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Welcome to my 30 days of art projects for WDKA x Jamie Lim
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#28 Talk coupe
I redid this assignment after some thoughts. Why does a tic has to be something negative? My tic is that I talk too much and sometimes people get irritated. But what happened more was that I made a lot of new friends or had really interesting and fun conversations with strangers because of my eagerness to talk to everyone. 
So I created this campaign for a talk coupe instead of a stilte coupe. Often when I travel alone in the train I talk to the strangers sitting close to me to kill the time. I don’t want to sit on my phone the whole trip and I think more people should do it. How cute if everyone started talking to each other.
My first idea was to edit a picture with me and my friends, because we always have to most fun train trips together in which we talk a lot. But this wasn’t the essence of my project, which would be to meet new people by talking more. I used the colors of the NS logo for my text. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#18 The Olympus
For this assignment I decided to give an online class about the cultural landscape the Olympus. I went to an all gymnasium high school, so it was mandatory to learn Ancient Greek and Latin. I love myths, especially the Greek mythology, so I really liked it. I am now also reading “Mythos” from Stephen Fry, this is where my inspiration came from. 
The Greek mythology consists out these amazing stories about the gods that live in the Olympus. It is similar to a big unique soap drama, where bizarre stuff happens. But it is also full of morals and explanations about nature phenomena.  
Since the video only could be 2 minutes max, I decided to give a shot introduction about the Olympus and 3 gods. 
The first one is Zeus, the king/father of the gods. I thought it would be relevant to mention him, because he is seen as the most important god. I like his character and the fact that he has a lot of affairs and children from other women. His stories are really funny and interesting.
The second and third gods that I mention are Hades and Dementer. I chose them because they are connected in this really important and famous story. The story about the explanation of the seasons. In the Borghese gallery in Rome I saw that really impressive statue from Bernini  “The rape of Proserpina”. It was amazing to see the sculpture and knowing the story behind it. 
What I adore about the Greek mythology is the fact that these gods act just like humans, so they are in a way relatable. That even gods can be stupid, I thinks it’s also very interesting. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#30 Proces
I would describe my class as a rainbow, because there is a lot of diversity in the class. But at the same time, we are also very supportive, joyful and we see each other as an equal. That’s why I wanted to rank my classmates based on their favourite colour, so at the end I could create a rainbow from them. 
I made pictures from everyone who was in class and for those who weren’t there I used their profile picture or asked them to take a selfie. My plan was to edit them in their favourite colour so at the end there would be a rainbow made from everyones faces. The whole photoshop and video-editing process took so long, but I like the outcome. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
#30 Rank your class
I chose to rank everyone based on their favourite colour, but I didn’t gave them a number, but I arranged and categorized them. The idea of ranking people even based on something foolish like the number of letters in their name made me feel uncomfortable. For example Hindu names are typically much longer than western names, a seemingly simple ranking already contains a hidden western hierarchy. So for my ranking I chose one that is based on inclusivity rather than ordening. 
My class is very diverse, but my classmates are very cheerful and radiate joy, just like a rainbow. I like how rainbows represent inclusivity, diversity, support and equality and they also are a symbol for new beginnings. I like to think my class is just the same. A new (rainbow) community who accepts everyone and sparkle joy. I hope that will be the case this school year. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
#22 Guido van der Werve recreation
Guido van der Werve creates videos where he finds himself in life-threatening situations while doing everyday stuff and acts like everything is normal. For example his work “nummer 8″ where he is walking in front of a ship while the ice is also breaking. I think he is a very brave man by doing these kind of things. 
So for my video I had this idea to be sitting on a boat that’s on fire, but I keep on casually writing in my notebook like nothing is happening. It was my first time using a greenscreen, which was very fun. But the editing of the video was very difficult, so the outcome is nog perfect, but I think it still turned out pretty cool. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#12 Bob Ross, but abstract
I prefer abstract paintings over realistic ones, so I tried to paint an abstract Bob Ross painting. I have never watched a Bob Ross video before, but he is really just this wholesome calming man. It was also my first time painting with oil paint.
