing. Without even thinking about it, she lifted her head and kissed him lightly. "You look so sleepy." Jules laughed lightly and lowered her head back down, "Tell me if I'm too much weight on ya. You ate a lot tonight so I don't want to make you sick." The smell of Chris' cologne passed her nose as she closed her eyes, listening to his steady heartbeat. 
Chris was just about to take a step forward when Jules told him to relax. After hearing that, he kissed his daughter on the head and watched them go upstairs. Chris fell back onto the couch and closed his eyes. He was utterly beat. His body was sore and all he wanted to do now was sleep. A small sigh escaped his lips and he fell into a middle ground of sleeping. He was still aware of what was going on, but in a sense, he was asleep. As a couple minutes passed by, Chris woke up to the sound of Jules walking down the stairs. Looking up at her, he opened his arms, “Just come here, babe.”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
As Jules watched his response, she could tell how tired he really was. There was no way playing with Ryan was going to last all night, let alone three hours. However, while they played, the blonde would work on school work at dining room table after it was cleaned. When the pair had left into the living room, Jules quietly cleaned up the table, did the dishes and finally started her homework. 
-time jump-
Greek was simply not an easy language and Jules was struggling as worked. The words all meshed and nothing was clicking. She was too tired to even process the simple verbs she already knew That all changed when Chris' voice called out, startling her back into reality. "Coming!" Her voice was soft as the girl slipped into the living room to see her daughter yawning widely. Licking her lips, she smiled and scooped up the child in her arms. Before walking off upstairs, Jules bent back down and kissed the top of Chris' head, "Go relax on the couch. I'll be right down okay? You deserve a few minutes of relaxation." Her smile grew as she stood upright and took Ryan upstairs, tucking her into bed after their normal nightly routine of pjs, bathroom, and story. About fifteen minutes later, Jules quietly padded her way back into the living room and stood in the door way, her eyes locked on her husband, "She went out like a light. You wanna pick up where we left off or are we changing pace here and cuddling? I wanna make sure my man is happy." 
Chris looked over to Ryan while she asked Jules if she could go and play. Thinking it over for a moment, he was really tired and rather talk to Jules for the rest of the night. There were times that he didn’t want to be a dad- or at least, he felt like that. He just wanted to look after himself and Jules. But now, he had Ryan and each time Chris looked at her- that thought disappeared. “You wanna play? Um- Listen, daddy’s tired so we can only play for a while okay? Just a bit.” Getting up from his seat, Chris grabbed Ryan and picked her up. “Alright, let’s go play.” And with that, he walked over to the living room and played with his daughter
-time jump-
A couple hours had passed- Chris was getting more tired than before and it looked like Ryan was too. “I think it’s time for bed, hm?” Turning his head for a moment, he called to Jules, “Babe, can you help me with Ryan? I think it’s time for bedy-bye. Don’t you think?”
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julianne-grove-blog · 12 years ago
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Ryan Mahalia picking flowers: Two years old.
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