judasold Ā· 5 years
welp pals go ahead and unfollow iā€™ll post judeā€™s new acct to the main bc tumblr is a d*ckĀ 
19 notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
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477 notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
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2K notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
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judasold Ā· 5 years
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judasold Ā· 5 years
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š’šŽš‚šˆš€š‹ šŒš„šƒšˆš€ šŒš„šŒš„ Ā  / Ā  not accepting .
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judasold Ā· 5 years
ā˜‚ ā˜ āœ‰
š’šŽš‚šˆš€š‹ šŒš„šƒšˆš€ šŒš„šŒš„ Ā  /Ā  Ā not accepting .
send me a ā˜‚ for three tweets from my muse directed at your muse.
send me a ā˜ for one voicemail left by my muse on your museā€™s phone.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ź» Ā  hey ,Ā  Ā iĀ  ā€¦.Ā  iĀ  knewĀ  youĀ  werenā€™tĀ  gonnaĀ  answer .Ā  Ā knewĀ  youĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  answer .Ā  iĀ  justĀ  ā€¦Ā  neededĀ  toĀ  hearĀ  yourĀ  voice ,Ā  iĀ  guess .Ā  Ā evenĀ  ifĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  justĀ  askingĀ  meĀ  toĀ  leaveĀ  youĀ  aĀ  message .Ā  i ā€¦Ā  youā€™llĀ  findĀ  outĀ  whenĀ  youĀ  getĀ  out ,Ā  Ā butĀ  iĀ  justĀ  ā€¦Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  knowĀ  howĀ  toĀ  doĀ  thisĀ  anymoreĀ  withoutĀ  her .Ā  Ā iĀ  donā€™tĀ  knowĀ  howĀ  toĀ  liveĀ  withoutĀ  her ,Ā  theo ,Ā  Ā andĀ  itĀ  scaresĀ  theĀ  shitĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  me .Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  knowĀ  whatĀ  toĀ  do .Ā  Ā iĀ  donā€™tĀ  ā€“ā€“ā€“Ā Ā . Ā  Ź¼ Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
send me a āœ‰ for three texts from my muse to yours.
judeĀ  :Ā  Ā thisĀ  isĀ  gonnaĀ  beĀ  soĀ  weirdjudeĀ Ā :Ā  Ā iĀ  meanĀ  weĀ  wonā€™tĀ  haveĀ  anyĀ  classesĀ  togetherĀ  butjudeĀ Ā :Ā  Ā itā€™sĀ  stillĀ  weird ā€¦Ā  right ?
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judasold Ā· 5 years
ā› Ā  š•š•–š•  š•—š• š•£š•£š•–š•¤š•„š•„ Ā  /Ā  Ā lvciiddreamsĀ· .
Ā  Ā  Ā  it wasnā€™t often that leo had to be stuck taking penalty kicks.Ā  it was almost never, if it was, he was in a very wrong place on the field or it was overtime.Ā  either scenario was not exactly ideal, but in whatever case ā€“ it was important enough to practice them regardless.Ā  his coach growing up always told him that the more he took them, the more he would understand about how to block them.Ā Ā after a quick text to his aunt about being home later than usual, he found himself standing in front of the little dot located in front of the goal ā€“ a dozen soccer balls lined up behind him.Ā  he rolled one away from the neat cluster, lightly kicking it into its place over the small dot.Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā a few successful kicks later, leo was annoyed by what he was doing already ā€“ but he only had one ball left.Ā  he might as well finish the dozen. as he lined it up over the line, and backed away from it slowly. now instead of kicking it normally, like he had done with the first eleven.Ā  his eyes watched the ball sail far over the goal ā€“ his intentions.Ā  however, he watched the ball start to descend with a person in the crossfires.Ā ā€œHey! Watch out!ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā JUDE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN HIS DAY WAS GOING TO END WITHĀ  someoneĀ  orĀ  somethingĀ  hittingĀ  himĀ  inĀ  theĀ  face .Ā  Ā heā€™dĀ  beenĀ  inĀ  aĀ  horribleĀ  moodĀ  Ā &Ā  Ā heĀ  feltĀ  likeĀ  everyoneĀ  sufferedĀ  whenĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  pissedĀ  off .Ā  Ā withĀ  earĀ  phonesĀ  in ,Ā  Ā heĀ  madeĀ  hisĀ  wayĀ  toĀ  theĀ  soccerĀ  fieldĀ  whereĀ  heĀ  knewĀ  hisĀ  bestĀ  friendĀ  wouldĀ  beĀ  Ā  ā€“ā€“Ā  Ā  thatĀ  was ,Ā  Ā ifĀ  heĀ  hadnā€™tĀ  goneĀ  homeĀ  yet .Ā  Ā nextĀ  thingĀ  heĀ  knew ,Ā  Ā theĀ  ballĀ  plasteredĀ  theĀ  sideĀ  ofĀ  hisĀ  face .Ā  Ā afterĀ  aĀ  horrificĀ  sound ,Ā  judeĀ  shutĀ  hisĀ  eyes ,Ā  clingingĀ  hisĀ  handsĀ  toĀ  hisĀ  face . Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ź» Ā  theĀ  fuckĀ  wasĀ  thatĀ  for ,Ā  leo ?Ā  Ā iā€™mĀ  notĀ  lateĀ . Ā  Ź¼
16 notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
ā› Ā  š•’š•£š••š•–š•Ÿ š•£š• š•”š•œš•–š•—š•–š•š•š•–š•£ Ā  /Ā  Ā rockcfellersĀ· .
