judge-dragon · 4 years
Maybe this year my bitchy hydrangeas might grow.
"oH lOoK aT uS wE'rE sO hIgH aNd MiGhTy!1!1!1!"
fuckin pricks 🙄
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judge-dragon · 4 years
Reblog with a link to your favorite Creepypasta.
I'll go first:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Horror of Chernobyl
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judge-dragon · 4 years
Things I've Learned From My Ghosthunting Family
If you hear a voice in an allegedly haunted building or area don't answer. By now it's time to Smudge-N-Go.
Bring offerings. Food, Drinks, etc. Being a ghost takes a lot of energy and though you probably won't see them eat/drink the item they will gain energy from it.
Compasses will work in place of an EMF Meter.
Do not point the EMF Meter/Compass at metal or windows, they will give you false readings. This also means that not every reading you see will be correct.
It's best to bring a friend.
Do not sleep/stay in the area for more than 12-24 hours (depending on what happened in the area you may not want to sleep there at all).
Bring batteries for everything.
If you go into an area and end up in The Backrooms, start counting the seconds. One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi, and so on and so forth. AND STAY IN ONE AREA.
Do NOT take anything unless you're willing to part with something. It's best not to take anything though.
If things get cold, congrats, you found something. Smudge-N-Go.
If you see a weird snailtrail, congrats, you found something. Smudge-N-Go.
If you hear someone calling your name but sounds like a broken or scratched old record that has a weird wavy sound, congrats, you found something. Smudge-N-Go.
Be kind to the spirits. If one is toying with you or you wish to stay longer simply ask, "May I stay longer?" If something more happens then you might want to leave.
Holy Water and Garlic Water will be your two best friends.
So will a holy symbol (doesn't matter if it's the Christian Cross or a Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster pendant. If it makes you feel safe that's all that matters).
If you get hurt by an unknown force, leave immediately.
Do NOT use a Ouija board but if you do be sure to bury them far away from each other and far away from the area. Burning them will result in the spirits being free in our world. You may have the wrong spirit. Not only could this anger them (depending on the spirit) but they might come for you or wreak havoc.
Note: These rules may vary from place to place and this is just the beginning of rules my family taught me. These rules are from my Grandpa's (my mom's dad) side of the family as they have been ghost/cryptid/demon hunting for a long, long time.
~ Stay Haunted
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judge-dragon · 4 years
Moyaus,,,,I like it.
The first 3 letters of your hometown + the last 3 letters of your name = your inner demon name.
I’m Kinott (which is a Vibe)
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judge-dragon · 4 years
Let's not forget the random animal(s) that might follow you around.
A dog, maybe a cat, a bird or lizard. It just follows you around maybe bringing you something but is overall just there as a companion.
apparently… no one’s coined this yet? it’s just me and one other person posting in the tag so.
introducing scavengercore!
an empty city just before dawn, the glint of metal under the bright streetlights. what will you find today?
constantly having the weirdest supplies on-hand. someone’s pants rip? you pull out thread and a sowing needle. someone wants tea? you pull out a tea bag. someone’s talking about the zombie apocalypse? you pull out the giant zombie apocalypse guide in your bag and watch as their eyes grow wide.
one man’s trash is absolutely your treasure.
wandering around for literal hours and coming home with a bunch of weird scrap.
making cool things out of said scrap
having to explain to people that yes, you can in fact make -thing- out of trash and yes, it looks cool and no, it doesn’t stink.
having at least three different bags, preferably ones you can all wear at the same time.
wearing cool masks, draping yourself in cloaks and cloth, wearing so much jewelry that every time you move you clink.
your friend goes, “ugh, my -thing- broke and i really need it/like it and can’t get another,” and realizing that you have a replacement lying around, or supplies + materials to fix said thing.
basically a giant combo of crowcore, goblincore, and apocalypsecore, with a lil bit of adventurecore thrown in for good measure.
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