"Yep." He responded to Wade's question, moving to stand beside him. "We're a little worried about you Matchstick." He said, his eyes flitting to Wade for a moment at his words. "Well they're Quinn's cookies now." He shrugs, pretty sure Wade would not take food off his 'sister' who had not eaten today, at least, he hope he wouldn't. "Anyway...what's brought all this on Quinn?" He asks gesturing to her room herself and well everything, he could guess what her response would be, but he was mostly scrambling for a new topic to get Wade's attention off his cookies. "Because we are here to help." He smiles at her, clapping and hand on both the shoulders of Wade and Oz.
Not now.
[Quinn yells towards the door after she hears a couple knocks, muttering to herself as she looks down at the paper in front of her. Homework had been pushed to the side because quite frankly she didn’t give a shit about homework right now. The Genesis was zeroing in, and from the intel they had with the double agent, Archer’s girlfriend (still weird), she knew they’d have to be ready for anything. Another knock comes from the door] What is it? [She sighs, continuing to work, not listening at all to the person’s words. So, today had consisted of her skipping her Physics class, (Oz would understand), not eating, not seeing anyone all day, not stressing about her parents once, and planning the next Council meeting. She was actually going to head over to Charlie’s soon enough with a plan when this person knocked] This better be good, like, lottery winning good. [Quinn sighs and stands up, opening her bedroom door]
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I'll take that...
He grins to himself. "Oh and that...and this." He mutters quietly, clearing the house he was currently in, out of all their valuables. He almost froze when the door to the room he was in opened and the light flicked on, making him visible. Pulling an ace out of his pocket and holding it between to fingers he sends the new comer a wink, the reminder of his face obscured by the fabric across it. Before the owner even had a chance to scream 'thief' he was across the room and out the window, falling back into the cover of darkness, the card fluttering to the floor of the room in his wake. Vaulting over the wall around the house he thinks he's gotten away with it yet again until he collides with something...or rather someone.
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"As cool as a real life Katniss could be, what that would entail with the rest of the situation I do not want to know." he sends her a small slightly unsure smile. "Yeah" A small laugh escapes him at that thought. "Yeah if only, maybe one day, alas today is not that day." He frowns at her words. "Serena, that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. They're your family, hold onto them, no matter what. It's not silly, you have a family and you should want to be with them, anyone who does otherwise is an idiot." He pats Serena lightly on the back, pondering over her words. "Don't say that, he doesn't expect that of you and you shouldn't either, besides imagine what would happen if you had done that, Hearst would not be pleased at all, you might be punished or something. Serena, you can't honestly believe that? You deserve him and he deserves you. Yes but you haven't run have you? The day you do you can start saying you don't deserve him, but as long as you stand by him, you deserve him." He shakes his head quickly at her. "You think it's a good thing to belong here? You don't and that's the best bit, you can see what's wrong with it. Yet you remain, like the rest of us do, so that we can fix things and make everything better. Isn't that the whole point?"
I swear to god
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"Fuck the legacies, you are way to cool to be one of those anyway. No where near snobby or stuck up enough." He watches her with worry. "I always preferred books to television anyway, The Hunger Games was way better than that fucking thing St Mary's made." He mutters, squeezing Serena's shoulder. "Let's just hope they don't put you in it next time." He says, frowning at the floor. "Sometimes I want the same thing, me, you, Wade, Quinn, Oz, Jon too, maybe we should all just run off, find something better, maybe try to lay low, but I think we have shit we need to get done here. There's no actual glory in winning that you know, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd given it to him, things probably would have turned out the same." He gives her a look, frowning slightly. "Serena you are not a selfish wimp, selfish people don't look back on things like this and wish they'd done things definitely and if you were a wimp you'd have run off already. You're stronger than you think and as Wade's brother, he's very lucky to have you and you him. Anything you're willing to fight for, you deserve."
I swear to god
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He sighs lightly and makes his way over to her, taking a seat beside her on the mats. "I'm sorry they're all being suck dicks to you, Serena." He says quietly, giving her a sympathetic look. "Not really, I don't really have in interest in watching my friends attack each other so I decided it was best to tune out and wait till it was over." His head snaps up as the boy enters, but relaxes slightly when he leave again. Leaning over and pulling Serena into a half hug he returns her smile with a slightly more genuine one. "It'll get better, just try to hang in there till next Project Play, I'm sure everyone will forget about it then."
I swear to god
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I swear to god
He huffs turning to Serena. "The next person who bullies you is going to wake up with everything they own missing or god help me." He frowns, glaring at the other projects, saying it loud enough to thoroughly indicate that he was not joking and making sure they all heard. Usually he was not the grumpy, vengeful kind of person, but his friend was being messed with and he would not sit idly by. "How are you, Serena, aside from the obvious assholes around here, being their asshole selves."