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#27 other ideas
I first had this idea to sell myself as if I am a clothing piece, because I love fashion and I like to dress up. You can find a lot of information on clothing labels and I designed a label based on myself. The label from the internet was my inspiration, instead of “machine wash” I wrote “Shower wash” and 100% human. But I thought the idea was to obvious and boring, so I wanted to think more outside of the box.
My second idea was to make a star certificate. It’s such a crazy idea that you could “buy” a star and name it, so I made a star certificate with my name on it. But I didn’t really know how to sell it and make it more personal. Because there is only so much you can say about a star and that’s why I chose my third idea: Sell myself as if I am a pet
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#9 Collection a la Jamie process
I am really into fashion and even considered going to AMFI. I think clothes says so much about a person and I am quite a handful and so are my clothes. I have a lot of extravagant and colorful clothing and I wanted to combine them for the collection. There was a lot of layering involved for a more haute couture look, especially by the Gucci one. Gucci is known for their usage of multiple layers of which you would think it wouldn't go together, but when combined it looks amazing. I tried to create that Gucci style with look 4. 
The vibe I was going for the shoot was something different than the usual shoots you come across on Instagram or clothing sites. More daring and special than just standing in front of the camera with a good background. But since I actually wear the clothing on a daily basis, I also wanted to show them on a more common background. So I shot look 4 on the balcony of my apartment and I shot look 3 on two different locations. One was a small park in the city and the other in a noodle bar. To show that these clothes are also wearable for normal occasions.
We shot 2 Porta400 rolls and I had to make a selection, but here are some pictures that I also liked a lot. I always love how analog pictures turn out, I was so excited for the photos. I am a hobby photographer myself and I try to shoot more analog and experiment with things like double exposure, but analog photography is soo expensive.  
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#11 Water glass process 
At high school I had to learn about the hydrological cycle of nature for geography. I instantly had to think about that when I read this assignment. Because you fill a glass with water to give it back to nature. 
At first I wanted to exercise till I started sweating and then “catch” the water, because the sweat will be the ‘condensation’ of the hydrological cycle. And after collecting the sweat/water dump travel to a water source (the precipitation part). And the water source would be the collection part of the cycle, which eventually would evaporate and everything would start over again. But then I realized that it was kind of gross and I have done a lot of sports: running, swimming, kickboks, yoga, gym and more, BUT I don't really sweat. 
I liked my second idea more to collect rain water (a direct source of nature) and give it back to nature. I was watching “Cowboy Bepop” with a friend and I really liked their soundtracks, so I looked it up and found“Cats on mars”. It’s a really good fit for the vibe of the video.
I filmed the video in a POV, because it is different than how you would normally film. Lately you see a lot of POV videos on Tiktok and that is how I came up with the idea.
We should really give love back to Mother Nature 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
#11 Water glass
For this project I wanted to use rain to fill the glass, because the nature cycle is more prominent then. To receive water from the direct source the rain and give it back to nature via a small lake.
First my idea for the video was to sport and catch the produced sweat in a glass and give it back to nature, but that idea was a bit gross so I went for the rain. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#29 a self-portrait as one of your family members
At first I didn’t even see that Gillian Wearing was wearing masks at the family portraits, it looked so real. But when you looked closely you can see her eyes and that was exactly what I also tried to do with the picture of my little sister. I actually asked my mom to go to my sisters room and take a picture of her current situation and she sent me this picture. 
My little sister is always sitting on the floor next to her bed, while she has this comfortable bed and chair, but for some reason she prefers the wooden floor. Since Gillian Wearing recreates a setting that suits the person she is imitating in a natural pose and  I recreated poses that I saw my sister were in while reading a book.
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#17 It’s Britney bitch 
I went to the Kunsthal and the exhibition that spoke to me the most was the Black album/White cube one and especially this photograph from Britney Spears by Phill Collins. It was such an interesting concept and results were so “life-like”.
