juliandherworld · 8 years
Being In Love With Your Best Friend
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAZZ1fReMLE)
Here is the video you all have been waiting for, please share this video <3
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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Watch Vidcon’s LGBTQ+ Panel feat. @roseellendix and @roxeterawr​ (HERE)
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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juliandherworld · 8 years
The wound is where the light enters.
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juliandherworld · 8 years
Tolerance should really be only a temporary attitude; it must lead to recognition. To tolerate means to offend.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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Guys here’s an easy way to find all the parts of this AU and I’ll put the links to the new parts as soon as they are uploaded 
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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juliandherworld · 8 years
Father and son have the most precious conversation about paris attacks (le petit journal)
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juliandherworld · 8 years
Earlier today, a friend remarked: “I don’t understand. The way you are reacting, it’s almost like you knew someone in the club.”
Here’s the thing you need to understand about every LGBT person in your family, your work, and your circle of friends:
We’ve spent most of our lives being aware that we are at risk.
When you hear interviewers talking to LGBT folks and they say “It could have been here. It could have been me,” they aren’t exaggerating. I don’t care how long you’ve been out, how far down your road to self acceptance and love you’ve traveled, we are always aware that we are at some level of risk.
I’m about as “don’t give a shit what ANYONE thinks” as anyone you’ll ever meet… and when I reach to hold Matt’s hand in the car? I still do the mental calculation of “ok, that car is just slightly behind us so they can’t see, but that truck to my left can see right inside the car”. If I kiss Matt in public, like he leaned in for on the bike trail the other day, I’m never fully in the moment. I’m always parsing who is around us and paying attention to us. There’s a tension that comes with that… a literal tensing of the muscles as you brace for potential danger. For a lot of us, it’s become such an automatic reaction that we don’t even think about it directly any more. We just do it.
And then… over the last few years, it started to fade a little. It started to feel like maybe things were getting better. A string of Supreme Court decisions. Public opinion shifting to the side of LGBT rights. Life was getting better. You could breathe a little bit.
What happened with this event was one of two things that are pretty dramatically demonstrated by how Matt and I are reacting to this. Matt came out fairly late, during the golden glow of the changing tide. He’s never dealt with something like this. It’s literally turned him inside out emotionally because all that stuff he read about that was just “then” became very much “NOW”. For me, I’ve had some time to adjust to the idea that people hate us enough to kill us. Matthew Shepherd was my first real lesson in that. So this weekend was a sudden slap in the face, a reminder that I should never have let my guard down, should never have gotten complacent… because it could have been US.
Every LGBT person you know knows what I’m talking about. Those tiny little mental calculations we do over the course of our life add up… and we just got hit with a stark reminder that those simmering concerns, those fears… they probably won’t ever go away. We’ll never be free of them. Additionally, now we just got a lesson that expressing our love could result in the deaths of *others* completely unrelated to us. It’s easy to take risks when it’s just you and you’ve made that choice. Now there’s this subtext that you could set off someone who kills other people who weren’t even involved. And that’s just a lot.
That’s why I’m personally a bit off balance even though (or because, depending on how you look at it) I live in Texas and was not personally effected by this tragedy. Don’t get me wrong: nothing will change. I will still hold my husband’s hand in public. I will still kiss him in public. We’ll still go out and attend functions and hold our heads high.
But we will be doing those mental calculations for the rest of our lives. Those little PDAs you take for granted with your spouse. They come with huge baggage for us. Every single one is an act of defiance, with all that entails.
So do me a favor. Reach out to that LGBT person in your life. Friend, co-worker, or family. Just let them know you are thinking of them and you love them. That will mean the world to them right now. I promise you.
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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The Nightly Show, June 13, 2016
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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juliandherworld · 8 years
I wasted two years of my life doing something I didn’t enjoy, I didn’t want to do and why? for what? because I needed to add the 2nd state exam to the 1st? now I’ve got this so called 2nd state exam and I don’t see what I need this thing for... 7 years of university prior to that and I still feel like I don’t do what I’m passioate about. this system is so screwed up...
The American Collegiate System
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juliandherworld · 8 years
me last year: why do i like girls like girls so much
me last year: why do i like ellosteph so much
me last year: why do i watch so many coming out videos
me last year: why am i so involved in lgbt rights
me now: ...
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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LGBT Couples |+| Female Character Challenge | A female romantic relationship » Spencer & Ashley (South of Nowhere)
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juliandherworld · 8 years
This would have been SHOCKING, instead of the cheap finale we got.
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juliandherworld · 8 years
Right now we are being given the experience we need to raise our consciousness.
Eckhart Tolle (via flowgently)
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juliandherworld · 8 years
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