juicemcelroy · 4 years
I’ve been working on this for months and the truth is I could continue to add to it forever but I want you all to enjoy it with me
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juicemcelroy · 4 years
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ok fine this is funny actually
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juicemcelroy · 4 years
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the mcelroy brothers play animal crossing: new horizons
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
I had to capture this from Griffin’s stream this moring
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
[Excerpt compiled from MBMBaM 437: A Silent Chug. Press J to automatically scroll past long transcript!]
Griffin: Uh, Travis has, uh, set up, uh, “buttercupisagood”…”good”…”girl”…
Travis: “buttercupisaverygoodgirl.com”! And let me say this–
Griffin: Tops.
Travis: –uh, we have got ourselves a second dog. Her name is Lily, she is ALSO a very good girl, dot com, and as soon as I get enough pictures of her, I will be building another Squarespace website called “lilyisaverygoodgirl.com”–I should go buy that now before this episode goes up–
Griffin: Yes.
Travis: –and just go ahead and sit on that–
Griffin: I mean, the real competition, I think, is you need to do it before Justin does it, ‘cause he–
Travis: Oh, no!
Griffin: –yeah, the, Juice, the race is on, if you’ve recovered, and are able to [indecipherable]
Travis: Alright, well, he’s gonna be way faster at it than me! Oh, sorry, I’m racing Justin!
Griffin: Yeah, I can’t wait to see the results of this.
Travis: I’m just gonna lose it, he needs this. Umm–
Justin: I NEED it? I don’t– I don’t need your CHARITY!
Travis: [a single loud lumberjack guffaw]
Justin: Don’t need your CHARITY.
Travis: Okay, then, you read the next one while Iiiiiii get it.
Justin: Alright, yeah, you grab it, Trav. Go for, it bud! Get it, Trav, get it! I don’t have it!
Travis: Oh no, did you already get it?!
Griffin: [the delighted cackling of a crow]
Justin: You have any troubles getting it, bud?
Travis: [slightly higher pitch] Did you already get it?!
Justin: Aww, bud, I got it three weeks ago, bud!
Griffin: [ascends to a higher plane of corvine joy]
Travis: No…
Justine: No, I got it when you adopted the dog, bud!
Travis: Oh, no…
Justin: You shouldn’t have texted me that you were getting a dog before you got the URL of your dog! OBVIOUSLY!
Travis: oh, no………..
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
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He killed them
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
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He killed them
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
my favorite part of the sonic movie was when he gave griffin that big bag of weed
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
you in his DMs. i’m erasing his memories so that he and the rest of my family can be happy and safe while i try to fix what we did. we are not the same. oh god, magnus, no. magnus, i’m so sorry. it’ll all be okay, just lie down, i don’t want you to get hurt. magnus, i love you so much, i love you all so much-
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
this was my favorite bit i nearly had an asthma attack
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
I feel like Justin’s eldest brother energy is strongest in MBMBAM when he decides Griffin and Travis are done being funny and launches into the next question without buildup or warning
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
Forbidden McElroy Brothers - Rankings
1. Krazee Klown McElroy
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2. xXWolfieLovezHugglezXx McElroy
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3. Whitepaw McElroy
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4. Stormbeard McElroy
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5. Travis
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
the bellcurve of justin’s character voices is fucking wild to me. This man went from a full 10 in intensity to just a normal dude then back to 10 but in the other direction. His power is terrifying
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
posting about the mcelroys is extremely risky business cause it's all fun and games until the Real Life Griffin Mcelroy from his secret tumblr sees you and mentions you on mbmbam or monster factory and suddenly the only thing your favorite internet celebrities know about you is that your name is tasty_himbo and you "think griffin mcelroy looks kind of like an otter with glasses"
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juicemcelroy · 5 years
Here’s the dance portion from the latest monster factory, since I haven’t seen this absolute masterpiece posted here yet
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