there was something about the atmosphere of a coffee shop - or more-so the outside of a coffee shop - that drew kai towards it. not only that, but it was where he often found himself bringing his sketchpad when he had a day off from the shop or a chunk of space in between clients. since it was warm outside, he had decided to pick a table outdoors, where he currently was sitting with a coffee in front of him and his sketchpad standing up on his lap, leaning against the table behind it as his pencil scribbled furiously. it took him a few moments to realize that he was drawing the individual sitting only a table or so away. when he finally did realize it, he couldn’t manage to stop the drawing - and so he continued, looking up every so often, hoping the person wouldn’t leave or notice what he was doing.
the time came when he needed to grab another coffee, and instead of putting his notebook into his bag, he kept it on the table with his stuff and sauntered into the shop. when he came back out, he immediately turned bright red at the sight of his subject now standing at his table, looking at the notebook he had left open. “uh..I’m not as creepy as I probably seem right now.”
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      If there was one thing Julianna wasn’t used to, it was feeling eyes on her. Focusing hard on her phone games, she knew the person by her table was glancing at her. When the person looked away, she wanted to stare back at them, but didn’t have the courage or strength to do so. Once seeing them leave out of the corner of her eye, she looked up to see a sketchbook left open. Not controlling herself, she looked at it and saw a drawing of her. Her eyes widened and her mouth partly open in shock, she was going to take a picture of it before jumping out of her shoes. “S-Shit,” she cursed as she jumped from the voice from behind, “I-I’m so sorry I was looking at this and avoiding your privacy.” She quickly apologized before locking her eyes on his. Regaining her breathing and balance, she eyed him before saying, “I-I also don’t think you’re creepy. I-I think this is quite flattering, to be honest.”
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“Dude, I’m telling you, I’m not underage”  he sighed, the bartender didn’t want to believe him, he didn’t think that he looked that young, though some people have said he looked 19, others said he looked twenty one, not that he was offended, he didn’t see a bad thing about looking younger, differently from some people he thought it was actually a compliment. He pulled out his ID, and showed this ID, which showed the bartender that he was 26 years old. “See, I told you”  he watched as the bartender nodded his head and finally believed, before he started to make Cal’s drink. “Do I really look that young?”  
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      Walking into the bar, Julianna went straight to the empty bar stool. After the day she had, she needed a glass of wine. “I-I’d like a glass of your favorite white wine, please.” She ordered at the bartender before he asked her for her ID. Quickly getting it out, she showed him her age and grinned once he believed her and started to make her drink. As she waited, she couldn’t help but overhear the conversation between the man next to her and the bartender. Hearing a question stated in her direction, she looked up and made eye contact with the handsome man. Gulping nerves away, she shook her head and said, “Y-You look old enough to order a drink and young enough to be a model.” She said awkwardly, averting her eyes once her drink was pushed her way. Taking a sip of it, she looked back over at the man and said, “I-I’m 24 and I got carded by the same bartender. I-I think i’ll be carded until i’m at least 28 years old.”
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“I’m telling you… Mom’s make everything better.” Following the storm, as per her own plea, Emmy found herself shacked up with her mother for about a week or so, which had caused her to go a bit AWOL, despite still being in Atlanta. Spending time with her had been a nice reprieve, but the brunette found herself slowly slinking back into reality. “Spending time with her was kind of like putting antiseptic on a wound before covering it with a bandaid. First, she stings you with the truth and some tough love, but eventually, that subsided and all the gross bacteria is cleaned out… Sorry, that sounds odd and probably doesn’t make any sense. The gross bacteria is a metaphor for all the thoughts in your head.”
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      “I-I understand. Y-You have nothing to apologize for.” Julianna gave the woman a grin before looking back down at her drink. The daycare owner had a strained relationship with her mother and she /hated/ it. Her mother didn’t accept her sexuality or her shyness. She used to prove her mother wrong and try to be outgoing, but in the end, it made her terrified and not herself. She wanted to be no one but herself and her mother couldn’t accept it. “I-It sounds like you and your mom have a good relationship. H-Have you always been close with her?”