He hang this picture of Britney Spears at the New York subway stations in 2014.  At that time people really hated Britney, because she changed her image from a teen idol to a more sexualized idol and off course she had her infamous breakdown. Her fans felt betrayed, what often happens with artists when they are acting different than normally. For example, last month I read this article in the Volkskrant about Adele weightless and how  her fans feel betrayed instead of supporting her healthier lifestyle. Because they adored this relatable chubby woman and suddenly she is unrecognizable and that causes a lot of commotion. Same happend  with Britney back then. So when Phill Collins hang this photograph people wrote awful things on her face. I think that it is really interesting that people see these idols almost as an object instead of a person that is able to change. When the “object” starts to do its own thing, they are astonished and even horrified. 
So to expand on this work, I hang a photograph of Britney on the platform “Beurs” and asked passersby to write or draw on it. Off course the “free britney movement” is now happening, so I thought it was relevant now to do this project, because she has a different image again. 
I liked how nobody wrote offensive things about her and someone actually wrote #freebritney! Some people drew on her face, but it was mostly positive. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#9 Collection a la Jamie
First of all, I loved this assignment and I knew exactly which 4 looks I wanted and where to photograph it. My original plan was to photograph my friends in my clothing, but then I thought “Who wears my clothes better than me”. So I had to wait until my talented friend Weia had some free time to help me shoot this collection. 
My idea was to style the clothes more haute couture and extravagant. The one with the blazer and about 6 layers was inspired from Gucci, I really liked how that look turned out. A lot of layering was involved in all the looks.
We went to roof of a parking garage, a noodle bar, the balcony of my apartment and to this small city “park”. It was freezing cold outside, but the photos turned out amazing so I am really happy with it.
I really wanted to make the series with an analog camera for a more authentic look and I like analog better in general. We used the Portra400 film, because that’s a really nice film for shooting people and it was quite cloudy outside so the ISO 400 was a better suit. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#26 catching fish with my dad
I used to be really close with my father and often joined him on fishing trips to Zeeland. He was always catching seabasses and I sometimes helped him. I drew this memory in 2 versions: 
1. The drawing the chid me would draw then
2. The drawing I would make now 
After some thinking I decided to recreate the second drawing but make a one-line version of it. I gave my father a square and myself a circle, because we are very different people and how more I grew up, how more we clashed qua opinions and views. I wanted to emphasize that with the different shapes, but we are still family and thus connected with each other and that's why I made the one-line drawing. 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#28 other ideas proces
I had several ideas for this assignment:
- Making a typical Dutch tile with a saying about talking less on it
- An illustration with two people and the one talking is silver and the one listening is gold “spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud” 
- Myself photoshopped with a zipper as mouth 
- A lot of words drawn on my face to represent how much I talk 
- A video where I am talking to a ice sculpture until it melts away 
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#28 Talk too much 
My tic is that I talk too much, so I wanted to make an anti-talk campaign. I had several ideas, that I will show in another post, and I eventually chose this kind of vintage poster design. I really like vintage advertising posters, they have such an authentic vibe to it. But I wanted to give it a modern twist and that’s why the background is so colorful. 
I saw the quote “small talk is noise pollution” and I really liked it, because I hate small talk but sometimes in social gatherings is just a polite necessity. I thought that was a better idea for the poster, because it’s more specific. Instead of “Don’t talk so much” you specify it to “Don’t have so much small talk’ small talk is boring. But I do that also a lot (:
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juicyjimmuh · 4 years ago
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#27 Jamie the pet
For this assignment I described myself as if I am a pet, that you can buy. My friends sometimes compare me to a dog, because I am really enthusiastic and easily distracted, so I did some research about buying a dog. They tell you about the characteristics about the dog that are important for the new owners and I found it funny that they always mention it when a dog is sterilized that’s why I mentioned that I'm on birth control. The assignment was funny and I actually even learned somethings about myself. I realized that I really enjoy company of other people and that I would  probably be a lot at first for people who don't know me at all. I just moved houses and one of my new roommates told me I was really present and energetic. 
The goal was to create a diagram with an overview about important qualities that you need to know before you buy a certain pet. I also mentioned my nicknames which are a handful, because I thought that was more personal and if you get a dog they have a “roepnaam” and I have several. 
The “breed” characteristics was based on this site DogTime.com, but I made a  diagram of it so you have a clear summary view. I also investigated a lot of dog advertisements on Markplaats, puppyplaats etc and my description is based on that.
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