judgedreddmegacity · 12 hours
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judgedreddmegacity · 19 hours
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Loved your old blog! But i have a question why's there's too many immigrants in Europe rn, isn't having too many immigrants not safe for your country, it makes the country and its culture unstable. Like common you can see it clearly too right ?
True, there has been instances where it has appeared that show immigration in a bad light but it's not the fault of the immigrant people but the policy itself. Most European countries involve policies where immigration is allowed to a percentage, a small percentage each year to absorm them minority in their own culture. Disregarding the fact that these people have their own culture and values, richer and more grounded. So ofcourse there has been resistance
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But the 'resistance' is only to a an impulse, made by these countries. First let me explain why immigration is necessary for Europe then i would explain how europe is doing it wrong.
Without immigration, the EU and UK could find their economies crippled by worker shortages within the next thirty years. A shift in attitudes to immigrants, as politically and socially difficult as it might be, will be necessary to head off economic disaster.
Demographic decline, the effect of populations getting older and having fewer kids, will see the economies of Europe and the UK down around 44 million workers by 2050, according to a report from the Center for Global Development (CGDev) based in Washington, D.C.
We've known about the issue of demographic decline for a long time, and many developed countries are now waking up to the fact that a crisis is looming (lesser-developed countries tend to have younger populations and higher fertility rates so aren't yet facing the same problem).
Fortunately, the report argues, the solution to Europe's demographic woes is right next door. With Africa's population expected to double to 1.3 billion by 2050, it would make sense for Europe to allow more people in to fill job shortages, while relieving the worsening jobs crisis for young people in Africa.
That's easier said than done, of course. Europe and Africa have a complicated relationship when it comes to migration, and recent years have seen various deals between individual African countries and regions and European governments to restrict immigration from South to North. The Khartoum Process, for example, saw EU and UK money sent to governments in the Horn of Africa to effectively outsource European border control, which many observers say led to widespread human rights abuses
At the same time, European attitudes to migrants present a mixed picture, with some countries more resistant to newcomers than others. African migration in particular is a thorny issue, with many Europeans expressing concerns that Africans are less able to adapt to European customs and national identities, though recent research suggests this attitude is improving in some countries.
There is, however, another more subtle concern. The case for labor migration in the face of demographic decline may be overwhelming enough even to beat out racial prejudice or anti-immigration sentiment, but such a utilitarian approach risks viewing potential African migrants as resources Europe can use, rather than individual people with their own dreams and ambitions
A step in the right direction would be for European policymakers to stop using immigrants as political scapegoats or leverage, and instead to start acknowledging that Europeans may need Africans just as much as they've always assumed Africans need them, by 2040, Africa will have 1.7 billion people of working age, more than China and India, and by 2030, it will be home to 65 percent of the global population of people under 30. So where's the problem the problem is this ego of these white people, thinking that they are the purest and their culture and future can't have people that don't look like them.
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Europe needs to lose this silly pride of this 'purity' and accept facts, these bigots are afraid they gonna lose their privilege when exposed to this
They have benefiting for centuries just by merit but this same privilege has become their downfall
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Almost all of good media (music, film, sports) are mostly afro people.
This is what those racists are afraid of
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Which is basic evolution, prettier, stronger, smarter, less genetic defects etc.
So how should Europe avoid Africa colonising them forcefully in future?
By adopting African culture now.
There's stigma involved, prejudices by lack of information, which when looked into are just hypocrites and their lies. Europeans need to see as assimilation as the way into right direction, marrying into an African family is hypergamy. And adopting and celebrating culture of the soon to be majority is a good way to avoid these problems happening right now, so the solution is :
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judgedreddmegacity · 4 days
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I’d love to see the day where when you see a pregnant white woman, it will be automatically assumed her baby will be brown and mixed race and that if she were to have a white baby it would be very rare. I think we are heading in that direction ❤️
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judgedreddmegacity · 6 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 6 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 6 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 6 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 7 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 7 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 7 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 7 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 8 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 8 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 8 days
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judgedreddmegacity · 8 days
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The hottest girls are Black Only.
Reblog and repeat.
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judgedreddmegacity · 9 days
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