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Maybe a dog wasn’t his best idea – but Jay hadn’t ended up where he was by living a life wrought with good ideas. The truth of the matter was, he had too much time, and so few ways to fill it. A dangerous place for someone with a strong predilection for booze and bad choices. So the shelter dog that was, at the moment, tugging at the leash with every amount of muscle that was packed into her 60-pound body, was serving well to occupy him. Although, with his bandaged side and a hell of a black eye, he was hardly in the best shape he’d ever been in. So when she stilled for a moment, granting him a reprieve, he breathed a sigh of relief. It had been a smart play by the German Sheperd mix, who used his moment of relief to lunge forward toward the person nearest. “Shit,” he muttered under his breath as she managed to pull him just a mere foot away from from her target. The dog sighed in excitement, tail wagging at the prospect of attention. “I’m sorry – she’s harmless, really, just… excited.” He apologized, hand wrapped tightly around the leash. 
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      Focusing on the music playing through her headphones, Julianna kept her head down as she walked along the sidewalk. At some moments, she closed her eyes for a second to take in the song lyrics. Opening them this time, she saw a dog rush to her and jumped back from surprise. “I-It’s alright.” She responded after catching her breath and regaining balance. Once calmed down, she gave the man a reassuring smile before looking more at the dog. She was adorable. “M-May I?” She questioned the owner as she inched her hand closer towards the dog, wanting to pet her.
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     “So I’m pretty sure I’m losing my shit.” The brunette spoke, a smile appearing across her face. “Like don’t get me wrong, I love being a mother and watching my son grow up but I can only watch Moana so many times before I want to accidentally push my television off of the stand it’s on. I miss watching my adult shows.”
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      “Oh my goodness, he loves Moana? That’s so cute!!” Julianna exclaimed and smiled widely at Letty. “I bet he can sing You’re Welcome better than me, but when it comes to How Far I’ll Go, that’s my song.” She teased the mother, loving to speak about her son and Moana. “Are you usually too exhausted to watch one of your shows after you put him to bed?”
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text ✉ Micah 💩
micah: i'll pay you a lot of money
micah: well $20 and a kitkat
micah: if you bring me a sonic cheeseburger
Julianna: $20 and a KitKat? Really, Micah?
Julianna: You know if you just ask nicely, I'll get it for you for free
Julianna: But I'll never say no to candy and your money so count me in :)
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“So,” Gabriela took in a deep breath, traipsing her way to the other person. “One of my friends is getting married and she selected me as one of her bridesmaids because I’m amazing or something. She gave me this list of bachelorette dares for, y’know, fun. First one to complete all of them wins five hundred dollars. Want to help me out?”
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      "M-Me?" Julianna questioned as she looked at the beautiful woman before her. Biting her bottom lip, she thought about it before coming up with an answer. "I-I don't know... you're asking the wrong girl." He laughed nervously before looking at the woman. "A-Although, I can't remember the last time I had fun, so I can join you for a few things on the list."
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Louboutin heels clicked ferociously against the Atlanta pavement as the blazing sun set in the night sky as Alexandra made it to the bar. Pushing open the heavy oak door, she walked to the bar, setting her bag down next her taking a seat. As she waited for her order to be taken, Lexi caught sight of her complexion in the mirror behind the bar, instantly preening and gussying herself. From the corner of her blue eyes, the model could see someone possibly looking at her. “Oh, don’t even judge me – I didn’t realize my lipstick was smudged,” she said with a laugh, before turning her attention to the bartender, ordering a signature gin and tonic. “Okay, okay, judge me all you want. If the roles were reversed, I’d totally judge you for being image obsessed while the bartender waits for you to order.”
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      As Julianna sipped her needed glass of wine, she downed it before ordering another. She was already tipsy and didn’t know what she was doing. Today was just a bad day for her, so after this, her plans were to eat ice cream and watch a movie before bed. Once getting her second glass of wine, her eyes scanned her surroundings. Spotting a beautiful woman sitting near her, she licked her lips before realizing she was staring for too long. “I-I promise I wasn’t judging you. I-… I was admiring your hair and shoes. Good look for tonight.” She smiled over at the beauty, biting her bottom lip before she started drooling. “I-I’m the farthest thing from image obsessed. I-I mean, I like to look good and all, but I-I don’t spend hours working on my whole look to only wear it for most of the day.”