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after grabbing a water from the vending machine, arden turned around and surveyed the room. most of the tables were taken, but one of them sat with a vacant seat open. approaching them, she took a seat without asking if she really could, feeling like she seemed chipperĀ enough to not get swat away instantly. taking a drink from her water bottle, she kept them waiting for dramatic effect. finally, she asked, ā€œso, any plans for today?ā€Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā HE HAD BEEN WATCHING VIDEOS WHILE HE FINISHED HIS PATHETIC Ā  lunchĀ  fromĀ  home .Ā  Ā heĀ  hadnā€™tĀ  eatenĀ  theĀ  cafeteriaĀ  foodĀ  yetĀ  Ā &Ā  Ā partĀ  ofĀ  himĀ  wasĀ  holdingĀ  outĀ  dueĀ  toĀ  theĀ  factĀ  thatĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  quiteĀ  ridiculous .Ā  Ā however ,Ā  Ā whenĀ  ardenĀ  satĀ  herĀ  happyĀ  assĀ  downĀ  atĀ  hisĀ  table ,Ā  Ā theĀ  eyeĀ  rollĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  haveĀ  comeĀ  sooner . Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ź» Ā  maybeĀ . Ā  Ź¼ Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā he Ā scoffed ,Ā  Ā eyesĀ  sendingĀ  herĀ  aĀ  glareĀ  sheĀ  probablyĀ  didnā€™tĀ  deserve . Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ź» Ā  why ? Ā  Ź¼
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judasold Ā· 5 years
ā› Ā  š•–š•žš•šš•š•Ŗ Ā š•’š•¤š•™š•Øš• š•£š•„š•™ Ā  /Ā  Ā emsashwrthĀ· .
ā€œ stephen king once said that in each of us, thereā€™s this attraction to (Ā MADNESS.) we have all looked off the edge of a tall building and have felt the faint yet morbid urge to JUMP. isnā€™t that crazy? that we as humans can be so drawn towards whatā€™s dangerous at one point in our lives or another.ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā  TRUTHFULLY , HE WAS JEALOUS . HIS FACIAL EXPRESSION wasnā€™tĀ  probablyĀ  somethingĀ  sheĀ  hadĀ  expected ,Ā  Ā butĀ  heĀ  lookedĀ  aggravated . Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ź» Ā  holdĀ  theĀ  phone .Ā  Ā whyĀ  didnā€™tĀ  youĀ  callĀ  meĀ  beforeĀ  youĀ  smokedĀ  oneĀ  thisĀ  morningĀ ? Ā  Ź¼
23 notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  HE KNEW CAPE CORAL WOULD BE GREAT BEFORE HE STEPPED Ā  Ā inĀ  theĀ  doors .Ā  Ā however ,Ā  Ā theĀ  mostĀ  shockingĀ  aspectĀ  aboutĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  theĀ  food .Ā  Ā itĀ  wasĀ  likeĀ  theĀ  peopleĀ  surroundingĀ  thisĀ  placeĀ  livedĀ  onĀ  fourĀ  courseĀ  mealsĀ  constantly .Ā  Ā atĀ  pcc ,Ā  Ā judeĀ  wasĀ  luckyĀ  ifĀ  heĀ  gotĀ  theĀ  lastĀ  bagĀ  ofĀ  chipsĀ  forĀ  fearĀ  ofĀ  gettingĀ  poisonedĀ  byĀ  theĀ  handĀ  madeĀ  stuff .Ā  Ā onĀ  theĀ  menuĀ  todayĀ  wasĀ  eggplantĀ  parmesanĀ  andĀ  tiramisu . Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ź» Ā  fuckingĀ  richĀ  peopleĀ . Ā  Ź¼ Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā heĀ  scoffed ,Ā  Ā realizingĀ  justĀ  howĀ  ridiculousĀ  thatĀ  wasĀ  toĀ  offerĀ  forĀ  aĀ  bunchĀ  ofĀ  collegeĀ  kids .Ā  Ā thatĀ  wasĀ  Ā ā€“ā€“Ā  Ā beforeĀ  heĀ  spottedĀ  whoĀ  wasĀ  nextĀ  toĀ  him .Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ź» Ā  sorryĀ ? Ā  Ź¼Ā  Ā  Ā  whetherĀ  orĀ  notĀ  heĀ  meantĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  upĀ  toĀ  theirĀ  interpretation .
11 notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
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12 notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
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judasold Ā· 5 years
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#cinematic parallel
20K notes Ā· View notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
do you vibe?
š‡šŽšš„š’š“š˜ šƒš€š˜ Ā  / Ā  accepting .
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ź»Ā  Ā amĀ  iĀ  high ?Ā  Ā no ,Ā  Ā iĀ  donā€™tĀ  smokeĀ  eitherĀ . Ā  Ź¼ Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
0 notes
judasold Ā· 5 years
how many rich kids have you got freaky with since arriving at cape coral
š‡šŽšš„š’š“š˜ šƒš€š˜ Ā  / Ā  accepting .
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ź»Ā  Ā iā€™mĀ  aĀ  virginĀ . Ā  Ź¼ Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
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judasold Ā· 5 years
š‚š„š‹š‹ šš‡šŽšš„ š‡š„š€šƒš‚š€ššŽšš’ Ā  / Ā  accepting .
- what your museā€™s name is in mineā€™s phone Ā :
yousefĀ  reis
- what your museā€™s picture is in mineā€™s phone Ā :
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- what your museā€™s ringtone is in mineā€™s phone Ā :
basic iphone ringtone.
- my museā€™s last text to your muse Ā :
judeĀ  Ā :Ā  Ā youĀ  reallyĀ  haveĀ  Ā aĀ  grandĀ  atĀ  yourĀ  house ?Ā  Ā canĀ  iĀ  comeĀ  playĀ  it ?
0 notes