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"What can I say, I try my best." He lets out a small laugh at her antics. "Burning it would be bad I think, if it is going to explode that would just speed it up, actually you know what let's just leave it, maybe get a fire extinguished ready? Those are always useful." He gives a small nod and strokes his nonexistent beard pensively. "Oh I think you might be onto something there my dear miss Hudson." He gives his head a small shake. "Alas I far prefer the idea of sacrificing you to sacrificing myself, less dying on my part. Oh yeah, lets just do that, if anyone comes in we can say we found it like that." He nods decisively for a second before she leans against him. Moving his hand to stroke her hair lightly, he mentally scans for some kind of actual help or support he could give her, honestly project play scared the shit out of him and he was incredibly worried for her. "Yeah and watch out for all the trap thingys, stay invisible and I'd say you have this one in the bag." A small smile makes it way to his lips at her words. "Oh don't I know it." His expression turns more serious for a second. "Be careful okay Faye? Please, just take care of yourself."
And, what do we have here..
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"Trust you? Oh god no, I'm not that silly." He did of course trust her, just not to not take things...or embarrass him...or drag him into insane situations. "Maybe we should destroy the evidence." He gives a small shrug. "Yeah but I'm aiming more for something available within our life times, so I think I'll stick to the virtual reality thanks." At her next words he gives her a sarcastic smile and a thumbs up. "Yeah sure you do that, you horrible person. Maybe we should throw it out the window instead or something, then we'd both be safe, except maybe from the wrath of whatever project made it." Putting and arm around her shoulders he gives her a small squeeze. "Hey, I know it's scary but you'll be fine. The psychotic little projects aren't allowed to kill you remember? Besides, I'm sure you can kick ass out there right?" He gives a small but still slightly worried laugh. "Damn right, you can't let that happen. Who'd be my partner in crime then?"
And, what do we have here..
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"Yeah, sure you were." He chuckles, not quite believing her. "Okay, yes press all the buttons." The words might have seemed sarcastic but they were in all actuality far from it. "Technology is a beautiful thing, I am still waiting for virtual reality video games and when they do arrive, I will rejoice." He just laughs at her actions. "Yeah that works too I suppose. Now let us pray that the beeping is not the count down to some kind of explosion." He looks back to her at her question. "You mean the PP things? You're in there right?" He asks, taking a seat beside her on the bench. "Nervous?"
And, what do we have here..
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Walking past one of the mechanics labs while on the way to the library, he stops hearing the beeping and pokes his head in. A small laugh escapes him seeing Faye. "Up to no good as usual I suppose? What did you just break?" He teases her, walking over to look at the gadget.
And, what do we have here..
Testing, testing. One, two, three. Captain Kirk signing on. (Faye toys with a gadget she found lying on a bench of one of the mechanics labs. Technically, she wasn’t supposed to be there, but really she had no intention of stealing anything. She was just restless, what with the thought of Project Play looming. However, soon it begins bleeping and Faye’s eyes widen, just as the door swings open and someone enters.)
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"As terrifying as the sounds, I'm not sure we've quite reached that level of crazy around here yet, maybe give it a few more weeks before we start getting cannibalistic S genes." Honestly, that didn't seem all that far fetched. "I know right, it just took me a while to figure that out." He gives a small shrug and rolls around a little till he'd facing Oz. "I know, always a down side to doing some good right? You want me to help find your laptop? I could steal it back, that would be using my powers for good right? I can do shit like that." He says, sounding a little unsure of himself.
Go away!
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"Yeah let's not have that Quinn, I like this Quinn." He just laughs at her words. "I know, I know, but someone needs to keep up the happiness around here, why not me? If I do that as a burrito what does it matter? Okay, okay, why not?" He hops around a little, till he tangle of blankets fall off him, before following Quinn. "Okay, cool." He says, walking out, smiling slightly at her.
Go away!
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"Okay, that works, at least now I know you like my terrible jokes." He shrugs at her question. "I don't know, it just fell down, so i rolled myself up in all the blankets and I became the blanket fort." Lightly swatting at her hands and sighs in defeat. "You are an evil, evil person, trying to keep me from my new life as a burrito. Argh, but I don't wanna be a person, no. Froyo is good though. Let's go!" He says, jumping to his feet.
Go away!
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"Yeah well, what can I say? I assumed no one would be able to fit me in their mouth." He rolls his eyes at Oz. "You are just jealous because you are not a burrito." He gives Oz a look for a moment, well that had been a fucking low blow. "Whatever, bitch all you like, I don't have your laptop."
Go away!
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"Okay was that sarcasm? Cause my joke really wasn't that funny." He nods a little as she lays donw beside him. "I know, I know, But I already had my blanket fort destroyed and I don't want to take any chances." He frowns slightly as Quinn's actions. "No, Quinn, why? You are messing with my life as a burrito. Now I am the bad kind that spills everywhere. What? I can exercise them, we still have to do combat classes remember...ooh, but froyo, I could go for froyo." He debates his options here for a moment.
Go away!
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"Maybe you should become one too then." He says, sticking out his tongue at Oz. "Nope, I will remain a burrito forever, burritoflys are so main stream." He gives a small shrug thought it's unnoticeable under the mess of blankets. "You know what Ozzy? I think being back here's good for me. I remember why I stopped stealing in the first place. No cops, no people depending on you, no money. I've stopped again. Plus it would sus if I just randomly started stealing again."
Go away!
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"Oswald, I am a burrito, you need to open the door yourself." He rolls across the floor away from the door. "I did not take your laptop, also mine is only a two phase life, I shall never be a burritofly. Did you ask Wade and Quinn? Maybe the twins took it. I don't know man but going around pointing fingers at innocent burritos is mean"
Go away!
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