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“I am gonna fuckin’ kill her.” Margo said under her breath, pursing her lips together as she looked at her Twitter feed. It wasn’t even noon and she already had to handle a huge PR disaster her sister caused. That spoiled French bitch. “I can’t believe this. I fucking can’t.”
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      Eyes wide, Julianna looked up from her notebook to hear the woman’s words. She wanted to stay out of the woman’s way since she was pissed off, but in the end, her gut told her to help her out. “A-Are you okay?” She questioned lightly, “I-I know it’s a stupid question, but I want to see if you’re doing alright.”
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Aria had been horrified and broken down. She could not believe her own bad luck. She had been in Atlanta for only about a month and and this happened. The storm had claimed much of her family’s mansion, which broke Aria’s heart into pieces. It was where her parents had been happiest, before all of the chaos that swirled around them occurred. Not only had her house been badly hit, her family’s multi billion dollar company had as well – the building having bad flood damage to it. She felt like a failure —only here a month and so much bad has happened. What would her parents think if they were here now? She felt so alone and she was. She felt like everyone within the company was laughing at her. 
“If you ask me again if I am okay, I am going to throw this tea at you.” Aria spoke finally, swallowing hard. Whenever she was stressed, she turned into this: a brash, cold girl, but beneath it all, she was just afraid, just heartbroken. 
“Get my phone for me, darling. I have to make a call and not to mention set up where I will be staying. If anyone thinks I will be staying at one of those motel squallers, they can forget it. I won’t settle for anything but a penthouse suite. Lord knows I deserve it.” 
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      Almost jumping out of her seat, Julianna pushed her glasses up the rim of her nose once hearing the woman's cold statement next to her. Peeling her eyes back towards her notebook, she picked her head up again and found the woman talking to her. “Y-You can find a-a penthouse suite in Inman Park. I-I live there and i’ve seen some before.” Julianna spoke to the woman, giving her a refreshing smile. “I-I hope you’ll find somewhere to stay soon.”
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Having less than enough food while being trapped inside her home was less than ideal, but Madeline knew others had experienced worse during the storm. To say that she was hungry was an understatement, the blonde would ensure that should another storm hit the city, she would never find herself in the same situation again. She found herself absentmindedly eating as her thoughts wandered and her eyes fell to the people resurfacing to the streets after days of taking shelter indoors. “Hm?” The blonde looked up when her thoughts were interrupted, before her eyes fell to the already half empty box of donuts in her hand. “I — uh, it’s not as bad as it looks,” She started, before she sighed and smiled guiltily. “Okay, maybe it is. But please, at least make me feel less guilty about indulging myself like this. I’m happy to share, and I think we can all do with some food right now.”
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      After everything with the storm, Julianna has been in a sad mood ever since she visited her hurt friends in the hospital. They were covered in cuts while she walked out of the forestation without a scratch. She considered herself lucky and absolutely hated it. Thankfully, Phoebe gave birth to the daycare owner’s first niece so she couldn’t be happier. She was on her way to the hospital to visit her and looked around at the people she passed. Stopping in her tracks, she tilted her head slightly and narrowed her eyes a bit. She saw someone familiar and needed to check who it was. Her gut knew it was someone special, too. Approaching the fellow blonde, she was about to say something before the woman spoke first. “Y-Your kind for wanting to share, but i-i’m good. T-They’re all for you and i’m not judging.” She gave her a friendly smile before stepping closer. “Madeline?” She questioned, her stuttering stopping once realizing who it was. “Madeline Buchanan? It’s me, Julianna Fairmont, Phoebe’s sister.”
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“You come back from New York and not only is your apartment basically destroyed, but your friends are injured too. Jesus Christ. I just hope nothing else bad happens for a while. At least the hotel I’m staying at has kickass BBQ. Would it be weird if I got out my art supplies and canvas and painted the wreckage? My sober coach said it’s good to meet chaos with creativity, whatever the fuck that means. Wanna join me?” 
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      "If something bad happens in this city one more time, I'm moving back to LA. I'm glad you were there and not here, Bella." Julianna said with a sigh and a shake of the head. When she mentioned painting and her joining, she smiled at her longtime friend. "I don't think it would be weird at all! If I'm painting with you, I'll finger paint since the only creativity I have is singing and photography." She laughed softly, her smile growing by the minute. "I also haven't talked to you in awhile, so I'd love to catch up."
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                          “I honestly still can’t believe how bad it all is,” Libby mumbled, clearly meaning what she said; she couldn’t believe it. It was the first time she really got to see the damage the storm had caused with her own eyes, having been in the hospital until just a few hours ago. Looking back at the person beside her, seemingly as fazed by the whole thing as herself, she let out a quiet sigh. “Are you okay?”
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      Wiping a tear away, Julianna walked out of the hospital and instantly sat on the closest bench. She just visited a friend and was so devastated for her. She was so lucky to get out of the firehouse without a scratch. Heading the woman's question nearby, she looked over and tried to give her a light grin. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay. I-I'll be okay." She wiped another lone tear away before asking, "H-How are you doing?"
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He glanced around the block in Midtown that had become his new home in the past month. Jason should be used to this- moving around and shifting homes constantly, but it had never been so sudden and out of necessity. There had been a grace period to pack and plan- but this was mother nature with it’s cruel tendencies, and now he stood staring at the apartment building with it’s doors blocked off with police tape. “Great. Just what I needed.” He should’ve taken a cue from his roommate who said that he’d be bunking with a friend, but Jason was pretty new here and his connections were limited. “Nothin’ like a good reality check, hey. Did you live here too?” 
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      Paying her respects to the families that had their homes destroyed, Julianna approached her friends old apartment building. Not noticing anyone next to her, she slightly jumped once hearing a man next to her. "No, I didn't, but my friend did and now she's staying with her parents again." She sighed softly before looking at the man. "Did you live here?"
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The town may have been a wreck, but Carolina walked down the streets like a rockstar. She carried herself with confidence, smirking as she moved down the tattered streets. “At least the weather started to turn up, right?”
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      “Y-Yeah,” Julianna nodded towards the woman’s question, “I-It’s beautiful here. E-Ever since I moved here, this is the first time I didn’t want to go back to New York City due to the weather. I-It’s so humid there.” She explained to the other before giving her a friendly smile. “W-What are you planning to do in this nice weather?”
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“Excuse me,” Rosie reaches a hand out to wave the nearest person over. “I hate to be a bother but will you please help me get my dog out of there?” She points at a small empty building that appears to have been a victim of the storm’s destruction. “He was terribly frightened by the noise of construction going on and ran straight inside. I tried to get him myself but… I’m not a fan of dark buildings.”
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      Tilting her head to the side, Julianna didn’t expect to be waved over. Seeing the frightened look on their face, she had to help them out no matter what. “O-Oh my god, i’m so sorry.” She said as she heard the woman’s dilemma. Biting on her bottom lip, she looked over the building and felt her nerves rise. “I-I can get your dog for you. H-Hopefully he’s a good listener.” She gave her a reassuring smile before asking, “W-What is his name?”
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Adelaide truly did feel blessed that she and her daughter Maia had made it safely through the storm, along with their beloved pets and their home in Virginia Highlands. But her small café in Midtown hadn’t been so lucky… 
The brunette was standing in the ruins, picking up things she hoped she could salvage, while doing her best not to cry. It would take months to restore it, and even then, all the keepsakes and knick-knacks given to her by customers would be forever lost. 
When she heard the crunching of debris under soles that were not her own, she looked up and quickly dried her eyes. “Sorry, we’re… Closed.” It was such a stupid thing to say, because of course they were. Adelaide just didn’t know what to do.
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      “A-Adelaide,” Julianna repeated the woman’s name in a soft manner, “I-I’m Julianna, Julianna Fairmont. I was a customer of yours before the storm hit.” She explained before taking a look around the place. This cafe used to be filled with chatter, pastries, and endless amounts of coffee. Now, it was quiet, filled with sadness, and wrapped in debris. “I-I’m so sorry for what happened…”
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